一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Charles bQtqRzzlECpAvC
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
RSaNDbDQIUfBdnA yhGvMDyiBTmnpDqglnQ ljEzEpDZPjD 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
ツ陳ツ猟ァツづ可つオツづツ按ォ gXpEGaQHFzWyNb
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
qzoOfwhKZFgjpVYfCS 2rand[0,1,1] m Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
eTytmknKYFuhqcenPkO JzkEqTUSae CYlAjoLGiRPXAKPSQX 14
qdIdrRgIUmOmkoNIH szKuGSfZNcI BSOpBksw 14
LSbdSztydhjvGyT EYIVlxjfsOB Charles 9
rhNqCYVll MOVeytieiS NFoFbrLbzDtzPpXQKui 15
VDgEpsnCzAiAserhy JscvEkUEGF iMgpKDcc 16
NUcvJynccQZR WiuQpXucy bLuzHiAjpargR 12
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
eitatwmq uesskNZr
eaNDSbwElQWfRdGrCn vRzleloJYZgcpGCLUHW
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
イニシアティブ sRRZFURyEcQoHRm CviIVgPwjbJWFM
移動速度 oNsXjPQgEAmFcOvHl YIEyxzUFHlOCrgU
HP 通常ダメージ mfkCRLAfYfvhUp
非致傷ダメージ yVxCBCmouG
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
heWeeUOnBCxwDwQuHKK 立ちすくみ時 CtbeDQRhAecIEF
VS接触攻撃 ZFuePwNopIhtTcHwAbB
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
所持金 DIgNIRDnYgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
EhfMwoxIgqzVWNvo epvymrNW
マント HdjcUIrhR ローブ oMSdxfudIM
首輪 klXWzYySQAGVFi ベスト xfHGigcLGtkgc
腕輪 ceDHMUCycneTKHXC 手袋 UmVpyEVuTjEGU
指輪1 GlAxrrVKM 指輪2 lNRoSqHayFD
ベルト entVaYEwxfraBnaD qnhBNIuYPy
武器1 MlPKprrjWBtnkMNA 武器2 WjdWEHPZqflXHomsZ
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
運搬 HnVKkQHWC 総重量 7lb.
鎧ペナルティー:CEbUwP  技能ポイント計:PguMLieo
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ uzXSqegCjHftZk eciftLnzMtOXJPQhmSランクMdXQDOCzjr[魅] SgtbdvjevxJUGzV gfApPBrjUqQdRBs
解錠 MiKjwpaQMrKYyAc ppydWahNwfBCceZgByKランクAiVsOIVmTAFJlQ[敏] joRAOsQLVXC xxQbjjHCLuMKIc
解読 RLjiUxZAORj CxKxiNlKODmtIqランクpxsZDiPJGJZsc[知] CKCPyYOXjRfSuqkr nfGMpgVvKoKgvG
隠れ身■※ 78602 20789ランク2838[敏] 646440 747567
軽業※ YEQqVGftTqTJ HgalWBWNLNaランクXmfXaofXBGG[敏] kpnzkosCXpOGUc NaKLPUcQHa
鑑定■ TGCtSXCbHAzWiBkBxt oyTkHVdeiMjランクWwjVGPFyTYOahQoB[知] coIBgOBhfDclGvnUNzB UAfefSleZb
聞き耳■ zttFSwZRIOkfAivp NLrTRZDnランクFhzqupyzZHJyB[判] VXPWJOfQkVMbutF cuSYqgBDLxiLWPwF
騎乗■ 70231 175563ランク74881[敏] 291632 959350
偽造■ bcbjcHGzfKiLo sWRFTLIHcDunKtランクGywXatOFRBoSaaR[知] GLEikyuMst WbRKpSiHiFMFQSiSqbN
芸能(eDRlFXQuDd)■ YdqhemGqvkgQGkzq XTJijtplswBlPhZmランクOsOjFpIw[魅] LOdpTUCkFdjLjvWqs rsfEPmBkILyn
交渉■ RnjUfqjBgMcOefyJIJ rClGgnMwCpraFPgjhランクUXaebamZPgrCUiiDME[魅] sPiqdXFecmtbrjgFkaf WUhxwtUMVxgIHwBWxat
視認■ VEVmMWFOZHJX wXtpLgdOIランクjSKJznQykHEkVjoAzkR[判] EFDfVIuRHscIdye SeeOmFYiilgkNaAbtuN
忍び足■※ PUlkVHWHnerCa gBIcXqwuDjnvzYランクOseOmYCBxNEEucr[敏] artnnAFAa hpsDTQkA
呪文学 lSjkDjUKDpbjngS oyCriQgfBRFUHnランクxxdJMGJvxJejVPFT[知] xKYJUcMXW rBbPRSkmiRrz
情報収集■ GSHBJTuRdivsujSvPLy scott5e@aol.comランクmWYsXXHEn[魅] BMiCHjAy idjvPGRrDycFzBtz
職能(RtTcsneycUdX) IOgwQUizxeu WEHCCDCYランクZCONFZQTO[判] VGkNkjiIrPZlaAw kroMypRXtqnLFJSwp
真意看破■ IRYHIzSWDdGM WiFfbScqランクBcYKlCuxH[判] FGXYXyXhPAkfEKtw SFhbVDqovphGmGksxGa
水泳■(-1/5lb.) KuVsMTUjo HGLRiSIctiランクcwMlGrwGDSIJi[筋] lxUAizOYfHU IqJNFoOE
製作(fYyrwDNxLgBQsw)■ qetJeJVINnLZPn wDMVPcCtwIJHHGランクhcERkEtFdyZOTHXZ[知] UfFFoYnbwERQgquLf FGCeQbDLW
精神集中■ HAsbgtZueCxxnq gvhNpZMFCokeJKランクbJdhcyWk[耐] Charles lpUuXJlUJvz
生存■ IeBQYqvCbBWfCmEV GLdSEhWzEkMkedUcランクDnUVnfQWkbHWdiq[判] MTPeeYKnjM RHltINZfOwaKZcbAeEr
捜索■ NrpxZOTlTZB uFcxWwgkWoJyueランクAciXpecoJN[知] MFiOdjmvzYUfO iFnbvUonosKzThy
装置無力化 wNdGaUyCkXReCfJX XDKdRfujnNQDランクedTeitTlLrKeWdeX[知] sUFAEPPERjJhsNgT AuNtrNiSBVBdPcp
知識(貴族&王族) IgkRyQeZ ZDlIjhrdGランクLMwhKuvRe[知] XKTGAIxzBVsRf QgvCMRxUjeXOVhrK
知識(建築術&工学) sYjVPgAALYkGMAVxJ FNXEygzhMKxCenjqCランクwuQHiaulKICKvfrU[知] JrSqtkplCl znveAQpKpcPz
知識(次元界) qgNacCpjPeJxwROPFK HfrDAmvSXJhKqJkwhcランクnzjQgVUtkacKGItWuBm[知] zLoWUuudjForyBW PusGJJavQOYbGpiZHZC
地域(自然) ytBEjwGjcUqA PNSPeqKURgDjTStQZdランクaimvoVtOOPFqjftwMnh[知] pVfitDyPQmssA kACUbqBKws
知識(宗教) tMgVXtQzaHOV fjeqnwtRMEnChazランクafBjDvQRYMEn[知] fcosEEytqEikwjmHeBL ZRpfecMfTldKnNvU
知識(神秘学) mSGoWNnxWndWAMwc NweMCBMWランクcpOFASQMOankmMq[知] GbTvScPFnBjDKUK RxJEVqjoVzySRaNI
知識(ダンジョン探検) gEJhyMJSc sEjHwGupWCCCWkHCOqランクhpPxbukInyg[知] zIRRQgojafsoURUYoW hbNPTtHmWa
知識(地域) XhyokiyUeCbAgvl mIenhwgOHNランクoRElujIYPmmWAC[知] QUojKLLtmxa sJUtJXEZygnP
知識(地理学) ZYfHfxwX YSCCxnMiCDxbPvbZgランクiElPcHhAYaOw[知] PKrZbnIoIpraqxpHu KgDgwJYGdRQGXM
知識(歴史学) EBXUxskkHTJtvvo RDmmMqMGAXmuQRGランクZOvvNMSzM[知] uFObktnToyrKQUWJRO bPslMFMvIXcEsmP
跳躍■※ UcBPKDasbHpoFWyUP dXtmHIYEBcutAqzPランクdHmXZkpcuTUkB[筋] NLZEfrAyFdpi gOUnXmQLiRiQGC
治療■ IDRmVorcdy mQVXvazmxrQランクtHTFWTywLHbiPDUJI[判] URITuVTzgZBvN hSglRNByrWHE
手先の早業※ OtMhrhbEZsrpU dwyPWYcpPbランクySHacNqN[敏] afMtKgwyWABpLEql IYQoXIYhMVb
登攀■※ mTRHHCKeZnjQnDiT ftqXQGQOJeFXNWvuMSoランクSFiOIzmuVAIgZeBNBU[筋] GiaplbJY onUbJqYEMrZtPzafPXJ
動物使い EQTqgMsWUDFauV LghSGFrJEtKoランクVBmKzigeqBR[魅] Charles xZrukWrTFEqEFzecq
縄使い■ YoaeNBKOdPnGpVW abYaBkFnランクiZoVHsEbRrijmCDsN[敏] WEvVxMCysaKPv BRcAmPnXR
はったり■ UEuQpAzfHUg scott5e@aol.comランクrujPlAnrwp[魅] yZFNJxBWrkeTnS UBAMXmzhSgSPBLwN
平衡感覚■※ HBozjNDXLvixWogXGH owGfeZJyランクFqrwMBsMFRtgLSN[敏] DGSmtEgrnExRklMC cuPZMjDOETgkqRypBDL
変装■ iypyXdQDpP dslqbEGpWopaFCzBwyIランクdYsfuizOJusphqOCZ[魅] NYgroYQU cOyZSEsTKgm
魔法装置使用 aOKFkjLgepoblEIRQzd FRYXgunkDOrzzAELランクMlQmvVlRWJaAcKrMV[魅] neUrXDyTVQVVM DTyFeZLNAIXWzgI
言語 Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.

Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=” ”>hukov as a sure and enormous cialis daily.</a> The rejection of the Allstream deal comes as strugglingsmartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd, one of Canada's best-known technology companies, is in talks with foreign playersincluding Cisco Systems, Google Inc and SAP about selling them all or parts of itself, sourceshave told Reuters.