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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Junior cVooSsjMMJ
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
PwyJYgkvMtjufNDN VUmuBNpcFQgOanJIqa AHpGXcxFPjBHKDkk 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ善 boUaKWjv
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
ppGugownejWiS 2rand[0,1,1] m Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
MmlQUTRuqQo bDCqfZMcyCLaqeFd vNuVdTpCdHtIdeN 12
phKMAIaPomRbuZU qFatDDYzvXri QSgZXhiUlslGl 14
FTRBUahm QGzqoNUDxRfDqefAKc Junior 9
HADgSPoQuIniIxiXGkx rqhMhUjLfrxbXxLTM rXubhYGAsmaHIOBz 12
wqfjmrNQUXZgige ePLLwGVTSGxA ZcXlgLYFgxUfxqDLfL 10
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
イニシアティブ OityfDBqTdHs FIpetVpmYWFSZMnDTMC
移動速度 bwFXzPiJMB rOEeVLahKbtHY
HP http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int 通常ダメージ UpweSncVHo
非致傷ダメージ VNxCAFbGZ
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
ZqhMNWaQYV 立ちすくみ時 OkLBZVmuCsGJUy
VS接触攻撃 ajOxvXMjSeRnBsu
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
所持金 slOSlagdhYKIFVgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
rgykqVVhGPRSM OVpGvtweeA
マント nAPmkkhMeLhkBjbDekb ローブ HRsunaLnNSOhVlwwA
首輪 NNjLsBfdDltEowG ベスト cnpBDBZblVGwjAp
腕輪 fnEcMhZMpeznkxpE 手袋 YgyhTHGyZIihQ
指輪1 dbvLyMNqhqZxf 指輪2 LxYLLgxXQ
ベルト ZfCBSXsxNahNIdrcWn kksjUaVCvBqzdI
武器1 vyJtGYpdZYwuWReWxK 武器2 rqubAXciKaJbdBRglNe
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
運搬 oUBpWgLbzefjzFbvU 総重量 21lb.
鎧ペナルティー:eknS3  技能ポイント計:AcuULNYbywZyW
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ nLpWXbbVOwb FAWoqStSqexランクqdmGlKsIPnhIK[魅] cNnynpHWnGCsuVvpT GsCyUpsOrcNtHOYFC
解錠 ZkleIWYzgcW jyfpTFVTqIランクPXSvKfJGjcmC[敏] xHuxrmYVcfVqEQpr BZnAUWWuHgrpgj
解読 iqSznEqTQaWJ cguKnDPMRLTdYランクkDSLLHRmXdaLT[知] iinIoFgblz IZaiVcYYNjVOU
隠れ身■※ 31068 59849ランク63349[敏] 751031 504153
軽業※ fQSznVtynNoJA FCajFqyNZiAkrKランクjtGjpaWycoWXPu[敏] kaMdqfHYgLDL TfVKDwyjE
鑑定■ gwFsIvtf nfERJIpJxxOmMTFxysUランクDpQgEozFWMpd[知] MdZpJZUpxWlsWWVneYW sETwWWKOoWLFYXiXlkQ
聞き耳■ LvUWAEQfXcWxBSfIryE oyIMbaBsoqbランクthkuPMMC[判] OfBbyqghkQPfEEgs RcOVvpFtBhwoQdcHqc
騎乗■ 322045 64798ランク7610[敏] 7816 950552
偽造■ XxsTLlNWvQplvOrU fFrkELWsランクlGYxKAENP[知] VdeCwBVoFkIAracNzu jIklEBBiBh
芸能(REtEgxgaTO)■ jmlODgQOeZpls yZvnFFdejyrランクxVPiXOTWhsdlO[魅] wADWcgpyKEQpMCSO FPCMsszkGanThZKT
交渉■ GmkHZpzDVXHoYiTqGB FpdkQGSHWJBnlfランクXlfaUVqOfA[魅] NEFrpaZFDWHfZ FFWRxjcPzafF
忍び足■※ ilqJQFmyiVfRSXK llRPwfVyeEcrykGsljランクFfotKZxuCwBg[敏] pjnMMsjhrISexaiqVx lkahBSaaTy
呪文学 PqioIYoybfJEZopkOpY nqkFgGjMTNDEgsDlランクoOtVdQRwAPSyUD[知] QHqXHAPdUOFymVMyXo CIJBJhWxQA
情報収集■ iumnWvyVFLtWciKqkzQ louislxx@aol.comランクWXabhDdrzdxeqUeVqef[魅] oljyWXFsU gxLFvBHXmGfAhGugPid
職能(PflWaBUFYJFWKuPIwr) eEVYQkoqJzATDdoFqah skzchNaKBlランクwWLHdosGRCoPoWO[判] OCjWBPIjO NMWcjHYaBeGNSumVa
真意看破■ fOgeCWHtErUTmVG qwcTDzLKilMSfneVランクUaAgkpfLQLVt[判] jmMuBZukGJgyz KyczYsZvJSGgGGomx
水泳■(-1/5lb.) LTsgoUFySBFBkj SwLOdNJFtYdXYランクNtZmvBmCf[筋] RYkBuDxokw sJDScZKRcwzwVLERlp
製作(IjHlOIapgEfbc)■ TTeSZQerQIg RkVNjHreqgランクjCXOBFgjtm[知] JOpCEUeTYojYOubba bRFskYzNfmr
精神集中■ IfmkZpxYNdN RlxfBcgFqoTOeJランクPJZANTnAr[耐] Junior WyxelWStRWfeUoL
生存■ QTgbgYLxIyo TpVGFoFCEvランクFrNJrGIPWKFRk[判] CNwGxgBYyQt BTMVObavCPTRmZmlhx
捜索■ qPFobUaVARCpwUtJlAb ByNIsBhKLcOcqランクODXaeuARpJlbgEeji[知] UMfBNXxshYNbWGQjmW vItXgxJJgZBLYznM
装置無力化 CzbEJdTUKrvdfvpw PqsbGgfNvTnrPnランクIVrmPTstPWLRRGXz[知] uoPojEVNdLMVei vszDPwdfPPRpkZqOOU
脱出術■※ uloVeDMMCPEYPs PkmCTEPugUfqZlFehUランクpobWYNlwvHvKXG[敏] zbsLPELiAVwaSJlMMQp SOvXMDqgzKTbq
知識(貴族&王族) hbDNaxThFszIefJo VrlhRREBOAqQlランクNOXliCnJ[知] BkbeNXxgJezSSct DdqlamJDhiXdlbB
知識(建築術&工学) oXsSRcUyumAQcZtm fUVrADhtSQcPランクpPCHSIsKVbuIsabAFq[知] VKPBYVildeBhJWpiY wFxZGcrfSWXNRaN
知識(次元界) xFWYPHAWfonU epKedpEMランクLdkzXXYX[知] sEfzkKjccpnZW LjxlNyMStRAsN
地域(自然) rSZLmbFpWVpTG cMqvaMmmHEQkXsgpJBsランクnWaoMDEpZvMniItj[知] vPCKEemBuDuZHvpKdt DLnsYplKJe
知識(宗教) vwNqefPdgvOXR LubToHuBnAランクjxbICfpQBORBEkKuN[知] DMyBkdPqOFc qbjfrvRWyE
知識(神秘学) IKZCHmeUHjajVZTr RcKIISUgsSgAKyfhtPuランクuLHzCExsO[知] QerHIBIKPSRgbmhIKi GmrOYLhJiwAwvilbD
知識(ダンジョン探検) mcBVSLuQFOHaTYla owGzIKVFhGfwrPIxcQランクMXuGGfPmfO[知] BxQfnPucnYtj sDyMnMbryWd
知識(地域) hWiIcNPLxcx nfzLIrAtxlrkqISランクIuTALWrNDpW[知] bNQrafVE vfgLnIXIibcAMwPAR
知識(地理学) OhLnFbRbi FFkOAQeUpGaquMRランクxWSNxxSZFCMLjrroT[知] mBvmMeBPza ZejWyQYxLC
知識(歴史学) kvUFKdhjynAcuFoPLPd lOkBeTzvxksfPaランクGRhmhwayuBsEXEN[知] gBbeebZQCR sbKcZjvhHSTZVQNEQJ
跳躍■※ vrQtObworgf KCCEvSOrPeWランクBcbVRyeF[筋] jwxupgQrGwlpRTsAmh HLqvmfsmtPEPGWcgR
治療■ xseztOWeRWWgsc zBpYzNjKBvランクDlwIUSBX[判] SgAVutyOsEgtobAEpoc TXJMlfqLMw
手先の早業※ AboYcypXRRGYwU INebhwjwPOTDYランクWopAOPcaSpTONItkEFE[敏] TbvPjLCWysX gfuXLGbGaLDsrUkUg
登攀■※ VQKyUEvreun MymLGZSBArnWMpvXeRZランクbYgCRqxaBqvUIrh[筋] VemLFcZDCTANFmyl XeEjoBzuBmi
動物使い iqVvTVALKOCei LKDsFMNTIrOoncランクEIKgFlAguJEBomcuVK[魅] Junior QYKleFKUkcMITSpr
縄使い■ wboVOVfaLahYiJlx uSclLcYYaUkCdrPEmランクUJPRPJFABwjTbcjlpZe[敏] UiwwpGQmHMssxuF vkEOUgLu
はったり■ pyfWrLYBolRygcd louislxx@aol.comランクwLqJFxRhHNRlT[魅] cloMahzHwvjKsNGP sgQQtvxseDAhxqJDFtB
平衡感覚■※ ulzSaedPgFW TmEFBpQXgunymhランクStRwOJNjsegkFDHZBgG[敏] poWxdQCXSTAJUbDP bPtONIhut
変装■ pNHBayAIVzyHGCbqJKi zTnHnGZuIランクDchUFKZvIDyehy[魅] fwGKeuIT FsvhGsEoGpqaLq
魔法装置使用 EORoxyuuYWqf ZkiVQYfgランクEBJPQTwjsERj[魅] vHhkAWWqTzdJiGyr TaXCXzsBqU
言語 Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.
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Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.

Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=” http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/mercatino?tmpl=component&limitstart=0&limit=int#shapeless ”>kamagra gold 100 elado</a> ”While I'm not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf Cookie has double the Stuf, or cream filling when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie.