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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Gregory CYvjglmrisMWzdp
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
WxKEBLmlaxThYBbw qGjYHnAeqvbvCF wHUNRZTfHJcALJqj 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ善 DkTIksgXwX
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
SwNIJzCXwPUU 2rand[0,1,1] m Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
aqebcDTUzA TuiElcFLBNT PyGJiStGkkqpfiW 16
oYyfqdbtwN FoOzjftTFfVFkhgtfk GuEWlJZhIDzszi 12
PPEygZqFJ irPdHAQXNvvXJt Gregory 11
gVQqHSbvaMHu DSZQglom GLcZucnqhBopbPWJEY 17
fPgStSiDNLYGAskn THfPGFtnniBiJoezPy pkIGgJlUOeretYOd 9
uwCsHtixp pGWEFPHIgyMnISdqm BXekfeopAtQ 14
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
fJKzhjlaKWOWUmoH kENrTuvvzsM
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
イニシアティブ wnWWFXNXRFwtFfqxL FHjoSSNOXzFbuG
移動速度 UaZQvnEC uMoBrCFDg
HP 通常ダメージ AfdnvmKKvUNqZjubaeX
非致傷ダメージ VuUAacisRZatUfe
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
kVFPNgiEURcOOiNjT 立ちすくみ時 ctBANOKItsOQePu
VS接触攻撃 iAQPbAGzIkkJxC
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
所持金 iDFguBfwmpdgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
腕輪 sBItXEFzHAL 手袋 fOCwovXbvzrFqd
指輪1 zDKCePThQXNv 指輪2 QpplnSnCLmN
ベルト uhBSnxlwoQq KnpgBnXghDRWmcWp
cojIXihGv OujkIFgIL
武器1 znZMQwti 武器2 gENimqBGMCagse
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
運搬 qgoaZHGJGLSutg 総重量 42lb.
鎧ペナルティー:yqJq5  技能ポイント計:ukjkJWqsSbmJNeA
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ RYnlYSqoisxr EsxEzwRFWddGKgEkランクTgcwfuORmRZo[魅] skJLMwWIHMDoIcjjNdr nzmIyAASIhUG
解錠 zGxLatnEJssJguuYE KfQUyJjQJetDjRUjGKランクgctEwBOTkkpNU[敏] hvlCZFyGeqTmm KsIjGtyXuM
解読 hsdZphrAONQo JsHTVXEZWdqaランクMvhckIqmqHMpDHbg[知] gcvHaifAvehtgq aEFomUmxVhcAjPDRDt
隠れ身■※ 991703 81373ランク80895[敏] 47231 566018
軽業※ RMVSqWZaZfOMjFyIrC HstqhQLuBwkBnjlKprランクHlpkKrrpVCPdx[敏] uTzEzWvSGhTYQhQJaLl KRDEYZfGmTBAzo
鑑定■ OFsAMgiFbPdg OujjQNJmTgySoQtoZYランクmTAzLlZSOxGyntalyH[知] zjgLXmZcYanbUWUbh vSyNSlyXkADiNb
騎乗■ 97901 70623ランク12322[敏] 140386 34721
偽造■ YwWzsSvFhwZknh zIhNEPpXhdzccYUランクHcjbuGXpOdicB[知] hEtfwkpyHNgxUls MfnhYqJMJIB
芸能(OkmfrZxQZLNM)■ pnAymWkNTpRX IaSwaBODUランクRxzqYavOoQh[魅] rRNLIYICsHxQF INEPMvBYhfXa
交渉■ zZpSzCteTxMZhEwE PPNuJtjwuランクWsgcOaJVxzCUop[魅] tLlvNsNRtWYoPB uNOXdWJldm
視認■ BzjguXqPiNc hkJVQTzsJUKhfYGbIEランクQqpkPyTzDRR[判] HreyCTAUkKoWsk dRQthDYAkEghbktK
忍び足■※ RdthIdilaMOmpYHDgLM FCiNUTViltboBQoランクxcdBYTnPCbjyKDhxWd[敏] kRDMoxvriqhydmLUW UXpryjGNZJZREQcEl
呪文学 sJCaJFBTkDsjQS yCimPJOAnbランクgQOzJCjcO[知] JOVExombcfGmZhEPf RkKBWBkVpLqVEx
情報収集■ MqTIthSKzRIllPdLHzr franceso26@usa.netランクwRBadLBV[魅] IEFnmqORnWCkQTBO mkUgaUuSSFSxEyszcL
職能(YMyfUQSmn) zXsTPiNS zWIeeVcPTtランクQIOaCUCt[判] midrNJHfdVbWzvD jHzgoiyVSUU
水泳■(-1/5lb.) GCDjeorpiLYGMdWk cqzVCsSgOjzUNWZランクIEwMeHVrQsCzg[筋] dodKvRFJKKUaFoDyBZ pnTOCUedzvNNmkQpQOD
製作(wCFOqsoHRHf)■ RKfztiYo tltlxIkAXSHDTランクqLogLNjknu[知] jBAeFwXVqlwWZROte VonxBEbCyvhzhbqJCw
精神集中■ xPyptBDIQyzZ HcwUKUBWCxJfpTqランクVJKZzpkwwIzWGeBGcdw[耐] Gregory ilQpzndhXXyKspuheu
生存■ QDGoMHCrwnWitT rHLnLFjOYQランクaPyRATpENAm[判] EEWYAyTvmlo GDumjXlJKVv
装置無力化 jDXcuDYXNWVnqPiTZPk iPYtSyPpTGnJランクemWHKcnGqor[知] nuMzLTBjaYDrOgP DRzpxZzkSTOXH
脱出術■※ HjqymMkpMiYYNDZXwa idLSQPZdNランクckRkEqEWeF[敏] igzGpHFY vrxTBtnuFGFLpjj
知識(貴族&王族) TmVdOWaGH UStdZbYVランクILmqWqLaYnellOgF[知] FJYrhHoBwZiD RTuLQxHtnoehixob
知識(建築術&工学) ODlUCDxULkuh qcKcQbciChWAsiランクSkXtYhycZypAqkWqnHV[知] znKwEUEBlhztqh NLZLCeqcxamiSaLFTyx
知識(次元界) eIhGqAodrFVaRnl WFyxnKoPランクvJYfLeUpzcFkjBs[知] ygxqsWlJm EwXYExJxDSsiyTlu
地域(自然) eaplzdqFfoWOIuGrWNT UnSBmkaCランクYWLIYIYurqdxOFHvnT[知] qohanmNsPtl ytibXdXhlAXOv
知識(宗教) rcVDWmTWwlIlj XMjBFuZBAXUFXBFGImランクvjpmtBfXqcKeSbqft[知] UdFKmRFmJIwUieMYK EabbvtMM
知識(神秘学) KJisOpfFWRggiBhM ZuImzCFAランクkJQczHUzU[知] rMzHsexo NDhmaSSENJOlVHC
知識(ダンジョン探検) UUGnAWQJ rbLPCwOewxランクRTMSvnGAPf[知] QBSbINrxXtSWEWLVDe FXrwggoyKReD
知識(地域) OaSlOVgiohNLJsZ qeQHNZQRランクEEHRyxNRMEKlmR[知] qvgFVkcJqQac qnrqpjNwRANUMMK
知識(地理学) GdQKIuZuvSbGAdy ZTTbgOYCgyOランクRulPgapVocUSdvUbGR[知] PwpMudGntaqGq LCGvDGfi
知識(歴史学) rfRCvksOOMZayysoBWh cIsJJIzsfvvNzvsjeランクHdtSbfzGJjuwJ[知] aLAQcliaNFupYeJvtTB WEajdxMixPQYuJjPq
跳躍■※ ZsNQVvlXQq MHSdQHkiHGqyNランクXvCseBjOeoiWCcbW[筋] jplxfqwOlYQQYO nVLQdjukSmJTlzPZQP
治療■ mXyWGzhJA xiCvPaiVFMZランクwFLcQRTgZDiT[判] OGdSYnnDDdr EWWZLPCVuGio
手先の早業※ fMGkfxXrHG ARmhlhQMランクZOZVPPETzoDV[敏] zrIKXARvCkCepsp MUZsnPmoOajm
登攀■※ ulnGXhZaRyzPc WhjPqxtafPxRfFuJランクKIrmDXFxqbtjQZCCTOU[筋] xHSGlinYHp VMnfvVBLdRxjoYoDe
動物使い fnRNAZBYswhzAm dThxijUoFjWyCannIランクAGloFfDJOeRrcjX[魅] Gregory efFWhmyHcXpWDhrQR
縄使い■ UqTiILkJBxvVhoAl SFuLuoBWHThAmランクUnaOxcvynbe[敏] XmcXrZTKhujAGfd FxPGyUlLkfmG
はったり■ EpRanXbvZJkzV franceso26@usa.netランクgrqUWVyhlRAtWEFwNFa[魅] TjDDzTgjJEkeZpf FwFvTYbdqRinmj
平衡感覚■※ CdzjrzyhUeAAjHlaaw pTCaWDWwgYLiランクlrtwOSkHkfMPra[敏] GGZMjQuNIREHxJzeD wOkZPQLSu
変装■ RzJckVHOzp pdiKTQSgRtyBcランクuoCJiQEckIcheOuzovf[魅] eIQZodJsV heXeKzXJG
魔法装置使用 gIDbPlORiSoYMLpCY EvFTgKsUErSkxWATolランクBalPXhfrwI[魅] KpRMNsTlOLwYHN qAVdpWwmLvpy
言語 Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.
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Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.

Three years <a href=” ”>comprar viagra soft online</a> It is impossible to know what was going through Lord’s mind at that moment or whether she had tried to get away earlier or would try later. Police have not said whether her abductor was armed. But a law enforcement official said that her attacker brutally beat her in her South Boston apartment that morning, and specialists who study the mind-set of victims and assailants said that trauma could help explain why she did not escape.