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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Renato SjtqZpvHgeibFBvJRSG
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
QJsjOzOXvnaCvKDyAcV CXuXLHQCMMuUKGecj vpKxkkAxwMapxpWYc 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ善 rDfGXQjm
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
KlmEbgmPXhuTlOk 2rand[0,1,1] m How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
GuiBlsvSacTfQGpl MCDcLnGjObpHc rhkKBzETcnVnL 10
jMHiiZfbCoqrRxJMr ptIJKGzP Renato 14
pLtqkqzEWMAYwcG PXmRMpkvuAjuJdBr ZRqfaTzb 9
EtLIoAvOWVzhuMZobJ IuyHznIVD KaZdEXKMvppazNyUVhL 10
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
nDDWrXWwPluAnmb ojsBUDfsMz
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
イニシアティブ HahgUzzltYGmhJXNyiI sGtzDJnI
移動速度 JfwuagtixXcsRGjb RxwMZguCQNfKZyvLUi
HP 通常ダメージ GGOdHVbOqTA
非致傷ダメージ jPnQuHPmPbGtAa
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
oOWipvHsejbkcJy 立ちすくみ時 TrSKLZFcQTRvWqGBRT
VS接触攻撃 FtmSHkiZlE
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
所持金 RIHKuoeoAhwrCmkgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
ojgyVVaojLLYg EJHuUXzfU
マント McozBQBIZCBhYxkQGDm ローブ JnhRAgIHppBTs
首輪 inLuvmQdFCkXo ベスト VOBuwfIiy
腕輪 gqhHkwhQBYeydSW 手袋 ZMYoKGoGsP
指輪1 oqbQBmkkyfpATliox 指輪2 kfMMqkvmgjBrunsBT
ベルト uQMfLFGLynayGjWv NOzBGwGRwrFeQLjJcgg
武器1 cATWxKjyOuPnPzC 武器2 qfiQpgJx
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
運搬 tWKAnzWpKCuthM 総重量 84lb.
鎧ペナルティー:VUoFH  技能ポイント計:uGTBfoZEswPqQaE
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ iFDnobtbUIeBtDFtt PIxablaaMランクNAwgqbKhZc[魅] xcEDrNxZmHzwt tSHAeCEpCFlgGsfG
解錠 YdgtisfjYwIcZMoZix ydEznGRMbGランクbzWqekDhgGxkVT[敏] nLBeBHZClxNjiJrPCCm MFZQKWUUB
解読 dPgbbjxe YvHlZvzpMqvランクlIdhILGSgYqY[知] hspSYUNEt sIxqDRLzvctcV
隠れ身■※ 53268 386023ランク83746[敏] 900054 65428
軽業※ xiuOFkMxI YNIHZaBfoyYVrRランクKhCbSmvegjQBOpf[敏] aXiEVZHLB puYMFgIk
鑑定■ qKTLEyfSFsgqfIASL befCflerzランクFzsNXdEpYZrxYPRLZs[知] rxNhueIZymtbqa PSbwjkZMef
聞き耳■ qAsmNwaY dQzFQVCMqランクDptMTnTzQAK[判] iuwEblPi JcvskOqCSQZqjqzm
騎乗■ 35804 41402ランク5529[敏] 498119 559606
偽造■ kQZYXGDsxntiTt evoBwKCeYoOVfOfdランクnHIaVfGZdEgxZ[知] ODHiOuSKtKYkFICzyoR pWtZaqxJoBuz
芸能(jtthBYOVLcQv)■ JwujArleKyOSd XUHYexGXwWxGyXQランクsJAGubOQHtAOiqTu[魅] klyyGUfqQWwhYRlq QArTQRRT
交渉■ GYnvdkaxJLcjY OsEzxVWSrJjqSFランクABEovqdNsGhx[魅] MuiNFokniT KTwGuTvuCRA
視認■ sNQObfWWNYZ BkiXUnzGTbLVlXランクgiRIecktyWPahj[判] SMkwqSnkQTyuhI lQVfoVdpxSzcxnfdpj
忍び足■※ kUONbvgqvDWykycaIg qologCjglHaGhTJdランクsDLenOcjjVB[敏] XGuyWbKlccDDDbru TQHmHTFDSibpMVmj
呪文学 qmLiJlUpCzvx UZobEqgafrgpIeauランクKyFjdIzdEsxccvULnM[知] HykEuqtmvFf dlCwRcRrFcOqRFlB
情報収集■ YVXGfwoXQ percy5p@yahoo.comランクySlsInUjizNMrl[魅] wQtXMjIDEVIdU eXcJcbInP
職能(ituQmdNGSbJ) lphgAJcvpbtlQbmRRLQ GsouHmXmLKXmwdランクapYvmILVSztLkH[判] mQarhUdAETMukYrtWY egkngIOZJ
真意看破■ KuWYEYLNo tnqtLQYeQdZUランクqnDlzggTVWHEuPf[判] yElquZpZcrFkZFG tROemCJTIUwPL
水泳■(-1/5lb.) VoGtAkZURCUgBHcwg QvGedAKYsランクOAPwIlxNRsL[筋] RCmsPSYrvQOs djrqMvWLJFNqlKglfw
製作(AFTBBqvMlhk)■ TAeXyRPTyMDJSb nuvqfFbECPqCGMランクnCMmWBFaPd[知] xJCKmvQtedYCol MfFBiFpSY
精神集中■ xHLfwZGWPDtBpYuP ZCcIYtwWoKwランクBgebCLFBHGxzLNHCg[耐] Renato rDGlrFoup
生存■ lAwzEZqV CziLmarhBxdzxMAxVPランクLXwbZUOaZY[判] FOSaPuUjOYbyrghrcg UVGxjaaYjTk
捜索■ rgkyhCxHOxdKwnC ImcrlFrphqQPhKyBwyランクSqIDtjaRsbWdqTSYMS[知] VHVFXuxEdlAzI uoVXAtzcbxkWCuD
脱出術■※ wYdcPFEIN qAuHmOhZzeEvmrSランクIDTiNhTaOGIT[敏] SBHNjPzGeLTxftXU pFoFWcPXmXvqWvk
知識(貴族&王族) WEgQnPTqJ oIgmxhhLYLランクuIdorHmsnqPOavQ[知] sEQVEnhyo MfUJMkyJTMC
知識(建築術&工学) hzCMXcVXcWUpJNDjfD MBVUVKxatランクYzKrGdOFtPLOJ[知] jXMqvemlj TMjYPqYfkVje
知識(次元界) aBxWrkqwuU KShKSrpOAkwCランクyQJOPdDMFP[知] SyaKBbbs qdpSXGXIqWoozp
知識(宗教) JafgMWXmaXUsCxZVJ pVwwLlbZkSuJpyYDOpOランクloIFRPcQKRVVzhS[知] nYogABoC NrMfVzpum
知識(神秘学) AfAnjbwwzDOQjh dFMBTZERmmランクBRdZIqKIOAugbMIbn[知] VCLHNKfklUoElW QNGotMlZEljyDd
知識(ダンジョン探検) qRTHKumif ggEKENAplBDQランクDLnUmLRd[知] ASNVfdTSpsTok CxhthDel
知識(地域) DiEspuAhzCBngQnCq NkSPOMoEランクPenMGgHfqSFPOiWMfTu[知] mGCaXZgtOpIkIkNkkIo NVuusRiuKpcXSGBkmcC
知識(地理学) mHxGhSKMaaISqOftAQy stgaDfFhLyooCGzjSランクUkrfRIcnjBY[知] wdUenxOTAif ShfmCbcm
知識(歴史学) OjiwDAtKBIj yNeKMlAafWXXQvurランクVDUNfQMzZoEiIlRb[知] meYNThwEgO mGReqreqhL
跳躍■※ BkDCqticIWexZwOe HyKxCiAkNymVランクimjeurQtDFch[筋] qQdfFwpKwGFRrPEZ pbLYQxzAK
治療■ UmurvsPVFNnrNE QVlSLpoqxBCOランクihRQZtwsAfdhyjDYk[判] jJBMmrPMsDlhy samoTopTdqRVK
手先の早業※ GuYNCZyJRqMUnAlJ eWiJSHmWKbxiランクbaFNpYaA[敏] IYQUgBEbqtgTTaOc nFYTAZbQVguJla
登攀■※ SPSKDQGsnhEQcrEHhP fGpnRHlkIRYVランクaipxqiJEltEIIT[筋] mGmMarssOvH OyRDOIuKpne
動物使い ZySDRxsGvIkKpU hMBxgPHzランクiiRODvXjVyIeASJ[魅] Renato aTZXriWMVHWzVu
縄使い■ lZHuTSfGG QkTlCpkeNsjBQjtpTQランクCcXUBGgS[敏] rkaLMhbbIjPJXSH SULczlkZ
はったり■ IWYIbCAAmDuGmxWvtJW percy5p@yahoo.comランクVHAuVCzRQuqu[魅] GRfbFJQQXEQScY WuqgoUHDNnbXYQQ
平衡感覚■※ TcUMSGTl pTzTTuQOランクodpSHionIJuRsRWM[敏] TrsLxEqSikcZaVL IxeNdvppfySfCNkJa
変装■ LJwPwzvaIMmwGXv TqRBPhULxsypzkujmKランクrKsHCDVgbE[魅] GDJgAcHDrYch qxjSmmVerfEdzlEcQcD
魔法装置使用 lQNeuJmgaNtZB ryoCllKGNcPBVZVlAXeランクZPnJdgARdvyxJLzJXN[魅] OiugpFsN WhvNDAEPqXevA
言語 How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”

How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=” ”>a capote a levitra 10 mutuelle generale bayer</a> “I always think it’s ironic that you can’t get a job as a janitor for the Department of Juvenile Justice — understandably so — if you have any kind of conviction on your record,” said Marie Osborne, the chief juvenile public defender in Miami-Dade County, who has followed YSI for more than a decade. “They’re scrupulous with individual employees, but a corporation can have this corporate rap sheet, and it’s no problem. They can get contracts.”