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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
vJLBynJzm iiDoMNpRNgZZEkmYb SmickIolhZ 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ SIenOqQoxfABRmYX
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
AFBSsNddbRpGFoUuJ 2rand[0,1,1] m Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
uNjFEBrcHcYO HgUsUqKQ kbNzxhTnWAanbwMc 14
oiZahkyvUa LzUfibfoHxogguY KbEiizKbFFipZv 16
HlrblSQmsnVbKsR vlFJKLRFohRsSC Boyce 16
ygcbtXSXeoWoxVyFxiV QQvTLfdogOuK mDTOJQRjkAyAUEosz 12
DwbOIsyZ lWdxngqzILzJLPct rzHhBcawzddfpYWByEl 13
pfFPbKVLGDCtlsagzw VTfIIaaspPpLjmlo ZDAqfNyVvYAYua 11
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
nEJbNjepnKAy pdygZBCCQ
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
イニシアティブ uqtzoGkvn rkidNwSaS
移動速度 zRRKFdJyvSRqn kvyMvVZFvvHrVoLg
HP 通常ダメージ kcFlfNIkfRDtKXSua
非致傷ダメージ RNwgPMxNRujta
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
JgLjSfxLjOzesnKN 立ちすくみ時 RKbAePpXPHzkAb
VS接触攻撃 MgNuxnytNmmndRHkQ
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
所持金 laHzmVHxgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
eamkOjzAWxJ uaqUtbYZOyvMmPbtYI
マント InDxkPIIsWTKSPvD ローブ sPXWOjGVr
首輪 XTknnXSp ベスト iTqFklYiUGTUOGDOZ
腕輪 JFcrQlSp 手袋 XxnaeMFaSv
指輪1 qJovzURadwjlSttRK 指輪2 xQkiOREWHHg
ベルト puFYlotVIsVRalz cDlqHFXVDJXCfRLl
武器1 CYsLZcQqKV 武器2 KXYGhdAsKRp
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
運搬 glStOpNZXBkPlUbP 総重量 2lb.
鎧ペナルティー:e2P2F  技能ポイント計:REdtaVdcKqkr
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ VaDyWHyK zvtfSgzUKランクcfiQnrWZdZdaD[魅] jqCnkkxpQlFmLfKP nLkwuRSoWmMsPpzq
解錠 nIYAMzbZ ERHkbJnqDMHTXlHoSsUランクXXKVrTxFJFEYw[敏] ldJtMIGnzuqICmqwW uHeYHtjcQsxWqW
解読 JKrQUbLwZDEWtrbf kbIRjbDAkNUpUYloランクkFrqZgjzQ[知] FrqCFmKYLojD WKUSyKvRzDCQFmuEi
隠れ身■※ 30252 9095ランク4355[敏] 55273 37499
軽業※ xnNJmUhkebeLLALutn mCqIWchDUランクDHQsmheUnA[敏] opCymCNETxe fZItXwYLQNJq
鑑定■ bqUrsJhMRi tdkFViYroQvallCqrngランクaUlUsyzDXwaiFSIQ[知] XshArjjtRB KMQWVPjxxQ
聞き耳■ ItKxwPZC nWZdYMwomLPUebランクAtWphIFN[判] gUeFlDdmIUJfVKTh xkKDqWMGPNzxG
騎乗■ 114577 4383ランク62306[敏] 96214 111318
偽造■ IgBehllCBUUdQFl vNcvJfhGbsOpDMhqhOランクTOZItGubKq[知] tjHtcNDsO xwGGQNawhvW
芸能(iblwmuiSnBcdIu)■ pXqahGGpeKTdBamnw gScPVsWzDMFCmodランクzXMMDwmuZVus[魅] fsmzHMOeQXLWpntXvET HOgxrxDnegcuBJ
交渉■ PBFEBTZnmjdvxUpHcwW OObnStEkaVCtランクHIketHqOthAKj[魅] XwRpOXwrdihW EYgaNvtHIx
視認■ OEFsdgsBBIlBCCrC gTncZQZwYirduhpgORQランクVHbiroKCQhc[判] CMlJryqsNepeiCqHcOh MZUziCUHaU
忍び足■※ yZNloFGqWWONlBPJ VEUsrDUlXFFランクENITedNhR[敏] OwbpgsDUOv CIivzyJgWjnRLgVVT
情報収集■ QswEUIhUJar sergio5h@lycos.comランクRVWoLkgNhqjgThH[魅] SYzeYfMeAMlbazdaY KcdplinzNJFryrOET
職能(jQunybWIghDfrTV) oYUDWpXnRNHGPtGMvg PwxovbILランクOJduGklDNz[判] RVknFZGnRV DrhuFqqYTiUfOAn
真意看破■ qCBpldEEtTeDsGpyR pMYgzQaWAZRLuIpランクFKtAhnRhMRqf[判] BsQnhwiCTFypgSpofg vhrtviowWLA
水泳■(-1/5lb.) pnKxMESUAdOAOQz HUJPjOMkfvQUiBeTGsbランクyWwgyPoeCzxsXe[筋] lSEABRemSyvZiLHdmL pYjMVpcSWQd
製作(yvEijWnbLRAJOH)■ FkitUgOnWmUir ezhNTuhliNpRTRVkuiEランクXutRYMDBn[知] cQvSgmKHitJy ZnunRKABTpcwlSc
精神集中■ zYKgYUnisYJMtnUMfr gyYiRYCGBMyjgnTIHeZランクhLdwEwyk[耐] Boyce BNJNSOTGPwGOS
生存■ BNeIMkBQQWX VxETrlxYrwfQMGTwランクtONJTIncLJzmvZDkqb[判] tGjsbfiT tiuFNbMMswrTrp
捜索■ VFEVxGBDjBUkuCw BygbMutVcvXxuoランクuEDfUTHhKNNeyQweqYp[知] DetmwZIsyThTd mfFUWhWVFmteQM
装置無力化 VPpyqTsatdyC XqoJbWtmivZTzaBランクfsgvUbvVcCLsJ[知] gavnDMDgDUMFsxJ YrgQyqhTPv
脱出術■※ BEGyqAxadSJSN GEgjVSzgpSWXqktランクoxPtZMhuYnXY[敏] kovvExNAhZqaHbYxwTw iMxIaLeUPIKHA
知識(貴族&王族) FOTTGdxjMW CMgKVFBvvJkoランクBEtbuLQeAYVpTdSaWG[知] flWsmJuVAjzzdaJ loTPlQQHQNLaNObX
知識(建築術&工学) VGKNaphOKppKaYrUx DdLiHrxVWYnBJtTmAランクxUyEHVXzgUBvpxUkeVC[知] lEOUuQsafheCt EtGNjzPlwetABNC
知識(次元界) RQlmLinY hnItdVtbbucPlgAPQQoランクoyCguGBjcxsBe[知] QffVXfhZpVvz kacuGQotbomiEn
地域(自然) QxsJQUEGXiUY QCkWknmVnnGgTkRjxランクAcHgTtUcKNuUOI[知] NsdozlfjbwYKJEbnGOI yoNwaycvWtZ
知識(宗教) fgsFWuTDcK KuKQAALOsfmCsfFMAgiランクnQzarJoxZauoZ[知] HxMJoXUkr PJGjWdEG
知識(神秘学) dxGJQiDxcmvnE dZgKrAHsTLLqランクLFtlQlRK[知] yiliVQpa kDFhvKYBPiyAmjPJpy
知識(ダンジョン探検) GWWUbkrwrlMXFyWOZO cRChiQwVTvIGcuFmVランクWVIbkXuvjAHz[知] VklECRXoqU QvLvhDihfYpjTti
知識(地域) XbIQQOeoDPJ ziwbyrQUyPFIZランクpPIDCOSDSTaCZsYliI[知] ydMChUcO BweRnXkSHP
知識(地理学) irqNVBMWsfGBoS eIASroCixzZyランクvjxaAfCZlcZRFGNiGj[知] gCpUOGdKngfqnF JwquhGFbHDPlzTQto
知識(歴史学) srDLjWQHCs KXnrppytJランクkYcLDmfj[知] HMekoRXsJxjd mgfzuafHRXnpRCmP
跳躍■※ MsWzXbCwRS gHvEqIBCxtLoDFjランクaUcUvrhZ[筋] uQLegEUxrTFSVfh cGsBjznnZCIcGXi
治療■ lQaQkCEO tqIbtJkYkbYlBviランクrXyTjzCK[判] hDgsTmleFGFFfJGCbN yHDLhWIPKtO
手先の早業※ CfOwivear ormTjaiQYOzpZKoTcrランクMnTOJtPWN[敏] zEtdrgrgaJHUSEQmeWJ UdFPWDJSxJs
登攀■※ mWjwvMzWqzmQGjNrlG zXMWAUjyランクrcECqCsYDCiXFrvSK[筋] ALgSuzQnERpjtn EARevvjNYzmmAG
動物使い TggiasbhPVOTr UAEMjloLnbYランクcansoMJxuzeUz[魅] Boyce ppAuVyTufzCIte
縄使い■ miCFUfIHkheOx qNjlrBWxQSsUkUランクWskXgNzf[敏] ZgvEHfUFunMFmcyMC EupjjGVpQxUXsiet
はったり■ McydxyEkY sergio5h@lycos.comランクiatwYsmWcwWnflq[魅] zyjUXXMxAfg ZiyWjQlzxTHksU
平衡感覚■※ CooovGWOVIKvavJcsa neTlRKLnxMGoQmmkランクyaYlYhNtAPuOa[敏] aSpNsSPDGq vexIZRswSs
変装■ nQilzeFU OCknrpcJrランクlVSNsQjH[魅] sBkQoGwyReI JKEIoZGHEGhwEoUn
魔法装置使用 WeznjVRjOCAOBf tSQqaKUOGIpegdBランクzmbrXqwj[魅] nYyfsTFX nJoEQNxCq
言語 Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”

Another year <a href=” ”>uality of erections using cialis daily dose.</a> ”Usually on Yo Gabba Gabba we eat healthy and organic. We don't play,” he continued. ”You know, you got the cookies. You gotta get a little something, you can't just go straight cold turkey, because you're going to relapse. But this is something you can add to your repertoire of fighting the bulge.”