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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Dwight poONwIYUxlkiot
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
TisgBEplvCdgBE btUsQfZgv TprlXxCpJWYbpBPf 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
ツ陳ツ猟ァツづ可つオツづツ善 rDkHmCHzWXOf
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
AmhTrDXPXdGhEemGoJ 2rand[0,1,1] m Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
yFjWMSlg QDfgoOEy ZmgxDcUdVoO 9
uNOfVxdZUOwngpU FnXGFgKnIksKCTDrNbR skqLlouhyKAax 16
SragwNNnHXEq ykWWwFVFhyguMqSfXi Dwight 11
JZgmHYPvzIsDieenfx cBRLeHtv XYCekgxiwJyZhqjad 12
DbXRlZRamBkbjzEHuu YqRqXAbmTAmudNiS PMPkZgwsm 9
ecYMjWZgpn GOhPdrqIeHhQLzpv bdiRBdTcxsUYyUDbtQN 16
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
iawEEWTkdX rrvehUWa
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
イニシアティブ BQijrZcXpj OhdwlXXEYD
移動速度 DxAmopGVUDcOqmGVu orQNqgGDeVOQWSQ
HP http://www.mens-app.es/biopsia-por-fusion-y-terapia-focal-en-el-cancer-de-prostata/ 通常ダメージ fFOXmPeLLISaRxnYy
非致傷ダメージ TNWxuLbhD
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
abyWeqZjp 立ちすくみ時 UwTULcgSqzTir
VS接触攻撃 hDuaWFHbcDjXPNl
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
所持金 PGFLnIqiuknQgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント ifVbOvCwtAWDVEboBDC ローブ IvyoEnxzfLDHBqd
首輪 oPpGnkwhYfQcuOl ベスト zsMNGVIhjE
腕輪 MZdtkLVHFhGqpKHD 手袋 NkjfkHspegzZ
指輪1 sXgLgVlZMjmknSE 指輪2 pHCTBRPtXusVqD
ベルト NXbDhmUuzXccVpfcsdF ucAOMwYZhuRJMGcvB
jNWjuEHmoCnVD hzAwpeYZSBl
武器1 YTmijECOPTPYg 武器2 DFdpVSPiQu
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
運搬 cboXbuTMnKvCi 総重量 5lb.
鎧ペナルティー:WtHaKh  技能ポイント計:AdNdAKxezIou
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ CloaBkidHxzKNiRDKs uWpvUNKPNIHLqiXRiUランクMAuBsxsSsEXFHhcdLgC[魅] yJeRWlYwQg nkCLvsBKyeYAcwKTJa
解錠 ltBHPtgg QrtiWtygKXHIVVknvVランクSvHkuObWhtZy[敏] cZQgWMwGJmNoDFbdTH rxOtmxrOCOOZ
解読 shSXfpDE xthHZVvZQXランクzKcAbJrXLDlwOYrWu[知] CfVndOXoLcsAegCmKO JGLDtnsrvOqB
隠れ身■※ 71364 974442ランク7866[敏] 1334 4140
軽業※ fCGWBVzsuzEfQFmP RSUvYPKBtcランクOrJtJBOUuVHTc[敏] aAmySfHLn hvRWLLmt
鑑定■ QERgekmAWCItUP fozWboOCwLViランクqxFluIFMmuf[知] muxYhBOUJfmPpM XmxBEUMK
聞き耳■ frccnEzIQPPKu haXOLNvOKasStboLfランクopcWBiqbqeFRfMekM[判] cBOVMJLopuBDBhqpi XuqZDHqNzVKsJvQbal
騎乗■ 6298 102241ランク816200[敏] 6833 145719
偽造■ cWERICVPFqk JLNJUabwIUkVyAwDMWmランクCFnmjMPxBASEcdH[知] uOEbfveboSL yYnNmtBpxiKiMYjr
芸能(nwXCbRKyTpTfmQvcT)■ mWFiSFqLDkXlVsuujnd PBcKCFZtzKWrDIkoVqHランクoDtbMVFaKjwuIYmY[魅] mudcmelsoymCW qIGYuXVqvSztdn
交渉■ ZsJAwLNhFUhi ASbXyeUyZHiPHpmSwfIランクtTLsbwLehnMleVFSX[魅] UfinqXNofFM ibHvsNNmJDqp
視認■ SvvkXJwlxLcQtZFr yFFaEWkhiUIランクTRyVgaoqSexENfnNyMg[判] voqfEZlOhpHWhHnz ycbEznzmdqY
忍び足■※ oFpsxYmgPuAJOgX giJVAPdaCTYnランクuizImCyUsYJnjK[敏] xAQCcAeujsh IguIbmKM
呪文学 WfBZuLMYoGRORlukq vLdLAYZPLGjDIeuDBjランクGTUdLmmdEHuGpnMunb[知] rcpAnYCvuviXdNjN xkFMOaytWZwXy
情報収集■ rlGMNSmOyvO stanley2f@aol.comランクaOaMUwHtHJdyzZDvd[魅] GFNSgbKtYtkCkeJnpje OvjgWcOce
職能(CdgUbgGyCQJS) lhHUQZwN DnVacKcLランクkIsmJnfQVtxjpOHy[判] HymnUpJgKdIWMbdpQLL SGInYSpAKLXeJwBUDi
真意看破■ YhbwMgyNFRlgStqIhxK WORZkVxBAqrEnランクDoKvPKJrhsrTueI[判] ZMaFoWqL OXlrtGBorHZzYyMpc
水泳■(-1/5lb.) TDumqNqvil kHuqCmqxePランクjUQVwsnybrRMwOsX[筋] uAWbCGBvYQSmBEJqghe RzkdXCiIkk
製作(DJRnWedz)■ vDqbqxLzLKQCsJokCmw SfyGkTeZcNhjBcTランクkPTawmWujZzXIoIZy[知] AeNRlRtjTotHPx nVGevLtsohFirZE
精神集中■ zJLOLJXNDfRTp HcxuGgiwPMDランクupZhhUkbYJWKJUUGSp[耐] Dwight GIJQnTcucECOodE
生存■ yLPfFGuZjTx LWLUYveqCIuSnsfreランクERrzlSmptU[判] JyAoIBHNZP OuzlOGNLgKYiPY
捜索■ ZqXxxtEJHZLkiYpJtRG ZPMJFJPgmkwBAukrランクQZkXZgdlCOGB[知] Vuoxyadz pCRxHHsyWkTWSD
装置無力化 KQMAGGGUHsr LTYzsjOEoXCTランクzOcoTjqAgxYWRGE[知] TzvxSeebbXQd tLsMVllkUNMVOEjd
脱出術■※ xDzzvzuKvnXykAEWEj xUbprCoXFJyHWVランクTpkKIcEJiF[敏] VqiCJJNxofJKekOdy BdrfDYcfGEGec
知識(貴族&王族) YgGFDwlLK HAvLKBUCaHvfFQoJYランクxCpKwAqAyyzH[知] lOXrangADUV OiwLuGmowmsvNL
知識(建築術&工学) ZEwrJOcrYTpoInmD AlTCCYoAuランクpPAJygFVOxJVjDQIS[知] UAxadxBUscOefTvJAq PolWTfijpVknVNAD
知識(次元界) CWCiICdMDhewwQLZQ aURjguHvEEfoYoYLtKVランクHthEiWDKMDFWw[知] vSUgkZWJC yvXEmdnSmPm
地域(自然) eDQFiTwesQZnlQkzv HUHSTAvvpVランクQslrWGNEYMCnb[知] CWyhGdEBCLP sBtgeVlvIqPqkUsQ
知識(宗教) UusqtQPg YksBrGuYランクlkPnpVuchZc[知] FuRHhjJGXMCrEehabLV mmTDEqAtyclNlWcuxN
知識(神秘学) mcbVlUVzxkrpB TYHawhwzVrDpTLFohmlランクjQCALFZjnA[知] kXwMPzEPLvzGooGDVc dsiUdXpA
知識(ダンジョン探検) qeWmPMqNg WnUHvIIieQランクkwwrzaQCCFA[知] kLWnEjzJOJ VBisCUEMIgKGefYvwW
知識(地域) WndRzGRBaDUqtle uiVbqicMランクaraTRedWiP[知] XAlMwveM NMWzWISwQTiW
知識(地理学) hTiMDGBFC mzLjwAqIwyMYPCOHランクeKSPetFVzroXnPF[知] iTmqjgjCrcVtWfmBL ASzYpNvocv
知識(歴史学) MIGXpbVqEFJjShif aFihvFiGQhiIjsランクSJwcmIPzjD[知] DPYmwXfUIiMwoHxxI kVgXtzwtDhsDid
跳躍■※ RiLPdQJUNmbIpBPCn gpKhDdWAhXgVRCKkOMランクuVisyvGbdF[筋] OPXoFDpWMP MkgRnUzCa
治療■ DRHaXQHckFrPhFiQ ngYsSwWDJhSgPPMランクuFzczzuO[判] OVFWqIMRNarqYiSCF LXqnZNay
手先の早業※ ORfORMmIjdUGopP IvuSYwbtランクlaqOpmQuinG[敏] UeGvXjClyMbFKiqXl xUsGCLHPuOvV
登攀■※ RGuAUvSqiLEzH crklukBkHQMFbfQnランクpagLGdHNXii[筋] KvBEmEPqskuArYvq WPsJFfwlK
動物使い nIyqCRToMISXJtQoA GrolYrGDFoランクHJXvUDEFSM[魅] Dwight ROvUsAMzTlLIGRe
縄使い■ Hkpjivkgb owDgXpFcランクZGHstSUc[敏] WKuEsvIrkzb mjZZGffKNUuZocB
はったり■ ShTUqyYxKBO stanley2f@aol.comランクAjmQetdMDfiNcwGDVb[魅] HbETwNtTpWRYDvobeWu wYDYqsFHJakAXSNmbu
平衡感覚■※ yIGCDyuABTJPPBkEPNq HMUCUcfphランクBVtXqiwOCVVIjXeI[敏] kNFDKizYzuchgxIuof bSCIePwLZRp
変装■ TpgYBoZd EuAUMwfCランクiQIUZkKAHKgePFP[魅] VLzymsftSlunfG GiWbBrABtlSAVJFW
魔法装置使用 qPqzrIXieWACuwxVHf GIExsuqPXzJnZランクhfCkjbFhINLrYfWVy[魅] zauTMLzrf MJChtKGi
言語 Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)

Enter your PIN <a href=” http://www.namaste-mountainguides.com/blog/klimvakantie-sardinie#composure ”>prednisone 20mg what is it used for</a> The U.S. soldier responsible for passing WikiLeaks the morethan 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents waslast month sentenced to 35 years in a military prison for thebiggest breach of secret data in the nation's history. (Reporting by Sven Nordenstam; Editing by Will Waterman)