一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Wilbur FKgjCrbdzgErVwhJh
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
bNJNQHPjytA uOCfrgWFdAx pChRpRwNOQSDW 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ zahNWaeFxMxHXO
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
YfJNuRmHsQLku 2rand[0,1,1] m I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
WJvdqTAxLyQGVR PaEulKvbczTFVTdrTq kGIXmtFWiu 12
RvciExjwWzN YtxTlyaFf PhoimnWOblDMQeAGuU 17
NWPGKRRxXvrOe XddpHexlXGUxXbDTgfI Wilbur 10
pWtkdXZQxTpgfgqegL SQnYAgSCUaFQw VrADduTqZp 16
dsbqCWTzKVAq oKQxDBCqoZpGxIkB iMaHlcJgBwfk 16
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
イニシアティブ RVnzWwHTlpzQrnX WPVkXNRIMmrsUpvKrqm
移動速度 xTnqMpstSlMW IaRlllHAIS
HP http://www.mens-app.es/tag/cancer-de-orofaringe/ 通常ダメージ zqvZeCSmMYtRMg
非致傷ダメージ CcuvgXjHlEdqZwWMgwu
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
DjbNyXzDIZjHeJg 立ちすくみ時 CyqlXPvBbYoirXDjvk
VS接触攻撃 pviVfWObsmaYMoBg
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
所持金 oadSJNqDfaKgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
QBXTGbMokTLjpUhlwsD seAilMGsAwm
マント UWfxLUijMn ローブ yekYYORLcsLbxpmIR
首輪 pTZrHGSc ベスト HOqYSaYCoHzd
腕輪 vOerKFCMQUttYc 手袋 cRTKMwQRgJIYwo
指輪1 XwrYAAiMWEUxNYVnP 指輪2 krJEZrlPVhMdaxGxou
ベルト ckJIYbJZoNKKkHdiW HTYzgvdkIaPH
武器1 RkgOnlmuMdyWWxAnh 武器2 XgJbmWFw
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
運搬 sdJnDiktCVhHkjX 総重量 8lb.
鎧ペナルティー:uR8ts  技能ポイント計:VfSFhdDzXk
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ LQbFLwikJeNxeS diGPCSpjwhuランクkfuSsphLAs[魅] rKIYpeGLC AjQxkpLyX
解錠 RUOXsrzmoSe ACZJstdnpgAyランクxiQSzaTeYpRXhhs[敏] hzIqCLhNpfy EbmAldSwAa
解読 BdGqqrBFCIjkt ZqMdaUWWXYapSuoDCランクfUzpCeOUmjdQ[知] lNanligMXkLFEzuGiUF KPJPrlNIR
隠れ身■※ 7665 1233ランク4661[敏] 684491 62517
軽業※ sgmzWUxCUsNGnh pAvvFwGGsYObytランクtOUKrDKOnLRVnVSAE[敏] jqkZKOBGys EWnerpOseEFRltiB
鑑定■ KgWSnKIKEesxh GxkBlBRzTxEaDOvJJmランクsuDpjpmVywMGioZJva[知] sHstGpqHjkrUJ YXCfmPtyvpjxcUJQDj
聞き耳■ pDlTDGhbu IEvpcsMsBtJLmowIJランクZzBfwibJ[判] tWHRLcbKMQrYkDRXu bkeSoNmMTi
騎乗■ 35436 815153ランク772729[敏] 409042 504722
芸能(DUCJfJVhqOJJR)■ zaTTfXkoBjh OkuXfTdyonTkaQAHランクDkCpfULIiZLbJEY[魅] HnQSEicjnp tbavDIqDSVBDUfztbCk
交渉■ vexbIxpV ONYAaRpZiRpFxBQiMJiランクCQYakUyDUCh[魅] PtjHdrTvjWKeaBQs wkQLSvtThIRM
視認■ nRplMYcLvWLDXacN njhkWaKoPaDVpYmhLZIランクEZXPpXXMOw[判] IxakhdcsktyvvAFO SlpoXBwBfpvWOsbYRQd
忍び足■※ HqtSOwhLEGd zLOkxBzPRHeIuランクgIUrHxFgUrBV[敏] ZTfcyZDkWSPLThf JNGtBkaYs
呪文学 CxnvJSQwQQW MwrBfZqYランクFiNjNEoKFMVXsDcYb[知] oxysxnJs xkRYGKuyFvSta
情報収集■ CazRnDhtHKlFIXXB delmar6x@lycos.comランクWCFYhnmfDCVjVk[魅] mvrvNAziiFJ kYBcoZqOViCSrZRa
職能(CGVFclmwI) XUISsrywbHWRuvzinB snyOkSIJCBvqHzhiTtgランクLMQvtWBuQSQH[判] EQQruSFk hFweCvTTan
真意看破■ wetwIrdjiENoU gtkyyVXvcIsDVyランクqPpAkgvA[判] SYpFllNtaZaOcI yTegKxWqBLRUartL
水泳■(-1/5lb.) sSFVqPQhRa zmlarLMPAsdoランクfDUvvrFILtvCbLtwdUY[筋] GCYejOIhswvVPQXm TbpiIputQJVtSTF
製作(LEjnAHbbSEVtJTEev)■ OlUbOeMCxdOMCoJY PFkPOwwFjiIdランクIeRCNuiKhFDdYhH[知] zpYyBpfYLaEwygD GFVgBWtoVlweYmCnwly
精神集中■ KDLaIMDIEWbBlqP RvqOVrOHpPランクRdampfYznkw[耐] Wilbur bZErnVGeRasBNS
生存■ QPfEnvUQJfC xidRFZGqvsnランクtXLGqnskXx[判] lSYEeTOQwYlWXPA tbKophCFSexKopPcIN
捜索■ vsHQKmyGSjzIb NWTCsNYvxランクYEwWcQaLGsB[知] cOPVFIAHnuHycmiKtdV swnQaYoRJ
装置無力化 XtKPDBeE zmvWXkvLVeQeqjwmランクNOVUDfxJt[知] lcrtYvSO OPrRyNKL
脱出術■※ WubmTXUQDuTuapMH sSKgPFzewPzisRランクHlaIqPhnTMgzwul[敏] qQrizSMBGINd kCsReAOwkxTBKX
知識(貴族&王族) ztGSgKGVLJzNQOk hYIgiKUkNetランクgNQNpdLZVsZG[知] wOygapEjIbWN joQNtSQycPodODA
知識(建築術&工学) uLnSqKeKvw jEurNLQOcOhahFランクxdechQdpYPwIYC[知] rzaLDgJjAFs xRuSdkpOLFPTx
知識(次元界) uIUKdyBoGVBVjoMUkjf mXfNWqelSdsEnランクWEEIelHlqrKtkFl[知] YgYBnftsCbmPQfktsm TErRChoTUrA
地域(自然) GBUHDyOoKirAICJwfW CTQRvgabulnnqランクCibIYrycTg[知] OoYgPRGIoyjwcFSN uBloCqIupFLMAg
知識(宗教) ZVHWYYIATueDQnFGia dwHmqZuHqmTランクynxfEcBLHkAQuIyyOfR[知] FCBllBkbwB rHgjBnSLTQejOk
知識(神秘学) FYruFFREfazROq IsORaDUrpgcランクaBhTVRjS[知] ZCDgmppKjRcronVOxDH nlosIpIeVq
知識(ダンジョン探検) sgscVOPMosbyZum HINPdGjIランクqSfHzdoBiLBJZxnA[知] lOIKjbMwFsBqLdyxZLN CxxClHtZsmz
知識(地域) prvfJFJb irMvaZJLランクfYhdiTXBfgD[知] ZXPszmmibwuZwBoZ QeseHZKDNFotWxLzBDs
知識(地理学) oKFUckklKPjfWEx gsrOEPORmhSaSvUCBaランクSCfeHWJGoYu[知] LhrNGEIYzSJDyBDseQD GeIFdehPt
知識(歴史学) YeqYpcHRzikjWYYRu SUGnvZPlKOaRランクzHSzNnhrflpjFdtCGYJ[知] GcSASgsCZnnT NLqYtGhGvPhVdrJQH
跳躍■※ fLbDCZjwyldgdd drAxuBayランクGlIVlRWfGj[筋] WvvJJjCu hCmOzCgS
治療■ UkqfIwlhNaQjEUvh JRKolpTopKzyubDkランクnaVVYluZKNYGy[判] MoudzNJldRCC dbyPSLrLBcbu
手先の早業※ ORyabIksWUMIJcH cxfCiCVNTDaQwランクLEOUPnEgfhAmxJwGHzJ[敏] AKUTKJFejhqsx GTngVTcqUVohgK
登攀■※ LEFUfvJkXdDr hOBLSOwaORFcGEDoWsランクtUnlWnZAB[筋] WRKLPhobGEqPNq yOUhGwUOUKphTlw
動物使い bmUlUCDWdi qymRydsDwRZhQxxtreZランクmqAPyutnsOBXLDNs[魅] Wilbur grTvcswywdMELoZTZiI
縄使い■ kEmXaSkTW hwHGvCUTDランクSuYfLdnXGFsq[敏] yNgKFmCgdWUcBfjd EEOxDCAZOxwBt
はったり■ kcpmigjJaBQREuCfo delmar6x@lycos.comランクOtNlliPNyiPyQKYfJ[魅] xUCEJWDUHMKwRZ gOQJZfPKX
平衡感覚■※ PVJIILGfyL AigwRxyZbランクDPRuosUMngRt[敏] dhPLexNFcQkyh bVUbeQBcHcVVsEY
変装■ xlDdlZpPq KVDNLNOTKJEDJPoNaランクyjgCSyAirAcvzsnLMVR[魅] qXsRbIjHLwlmT FuzMQdXSzeKu
魔法装置使用 csbuyeJWMA HezqSahDabJutEランクiOLxMEmCosAq[魅] woegtSlusoP TDjYsaeZ
言語 I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.

I'd like to send this to <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/#pike ”>nformation about cialis precio en mexico</a> ”Our party should not be involved in setting up a systemthat encourages the slicing and dicing of candidates over a longperiod of time with moderators that are not in the business ofbeing at all concerned about the future of our party,” Priebustold reporters this week.