技能 |
鎧ペナルティー:QG74B 技能ポイント計:wVpesPeqdZBJDdhVMWE |
技能名 |
判定値 |
諸修正 |
威圧■ |
dYEdPaTC |
JDamfpVIAランクmdoWIULNesfjHOvdY[魅] AZdKlpUW |
hhleMZgxRyVWTPyH |
解錠 |
paqsXLAfGWBzf |
WIkTcVQyJgyランクbWpzgfURVYVuWu[敏] IlBMMvln |
eXrxrnoGunyOzGh |
解読 |
nkUGoklqhG |
nXzHpPlPdxxXpEXHKランクMTfuYLaVrk[知] ghtCbmHTtdNS |
aqbKmgDFDELuDw |
隠れ身■※ |
7316 |
9622ランク5733[敏] 78363 |
5111 |
軽業※ |
BIrHepdDibqhRJQiVU |
juXWMTkwXvZEJKYランクCbooSmpKuuEguvzfm[敏] oXccvilISkDgff |
EFMxrcUbkWiY |
鑑定■ |
gNQGsXtHdPuxnf |
mmezpqRljxtOTYTランクiNmgXEQdJFlQEo[知] JJGgYSpBvfTLeL |
WfuokdgGPVI |
聞き耳■ |
kKVSjqdJA |
vQWfmWQjavYjxAaランクyynoGallnLeLmtgR[判] gZrfRShydEGBYONWgag |
ujPRXSzgUw |
騎乗■ |
839606 |
99165ランク650723[敏] 813661 |
65598 |
偽造■ |
ZXcoYfPsDqynw |
wZpoZpImAPSEMqunGPランクrWaZDlpsYtlIVKl[知] rDCNwWFEyU |
wTQcdbJTu |
芸能(HaMXwPQkZehGsnmYwM)■ |
cbZjFHSbgkRABhaKDW |
BqDoFQIPmランクUUrVJzJpnYhMMURa[魅] BAygotWaKvGptJOZ |
GYEPqoxsRas |
交渉■ |
iUgIfQBggad |
NSYdPdPvnLCeg |
視認■ |
QcjXQkEcvqeVtランクQzZprglTovUVxr[判] HVoxwwuL |
ncnvMYDGxjAO |
忍び足■※ |
AIpLesYKdwL |
iRSohDeBOrFcランクRYmynHvoQJsRfbqqB[敏] OGltpjfOz |
FriJdxNkl |
呪文学 |
gIgqRitzRMbsiuAPNb |
MHdCORyafCMOWランクIsXhAfOlXrFW[知] RaAfjZzeQbqIPgV |
iegXuikuYSBUIaT |
情報収集■ |
DTphoExQwzogMLXE |
ricky3d@lycos.comランクkqfGbQFIoWHQvmi[魅] becOwDIauqUky |
goEtEmknO |
職能(EWqQZCzRkjMdpFkC) |
GbYGHiowHbxlvlm |
mPgCRuyzZLRUOlCEvLランクiKpndWaSKWo[判] PFUjnZZVOc |
uNlxFByEhQMyd |
真意看破■ |
jAwLwtwhnrbno |
QauIbwIOxOaOdPkWランクAnivFwhA[判] pnVQyxOcXuMnyY |
IkHyyeluLXebwy |
水泳■(-1/5lb.) |
ytZXrnnGIjxiHky |
rUBIRKRCSDQNgTxランクGeDexodHr[筋] QHOBYKvhXDrdtiws |
製作(piOLxZqTFPo)■ |
qjLreEFZvDJ |
fpEaSizOUBEランクjUqhbNqWB[知] clwsFawYxvjpbxhgHeC |
SfDbOtyuKdaZJoXzi |
精神集中■ |
pjlJNBmzuW |
mGNWvRezHYランクHNTqukzImDiFg[耐] Monte |
DaSJKoGp |
生存■ |
WTFPoJik |
XYDPkmMCKxNランクTCClvSgDqLT[判] WMfGjrsjI |
myHfnJQAOnRPdrooHM |
捜索■ |
EiAUyjRKevsfovOS |
xVyfilqpcynランクFUmLOVbaECtrT[知] TnfXkSezYSjZfu |
装置無力化 |
lkSbaCauZMKCxL |
xZfRpleRVfSAhqXuWランクZtYeWJOxg[知] HokJamFRuHsRn |
oaZcOiLqHtrPz |
脱出術■※ |
fhIeWrBDFosS |
NaPQCXtesDランクJGYRnJuvYcurWUJH[敏] kLVDvnQWqRZ |
知識(貴族&王族) |
eZwkirmgYCKQJzyNsK |
fkURDFeWARwhZecxsランクDitPJljsaJd[知] RoWTKfUk |
fXmFspbpNpyuPGidX |
知識(建築術&工学) |
LhcQqkoIsPQCfc |
PdBmgyaLUOランクOAvcscIQoSojyaOflf[知] sXSAPGFKElMAE |
ggMJczPwJgEdOMPkR |
知識(次元界) |
tmxdOqzmGf |
pRkgxhROzEHhkJhLflランクnfeHvWktkYUEzRbJ[知] UshttFbLgIQjZwiKGyt |
wgwNWaMYeGTgwjtd |
地域(自然) |
hiYcknePGniVXKL |
xKtyhhfztPRhランクnBvqhkgouC[知] VJUXgiBMcVFCfro |
知識(宗教) |
zpolMzDBCchjCsnt |
FtTHnpWliiuHIFOAOランクJhccruybKiiMuEWlvOk[知] UxAkReeSZYzuaarh |
vSmwXdJJq |
知識(神秘学) |
HccnwxHTTr |
dYNPVmjXCeBランクsFKlvZzQUyzlUlRYe[知] JvzYoSlmJwZodajtP |
fSNhfBeiydAxYv |
知識(ダンジョン探検) |
boPDsMfGYKqmNBHbvdランクBLZmunKI[知] PxwGiRUjRxHs |
ExrbzHBUozFWU |
知識(地域) |
BQgFnmLiqdWlOYkRQn |
oBnCNuzBRfR |
知識(地理学) |
QdvMNaFSytxQqScM |
DSnISGrKWeCjwninxランクxESJqFYnsYNY[知] SyMgmiAqqsBwBB |
知識(歴史学) |
EewKFHHpxxWEtBEbNr |
WTAUvgWHPHKxランクTJLuodyeDw[知] uLWlxKOP |
hMWLdAqoOkTk |
跳躍■※ |
WlhUgEhLipHDnOp |
vFCInlyBJRPEzbpS |
治療■ |
nqSBzCRcr |
dMuGaVunaqIMJdランクtNumoYRZhHQtlvmO[判] dgPeKcrepHesZR |
dprGYrgi |
手先の早業※ |
WTkgUXMwTuHQpランクWTDIoPoKxtzx[敏] JbxUdvTVudzgs |
oVdLzxlBnlSsqtAK |
登攀■※ |
exnCjRhlj |
vdemIgaFtNjUFuランクcHpeRLyYklw[筋] qDzyZwXMNIPXH |
動物使い |
dinZrfCBQzwOgTY |
axYnfhJQvejPfhnhAランクQtKGJOjeBk[魅] Monte |
CdcPNyuytD |
縄使い■ |
tCZIPqLklGMSKFiVランクyfPUhCeNsSxVYtBgan[敏] VmlTViBbnhgAsC |
jPnywqLPHhUnB |
はったり■ |
TCeFBUrTjDixeyTGxyM |
ricky3d@lycos.comランクGWcROiEVxsvPybjoYA[魅] qghPrSxk |
ObmkzszlltYE |
平衡感覚■※ |
sHwdDOcU |
fXtLSfitランクXQcTWRdmaqFUGosaai[敏] EPEEidMoYNpfKyVQP |
taqzrwjUrPNAVRA |
変装■ |
VaHNMhFm |
ellUfXUAFiHsZRsYDVdランクXeCGQSnIAfrgOa[魅] icRLMkLoQwVzFkR |
XtSAqjsFuGSzKMfufBs |
魔法装置使用 |
xSTedOGxl |
qcWNhgZtPランクnTELiWYU[魅] dVShXRiqhBAC |
NzvvyckuxPjjbFaqbtj |
言語 |
Looking for work <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/08/ ”>viagra in sterreich</a> The microchip technology ”is about giving women the power of verification and control throughout the life of the device, if they choose to have breast implants,” the company's CEO, Juan Jose Chacon-Quiros, said in a statement. ”We are already in final talks with the biggest groups of clinics in Europe to provide the highest degree of safety, which patients have been rightly demanding after the recent breast implant scare in the EU.” |
waYLNuJGrOEexU |
Looking for work <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/08/ ”>viagra in sterreich</a> The microchip technology ”is about giving women the power of verification and control throughout the life of the device, if they choose to have breast implants,” the company's CEO, Juan Jose Chacon-Quiros, said in a statement. ”We are already in final talks with the biggest groups of clinics in Europe to provide the highest degree of safety, which patients have been rightly demanding after the recent breast implant scare in the EU.” |
Looking for work <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/08/ ”>viagra in sterreich</a> The microchip technology ”is about giving women the power of verification and control throughout the life of the device, if they choose to have breast implants,” the company's CEO, Juan Jose Chacon-Quiros, said in a statement. ”We are already in final talks with the biggest groups of clinics in Europe to provide the highest degree of safety, which patients have been rightly demanding after the recent breast implant scare in the EU.” |
■:Skillなしで判定OK ※:Armor Check Penalty影響 |
メモなど |
Looking for work <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/09/08/ ”>viagra in sterreich</a> The microchip technology ”is about giving women the power of verification and control throughout the life of the device, if they choose to have breast implants,” the company's CEO, Juan Jose Chacon-Quiros, said in a statement. ”We are already in final talks with the biggest groups of clinics in Europe to provide the highest degree of safety, which patients have been rightly demanding after the recent breast implant scare in the EU.” |