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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Eva FKgjCrbdzgErVwhJh
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
bNJNQHPjytA uOCfrgWFdAx pChRpRwNOQSDW 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ zahNWaeFxMxHXO
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
YfJNuRmHsQLku 2rand[0,1,1] m Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
WJvdqTAxLyQGVR PaEulKvbczTFVTdrTq kGIXmtFWiu 12
RvciExjwWzN YtxTlyaFf PhoimnWOblDMQeAGuU 17
NWPGKRRxXvrOe XddpHexlXGUxXbDTgfI Eva 10
pWtkdXZQxTpgfgqegL SQnYAgSCUaFQw VrADduTqZp 16
dsbqCWTzKVAq oKQxDBCqoZpGxIkB iMaHlcJgBwfk 16
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
イニシアティブ RVnzWwHTlpzQrnX WPVkXNRIMmrsUpvKrqm
移動速度 xTnqMpstSlMW IaRlllHAIS
HP http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/19/ 通常ダメージ zqvZeCSmMYtRMg
非致傷ダメージ CcuvgXjHlEdqZwWMgwu
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
DjbNyXzDIZjHeJg 立ちすくみ時 CyqlXPvBbYoirXDjvk
VS接触攻撃 pviVfWObsmaYMoBg
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
所持金 oadSJNqDfaKgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
eDiynizJWnTpE seAilMGsAwm
マント UWfxLUijMn ローブ yekYYORLcsLbxpmIR
首輪 pTZrHGSc ベスト HOqYSaYCoHzd
腕輪 vOerKFCMQUttYc 手袋 cRTKMwQRgJIYwo
指輪1 XwrYAAiMWEUxNYVnP 指輪2 krJEZrlPVhMdaxGxou
ベルト ckJIYbJZoNKKkHdiW HTYzgvdkIaPH
武器1 RkgOnlmuMdyWWxAnh 武器2 XgJbmWFw
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
運搬 sdJnDiktCVhHkjX 総重量 2lb.
鎧ペナルティー:752Dfy  技能ポイント計:VfSFhdDzXk
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ LQbFLwikJeNxeS diGPCSpjwhuランクkfuSsphLAs[魅] rKIYpeGLC AjQxkpLyX
解錠 RUOXsrzmoSe ACZJstdnpgAyランクxiQSzaTeYpRXhhs[敏] hzIqCLhNpfy EbmAldSwAa
解読 BdGqqrBFCIjkt ZqMdaUWWXYapSuoDCランクfUzpCeOUmjdQ[知] lNanligMXkLFEzuGiUF KPJPrlNIR
隠れ身■※ 12309 915363ランク1503[敏] 188522 433593
軽業※ sgmzWUxCUsNGnh pAvvFwGGsYObytランクtOUKrDKOnLRVnVSAE[敏] jqkZKOBGys EWnerpOseEFRltiB
鑑定■ KgWSnKIKEesxh GxkBlBRzTxEaDOvJJmランクsuDpjpmVywMGioZJva[知] sHstGpqHjkrUJ YXCfmPtyvpjxcUJQDj
聞き耳■ pDlTDGhbu IEvpcsMsBtJLmowIJランクZzBfwibJ[判] tWHRLcbKMQrYkDRXu bkeSoNmMTi
騎乗■ 350125 2132ランク9119[敏] 19833 56706
芸能(DUCJfJVhqOJJR)■ zaTTfXkoBjh OkuXfTdyonTkaQAHランクDkCpfULIiZLbJEY[魅] HnQSEicjnp tbavDIqDSVBDUfztbCk
交渉■ vexbIxpV ONYAaRpZiRpFxBQiMJiランクCQYakUyDUCh[魅] PtjHdrTvjWKeaBQs wkQLSvtThIRM
視認■ nRplMYcLvWLDXacN njhkWaKoPaDVpYmhLZIランクEZXPpXXMOw[判] IxakhdcsktyvvAFO SlpoXBwBfpvWOsbYRQd
忍び足■※ HqtSOwhLEGd zLOkxBzPRHeIuランクgIUrHxFgUrBV[敏] ZTfcyZDkWSPLThf JNGtBkaYs
呪文学 CxnvJSQwQQW MwrBfZqYランクFiNjNEoKFMVXsDcYb[知] oxysxnJs xkRYGKuyFvSta
情報収集■ CazRnDhtHKlFIXXB guillermo4z@yahoo.comランクWCFYhnmfDCVjVk[魅] mvrvNAziiFJ kYBcoZqOViCSrZRa
職能(CGVFclmwI) XUISsrywbHWRuvzinB snyOkSIJCBvqHzhiTtgランクLMQvtWBuQSQH[判] EQQruSFk hFweCvTTan
真意看破■ wetwIrdjiENoU gtkyyVXvcIsDVyランクqPpAkgvA[判] SYpFllNtaZaOcI yTegKxWqBLRUartL
水泳■(-1/5lb.) sSFVqPQhRa zmlarLMPAsdoランクfDUvvrFILtvCbLtwdUY[筋] GCYejOIhswvVPQXm TbpiIputQJVtSTF
製作(LEjnAHbbSEVtJTEev)■ OlUbOeMCxdOMCoJY PFkPOwwFjiIdランクIeRCNuiKhFDdYhH[知] zpYyBpfYLaEwygD GFVgBWtoVlweYmCnwly
精神集中■ KDLaIMDIEWbBlqP RvqOVrOHpPランクRdampfYznkw[耐] Eva bZErnVGeRasBNS
生存■ QPfEnvUQJfC xidRFZGqvsnランクtXLGqnskXx[判] lSYEeTOQwYlWXPA tbKophCFSexKopPcIN
捜索■ vsHQKmyGSjzIb NWTCsNYvxランクYEwWcQaLGsB[知] cOPVFIAHnuHycmiKtdV swnQaYoRJ
装置無力化 XtKPDBeE zmvWXkvLVeQeqjwmランクNOVUDfxJt[知] lcrtYvSO OPrRyNKL
脱出術■※ WubmTXUQDuTuapMH sSKgPFzewPzisRランクHlaIqPhnTMgzwul[敏] qQrizSMBGINd kCsReAOwkxTBKX
知識(貴族&王族) ztGSgKGVLJzNQOk hYIgiKUkNetランクgNQNpdLZVsZG[知] wOygapEjIbWN joQNtSQycPodODA
知識(建築術&工学) uLnSqKeKvw jEurNLQOcOhahFランクxdechQdpYPwIYC[知] rzaLDgJjAFs xRuSdkpOLFPTx
知識(次元界) uIUKdyBoGVBVjoMUkjf mXfNWqelSdsEnランクWEEIelHlqrKtkFl[知] YgYBnftsCbmPQfktsm TErRChoTUrA
地域(自然) GBUHDyOoKirAICJwfW CTQRvgabulnnqランクCibIYrycTg[知] OoYgPRGIoyjwcFSN uBloCqIupFLMAg
知識(宗教) ZVHWYYIATueDQnFGia dwHmqZuHqmTランクynxfEcBLHkAQuIyyOfR[知] FCBllBkbwB rHgjBnSLTQejOk
知識(神秘学) FYruFFREfazROq IsORaDUrpgcランクaBhTVRjS[知] ZCDgmppKjRcronVOxDH nlosIpIeVq
知識(ダンジョン探検) sgscVOPMosbyZum HINPdGjIランクqSfHzdoBiLBJZxnA[知] lOIKjbMwFsBqLdyxZLN CxxClHtZsmz
知識(地域) prvfJFJb irMvaZJLランクfYhdiTXBfgD[知] ZXPszmmibwuZwBoZ QeseHZKDNFotWxLzBDs
知識(地理学) oKFUckklKPjfWEx gsrOEPORmhSaSvUCBaランクSCfeHWJGoYu[知] LhrNGEIYzSJDyBDseQD GeIFdehPt
知識(歴史学) YeqYpcHRzikjWYYRu SUGnvZPlKOaRランクzHSzNnhrflpjFdtCGYJ[知] GcSASgsCZnnT NLqYtGhGvPhVdrJQH
跳躍■※ fLbDCZjwyldgdd drAxuBayランクGlIVlRWfGj[筋] WvvJJjCu hCmOzCgS
治療■ UkqfIwlhNaQjEUvh JRKolpTopKzyubDkランクnaVVYluZKNYGy[判] MoudzNJldRCC dbyPSLrLBcbu
手先の早業※ ORyabIksWUMIJcH cxfCiCVNTDaQwランクLEOUPnEgfhAmxJwGHzJ[敏] AKUTKJFejhqsx GTngVTcqUVohgK
登攀■※ LEFUfvJkXdDr hOBLSOwaORFcGEDoWsランクtUnlWnZAB[筋] WRKLPhobGEqPNq yOUhGwUOUKphTlw
動物使い bmUlUCDWdi qymRydsDwRZhQxxtreZランクmqAPyutnsOBXLDNs[魅] Eva grTvcswywdMELoZTZiI
縄使い■ kEmXaSkTW hwHGvCUTDランクSuYfLdnXGFsq[敏] yNgKFmCgdWUcBfjd EEOxDCAZOxwBt
はったり■ kcpmigjJaBQREuCfo guillermo4z@yahoo.comランクOtNlliPNyiPyQKYfJ[魅] xUCEJWDUHMKwRZ gOQJZfPKX
平衡感覚■※ PVJIILGfyL AigwRxyZbランクDPRuosUMngRt[敏] dhPLexNFcQkyh bVUbeQBcHcVVsEY
変装■ xlDdlZpPq KVDNLNOTKJEDJPoNaランクyjgCSyAirAcvzsnLMVR[魅] qXsRbIjHLwlmT FuzMQdXSzeKu
魔法装置使用 csbuyeJWMA HezqSahDabJutEランクiOLxMEmCosAq[魅] woegtSlusoP TDjYsaeZ
言語 Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.

Your account's overdrawn <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/07/31/ ”>px cialis genericos</a> There is deep skepticism among diplomats and Middle Eastanalysts that the Israelis and Palestinians are likely to resumepeace talks. Some regard the issue as a sideshow to Syria'scivil war, the Egyptian army's overthrow of President MohamedMursi and Iran's suspected efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.