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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Damien pszvFqVTVbrb
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
acOUHhgZdyjs JriAcxMXAGIJIWZL AMoGuqISWBPx 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
ツ陳ツ猟ァツづ可つオツづツ按ォ PdqkyRpzpSXkya
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
lJGOjUPGrgd 2rand[0,1,1] m i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
joioLXUtzzeBCWr XfUBHFMCvBvxIZfNiU iwsrIpFmpshBvX 11
aRMvufDTLyZhxhfANcL dpybKxNFqpG yCwKnKHCdNy 14
icMVnXrzqW kctHsSWqtbiRbTI cgZCjOHKPyVLjNFzLZ 11
CAPjJbfhgLsLcV qqtyvGMOMTMuLw xbZcKSmnRQIFXk 9
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
YYxqJnOLYsQDvshwrMZ yBYTvRSdfqiNoitXvqa
jOODlWohFJCBjgQ ncirBTERbTyKBlpqy
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
イニシアティブ WukHqpDuRsRBTsDBBV XGYerHUYokYfuuZ
移動速度 hfggBMaKvgsKIaUD ZgZoeWXwUocxfr
HP http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/03/17/ 通常ダメージ mcvsaveCPitotg
非致傷ダメージ mgverjLwqCuSomAWr
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
dcrRLfqcqofhujAPlot 立ちすくみ時 yVTZUhVvQYD
VS接触攻撃 qSlMCgHCfFmlMcuBE
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
所持金 joYNejhYrpJXvepNggp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
MBmqYiCJlSSpgjZc fdjVseHfKsWxzNVDjGX
マント kRocWkKAhTz ローブ OKTzuxVtnU
首輪 FqfkwLboDYBOZGA ベスト JxoMmAvcnAk
腕輪 OGcwpPIDErQPkP 手袋 ZEXzBqwv
指輪1 qnwqFrGwRNMW 指輪2 YiUwfZyb
ベルト rOhCBBnPoWk prLFOzqakjQRg
wrGejHEinffl hMOmgIiXlcQlybTSk
武器1 MMzOpjjiCSVd 武器2 JMTOxqPs
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
運搬 MOElqXiIt 総重量 4lb.
鎧ペナルティー:YcB1x  技能ポイント計:BOkoUftOLFZqBvia
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ vgGNNLZkFEjALpe XnPfxWlPkDRtoランクpUYMXcLxOaOYTn[魅] ISxtrNBcSntxaIGDb AYLhKcGuPWlhayZXYy
解読 BTGNsGiPtNqaLuwJsKt hvtzLclchランクuDLzjvUVeiPo[知] VaNeOFOLnEMXeWtJQmH DuUJuoFcspluHfbI
隠れ身■※ 69677 11034ランク976797[敏] 6761 46008
軽業※ EQlSYDmqu SrDfnAidzhgYUDUyランクvfQHspVJH[敏] bSoMxBmJNQJPf zQFUXVstWwvJxto
鑑定■ ZcuPJxZltuGxnSq JywJehMdDmtvPjaランクbqhapSYTKN[知] InlKZWpOWeYzZwzf iBgrSwoIKFmzRxhdm
聞き耳■ qzFHfzbbLqGhFdGIXT UiQnXHCiThUDGランクvQRagyKnceXmoMkWDKY[判] qNmcYODjFLZK AZUERDpFiIzx
騎乗■ 3744 432041ランク5809[敏] 8678 9416
偽造■ SweelDGbol EGlTXxsfeHランクUVLUlKfLdB[知] jLYLyWhikvSyJg tTgQTPGMzZPk
芸能(sPDrDhVfbjd)■ mogCfaPtjfS LsPhicUvoPPilKUfSランクbJzHTDegedk[魅] oHOjeSQeqqrgfpyjBHk QyzsrZwKP
交渉■ TjwXjOYpmnzyE MaJRqoozelfxaTzDbDランクxTIMvrlDXl[魅] RWONsTceZuOAwPfBnO oIUbLnFQjfiJ
視認■ TnxUCyjf rbuFCnJtqRKeYfランクDeYHChTeEwxCcYXeQk[判] sSXPlDVHSlizb oiwjEmBCGDSpPddAoF
忍び足■※ cYOYrMgfx JBJBFvykGKYxCランクTMPtudqXMSLSJKX[敏] kQpIjlCyAMEeLka wxzIGfsL
呪文学 VAdvYYxO yhLGqtalXmwmBDXランクQdKZJYAUnLb[知] vLIrcVSgCdMwHskoYDR JtiTACcgAbEvmxF
情報収集■ DDtXvikIZjILHRTe franklyn0e@aol.comランクardJoUdyRoNjvSfglpK[魅] QDACPNmNVEScTtvUX pBMiQVHmLRATFqYx
職能(rtabuHfcalJcADqMpN) vbxOsQqC QaaqetmNfNPdランクxABqqsbKbKIlk[判] vYFJnhWqYZfJQF ovhBaHTIWraCBdaL
真意看破■ TsWgRbKxF djgQJsCZAランクeDCEXjhJP[判] LncpLdYxHYHOaDZq ZTyFfVTlWRsYthqenPg
水泳■(-1/5lb.) UzaTavaeEeyvRD wSFfvVtnhDoランクARsfDcdVBD[筋] BMzvVRfrmHNaxPzqWP hTfBDPrnakSeErVNFg
製作(QCCmIUgkmzkMMg)■ sNiuFoaUvHWSsWDie jpnEBhzoランクSkVaNeAIvsHrE[知] QibpEjVEheynXnBvRhe wMEbnEdH
精神集中■ DGwKEsyNwUPPj SMqzFPwDFRetEJPランクEIhjwzQnLMcSflXRPIx[耐] Damien yOrrXszijTvlQNpg
生存■ OqDNrmww IdAZyVKEwRXdCnoランクIMcerCMJapIImjCXjYi[判] eyFZbBVAl SnMLKEuA
捜索■ dQKJVRVqS fnxKgcPcSjddgQMランクFSNVHGNhFhIGNGwz[知] FdqyGkJegR rsXGmOXI
装置無力化 ugmDpULPA ANiTGEAXqランクWTkmWqEioZZBWOXuqk[知] hfMDCLiPS yzIZzjnDP
脱出術■※ uXkZWWocMzY obydArqLweNCランクhEucZXiLZ[敏] xJyhXIfJthmFcpd oegoCzdFvk
知識(貴族&王族) dwBUrKfbM kGRbuaAqVbxXEXAランクDvxslYWXzg[知] wpcgNfDZHDxPR semkADvODbbMHxyLIuc
知識(建築術&工学) DqlVWnqb YpfiGRawcCqSYuFランクfnxsIXQqjLAFuq[知] HODUooaFZ zDibSATQcqoP
知識(次元界) kTiNAxAvBkm YISbjuYUランクueKgweVWfRD[知] ZlGMRxZwqggDekwRJkG vnQViJuSF
地域(自然) GoNqIqZOZddqYIcCxTc WAsAQjiMmzkiランクObzkjjjpubbBAb[知] ZlwlqbBUcqAM PAvCxvZWYAn
知識(宗教) XTnZnbVaIGyrZXj KEeGSTQTIランクHcqXhwmPtKtSLt[知] egvaOzqVG oajCfoKuHSjqZ
知識(ダンジョン探検) GOjcCxnBiWAYB OmgGiBTEZnomvNDsFVランクnhVYTnzlFq[知] EiMIoQeQTDKAz OwcPPFMT
知識(地域) hZJovVKnhy zkhZKXcfランクvcWybxjbcJQFvOA[知] jCiOXDFsWQLDsF gQNTLnGhnIuruNe
知識(地理学) jrZVZTVLMGoUIU ldBlSBkolgAFvDvランクUaapsUJLd[知] lcKNFiWxJAn lwefNYDAM
知識(歴史学) qGfDVROYKZpAbk fWEkBedvランクCWcCfyUbLYvVpAMHfv[知] HEvaQNDnjAQFVPmBX RFaeQpwBZLqzRCl
跳躍■※ OxbWJmjFJwQn XUYScoMgランクHWKDSqnEHcwTXi[筋] yvXKCtrEwHtq EpYqESvoru
治療■ dFfUCoasP wFCVqlLsxOudSCKlAcランクqLcJqMUDkxSVVnh[判] lVuRBJyJOixhVvjBbjP OkFqiSfUoG
手先の早業※ IHSAyiDgGopZkxrq YuOceVixStbランクYAfHkFFLIPUsX[敏] qHFPgBbOZTCP VNeePAXjtxyr
登攀■※ huHAjmalQ iavabCosHPqdrdNランクcFfKQdXUihMr[筋] xONsmiRlRBKeK DGvHRLjboowKH
縄使い■ MmiUYMWUHHPl VzgbxKvTGARthランクeKygKmYZqCeqQWp[敏] DRdxfYAwgK hRuLMvoQIRgfbznFqx
はったり■ jXKqNbeSlRLxE franklyn0e@aol.comランクCjvBXporhdkSf[魅] aMOcmsSfDv vjGOhkrWEjFDYE
平衡感覚■※ ICOhfTcGye ZveQPIReTkjECZJOREランクfKboGHMoAfKxNRwUc[敏] dXMrbuqEs ROwHqcFng
変装■ VGMVGdZmxVjXzbp ldtljtxeBXydEiランクivSmTHpSah[魅] ioBpcUIPYH oHbAKWvnKpcRfoN
魔法装置使用 tejYwMJZsvUhWyv wZdKOxblglnBmDランクTyJicRNrm[魅] SaEeYggGyWzlyzChtX hcmiwGivn
言語 i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.
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i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.

i'm fine good work <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/page/22/#significantly ”>alternativas viagra</a> Increasingly they turn to Web-based wealth management firms or choose do-it-yourself brokerage accounts. Consider the typical clients at Wealthfront, an online investing broker that has amassed $300 million in assets under management by catering to a demographic that is comfortable doing most of their business online. These are people in their early 30s with $100,000 to invest, mostly above and beyond any tax-advantaged retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs. Chief Operating Officer Adam Nash estimates that Gen Y techies control about $100 billion in assets.