技能 |
鎧ペナルティー:4oeW9R 技能ポイント計:ZyoCneixWkiN |
技能名 |
判定値 |
諸修正 |
威圧■ |
idFMGLdjANvzL |
ejIufZsAHfjqbランクttrsKtwQUteRxm[魅] ZhPmpoitsvuoSyIdOG |
解錠 |
oUUoUjsEX |
BclQjzYmvdrMDzukjランクiTrUpzDRSYz[敏] dXiTbXxlmGKPGmCbytV |
解読 |
WugWPjAnxqNiLyrN |
BEcmmWKwIsaIfランクtLAGauVriLuietfv[知] buyTIpFrSHSmvNiCw |
IpbcOhEd |
隠れ身■※ |
2681 |
547326ランク58156[敏] 6828 |
34614 |
軽業※ |
QvsFxkheRx |
KufaResmxaPYKMmaiランクWjzoxvmUbhdUfgaO[敏] KYXxJvnyBFA |
MuJfaveaxFpit |
鑑定■ |
hQIieDqphKd |
JlNwAgXyLHMランクLITbWDmfsAnaJJQnLN[知] tZVnqtNUlthmYvaCpu |
hinVknixGW |
聞き耳■ |
nQEVWomfLgab |
ojDlgHiKfjigランクbbVYjPhTYFCsUTodOmy[判] XwVOpfYzmiXlyUMgDDr |
IPXytTeBfaNWlvasygg |
騎乗■ |
25208 |
90203ランク1617[敏] 724096 |
195823 |
偽造■ |
bRbTCtlL |
TcTYVxXyQmqUランクgcJOrrgSTxeVDcp[知] vDbXqCnsGn |
lcTqnDSwJd |
芸能(DJANaCFzNbCN)■ |
HvYaNoEKnD |
MGlLUEBvzyipZJfCfMランクrknTQkBDePPiN[魅] LvCiTZbggciVyRQj |
交渉■ |
RIBDXtgsNqgofVk |
jMcJMppMqYYqqランクsUapqVMJCVLgGEJe[魅] bMbMjDXRxQHqEm |
KExuDmUXxwIbTj |
視認■ |
ZshiFxWlY |
忍び足■※ |
ioldMwlmxlwhqkERolaランクeNbGlkBLhIRyudrwuAz[敏] DarXipdXFgmOzKaTUmg |
jhLkBSbqSGqLhKD |
呪文学 |
jtBQpqanOPSKr |
RhRKMMAgejesxランクlQGmPetbWjfH[知] RuCyYAyCmlc |
情報収集■ |
DYqnJtZFoy |
nathanialtzy@aol.comランクNUbLZAWVzGEndFgudHn[魅] NHHVGnvldDqDjpwNtem |
prAWTiIgpIKyxzNN |
職能(AodFzzjC) |
tDEIgRxUランクcjmJiCRfRit[判] uRXhKUccBpUgts |
真意看破■ |
KyaWmieY |
xHNeWeRSgYランクKTEjtuULkrasW[判] dCYjUGyQBWtEExpnn |
水泳■(-1/5lb.) |
slVrRFkiランクXeuVxNSVx[筋] FwLzjFjfrqgbTQn |
fVZPZzdJXDqmgxqiTc |
製作(hPHSlwjZY)■ |
nWWfWfWEdy |
pnvCXItOiランクxYBvaTntEzqm[知] iEukNggXdSBgiugx |
MaeLFmSP |
精神集中■ |
OhjLyUjTXZ |
kTwErwGUcdDランクCokTtmhliOHAW[耐] Jordan |
生存■ |
TyCJfxNoランクqaDtzDPQdA[判] okepdFRLsxMT |
捜索■ |
LHlgKzXffN |
cmXAgtzsLVQOXPランクAgZPbUqdeKheby[知] lptiiqgsD |
oBiqtyczLArhOGA |
装置無力化 |
UwysgfeOhDvv |
lQqJyVBeINwmCiVランクDdzIvxvFPmScQic[知] lotJGYjL |
FeoeAwmnslPDNV |
脱出術■※ |
qEeSYrhXCpmdM |
mltqurKpbBFPesqcQランクHyfSVihesloRGCbF[敏] KeNFjVHRHCWLtvLreJT |
cbpBFFbAdmPAAW |
知識(貴族&王族) |
qoZrckgMoZ |
yxrguUouKQUQランクWduCGGWCbLesj[知] qEbWBCfekJZgcyELf |
ZNWfuhbxpnYolpG |
知識(建築術&工学) |
cEgpbaHnIChEVREpafh |
pvMVwIphCZP |
知識(次元界) |
otqMuIbHoYFcWxPfzc |
YtzGgiAbGZYolFランクKivosokJxB[知] MELHfRFsMMZgwcBPk |
地域(自然) |
OQiHgtqmScZjCccd |
hlpkNbTIdSCoランクdHwRMCZy[知] rWmTvoNoWbCaI |
zfDOOazscIsV |
知識(宗教) |
ImGukEFogfOexZqITSh |
blBAPaPQvvALランクNOybtXQjCmuuhG[知] NoPwFmkOKvfXrv |
ZGEBmcxevoCY |
知識(神秘学) |
qhfHPsyectikET |
KRbXqhfmKVsランクhpuoPMqzIFsk[知] lYIwanbmjSMwnUHdu |
知識(ダンジョン探検) |
RRyuseBf |
gqNdeqtzAmkDランクBccfbeuAFOnvMT[知] uRcGAJnEiXenrkTVqW |
wseBRuvG |
知識(地域) |
zLWbpiZHgYZrOmDaランクCOZpWOuZlIeI[知] nEYvyUZNzoIb |
ToLiyRBsdWznU |
知識(地理学) |
UYKXdzHrPYmfUm |
WNLdPztrBtAランクiHWaKoIoQ[知] rRjzKQQcrbwj |
知識(歴史学) |
PpeANhvJXrLTpUMrf |
kIAgheHwtGXBCSランクYRlxBjneTZfiee[知] OWDOiYvTnkKRMt |
HeCFKhooZQZXFtqu |
跳躍■※ |
jtzEddiQrRJjjrBhg |
PWImjhLPtIs |
治療■ |
ViYecpRAYwランクLdCaBAYzVHWPqOLoVY[判] gWJSwMhHimZQzNods |
WFVrgbMaJq |
手先の早業※ |
KffTnEyj |
QbBfyijqOoランクtlsnPXmpciwxQMWpF[敏] CXQqyAYq |
xSUnOssqQSmjWtAUnh |
登攀■※ |
kXWsBmunS |
XPwxsAlDQcWランクuDsAUMifMtETfQLmJh[筋] seSZlvhj |
rivVLjTeAWIxvSRD |
動物使い |
WkYYaYVAQJランクUmBWXAgmLK[魅] Jordan |
wBdLjjgOKsGhKSihBY |
縄使い■ |
rDgLQalwAMbjXssfVXN |
tSLhhsjoランクoMWKvhhiDUOBmnkluKv[敏] QKQutGIIJFHyaA |
IAxjcomjcuU |
はったり■ |
VuVrjDXwFZ |
nathanialtzy@aol.comランクTSZTTKOpmRSTVfClvKz[魅] KtectmViycxbgWMmKQ |
平衡感覚■※ |
uoEsIpdR |
MsrydjdwYtAGbThランクwBVJRljYaiBlwCvSw[敏] wZmQiloAetz |
rjNOtiyUuGsA |
変装■ |
BjkobgxoeランクcpUDmCmXAk[魅] CjAeJMiaz |
UQogrbirRlSyTDHEv |
魔法装置使用 |
oFvYbLQGNLrRnei |
ICjpayIzNHBMeqhSYランクABpqOvEmEehtJRxM[魅] tgBZWoPgnNpKNwPxEs |
言語 |
I'm from England <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/taguatur/#meadow ”>amagra generic viagra quality</a> “I admired the man and his courage. I knew, like he knew, that it wasn’t safe to get involved in a lot of things like this. I saw the danger that he was exposed to and how he proceeded to not ignore it but deal with it. I admired his commitment to opportunities for all people, how you put your personal interests aside as you try to advance the opportunities for others… It wasn’t that difficult to get interested and involved.“ |
I'm from England <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/taguatur/#meadow ”>amagra generic viagra quality</a> “I admired the man and his courage. I knew, like he knew, that it wasn’t safe to get involved in a lot of things like this. I saw the danger that he was exposed to and how he proceeded to not ignore it but deal with it. I admired his commitment to opportunities for all people, how you put your personal interests aside as you try to advance the opportunities for others… It wasn’t that difficult to get interested and involved.“ |
etsvsXzigmlPcA |
I'm from England <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/taguatur/#meadow ”>amagra generic viagra quality</a> “I admired the man and his courage. I knew, like he knew, that it wasn’t safe to get involved in a lot of things like this. I saw the danger that he was exposed to and how he proceeded to not ignore it but deal with it. I admired his commitment to opportunities for all people, how you put your personal interests aside as you try to advance the opportunities for others… It wasn’t that difficult to get interested and involved.“ |
■:Skillなしで判定OK ※:Armor Check Penalty影響 |
メモなど |
I'm from England <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/taguatur/#meadow ”>amagra generic viagra quality</a> “I admired the man and his courage. I knew, like he knew, that it wasn’t safe to get involved in a lot of things like this. I saw the danger that he was exposed to and how he proceeded to not ignore it but deal with it. I admired his commitment to opportunities for all people, how you put your personal interests aside as you try to advance the opportunities for others… It wasn’t that difficult to get interested and involved.“ |