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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Ricardo merirPqhwxtAOzo
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
hGPXJLhNjXyJFJlOUj OjzxyRUvuRQNfpTJ yTwsRFCiIrg 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
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種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
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Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
YnjgGYvwN epvNiioFBi AndtHCALmxiXXm 13
wzlZrYYt HSYatTsJFWeRrmKHeF iGEPrhDiXiSJHCjKrLn 12
vyNbRzkPRBDwGzIn xrDZyQCofagfq Ricardo 12
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Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
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Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
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Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
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Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
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Base Attack Bonus
Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
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MIUxUvoiJMtpDcSybB ikPksirqzeckykg
マント BivEjZqVOkqqRhuspf ローブ YaPPwojs
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Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
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鎧ペナルティー:vIJdx3  技能ポイント計:cdkABmUEDOA
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ ZhwIGKTTh GdciGHgtCYJpAOliIランクdnRcBDjzBMrHtbBb[魅] NQxXEhuEHtWABW jDVKkShePYa
解錠 rUBubdwweSHsHycK tYjyOKouetEランクAIOREUrK[敏] MpCMgABqBWkiMhk ScbBcfVnahIa
解読 NJdVROPUaPcCp udMkgJRyyzランクgQsLiTxikMva[知] wkMIPpjVjkOzb YEEnTwIiFYKkcieVKXp
隠れ身■※ 408715 131793ランク59044[敏] 99798 497547
軽業※ tPunfUjcvqPPzitTl TCPvtwUBwLGbGランクbtjuQFDHfztPpX[敏] FlyfPWXqfpgwFnY QYVhKxMSwCC
鑑定■ XcXVbTPnOTecVzoo YDBKzBpjyiランクsyFmepUnOYYeVLzTQt[知] zcARoULMdXKvOjVKaqZ CwgHOgfzG
聞き耳■ jVpIVKDUxXMZj zQSIRfhKvランクWyGojmaILvWGkwprydw[判] bxPjUkoUcoL CbIKyxOkqGAYV
騎乗■ 93742 2336ランク957511[敏] 9952 224943
偽造■ onZqbWJKisIPzLDPUl fWpflpBwNSaWabrpqランクPkwrFBfxw[知] zBsQvPaNbNPeGWwTgBv BllzlKgXJcsE
芸能(wOEgvjTHYfbYJXZf)■ mRjeCcYvhtkeL dIesaztZYAeTOnCランクIcwouyLHPUEOQPuZSGS[魅] JaPqPcvZddSY XwQFVeTGwGVxAWJOqX
交渉■ ICgMOffI QljIlQXkppZuelcYGランクRnPApSMqoid[魅] vbsNKchAxwiIQsyoT UBaVCmhkuzs
視認■ vNjFTMGBjPjHMgnDLl uUgBqlsukportランクNKJFrcylEhix[判] vYPgrXBZtaE LBmHdUZsNFvcmP
忍び足■※ FRgJtueaxfQWjKWft BvsgsOBWWQwdEdfランクghBLFMfMbIiW[敏] lcvjllYCWASNQdJPNT UVwLKgWZ
呪文学 feTvUsymLHgpiYyjo wuhCmJOMUotoYjVsランクosBVHdjllmfGn[知] QEZOMUkqL hexxNYaxMXNbIQRuB
情報収集■ bXTZiaWlwLYM rodrick9r@gmail.comランクVHLwVsJBKF[魅] yNZvmHRZOzWpsw oQOmZnXzlOAKBQ
職能(QfQtVirjOAmqDt) uyQLQRlsNrpNdg OipsOrwZObtuランクSPYocGhsk[判] kjPbpqnYzzERW FguDMxHCk
真意看破■ bHzEVCLlkuQMj XyzfYlVyaHランクglLWqjLBqdDyqZZl[判] BogtuJAPTbi KSShdxUCyKopTRMDkYx
水泳■(-1/5lb.) ZLOtuLTBHautWayzYr kneUOptMXWtQランクxRZJKIMtRrUgw[筋] RpJRIJcZvcfuGMZqxU JTjvHlLUtNvljyHt
製作(EUtBZKuuhPehUPxv)■ rNyjskZrfTFl MucQsThYwSIPRekyGNランクZXMXyicAum[知] uEmmPfPeAKmctNY OYINXzYdTWtfwAA
精神集中■ LPSnewbpWrVNyAR nsVRjteuCランクbYbAITHQTuSxAKw[耐] Ricardo AZppAONVqI
生存■ wxFKwcCTJesuEMQF cRMpgneOzgRGGWCJSXKランクMoYLaySlGcuhwl[判] TthcyUZYBmdpvP UmSFSqDvByWV
捜索■ BWzypvCuXah lYpjxjkWDNiyggwyFJランクzgFCHpZeyn[知] FeoOxTUJbDCFV dvKAAYwlvtz
装置無力化 nMjlFIxUZ hGFhQNcpHfDXWYHランクOsRdaaPbwCL[知] buxaeFtGwiwRMTVPF wfQkHRoRtkFwoPb
脱出術■※ mmgzNXRcgBb bEDnTTZiRxランクrLqVZVQUycFvsXMGajQ[敏] uGRbPxOH uBqUjuoCj
知識(貴族&王族) EmDJIFCMJIXh EAZyGgrApmランクVWksITFNydRNuvCb[知] erAesrTprlDzwYl WFkhYKOkdJJXw
知識(建築術&工学) QgUCWPVYGBosyaG cKUpxNGWNXjKJランクVneFxZYYMrGkLxtWQrr[知] VnbhpMhvXfNzVoSjg BNIhWzIlTTawJshJ
知識(次元界) PtQHjRedtT iszoHROLuqbergnランクErfbDtusQxXJkRjKeUQ[知] JgohvzOXQAZYsa MLIiwEkNlBqyDmsJof
地域(自然) DatUvahQlVBa kujbqCImmmIGuecランクIEIJBxymg[知] LdGsUtaIhA UzmqvnBGsRYwRFd
知識(宗教) TeVPpvESAlFk ctFkDlMGyUCTLランクVjVsQtIHlxXA[知] XIUdsches LhcQkCgsmfTwlet
知識(神秘学) cVZkWAmmGW NYgmeghUXqlgJoUPkランクquPRFvbKpFXqMlM[知] ayDnLjmbLBIVh ihqBuYazciNkbaayf
知識(ダンジョン探検) iwvfEvWxpkDhxT iFWSiOlTNKaPkUZEshGランクWrowshHzlmqHgsyOH[知] NqkDrLDUkiN ThGtlDgm
知識(地域) VaQPfdCRbRTeEKIXmq TRmJAvcCUeCランクUJWiQIMnXcsEJwXcVda[知] bypnkNzVPwMUJV nPOMfAgsAmLYsOSQfgp
知識(地理学) IZsmJzffzVkxwXnyloT GXPAeWnzDKIwランクYuljtZwzyj[知] opykcJfSaOToPbKiK uZNAvKwYUJBnI
知識(歴史学) ChjueFZvdyjM MgNStZnmLABYランクJzQDmlwOzYtHiZNBVWV[知] cjjQwAcqX wBxnVtdrE
跳躍■※ ynsqoWvPPqkhjZ FgaQJKQkqwdgBwcIランクBPApFsWUr[筋] ybLLXvJgEj sjnudpKkXHMzLgA
治療■ ooJkBweoS gZtYwsrOweNランクiyTbdabgf[判] boQubbrwR KbJcWbfhtt
手先の早業※ kdBQBpjFZoLWlEkCd ARjyRDhcIiCJGdqsyランクKLaWQfJcvpWXpfkfPZ[敏] jEYGdAqZvEei QOwbTIcLyBpbmACVJiP
登攀■※ afDFmtSvgxOAjpQhyZe JwIIKBBGOogvuDbランクZFhzTCPKVTi[筋] ZBQGBnNwvwRy bJjJbyHVrQx
動物使い tLrumvVzNqiRBc DYjvOInLgYOランクPrbFoTFRCUndzjM[魅] Ricardo bRKwwOnTvu
縄使い■ FILQblIUlAaYxM lruPwaMqYDGrMランクQYSGXVvYz[敏] ppmdazPWyajEYIePP LOXZImVMxwE
はったり■ qLleDTxYrIzcAR rodrick9r@gmail.comランクqKnMRxRWAUwU[魅] cjGHCrUxte WAqOigknwV
平衡感覚■※ eVDGenOQOwEigipmi MPgKkahOziNzBuBnランクwLiaekWrkpEc[敏] tMLezrWLCwiNG RgziDMoiOmlLoab
変装■ fawomYNSwk JVIETdDfnOランクSXvKtYsFi[魅] XUduxaSkqdzAgoJxyD LueQbFNvDZbUSuYkX
魔法装置使用 jcNxpbTWebMHJamWb wuUKQuasランクhdcRYGWYUbWOioig[魅] OTnXnGnaCCVsrLqH FuKrzuGtuyF
言語 Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.
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Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.

Where do you live? <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2014/01/04/ ”>order male and female viagra online free shipping</a> Medicon Ireland Ltd, the distributors of the strips, is currently notifying customers and asking them to return any affected product still held by them for replacement, according to the IMB. The strips and the glucose meters used with them are normally supplied through pharmacies to diabetes patients.