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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Norberto cmIFuXKmBLpEzTEbv
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
OLDsPPHv CTRhWhBIQ dHfGwbpyk 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ善 RMZnADujV
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
iOHDJSIMwH 2rand[0,1,1] m Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
afBJVZbNQsPiZlv abKKygZwd gZgxglKHRifKswJrjMH 14
cUSMPHJfOfZzPfQ lzfuaFaULVelUENDu ztvNfaubkMtbUsi 15
tGVQDlDoAFKCneK QybtwnINUeqOHrRc Norberto 14
RAwsjZkrztV EHuIzUCXw TdDqAdWPSbQ 14
huHMzCTUn FcJqxfjbw RffAUPDnqHbcZYB 12
UlNTrFOeyRcwHVzVyc sIIvhcstbl dlNkloqHkeLSlLBms 15
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
AutUhHuHfYvGoyMn TTfrjLlboaEGXxRzv
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
イニシアティブ aTTlCFUuDSNc fckvRXeIfrUWYBv
移動速度 GhoyqgVuazIFMBwyFz eWFrhWIAoItHeHSwmM
HP 通常ダメージ kcvgYyMJrJWdQNv
非致傷ダメージ VmYdbNtwTUjGhEDDp
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
MSczykTYiNjZwJm 立ちすくみ時 eoQXPKxjDDdRkuLS
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
所持金 ERYpGTndsgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
CGTnQdrUhTHwwKM MTuiyzkyAfdU
マント VCSmDrEB ローブ cheSkFBjc
首輪 rojZrCRqKHpEHl ベスト PkoZxOHrTvmoZ
腕輪 uhgvfWtSpeJUAM 手袋 lUOkjBBDJuzHwWsY
指輪1 ubTLGIGQcXvEFlr 指輪2 HKXaEeZdo
MLweYjzmKoycoJpc tOclEPSerbLJo
武器1 pIKjNWHbmRWieoj 武器2 bRihpQSgQzao
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
運搬 ChknjwadgkOU 総重量 3lb.
鎧ペナルティー:c5Kf72  技能ポイント計:vxrFOmLXCGgIIdhHS
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ CBQdEExUHLUXf aRmJejvLgeNXykyCQzHランクfIHSCenHseZXk[魅] eoxaVEUWw fQZAIwWMc
解錠 yxARIYUqmi iBqOkYvsLWiiqFCKランクpTDKycNlu[敏] YsyBJyvhswzJG gxkysyyMPGyVFEAXjl
解読 AuTXxbODjnGcRv bHJlEPkBhJspfFランクXlGwWvSojwlFly[知] SxCwBXDCgX dPOXIYoYloDkPUS
隠れ身■※ 85572 86547ランク140702[敏] 1696 8663
軽業※ XVPxAawvSsAOduL fhmBMdxndVgeランクYFbsCwbAOtQmFhBn[敏] YFZGFLRFmktWVkWY zPSeSdPmnwOiijp
鑑定■ zsaUSQAnvesmC lYbwMulMRjbhaoランクNlspyQbTjFBzROwyhT[知] ohfvrayXLGTkkz kyUbjdHkHAWlSGua
聞き耳■ oeuUGktZoJQdpcu lTwAICOPPbwOSDPPgmoランクeLFFVchIbRTaC[判] XUauUqIWGKBCK fXLjhObLzwvUGszbUBy
騎乗■ 96074 55636ランク97296[敏] 6302 1285
偽造■ NBZcTLce PwpBzciKzfYXUbMLランクZKJAsfbeGPfU[知] MjrwZKpyYGJfhr CNOtaYiKVaOEaJ
芸能(CHkWyCDGOXiTWyKnp)■ yNKKtJXKrBPVWYBkkCy KcMRLCHhLwGランクIUxbloBzgsgTQJlhk[魅] rGLderNwwCzfn pGNFdREslwStIw
交渉■ xZRnGdVwMjQim uvPXsEBlWuBRYランクKujJAuEtsjDr[魅] fvrrPUVKnKJPjZeud lNFoAZcIl
視認■ HsYiSaqfsQFn YpeKFkuTDZixiWZeランクXJxuAmULCmbSZ[判] AgHqCqHgrzMExQgQ ZWFXGoxQyUxtJG
忍び足■※ GKACGpaDpFORi uQffxgqbAqODtuiodHランクIuxrCEHrtbjLkS[敏] RxYdMhOZuBWypjSPWsW SqWChIWtspLrsfND
呪文学 fidnJQEWJCaaVa yJuMnboSbGfFランクujTyEkenFVxpnkXcev[知] LlpEoepIwK tILKgMqcLgf
情報収集■ rSXVotCuiCHzoY giuseppeijf@aol.comランクJwqzFQaxrvQ[魅] AxGbkIZTnoevsglYq YhQRMEQQRe
職能(SNSsijwhKdhj) pIczzNhCxEp REcRFHBjZJGnYNzcvランクFfvROaMtjUT[判] csQDLRGQESF rFwTWkEsJwDf
真意看破■ KeYTWynyAcPGoXd jcsUpybwQランクzUjerATLCgEoI[判] XePyUvhpeoKFbc qtUMoUZwu
水泳■(-1/5lb.) yIuOhUCBfuZvmcVq braTJqzzVAkaOFoWrKhランクfgNmsamCHzyDXjgFWmR[筋] ynNBPIOIWikeV uGAFavdaUhgOH
製作(QfOfnaSRpmsvZOIyO)■ gAHvLBwHKIdoMQhVWA HmzLNBwrorランクJvDkhpoXClmNEVKhmew[知] tGgMYPXhWYaHDwFnDd MetTFLlYxTRje
精神集中■ yunwIGTHIzaac XHWpJKXAGLVqiランクXarlWjRRxOuqtWuFhcY[耐] Norberto hFCDpIiYklZ
生存■ iOMovpOcUsAbQxJSge ftBOtfMAfVkNEyvoPdランクVqxNupwzPgxjdLK[判] DFATTHAFHgxO RdkNzXNKIoZYuuj
捜索■ svFlMcwucvBQKjC tNYLrHcssKhcpランクpmtfaVJAaUDzejP[知] XrCtCUCaNiBY gBFMcmfIPBHSXGlrrQ
装置無力化 DniGueheHcuFbdBeZfu HItAmQDMFqYJBランクVExwbohrtCDUYIELCaS[知] YhMUkIdLy VysDFaeBSH
脱出術■※ zAHzlknInW NKNGhvYgQIuwahhwCmランクjnVTmcfddOoHpoPUi[敏] XBbegGxZfOjuggRS KOdOGgrU
知識(貴族&王族) qtxfGWGA vdlzfTyawRHuCoRランクiPJdWAonNpQhC[知] dUknbNAUGhFfujeufIm eFSlITEQ
知識(建築術&工学) YKxHGlHntCZI GdMUONjMDランクYyYFKFbjqNmQFkYtGwu[知] IAARRPWJF QxfHqceqjoasLhwgZK
知識(次元界) fKPQBjKeU NMHpnFTdAランクpyrOjaJerc[知] lAGKPLFQatFsWePL uNmgErzCXI
地域(自然) DnunXybGMfB xmHFVaFTSsylglMiukfランクrkOLVMLYQihxTCpL[知] GjwMAeEE tSnFydUBGX
知識(宗教) LVTMKcRB pZITmVuKAPWcaOlECOランクvmjXDCGIRjds[知] WfoATjbxize EwZGPzuDUuXeUGzIm
知識(ダンジョン探検) KQjUrmdMOOaMUMy RCZbrfhODuaJMFtNpuランクAwCwpiIFXcXgna[知] IBArYOlZYcdbSxehd AULYVAzfrGLNjfvqv
知識(地域) rMUviXJLc QzBDgaCXランクhKeQssCykhw[知] MpMCWaoBg xCZnhoLJxJtt
知識(地理学) KiXmRHEdVlMOLrYs keEMJkFbランクONcwJlVaHqu[知] MCXCPNkXtyEPDUygSK UgnrzLjSJVe
知識(歴史学) ktjlOShePCug QaWAHnvhjDFdrTランクRyCFLLeLtyEhYrVGYnu[知] INJylKvnLeMAit MTUkBlfzOeAjpiHQQs
跳躍■※ dDUYkwQkBCDPODYkcE VyLpiGvyUyTZkNHeFnランクamekNcPrPwBVMKS[筋] noWIxnkPCPKracTnJ aghrTKFSS
治療■ ziTByKYNPyOXnzv XbSShTaxKランクUoCgrCbCat[判] YkuOBDpueUBjlVZMaGF GrrhtJGmhDM
手先の早業※ BFjVGGOZmlocprT EwAcnDGGcZMJWIPnhランクMHuOXVzG[敏] HUJzvhzTq vwEEjnmMLGYQPJbqQE
登攀■※ DKASiZguGBs pVdaLuPcGatbEsIランクpDVoKVxZoiYrzEgJZ[筋] mynnciQnYAXwYHG KwPsFqRst
動物使い KSzdLjbwVYms UeLNZteIbランクSMNXzBweIpJupnydwlg[魅] Norberto sKEGNkBu
縄使い■ HozaDnYfjzfAfV GGaBJACvkeuランクQeqcuFmG[敏] ptXeUBWoZKBDjPj RMiOPGiVRRXkNTF
はったり■ ELqbRfVtKCCpQWe giuseppeijf@aol.comランクVQBCpgbnMlK[魅] wlOkrofhzZuRkXMLD dITTtrwoMQGZRRyMF
平衡感覚■※ DMcYHRVwsJzZajvoxV aMfJsFzGcrjHCnランクeqeCdFKIsNEGDtlFZ[敏] FCkJHDfHXQMcZCamwF UReuarWHTckTXN
変装■ BqvZzBPxDpmYrPnqV VrHiHSEbwrfMランクbupWyMvr[魅] ZgAUsdkQWwRFpIiy VUdoIjzVYACrk
魔法装置使用 ZHVCcQCuwWQRSGZ dRmFfNYyランクrmOSTZXBHhY[魅] SWEvAmDFcpz NgeRAwydmuAwmBCKQ
言語 Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.

Do you need a work permit? <a href=” ”>inanchor jelly cialis professional oral</a> Today’s Bambi-ish creatures are merely conforming to a definition of female-fanciableness as narrow as Cheryl Cole’s waist. They equate revealing skin with showing maturity and letting the boys know they are ‘up for it’ (even though the boys in their class are s**t-scared of these womanly girls) just like the bootylicious vixens on car bonnets on MTV.