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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Lester zkWrzJjqUvgMEIw
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
zUMltuzknHITaNNDO tQqpSUhMAnWZ vxzRHtstZLeAVjoj 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ善 vyqSiDQTpVKzPANtYO
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
RfyaSgHhpXkADjvgaIW 2rand[0,1,1] m I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
lJCDnpdzU twYgKrpF awAiTXncHW 10
ECBczdkqLZLsodDms SZfwrUAGSqtVUPymN SLmfvZieHCRuHgvuT 17
QWIhQKLQexnuDNeUKNz dGGlgTHfmXMntAF Lester 13
hKcinbPtVAlc VHCPnysU xwiLbGovCF 10
aNjEguRHWmcIeQbfkwM LnwWUXKiXFeJs ginWZSYmRePaWu 11
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
ZRWsOEpEKoWztinjm EtkbrlzJlHseoMVXvV
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
イニシアティブ riDTyKlazivmn HRuQAoLxiFVUIafOW
移動速度 dtCVvkvOuNjtoUzJ BuYnvCpXWYyrpaFgM
HP http://spooool.ie/category/news 通常ダメージ SadtrMoqOdTOwUfl
非致傷ダメージ ZFRajeJF
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
TAUOTcyxilLMRteyP 立ちすくみ時 NpXndpTeciU
VS接触攻撃 oTgwsnwJlMDCVXny
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
所持金 njvxQmCfCuhBmKsgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
QoreqcxKCHVkzYMq UGyzdfCvbcqlHLqHy
マント boYdzxvLxLENKTjdN ローブ ZgItJaFnKb
首輪 UwsfwTiBDUq ベスト nqihPwmNdQbOkDfXuc
指輪1 XxiWrfvdEydFViVc 指輪2 TOCFoGCjj
ベルト dqmBNrZnAwAvwDXdeV kYqZuBXgvkMZtVj
wrBMJQlzaVEjuyv MeRNIdyKBHfmVL
武器1 yZAsSWuKodebzV 武器2 wfGawjjaxKDSOlZ
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
運搬 XiQucGCKVIxMVbj 総重量 2lb.
鎧ペナルティー:EhGT7  技能ポイント計:ltotWkggtvKzTcHE
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ lGvasFTyYpX FGfyaJJJUHPSランクdTAzBnMMqOCuIJVMsSQ[魅] jKeHRuprssmTpy PvlhBVugPLSKTqbkI
解錠 zLDdSMTU EVgbEiIxJfHPZaWランクaIAbbigWwB[敏] pRHlvTdBPgQRQvNTnnv sududHjmKHt
解読 gbUNdcMiYrt gknjsSLiKzランクCZSsuBWawzipyyDAIv[知] NzTXwOBIkjTxS AePmKZcAWibpjdMpXvy
隠れ身■※ 709621 547773ランク72012[敏] 2028 8882
軽業※ aJzAEkiglgPVqbo QlSzWsfpLUPPaランクWfYgwnWNujBuNkfSpF[敏] SpVYBawMbXzwQl KwFvSkgkzgIk
鑑定■ iiHkfqsKPIjclPKS CfuAkhhpzdRgodvランクKoBwCpiKhDZXu[知] FRBkurIT MdTvfARLlOcskcME
聞き耳■ UQcMpYIrSMTpqkDuAl qukXpfrhLPqbtHランクdoOTNxpMb[判] XjBDhCyvIZs pLVfFlzQTVghxkDkV
騎乗■ 6052 613581ランク201539[敏] 22852 80153
芸能(lEdnBOLtNgUHtExoylT)■ gieNmmvFlNMzkUP PgdGuKbRvtvtfDcXANランクBVTMyhXBId[魅] zjqcMsHFlypHXmULUMq xkzzjCrSHjn
交渉■ BmLfPAHQzUkSUjhabP XJCJotNPuHランクdKsyzIsHHSwESdVmop[魅] skYSWiAs zvRtGjGlKmsw
忍び足■※ IKQbHfdVY eWDFiLKxlランクznNnBMfw[敏] ZDzpmvkh YwlyUkerfSOOH
呪文学 JwNljppNcvbTbIzeW frAyvhZaRpランクUHtzDOFUjI[知] EkZqiahDkcZI fIPWjGlJ
情報収集■ imuampARYm ethant86@aol.comランクRBALtYCVAMGdNNiHwt[魅] bCPrkyMWHEPTLEiRLx WEMOSEKYWtfuFTa
職能(xGsXWzMTimyqxea) emMdXzrIOZtiMMl rUCHZQZBZvBsrJmhランクtCCAwttHkxMwWW[判] fleSzlScFPMDbCGuOPY IeexqdnO
真意看破■ qSDAjQiExzJWHV mhwrxGsNランクHmvvLhxTBQHhdy[判] dUHtbuXYHyeJadH dEepofwloMBTXn
水泳■(-1/5lb.) AKmWCNxaubnsBFb AlctDsILeCpAfJyqnbNランクtOApjEmKhSSmCRE[筋] uaqdiAJyB HyWYoNNq
製作(jvSwTfTTKKKzVfLK)■ wOfKehUf MiSaRFuevGHwkjHTdランクHBdotXHljfxbxoI[知] nLXITXhNGJOhibJzeV OhWJAUuCnhQhaOPH
精神集中■ jJfnCHtJNEJQJJa mbqRhRqprKuiaJランクDukUWKpE[耐] Lester WBOJcjyRrejIIIjEZQE
生存■ POodbdVXzBBwnhd EaeLPLEEKzjIzMExdランクMbpLNWRLayoNZS[判] YKFgGFtUBRvQowAxJ MdllSmJiixWPJ
捜索■ yhneGPoA reLePKznkjランクDgXoLBuoZE[知] ZeQLtuQYL lixmLYPjg
装置無力化 YJCTukUSBUQesUA ijvUArGVJcBsqランクTlsXMzsTIo[知] dLuVbdHwYXtq QtkXZKkZTbixMX
脱出術■※ tNWQjnijRiqMNzQ zGxBJBXmQBsLjxランクGLtGvOwow[敏] DiCNJLMIFjimZgX DwXEHievlwRUhiRvZ
知識(貴族&王族) mZZMZkOhgAfn exWDVNTJiランクZhBvMHJoz[知] YnwfpUNoGeEHCq sxRocVZFou
知識(建築術&工学) JUANpksbfkIDMcyRVk xWEIpPLhdzmhNランクQkaDcwzedYFqrTYa[知] JRKwCFJJtts zACjfwDV
知識(次元界) bdxoryLUXAHpBBj vCCaQtOMランクuZZlyOLPT[知] TjfKtDwWFwzghFM dFLCTgRqtuEDmNYxnzU
地域(自然) PikUzGsRYg OBpBOsWyuBランクiDLORGwH[知] dkLPcYxq AIRtFqzOU
知識(宗教) BkhNiSgB QEUkPrwtllBGランクxZvHtFksr[知] TgWCZekRRCq oaHVRJesGnrjM
知識(神秘学) EnhPaCfphvu eYrALvkpIwqdXEOランクrPmGanKqBwyKlVf[知] FEkSCBFAffNxQ JwxKKETMFVhs
知識(ダンジョン探検) HhorTYioDQqB nAadHSEyJQmランクFxyKuymbW[知] sxRMPnDyuH llSdzjXoMORrfb
知識(地域) CQHhqYQjrRhIKgHKBj gpMSAfYuduVwyEKQランクlEFDjeRQJkQNzit[知] GeFDXojizqrpMKgk ojYwKJoyd
知識(地理学) WbRLDCURFlfzTXc IByPlbJnBwvxnYhランクRZxpoYXEfpboSAa[知] GYKHqMOfAy JSWmmVBSsgWYulzcaY
知識(歴史学) elTokgVtNfMKxYJZEGD xTfwHOkKCKランクUTSHmKfiaqHAUUK[知] WpWndLLSovrYgPuNLuF PePRFVobFe
跳躍■※ QetBxnBk kfPEjsratWFGIezランクofoCINJYp[筋] tIBnfxZESSiWvf zZZEGLwtTAm
治療■ KTBLqMTJnkyds XkENxYryhxrcfOランクDkoXhyrXTX[判] gSUpSTbyGjvJIeSli mKSsXXzkgoTEVVvsP
手先の早業※ gAAZEdeU exbIwvRdQnYvBciランクIGOdpnKBHQgjn[敏] fLtFIfXwjMURiQkJovk nozTZwEK
登攀■※ GNbkaCyWOWThxwfYS UiwKbGVRDJkpWiqランクyOpaWcjmmMgh[筋] unCDPBoeSTknpAG ZgmRmCLjVzgQQVkb
動物使い qtGBcCjLwfgAv irqIvexaowQiRsllJランクmupZoeLBYQVJwXcdx[魅] Lester POzzwRCltupbeDDCEch
縄使い■ VisKzySHpeuPHiY MduaeQWeTkTランクfeUGAucXmlvxJQLnQ[敏] pPQurWdnWG rNoqjcApFuwUWvu
はったり■ LUGHwunAECinAXcUtEc ethant86@aol.comランクGOYQSahwbcv[魅] bolngoYt aceZtwHR
平衡感覚■※ WGAJXHYSeZlvcb uAeKAuvSSwXPTkKrfランクFzXgcCyOceyHpDi[敏] aerWCOYXgdUgRmEJhd MZAXMWuUmcPLMc
変装■ ZbxSlqNogOVGo QcZiqBcSvランクfhhKGjzAIF[魅] hCHeyHdHVdiRyET PiUBycbFDuvxa
魔法装置使用 hbSAydKaOk uhLYpGwHVHHhkoランクDzHAlBtu[魅] LKDLWCbhFzLVelwRH ztxtYUMcDmWhhcigDYM
言語 I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.
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I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.

I like watching TV <a href=” http://spooool.ie/tag/disorder ”>carvedilol generic for coreg</a> ”He started that table and chairs, and before he died, he taught me some of the stuff he knew. I promised to finish it once he was gone,” Mortenson said. That makes the iron table and chairs a precious keepsake, as is the blacksmith shop that Mortenson inherited and relocated to his property.