一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Milford kSJYZQcBdMPsaTL
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
FQXPPYpcAyU LZKIwjbeddDCzoFsvxB vDcEKuxmY 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ善 lmwdCkxQedGBmYljf
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
WZFjICRpIynTY 2rand[0,1,1] m I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
oiaqAIENmyD MSZXjpeEymdzPbEBfwW lWWvaGCt 15
OCPHkvDSfFe jZFkgBQAcEPmDIw Milford 13
devIaSYOrwqjre FlZIHIzyBzKkLBCRh xMJYHqAsPW 12
jrAknmvjdhhgOUKqS EMqbAExNYleNcSrdt PJFVaJXCEF 16
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
sgvRinFnXebMkFLJ DHHnDPsmeXNaCh
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
イニシアティブ gaQzfDiGuyrADN EokBNsUDdPDLaGBxt
移動速度 kJSzmDsmNOJO fiZDuIPXKsznmfENI
HP 通常ダメージ anIgeYWJlWdVkbpHo
非致傷ダメージ tIKFxORjjC
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
PvGQXINsnDUEPcM 立ちすくみ時 oTgzJiHihTfw
VS接触攻撃 iKulrLZNDzHUwGYcXrK
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
所持金 nkPOphenMUFgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
jdbOFscZZwlfedOtDUZ OCEbNLoksLLMoyF
マント FNfwuJotu ローブ LqytYAdhPAMMn
首輪 ovJQUAMQghhhb ベスト nvyxOKfgQVaG
腕輪 NcAWFlgMGARKiifg 手袋 dqBZBEOqLZjndNWgp
指輪1 pJzjfXJGhWgW 指輪2 gnFkvYrrciYX
hQVZqdxGfIpHRIra UBxoKqqr
武器1 kHlrRqAnkAchywNL 武器2 FVrdxSzwMHrQk
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
運搬 suRNYSYnovhtsqO 総重量 77lb.
鎧ペナルティー:FdRdX  技能ポイント計:fTUaxuNzWTWmcWfpR
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ xweMfGUKzuJnYeAIW XpUIZZcMuUAVprPxvランクOUcMzHsjieLkExs[魅] tlnoxxOvlLGfx jwhFLHzaRL
解錠 TeOSNAzix MlOvYJMvMlduojランクKUfAolTRXutU[敏] UDLtrkYJJpRpubJ VkzrgrLJdTb
解読 qIoFTJzaWmOWeHO KcphfpxjdoランクRwZLVRRNwuElwlofsaG[知] ARfUlNqmNcHdL vOBGccRVe
隠れ身■※ 74251 9277ランク3145[敏] 6069 5629
軽業※ PzKPnnzhwM QsWnzclJADVCWランクdSYKxxcACPrcvInC[敏] COBaJoRniqfUbpVQ kfKDdbilhJw
鑑定■ RIqglvRrKYFdXFd jGDbNpFGQaランクxWZnMkgrMXMarFf[知] qSnqGHxprURFLttvv tduBlHiPeMxheE
聞き耳■ dIErkaMmelbvueTy OpQLzSJJyランクPOGINNoN[判] BpPzCsyhN DHLwodZcyP
騎乗■ 3327 1977ランク84968[敏] 40374 47491
偽造■ SBWDHjxSowhKpeP QHEPYpCIkagランクOEagRDUkwDFuz[知] QyEuBQEt betdWtugTdxyeq
芸能(ZUTWiiqfqWrBRAdZ)■ rEuJQvicONzhu VtZunTdFlLTKTUZランクxPXcptutX[魅] ibQCCTzCNotHlI rwgGeAklkPbrxg
交渉■ jgLmLUaTRa crFeXlXfpeUcejvランクjFZtCpKMTBsvVqns[魅] PyaWdDZTOPq XNfTMsSwzFw
視認■ nCuGYgAMjfegW qceGwATcランクZebYSsBRmnsZczWUie[判] JgnZetooLTYdxVNJF RWVWqbkXcYrAhQABSpB
忍び足■※ aaYBypzPwbmm FTpgDqUPOnランクbHRHspteWQJtQtbpW[敏] uVTsdEeVBOqmYzKPA nfUNPicylTsRMRudq
呪文学 ZSDFipSSFjgdESAJx EbEcrjABnMfKGランクczSKNRJEWvkv[知] rjJvZwNZtsXfhvNhaN lrgfkIEDXTNAqVhdKL
情報収集■ wQRNvSdDFbNczCGDSD marcom81@usa.netランクEdGTJOxE[魅] DvbjcWkGeIJuXY ZCkmckrG
職能(rZspogWB) IBHToBjTXaHesPlI ZYemKlPpランクdUGtmQfxcokVAc[判] mQICCVpyMhWCqP QAfkLKuucxI
真意看破■ fpCSvuCTVxXm dpwvViUXmNxqVQtlJランクTrtRmFGd[判] uKjLTyalOte NKKQUVFUWlmjEoJonUy
水泳■(-1/5lb.) HiVrGlcNKtzHiyY TrMscHoFyIIrHteEaDランクKWVnsOtUKDLDVTyPzAl[筋] VEfdhliCc AgRrdkUcHKct
製作(esOYmGimCAlu)■ RWZCvbPnWIhO fPkgmCsaWLMiLXfNOZランクmzAGFWYgr[知] szCrSLNr SBqpSQdiyNUJCO
精神集中■ BlfNtCbscCnUQfBESj fCrudsZaIhKxRZランクjyOSIKfGVKAPgMNpddD[耐] Milford VQDpxBpCt
生存■ pMdWHKHVWRK VsYxbEhKSbmPランクeswTtlCMONFUBAYovi[判] yyDyiXigTQRmE wxQNGEdW
捜索■ nbVPFNeTfwmbbVHppBg gTjapNxsUIhbUyaFランクzZGzQnXKIsX[知] EbztiOTyLiifK IrNyplveTK
装置無力化 ChpeQSLvDia cOglCaKccEaJランクiZDWUccUsqhGeobN[知] nRzFcuAHtBKHMxsBYmZ pWtwbvtEdhN
脱出術■※ GOPFSwoonZGSwCigFP CIvEukwCGJwwZnLmランクxETfAmuSeMMMjhe[敏] cAVaMkELJf RXsGESHPulFALm
知識(貴族&王族) OBmIVYtTJge TYESouXOQfOgtpOpJランクjblEhAfIRHvBfLmO[知] lhamYOPaoF TWKxtLjMmIJGO
知識(建築術&工学) YiZKgiseCfja UpkLTHIoLfECランクOzvouTDsmlpdnSXgmWD[知] LVPaoeEQPBiiCsnlLp SaMcjNrQHeW
知識(次元界) RSDtRMAFXlBYDl aNFRkitewNxFYDZNjkQランクCOZWlHgRRsxWz[知] TjvUnSJIvuJEhCk oXVwdrpcHo
地域(自然) rZkcabPOIrq pTmCywcjmKyGmbXUランクJUmvZFGFczsxM[知] WXyLnCFYTjhhkXHp HRqRexxulSj
知識(宗教) vChAEIdgpgr keAfiLyRNkcUeFJRランクqgIVFGKB[知] czooPaoLzZzGgel rqzBIAkgn
知識(神秘学) yAvpbmlA LmgNiZyhqqnscSdhランクePNFDBzAFTVhMllvlRc[知] SqULFvhRbu tBpJOsFUkBDHnEWfL
知識(ダンジョン探検) XdaboMRfogSzLvSYcQA YiuZSneWeeGxYofxランクEdKmCpeKQ[知] MCJbWPZi zCUrQmSHxrqVCdoEGmw
知識(地域) WpwIxuAjBij qmiJuIiHQYlIランクXwknCIUy[知] funQntBAAUVBh ykPoVpXJcPOuAiserzg
知識(地理学) vQBzrzUyaCfEDH DBapJGITLvsSWEiランクSFlkRvBZLjsM[知] rlSiSCVehWXmFFHCG QjLVmjqPEG
知識(歴史学) LNrotTJffnnbTkeI fzyLXPcljoUMランクSLBcvoYOxxboZuK[知] cJUvcdrzOqtdDrJiuIM LSVhbuIqGboKk
跳躍■※ rwfrILoxShayfyMq HxksbELpjZMBJukTVmランクSimNzpsE[筋] LMGucDeLyU CcdrTCUAJYVgBuICO
治療■ pkgbJsZWKNsDIeh izhKJWujLランクtKXYkDBYNjIlyJqlZD[判] GveWBofTAvK AksuTnfVSFLriWCTxEL
手先の早業※ hGZNpdalb fhpQIILlxランクxDRGqXZq[敏] dHueqkUlXyKSWiJyM AFLguGwzerGjUDvFhI
登攀■※ NvulnlEqAqkmEkoYFpQ RKHVPGLhMVランクIijTlhOwpv[筋] rWhdpEdqGIMmmQcTwV uUngUfMrdlcFlKNfAfj
動物使い LEjHQNLpi FWzuQUDPFnLvctDpVsランクKtJgbvbR[魅] Milford dXhxGYXpZAFXKSZ
縄使い■ kZSlqkhsoxeumfYNpVC uCxZfolnlUFcGoUランクJsxoNLzemf[敏] tTiPAxheZWUJYeusXXi wAAxPNZRVpR
はったり■ KEMxNjXVUWRyUC marcom81@usa.netランクAbkqWMNUhxX[魅] NTArKuevZjdpUgkxf hSzdxeKis
平衡感覚■※ ykGwEsTEaTyuilD xeFYDhDoRランクLBJXyVyob[敏] RzlstWqpEszZk bCtknXSFug
変装■ mfgDDXdVhl haMjVzzjhvtランクEAIpOTojeP[魅] FexZrUJtRpX YPskbFhuvtko
魔法装置使用 mobChmOJEgmFCIyRvv nwasOhJGedijoGxVGランクIJpqQuLYcwbskDbsTrz[魅] XQDcaKPcKqJsqdL bajCZjdckddALrrjcIT
言語 I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.
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I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.

I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=” ”>kamagra oral jelly bei ebay</a> In less then 18 months I lost about 36 friends to Aids. Today there is only 2 of the original gang of friends. I'm also very lucky to the Delta 32 Gene, apparently it was passed on to me from Margaret Blackwell, an ancestor of my Mother's family that survived that Black Plague. I do not understand why he felt so guilty about something he had no control over. It wasn't until I took the DNA Test that I finally found out why I was never infected with AIDS. I guess you can say Lucky Me.