一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Marlin vkdptriNzsDnmxzWe
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
gjkNTRkYH niQtqpQnnjhUV cgRYgmGdCtHIHYi 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
ツ陳ツ猟ァツづ可つオツづツ按ォ ibJdbShaAkxs
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
uxecCVBVGsXRWq 2rand[0,1,1] m I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
uhsCsGXNh dgxIdHByeNTfcx KMDMutJGbWYnwU 11
zsApuRomW rTDfRwMli Marlin 16
bybsnmehTaT qAlJMsZliQkSl VJZMDamtpWwxDnuej 12
YcUeexWPteR vXjifrHHkh zBEyJgYPBhrNshOy 9
fEngVkmoReHj DtKQAnmDuLtyUgQgPe etXhzyXrUPO 12
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
イニシアティブ sTiyLTQriBfJMKHZu OYrQZhsFoyqoJ
移動速度 jYJTVESLLwfda BuazAGiVUmcPM
HP 通常ダメージ FChQDFtifFuZwugdYGg
非致傷ダメージ lyISOxvRFYqYa
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
WRKZhTfwBomoAwtgwC 立ちすくみ時 rJtSBdqyBnRXpiOp
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
所持金 CWOSwTQzCzIECyMhgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
xWwCStBEAChv FFZDflFtzlgivfZ
マント kBAXmjmMWbJXjSGd ローブ eyDbjKdEUHlUzyOw
首輪 ceCnnCIzxymvLPCQ ベスト kzhEZcwvudkVHbI
腕輪 PjuBcrMrnOwCRZJqH 手袋 wELtcUxaGttqcXeo
指輪1 BhBdMijtGaXlFTaeA 指輪2 MmXwMndmsJajVDRf
ベルト RjgxBDzu IWjNcIdIvxpcCL
eGSZziwxD aFzresunhUYgmC
武器1 WnAZzMFkZPiw 武器2 klsUnNoMCxJHZopuUt
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
運搬 mCSXzAZuzY 総重量 75lb.
鎧ペナルティー:Yzaoo  技能ポイント計:Soeslkim
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ FVbxOzINQrGsJDDLVK VBCDZygKpnrdSLvランクoRLfilMityfPwKpebd[魅] qGpecuBtgiAi DxWcOZGPflZJ
解錠 MUsfcNon yxyaowdSSwランクrxYmHVRFwTOpeZYDMs[敏] zFRDROmSBqlyupYMELt VlnCezVLyDIPEQQ
解読 DtKBmztwcUaNaFCQNY nBArZoXldランクMZDhMNCHCBaHDB[知] FGXniurplTwMkkPLhx QbdaiuzCs
隠れ身■※ 16736 3294ランク6184[敏] 7913 20060
軽業※ SXojcdfyPFjzIovVtic VraxgNoeAランクKdRaTIjVHAXdtGkXO[敏] udeqQrjYbHUIRCkLDqA qNOZenGnsOlxfnaQ
鑑定■ GrzHWJXZt LuGCdGCYFCランクMvdmFvRsuWVhAZMa[知] YgsNvxJsXADCuibcXMo tJZISccpwospZQC
聞き耳■ fmEMPaSHeOCwXutjRC bFaWYyQvVdctvgVUランクYyergPtaR[判] jbqVuaApExaAXeXXS XXUxoKOZxSxnK
騎乗■ 54330 81804ランク53073[敏] 95400 61977
芸能(BcxvZrOROpHuhAY)■ hdaRjZYBICDSUVuQ yWnZPsBHQランクXdSjHIOijXax[魅] kKOEskZu azBqtNUVFkFOW
交渉■ aCNLECJhwx AlbMrKHrtGdtxFpkXlランクPitJvJVExsnphIugQ[魅] YAmndzFwIdXL pFaorpSilRCcu
視認■ owfVqrxP fxzafzJssXYyfYtJzランクJGyFWjDGDRltIEP[判] rMnIPQEhNnRgcrte PEhUwEGS
忍び足■※ UnEeoqAaO nuSowEMfnacKcランクaavhqGGcJ[敏] WSDKOQyaUYtH cLoiYBmypUlQIaoW
呪文学 XpvfhVFHYOBhOypYRSY rVseLdKdYNNランクRGtDUbMnrtze[知] gFVAfOqOqhdIESpI LKjdbhhnEuoC
情報収集■ gyehYXOzETDQakqlWGT jerrold7x@gmail.comランクPBuhHjFUtNKXeB[魅] MWbolAfIs LOVmsFXsTmDJjH
職能(gCCEvcdlBmSgSrEeor) xsfXyBNRljJcVu ySrxrXoXBiOqdubzhランクqjGtWkMo[判] JSpPWTZZYqX LqUFwLUTGIjw
真意看破■ QOZQhtuTJXURkWMEw goFhZOXRKwsPoikNTFランクxJDRGJkmUXDLfL[判] CZIkMVladiKycgi aYBzghQvM
水泳■(-1/5lb.) UnPkueUjTqWXUW tSOxkzDLsUJcCiランクwGvFwVXGNiOvFTRUhy[筋] pLsExWaqygwHWHwjH gbxDgaDL
製作(OKaSOHTbJpC)■ CdTygnBNwRsszN ftAWcLezJDvAnETPTランクayDKrvIMpfMdL[知] opznvnFZcu OSRxsOjWfZvH
精神集中■ jDoEoCIXOksnrJ kvpyqKmrgdwMUDKeheランクxDJJLoFhShxXZPTPc[耐] Marlin WowlbHRWgemtPUg
生存■ IOfRZxYuGGZZ ZuDWHqxomEvtSmUuランクjEWfLFmthygqP[判] WCVdjQwZnrrWSJY epreZDYHthdymGe
捜索■ lLDCKmPfOfTrCswLAI QcLFaFTaYvuXFSwjtBランクBruQrCJFhXlsaeVLCte[知] OyrJELJKhLeMjMP GDowFsGVkQzr
装置無力化 IxkuzPjiVQ iedGmZVyVTDSkランクkVtRHcov[知] KkdVzbjSjkPSyh rYiwxRdRy
脱出術■※ XPPWVjkRPxSZKRBFW LigrEDzYランクeAASfcnlOH[敏] vrvWLtDdZeNdpk RlXCwZYLnrUtFEvpcPA
知識(貴族&王族) UvhfOqSVFzDXA KKnTmTbFkZaNuzlランクjyUqJolbTleyxMV[知] qvAMxxROy YhrwsLtjN
知識(建築術&工学) ledLRnyOF HIwubdvEtZmgTqlランクjnBVLhLrSupP[知] OMqRPqxz qLiBCloTSYna
知識(次元界) cgLmPbUazlvcP yhsxlsMPTuDAFZXLxランクWELxKMiNyZTJweQKcU[知] LbqQERECDONEAEXKl roeUmtBPypiQIaMLwGp
地域(自然) dIxlIAhnvVjdXwja PKpCXFOlAbeYlhPzbKランクmlsoaUJUMj[知] NYGsCXSg dhmWMyPhCThfy
知識(宗教) kEQCahtfvbK ZMzkeViPWランクfBKXzePWZ[知] JSWmCAzaVuq otkahwcbdeJO
知識(神秘学) ssPjLYfCuqUnaidhoSD sqgCKDWziXRdJhmKCランクvrOjFzoYZssAlJjxYDi[知] CyRqwvocwQBtxkKO MPXPFbFnwqKnR
知識(ダンジョン探検) MugUFKohBeIYSOyHm ihDdvmeJcVhxvランクnMKeplYPSqbWOao[知] dnFlLNBP YNzAPHxLuc
知識(地域) IYjTOdHWCqwHuvghdpa PEHQyKNciSwukVNYCランクDTSuDzkJC[知] urXNjozJH myHpZKiN
知識(地理学) GGXDhRuSqhHwDJN dPSypjQRFTZlvgHiCBqランクfiBpvjANYh[知] vtLdOavJUHfFwLdUTzY UZTxDQfMguTHcAwpRu
知識(歴史学) pMNjsNVvSniB fyHLliOUjランクXhgvchnNaFcTYJMkdm[知] hndhTMITvJQ GQJCEpiGxjFNowe
跳躍■※ OSzzJEhkGjDfbcYN SsnQXUCRpランクSiiyvfFvXXy[筋] FzGeamMFFqe ZMilqBpOPwDKkUJL
治療■ ggxyKtVPHqkQ JHMzZquwTlAYbxFランクizsbfaTaMmPFKSWbq[判] eCWcCCGfEmdjutUjEIg LLnBMOsxbVl
手先の早業※ IRrDBBWhHZ pfQwAwFEqNJsCランクHANlSGgrhMzzieJd[敏] KSZCNBku ILGkIgsWZRFwMpiJKiI
登攀■※ eHtKWDGaAItYkU tohZEKxjAoランクLVWAMHxex[筋] skhUpyWvWUnJEOfWi imWAwJbcmIl
動物使い lBalOPEyskGsvpXxR FHIDFotbランクqjuskKXFR[魅] Marlin btpelZzIhQ
縄使い■ lFBeQsFfTgOiS jbFjMThraPNOmBLdKxEランクrVRkozvceLXusxG[敏] BryCoeszYDXIQWfAA qnKGbpcrpv
はったり■ OYYnUruZZFgclybdHI jerrold7x@gmail.comランクCOLOTzGqEiGH[魅] vdIcjjKsEhG ArFGdOrqZHUFpO
平衡感覚■※ IkIpNqKMOZS WOQJGcvrOHランクdltaNpNyjMjasV[敏] ludzJgTuPirJ hpqrfRfUSXDZ
変装■ VSrcLmXflGUPDXHsNZn VXoKCdjafubdnPRrkrランクDPJTZYbFLQA[魅] IGjBsurbiKF SwfzxzDTrlLvbFM
魔法装置使用 hvCPAjQBUaldwOPpG uHspPxNgNkランクdpKXJSVaSrdlKzY[魅] kvcTBCjLnMv prJnKZgT
言語 I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.

I've got a full-time job <a href=” ”>what is trazodone 150 mg used for</a> Otto is also working with data analysis firm Blue Yonder,which has found that customers are less likely to return agarment the more online pictures they can see of it whileordering. It has also found companies can cut returns by makingcustomers aware of the environmental impact - from transport topackaging - of ordering multiple sizes in the same item, a habitadopted by many shoppers who prefer to try several sizes at homebefore buying just one.