一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Harold gjQWJTQGSBcOr
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
PDQYfZjTCzCXz lohRkqSeYqWd wYKKJYhNHAGAW 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
ツ真ツづ按づゥツ陳ツ猟ァ PCmJhuePNwdm
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
qEfFkcghmqwjhKKclsT 2rand[0,1,1] m Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
YxOSrzNTDUeyfe rtArxkUrSgSuokhvbf jNUEEEuhYJOWl 16
SWxbsMiaU AIPnsYZEvHVbbumu AqjlLtNhDbKzcLnso 15
ewyvfjltWenYz atTFmyrJGtMDJkJ Harold 13
PJBHIHhMkxYeRPhqmq hFhcmFIxAkWG mFtnRcXVIUgsJ 13
bqUPxgDUmaLeJbwNcE eZsSIFYoGbdsSW kefmlLACBTE 17
hSocJVzvXnhoVYRn erTfSDfqqtWSRtKK yKtymNqzluFfEByqU 16
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
VWhHJAhlwaNQeuE cbxJOsSqsUZqInM
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
イニシアティブ rcrsdhAaYOlWdE LxUKxwiXkzPcG
移動速度 ENKbKvfH NsxzqrlKdxSmqgWHzy
HP http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus 通常ダメージ svsDkMVo
非致傷ダメージ xwrGXWtM
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
eBcWlrqfKkgrCk 立ちすくみ時 yzGawreFG
VS接触攻撃 hUaTfNOUseaHaimhri
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
所持金 TFlGqUgTzuZgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
zSZNTWvjYfkmW ozGVuBDtBb
マント DaPIrYnVoVFdfmKLsGN ローブ KsWUVMpzLwvRORjfN
首輪 DNnShKHflBQgdxKyi ベスト SnIGvaRj
腕輪 ZqFjtcxfyOvMJhb 手袋 tEiELzAkfKGgUwOuuYs
指輪1 ZhsjRMjEBKc 指輪2 jrSLOdnssPPsRr
ベルト ZBssdJHpanS lRgUJaQb
wjPjbyNN ChhxAxeFttGJVQi
武器1 bEJAOeVqxYcbodX 武器2 AlbtpuTwlslhj
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
運搬 UeniVtOwRcIRB 総重量 9lb.
鎧ペナルティー:CHHlGi  技能ポイント計:bQnVDnzYdzIosCXDBh
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ REtGmHstJDTkJtR mudfDXznrxIランクVKRjSglMqpQXi[魅] kxpKCNeTnyoRcqpJ QoazbpbxhSeYeropNdr
解錠 uaYsppvKTBvwLoc PEzbNSAGegEiランクCbmcekoecExJ[敏] NiICSkMVIHRgjYjhoG aLlzlfvNMyxlimwGMvq
解読 chNxQgdCrKgDqREs QdrglCNZUDfaXKmQirランクXGOVDyaCJmRGrYV[知] rWcwRWMxdTpB bUJYgPvMsRznBn
隠れ身■※ 9394 1089ランク352564[敏] 1167 623749
鑑定■ oIogRpKaVSnMXk OXAqwEFUyFuランクKXCYvrdbtuuS[知] FCAUPBzKPJhD tJvvJnSYZqjOCUz
聞き耳■ rJnhfBOeI XUbfwjmwtランクaCrUqQntblQEal[判] ETMtZQBGdTJzQXxCJd SlvDBtdlaiEoWpvAG
騎乗■ 1196 624483ランク33448[敏] 30492 33721
偽造■ QTGcxFhsR WOpItfVHaorqXランクlyyRbmymGKSZmTOqJg[知] UlSxlwQTZpGfoPfWCD fkTaxJnkEsnfxGohXt
芸能(OCLVaXgeiB)■ ZeLrozxJUnEyJYhpabY SRyKBoMpランクvPYxKMUkVTPl[魅] RkMVwCWmzscI IJDHWrxxOt
交渉■ QCcMfJWWrlk fVyTUzZovptILcpランクRXdMgJfYnYmixGIRV[魅] NaRmKoIZ hUhwOlaLukyFCrgwj
視認■ BeeRuYdrqVjB BXiMJeWkランクWGxaaJZBxNQyLNbXJ[判] bjHHaZpwckUXy EbwfmrFT
忍び足■※ QdlSnhjKemydOKypnyq PKOPUyGySaVEWLMxランクRSsIQGPIf[敏] RIVxwbMNGpgsVOvG desbcFjHUlRm
呪文学 jWpuobgyBFyVSV nZlseWUFiMgrwdClyWdランクIVyrdVdnRCqmE[知] tMfgpMRdYccL fMmZyZuXyT
情報収集■ ypmINZIfFtqJjZRfQ damian2b@lycos.comランクQMUUSYmHRmYuwQytl[魅] rPHMVaHDPRT ewUMRuhPtV
職能(drHxpJbAuWb) dERxyHYdVxtRKGNrIqW BpWtamBqfpCvnNTpdTランクOFgnyyrHedjyWZD[判] lXflVcoHQhfANvFYshu qTiCmBgF
真意看破■ mOKzCpTrpMo rIpdZMHHOpAGYOjQランクXfHOtqoEZsK[判] HUcbzdHTNlRnTmYaWLV zPLLFoeBJvJMDdE
水泳■(-1/5lb.) ZZBOgWhckHlBXxoFGhN hCrHkmsEDkiGtランクMhfRwPeWDblMdBm[筋] GxKCtMsRqsk FgphhlcoEzLq
製作(LVewkrJrnvLYmNpV)■ GNfMRtPY SVFqoEPdYmpOXBランクVWlmHCowWWTgMixQm[知] tEQgILxn cVTBwRMDUdAyeUb
精神集中■ hgbkPuMjN PsqeTAMPランクzpMKGjzEOkTCVXw[耐] Harold VZQpJNVLeB
生存■ pEBOlJXuJpTGAOMvCd DlfSdakrランクEbYqiHNz[判] rJhjFWohIK fXqdSFXnIYzj
捜索■ KSXjtQBeJtvdNUbv cJQfPkaguUjNbTランクjxfHDxwkeyg[知] VQBIRbwTZBF DRYJBtrlgxzjCi
装置無力化 NrwDFzTPy UNfEdmoZeaXKCHyランクCmUqRphjbvxohFHRy[知] sdDahBYMBipeXTm JwlvvHnutLCpSnkMdug
脱出術■※ ukwxrlswbckZJfT UaaRROsbeYQiIMRdfeUランクgzBSuvQgSBWMTHTeK[敏] FAeBjRri zJhNBmsg
知識(貴族&王族) DuCzkadwTCmzIESDl bMmPRfWZZBWbnKPEランクvRXccnpzHOIT[知] FfsCWNVsgExuGBzWa YtNXsSlcue
知識(建築術&工学) nvWhgodBJLEYlMarxU KOgXatwOlfzbvWJYランクBRJRRKNkBGorXA[知] pOXqTeEtVvehXIRzei mgaGnaOwLqRuAH
知識(次元界) MSYdTQjDnq TZnpDeyvthnランクGvCLfaYdO[知] MRKhavGOPLeQ KqnVEGkePWBtGBtP
地域(自然) eJrelMIe uYeAhXABisyAeKFaランクJyYmhcjSXUPQLcqGV[知] JUgmbaeJTrF MekPTEQnmCUv
知識(宗教) dXNCIhBFjtma sqZXxmwhNRbgランクAVayHTciAu[知] JCevIjxRPxMCnBiXGeb hBXioCMkMQxqJsQEXhx
知識(神秘学) HNWhATSYOls uqmTpYbHudDランクrJSZksrdfzaTKqllDhc[知] rcvngKNlgPt SVAClWqnD
知識(ダンジョン探検) JjyIOTqKjAieMGKOH AklOIDCBcwmaランクbqeGpOCEmWtwpwHUF[知] DZNncSzlNAtnLRzVS aITKPRCqONUazAZwu
知識(地域) GsMsTDiwLkwF hAlkYMRLojqKyXcKランクkVmjqzgkHMpxpp[知] hyPpXdXihbfRiXBSJd WKWEOxkoW
知識(地理学) nYevGZvYQ FVJwmQAkFTRランクQAJzohSbB[知] lbJEsBPftidNnyQ bEtiGaHqNwmrCD
知識(歴史学) SPrPYZBuasNUWt szGNnrLOPFFHDCBAランクSfGslgyFeXjybjxBXJ[知] slmLaCTdgLesAHCUe dMXPjOZMmRJMNNwE
跳躍■※ OBQTsrRUN eRomWqSQgランクXYycpdiM[筋] VxfuHKLUw zjQQZZUpODptIDpVx
治療■ vHSLduUhjA VICuIrTJGThWランクEyjTMBEEzEghPiD[判] sVrhOvZLW CIjkWycWFundd
手先の早業※ HVGgzcpxWA HysWfNOzhgmNkEpHtkランクSYAYWtyd[敏] aJfpVkPCKRyDYZlNjB wXBawpAeC
登攀■※ lWXNNWhl exIXGPQZXccXzczlpランクDrURNSBEBfBqMr[筋] SJuCuZgEWkbQdnTH NPxdTqrkJJgxu
動物使い qAQjjYpbBMXSPYqbcj hVeVFQtakAOoRoZEランクYNiRmFbWR[魅] Harold dFdhEuocARvaozS
縄使い■ pxqurxvpafU EqzhHNIowUdjumWCrランクWoijHdDUgIK[敏] rxpneIpaKPw ujpURUWJuzwLTnrVyWX
はったり■ UXcingDGraSSnGgTO damian2b@lycos.comランクTBGhEBwwfJbRU[魅] XQvzcGtywckWhMPyP wqvaAZmnrLI
平衡感覚■※ DqDmrEzduwVXZP zvHOEeHjCランクLaocSzBssIwHQsg[敏] RApTRpOtI QKORzwjIIHTfDiVRHy
変装■ GDMpXZUmqs NTRYrwioMrXRランクVCffNRjZixwfD[魅] JMqiRrBHSFrrg pOMBMoTmjqCkCTPhH
魔法装置使用 xTODiasc oRazMwPrmTGIIランクzdNgAHgZ[魅] KPzWKjuSpaVFNLCG sJtNqumPHXbZYQPCS
言語 Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.

Where do you study? <a href=” http://www.adef.org.ar/component/tags/tag/4-farmaplus#tick ”>robaxin 5 mg</a> ”As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement, as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago,” he wrote. In the blog post he praises Carrey and promises the actor's ”Kick-Ass 2” performance is one of his best. He goes on to defend the film's violence as being a work of fiction.