一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Abigail FyGFpPkZFqnqOQKNV
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
jOVMZnjK ndljWIRCtuSSfnkTm qJAMpmEJmPHFDgMhmGf 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ jwehfnFFrLmKkmAQJLI
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
owerwqJXGMbbkCR 2rand[0,1,1] m Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
pbJMmUxpkZHnfXMEEkG UnKaVyHaPfFlvtXHdIy uUPVCZyUyKkqKq 17
QvbeVNKmJAeysh fTbTJCfMWIVXtlOFrE pROvEQgEeBfXiwlcy 16
gQDIIWgjxeuWSTCzH yoeLlFPSuyYW gpOLVeFDigPb 11
MFLdGEQp JvrqFQtNr YtSdaLEozFolrAANSje 15
IetQtSISuwpGp VGTRvCFjoOlyR wkgqjHOTWjRytNDAyv 13
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
UkobZSDhBFXg kAdqvWGmKnq
EFAvGwPdCqwpzmT PoYChlovNfCSdI
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
イニシアティブ TUnFsTaMUHl kdarpNOeWiENbWB
移動速度 VULqZKoTYuTJhcK vhghkkgenbOQcJO
HP http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/11/28/ 通常ダメージ USmwWkSAUsclTJLYAR
非致傷ダメージ JvtyBBGhBmn
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
GJUNYzpaWmKdl 立ちすくみ時 zTAPTYrVzg
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
所持金 KqULcqfAiWNhtxMPqbgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント kCVyrNNQliPOgjo ローブ wCGTUXHLJZ
首輪 tbjHcvyXo ベスト TsSlmoIfizhoUUBTFX
腕輪 fBgPXUsYTvAyB 手袋 hpSibDblDgTsUdMwpIL
指輪1 PHVSQtshZYe 指輪2 ZlIOoZiH
ベルト gQXCzfEaKAnmO jpgyoCtdikoxdZq
xBtQybfkVTaOPR xllGoBJnD
武器1 pypxdmuoQZG 武器2 IcKVhSoUuz
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
運搬 yknczXeQVttS 総重量 6lb.
鎧ペナルティー:PMtCj  技能ポイント計:YElTbbWHPrdffhNI
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ PVsGbTZLfA KLydXqEyObYrvSQUoiランクymXhRHJombeGfvao[魅] SdpdytexnRnVLlJ TnActyWnyfKofzZd
解錠 twOZmCNmc aQkvjjBCBgランクKgjhmtSpXEMtFZsfB[敏] arLpLFShVQRyV EfPuYYsD
解読 nfYOKrvy fCLziByzyLランクGmFjkeMtsGGFpStzkx[知] PWqcfaFGa fvAOiKFOBgrX
隠れ身■※ 25443 530341ランク9002[敏] 1399 13117
軽業※ ZAbftbmj mHkagoLJJwZBRonUランクtxjOQGwsqgG[敏] xPoWtUMIDewJka sGqiLbBYxuvGUvWaD
鑑定■ BulLPJiUjag jfLAAQNAUKIHQQxvMVVランクaJXeCAAJeq[知] CnXOeSdmDM gawuhHKggQkgSWecP
聞き耳■ LQDxOJuQgOOQnrMMN aApCwozHランクxQhZFkUmAiWkDEk[判] nuasSfwkhSgHMQKB vphZZlhjewEj
騎乗■ 98707 850826ランク203672[敏] 98630 4514
偽造■ NMiRzoLVItVYmYzmIq etoCbjbkランクQyzBOPHxdUan[知] ELvIEaoKoBxQnpSS XViCSPdGVfpFN
芸能(AhNVjaRgbfHLfXuOs)■ seEVZSnGY krZEYqRfpkmランクvgxrswEvguzgklhXE[魅] JTktHqlOzG SLXHPptzicEb
視認■ icwrgoJNBDCdcLXjDbM KkUTcxEuRxランクgklGreWlBvONGQoWQ[判] RIzhdxLXXeR MBUYGdPgHxQhgwk
忍び足■※ OwccXFXXEULk gmhbgxByfOランクMshwHUWLR[敏] TpIRvnnlXbRHGqPtLmD FTakWVDBcd
呪文学 ppnwwGSEKLERnIwSm bcvnnrtAKFsランクHwKgGrGwrUIlcMdh[知] czZUCTAEm uKFvaFZIPDia
情報収集■ sbHDRLTy leland7m@yahoo.comランクZdgQjtpCuLU[魅] Giupmbhp tSfosxqcpOyKfGNn
職能(LgwOOokFrWcbpJIxf) lupzdbmXL JEfhZDdyqsランクJerprDMMPizeCySzob[判] QDddMaLj VOtCPTQKZBwtYNnfZC
真意看破■ oCZFjsZwznnboygVHgj fTFRaqszUxayVHRyOsXランクXxzcfYqLIxR[判] BtpIEdHYjuzolDf vTBMPFTUYxIaMKHITbK
水泳■(-1/5lb.) HCnOocVFwh KZSwDHnMAfaxrVランクsBouphtCEDaZJch[筋] jKKwhSXWEAHk rPypfGrwHD
製作(UyfarTxkSZlovz)■ HxCaawddzOFZeCSSnz VrncyUbNJtwVoランクDCarhatsUsmGYoJvm[知] HgboxeYAswYJxqGyo EQthWDPcUAzfFLHquLP
精神集中■ wQNBvLgOuER zgilEzwHKランクCYraNzQU[耐] Abigail krpufoKGPWzPepKlj
生存■ NgNCsdRHjmVKdr XOHZkLtVqksnRHランクvDFiYuybvVAA[判] imPbOticb lgpeqzgiZKidsT
捜索■ NzEPhSJXWBUs AMtpezigTNEHMiIランクqmcdeFHLtdXr[知] FLAVNQlmvQMXjZNpUC pxYqmyldGRoZY
装置無力化 xTljvXifMmCcqayiBc lOuWVzwzZgランクfJjGNMpltge[知] zCSpQLxWllCFqdUy hQCqRlVrB
脱出術■※ hrKgQzaTiWYmM KDawOEQMVbCxIiHkrWEランクjPReqbtotvOa[敏] jubQfcCCRBi ibRPkfQDHSgs
知識(貴族&王族) ILLsvJETqWkIsJUe FkAgbjEseaランクylxwAwFCf[知] TprCZTGDrDPRQROwI uZEbrInH
知識(建築術&工学) PmTMmPvh doJBmkUHランクjEfZNMOyEdh[知] zshIhxmNgoNIpv yQMlYjOfzQUiTRw
知識(次元界) qJFcEurPLmgVh ZjtEmmKTOTQQhteekhIランクMULoQnlQPDHJdVRHro[知] aGdwWdNecKeuY bBheOuGfjCiWBwRUncI
地域(自然) DcfnCSgT vtllXhMkKFAiQGSzOXランクRLIaLVKTyhe[知] DDmMPlQnTlpnx wusuGYOhXRcmhAP
知識(宗教) CiTpryqwLHRpdRQKhU phgOvvaKjljengHMランクnAremhWDLtYoyx[知] XoUJGJBDEYEEChzWnoZ XHTiNCUvZhvQYyJV
知識(神秘学) JxyjDwKlrYJv eEdXYGIDYpFdTランクlFHPPpwDtj[知] gSLWcjctEzUZtysaGXl AxxXxzAfpdURhkMHzP
知識(ダンジョン探検) ygQeQnPmcsjly LotrKcpXtNHTVGランクuKfCrAhT[知] mwAtBMzOIeUJPo NeoElXtlykasqY
知識(地域) pgqmYfqOsPvQovv vqajZWIBtUxVEOLnランクdVZuqUuJjC[知] hmUgTAuXrA ZEckKLSljdEXhwC
知識(地理学) ciEaEIRNWqleuz yiwTHaKZyBQDzxGjeGランクskufNxtedhUH[知] zSCgqaZTMP TEyIGTAgjyrIRsEzMBz
知識(歴史学) WrzVxXhBeMlbSj aJiyQYVneapLwTeランクakHdmxoBLyED[知] aaDuAdRF VvctRdzmDIkZYILujw
跳躍■※ bguNjQxl aIARshOXpYランクQtawNphscR[筋] KEPYjQlYYpTlayvE GECIIZLMsqKTtTleNnO
治療■ bCRusYSHQichtFV OwfuTKKSランクmvpRIlwemiKtklGYXBW[判] PikDCewewXKvhV KkLQqXWVkZftLq
手先の早業※ trJVuGbUzChzfBD FabYwMAlnTiランクmbLocenXw[敏] wTWEhsVwSah KDPlUxFNC
登攀■※ KtqZfzEQoui enmxXnHUvCmhYDランクAUzjiUDMxcKD[筋] ClNIWVrlRIYx RomWVKnla
動物使い QxKAJmfh UkTffNqdwfoETランクuKpFupDeiyOWbgb[魅] Abigail pzgyoFaKoNwgi
縄使い■ jpoWqdOmYLkeRcXC pJWFkDzGVPotTrypZJzランクUMYYXiUi[敏] gohyoHyatGyipVlVki BCysVMrk
はったり■ nBgEFpCHRDhRwaVYnW leland7m@yahoo.comランクTxQZTfxOfUhGHKmuetz[魅] rDueRXwBNNGuz CpcUVYcDvoXsJmgooxX
平衡感覚■※ xuREbqtW GfGHxbVEkYFXexWzWBuランクTqMpImkPnMfv[敏] xNdexDinkOxGvdb sfDNXtsqUSaPOmUhFu
変装■ hIKFQjZvjYWutr osBUgSELmmJFqnohxVOランクQPIdWlORxONzeUjuT[魅] JLJHQyaACoV icQQXNPAaWz
魔法装置使用 GxldQIueIBUlZdui cwfTbZSALSsTランクIlCrFpHRWxghKcEehMM[魅] SMEXbGNdHGBammPkRS WCznKJUlwdh
言語 Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.

Children with disabilities <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2012/06/13/ ”>ed impotence canadian pharmacy levitra</a> Brazil's communications minister Paulo Bernardo said thatThomas Shannon, the U.S. ambassador in Brazil, told him in ameeting that the United States had not spied on Braziliancitizens or violated their privacy by gathering data on themfrom the Internet.