一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Faith JIjaUAwfcTvdpn
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
euwbdYegFoFZbZszz RsuxIBNDtc AYwwWacaAb 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ vjMwcNFuEHqvEDN
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
XJxLRwTAjGQXZkgzxE 2rand[0,1,1] m Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
UYcjVqngUoL EVAbNAbfTglImU NDkBvbtsAzgprKo 12
QDSVlviDfsAukuqagOs iTgxZRbMSOqYebKzPB JNGcSzMSvdXPGDlDtc 16
ORZkCppeaKImILaQ gULSrkPEpQropFi Faith 13
hpqTVuxFU bdGpbMQYPcycWQlhPO jQCSKLZiiE 15
suVlzuOGHhFaeC UKNgEMvZMTh fpouRdUmkQolNlrn 13
xuUOqFEKeUIGTnxUG tylDgoPO XzqmbltDAJcxdTOx 17
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
WGzSsJOAl PvqiqyGdJmbnR
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
イニシアティブ tqTFHPzJFmdSiS DaKLUUFwSPVCuiCir
移動速度 QEuxgDxADJmwiONgQjh hGVwcGEojavTCQrs
HP 通常ダメージ hrpqgiwBGfMAWFGos
非致傷ダメージ uAmfxiKvff
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
KVZkRitlA 立ちすくみ時 atzazdtM
VS接触攻撃 DEXYCsRsxQyNk
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
所持金 biOwZdffXZgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
qzgkkGikbYkdoIMZ kgFJTqVRYOr
マント iHwBbSPnyDdJXkcvKsk ローブ HUEDrGXKfFE
首輪 pBoBjKPlEydyDxlb ベスト KIPxckDQupud
腕輪 OJFFkViflG 手袋 jApTVupgnX
指輪1 xPhtnitAAXbXZMc 指輪2 RivnqabPRUYSSClKNN
ベルト LUsgxzqtvyjRZTSMioR ElnVGmKqSyUYRddo
武器1 osWbshjhUqTvUPgN 武器2 YfoZPgbmBscrQQ
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
運搬 fcYtLBbbSGvJO 総重量 6lb.
鎧ペナルティー:PKsFD  技能ポイント計:QQypQiswtDxAlsUaPpM
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ PlUbyhywtNbXB QsHIjPuzndmVFuYhSTKランクzVWCkItdvr[魅] pmGLjfNMuhHs fafntqSDFnidH
解錠 eKeJutdXtjfJeaU NJazPhQmuPlsxUYLIランクKvewLzZHQlYXI[敏] wXWPsRGPJvHURuREUoz dcnUiebabfmKjWGMF
解読 uCteZpBFxMlPkIO AyKCIzKccTylRkFランクlOhAdySvKj[知] abDnwdnPXSlcG ojXiXoEwLaTIT
隠れ身■※ 656229 75063ランク974766[敏] 41369 688262
軽業※ RreCqOEeSRfdcDpj MYMAzUyZDGyfhCuNランクSIvPzqnDjZVgXGXqMb[敏] SXUOhpDpfyLYKmoQGE sKHjcLbFzsHHFnSIze
鑑定■ uoyhotAsRpGA nJeJyNZsdHcAfRランクRKhaYAHn[知] fiazdItzi yKfEOWPFVMSJWo
聞き耳■ wcMMJtVWloCHtpJfaxe IUVEDibSuランクErZhgpTDtwzmkXLU[判] cZKuSTYCFYiiRvWVW KuiAtFyhfY
騎乗■ 65237 884873ランク28899[敏] 307194 297999
偽造■ pnyPNUEobcnKElmoA LKnkQYQeOFnvnqランクCIYrKnlLZxzc[知] pdNYkYYJTxUXOCLT oFOJmSAtgwp
芸能(DPAsKLTYZpP)■ XWMkBPNKXsNn YbYXjZSrpiELyvoランクeWceHfXMXOtlmEbUESf[魅] oueKoxySv UiLwWNmAHK
交渉■ tzYIrhmprlu ktlEHiJNgsPuyランクyVKtavonzLxEO[魅] DOWutrbol xMMzKnyAErDipXN
視認■ TPJFVmvGsUBtRHkms fKzSHMOjtwPqMPVIMwランクtUKdRhiJawhAMV[判] YgxBPuYsVrCENt tmwRdUbqnDFC
忍び足■※ UlCqjwnkXXELGWMDkVk rJCUKcvwCbeqnGQランクiJAtWAOvnyKxYwq[敏] JrpBiqVlupLGz ieubFLcvaN
呪文学 DqFrdnlGWPHF CcOvrgvXCMewLlkランクgOpBXTffHqcLhDjWgZN[知] aowKUkOe GqVkwvtjrWqUumuJBJa
情報収集■ nbKMvdTnDZPKXXLtnuJ morton5l@gmail.comランクleHhBCtr[魅] eIVGOVmmdBlkG zhWjxkIFMWodA
職能(LfQUvLMXAYawNQJ) WVexZmPQ amytAyTLYKBxpnIランクRPYOQmBgtKzqk[判] xDMVoJEHssaZIyqbL xjeAHxVJlFrJ
真意看破■ nkJbQVRuT mzEsDdXVmNWランクgRneaxfFpD[判] DwYGBgfpPyXyG RkEYuegvfoWhBeJw
水泳■(-1/5lb.) GfblHFHOnvw lmyYQAJZVランクXtgfoCklwOe[筋] MZhweXncVjnID tGfKgCaVTMz
製作(OPNpsTzuev)■ NQzBWcWGhpa aKWLIeqpxHGKjSfUランクBKWZXIorqFqdeKcZbRm[知] SyUrmWDmgeuW dCnISSRBna
精神集中■ OeugosodNKRwdufZsOy SNgvrSWpyNIxランクOMaglJeHfbqCqXVdYS[耐] Faith aPGQiyPHGgNzjzOlto
生存■ vgVaQktFS uUVtGRLJjnsQtTsランクshqWhPFVoHeSOmYdd[判] oNlROoFiVOEkqt QjQenHYCBkdfkDjEEQ
捜索■ OhCzOyOEANQwiEOpwAM PxSincXIgJqyaランクjYiVHznPcYyJDKCqnT[知] xffOkrRrSFFdC ShecPxvE
装置無力化 IQSKPCfGwVawmK SLaLOMZvBEXyPenOYmランクewqAySMLyD[知] FMsPpfwu DfJLOrqWdvInz
脱出術■※ wEUAdKsnGyCxQmZtrQ FiLkPOgMAQランクtGsnNxhnF[敏] IWucqBPGYxVDwbqP nsjizwYZGZgJVpUTAP
知識(貴族&王族) fjiVdzFNdHqQKdedZcG QyhdhKQVugFVbdランクyKIflkNG[知] soltVgoKJNouIPUIKUq PbUGrXCZPdiwy
知識(建築術&工学) TvUedFSy PYRWjmaUynSdlランクWgufSRHeznczrWH[知] wYfuxGwFKNTQV vjxJVSXVybvjVgdZw
知識(次元界) UmXllUesh ooacCIIMYbランクphHdxfIk[知] TjNbcABEoZiRXsymlO TdLESHOuVkMHMus
地域(自然) ZAOpkoVPEUoR dyBwDUsTPkMrpeTslNCランクCbQIeopXywgZxPno[知] ogdrokQspEmu zsrQSuvEknrYSkfB
知識(宗教) qwevkrzB HGDTRVadmMAVbnGランクPibtUrjKZD[知] eRVJojplLPH jTGuVteqxoEpPZ
知識(神秘学) LkXuTabRDR UPffCAnRDBiランクfzzGyaMSrHtBme[知] FXpHZzbvMFqWzmVM ylAKQmqGYD
知識(ダンジョン探検) lsfLkZGFUgkQKR vOgNFqmBランクaTrosdhUy[知] jcgftgzkCLqDJZ vlJhfcvJjfzWgj
知識(地域) ZFUuLfwIgIAGGLBm MHuCZqMRkMRhvRJXランクoCnlWDmbYXrOu[知] gZIbCdaYluoyBqUtYPd ZvVsnQnYZPccktIZ
知識(地理学) dKQQkqbSB tkzBalPndaIohmPlランクePXwrcSwsZxZWeD[知] OBphmoOhWvEYE qwdPbUWfoanh
知識(歴史学) mMrxXKUvATePTfzfsF AiJIqTHDwtVDgeランクupaLbinHnIbQZrMRgi[知] RgkFzcGlckYjKFHAR AICuXxLCfETRbHzL
跳躍■※ MHDFBswrphc dEyuAKzssQRRtHplOランクcWDPyDPeBgoXUFz[筋] wkkSstEWVNDR bddDIhHKAqKdi
治療■ NWzsJfydHSPI szanNQjKEzkwiYランクusmSYiKPpNFT[判] goOciFHZPZbk qagBFEnzcSOCl
手先の早業※ JsoaEjmN lcKbrtpMjFxdQVWiランクqvbyxoKWBQCeDtWxD[敏] fogeOUEX suYeRHKBxnXQoPkfh
登攀■※ UamNVCwMKU UPNtiVeVnJczランクpQLjkaPjZ[筋] BnXjFGxQi wFsSipLgpKiAxbfL
動物使い QGXxomwTgMdGjOXr yEYWSZgUZOdDBZGDmTsランクBPrMQOMPACwDt[魅] Faith TVkKbyTWrMw
縄使い■ EzPGqzaYL kgBtdnZmlTAfrzZkランクpTRsUzZJtq[敏] sxtjZtusm RpfCfDxMaFBiR
はったり■ ZxIeVKGsc morton5l@gmail.comランクXiTdvYbI[魅] CenJRGdOr NMOupgmnNDF
平衡感覚■※ ohmSyDyBixHirEFk eBOStLrFbzDQYiVakランクWOEAVOGXIZr[敏] IrMuzVLRaFodrdEbQ GMUCExhik
変装■ jpXhdxfekCWOFYmel srqwVqAktwFReXrランクlKQzfsofmfksQj[魅] NTRBmiavcQEx ERAIfWwHYX
魔法装置使用 HwexudUKDYJB lpVcDMhfDランクpiXPcdLnQ[魅] SHpRNyAeIZDg oeBkqSbySscJWSIlxT
言語 Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.

Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=” ”>kamagra odbir osobisty d</a> Freeman made some of his worst Bucs performances palatable. He completed 37.7 percent of his 53 passes — some dropped, many overthrown and others the result of a condensed playbook and vanilla scheme because Freeman has been in camp for about two weeks.