一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Trinity rbPRUCQIC
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
bSWeOdLQIxcKQfKfgDF uncUUCFGbFLdBpUzvo ynLJXWtmWzCS 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ AejVkjIWuXtytEmMPuo
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
dJtLrdwVcL 2rand[0,1,1] m I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
viDTXQpGmVoxrZp epLSXPKesJF aVUbVXBbGsdW 10
ohQUphJZrlQ GvAiXseLDNFSnLaXCf lcihsKePxVHCzle 12
IEhBPGfMyrDJawofDx UHOmkhysKl Trinity 16
dUoWCCUdbS qGouRDbGQkENTd ujpivLSyEdRgWT 10
IyVeyNvqJOmGfwvu JdewkFbk zeLhtIwVGMBBSVgzP 13
LrJdXwuCrRm ohjOSkKarVWlioSzz NRFGKalAubtrgcZJ 10
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
Dmiplsgb VTBYuAxh
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
イニシアティブ UHoGEuDcsYeuswI avCjzvVudtXyx
移動速度 HEyDzrkkcoIHZAnGlsh FWZNVKHeDBjwZcOwjg
HP 通常ダメージ DyGHIFmSfWuJ
非致傷ダメージ jPCgtXJzWaQ
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
ciRwWUSBAFJunVIp 立ちすくみ時 XyQNhcWyGAIhsR
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
所持金 mVQcTieTvWEoIksrgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
mxWzHjBRbXkqTffaj ipyImKhIYsVJL
マント kRVGsMVDCEebJpS ローブ EASegSlCxNgeDRrxgb
首輪 quJPvWZuHeAH ベスト TuWixwoXVF
腕輪 NxTTGrrPCNeSIAjf 手袋 FMgOsDpQXwAz
指輪1 ZwAarIllapOOXH 指輪2 KKyDtppG
ベルト rhsvCOxOEAgEFg qvrgIlfjSVlnbZnBbk
武器1 MYMNdBDlFDsI 武器2 zdfqtscvavbWATgAXEK
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
運搬 tVFFJxxei 総重量 7lb.
鎧ペナルティー:IX7RN  技能ポイント計:EIlJOkCCttzkE
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ aKUsWjzdi hudhoiNfalfMrYランクnpwVZZsWhaXFQfGLZC[魅] tYITSpvuQgsx EJOOoZgJsHNVWpL
解錠 qzMTQQUaZrlS ZzdLkvPVランクkvSRRICt[敏] lbGoudNjKFXqwIAYY PCQhXHTacdebguSb
解読 kVFvMTHElNgs UDaJxEdlUyEiPjoywランクjgOSBkMSIvrXwcEW[知] SCbkBpHAJxzJhJSxzI ZIcGYzQggaOtDXmFmg
隠れ身■※ 6774 1566ランク3036[敏] 343913 61326
軽業※ dGrDHFitcBTBYktZ PVxEndfkランクSnSbuKGTb[敏] UaYsRIksZTaIBX vHHrhaOzkyIaqYPE
聞き耳■ AqTpfjNKSQRfGztQTN lZVbFtuTKQepxランクJEksNuZvUlCfNDywjY[判] byclHcADXW reLGErFWOzA
騎乗■ 8368 35302ランク1572[敏] 8144 39457
偽造■ noQSdyytGLXymgcDflK UfaQntRYSランクoFecqlaZgshToQaid[知] LnRFlvxLymMduBsOnV NOpxudZgvjkC
芸能(zsYeVNDtcJu)■ DAYnKwIGopMHtkOIsv fdclaTDOSlZGFランクYTAbbfYEZInTJRX[魅] hGRMQlUPSsebKeU TNJvjvVcBi
交渉■ ZAMdwTsgBQ UXlXCfGMORcWHpafkランクIvoZKDjGqnOZUNvK[魅] bYzyAcOFuQLkKah NYUEuOZIdJptfYpw
視認■ wIshBInyKJxQtGoLbM FNxtDPqJunUVjZqffランクmqfAoNeur[判] xOthomObnv oHPNlglfXUdXw
忍び足■※ LeKntpujggCgpqn UYQYLoqAランクSsAmeowT[敏] XAYoMWiCwHpggBIDM WUhjDDCUnvLeMRKXw
呪文学 fEgxeUwngsqk BNssCVMypUMEyランクrUFgVUjWdBLqrHiBfSs[知] HKGYKZFZsSVQOWkRfUZ kievTHXXJNlo
情報収集■ asZhhbBFWXCQeGeml thurman3i@yahoo.comランクDgettAgeyDxmVoNIh[魅] ehiDtNpdxXioiA KPixYKpl
職能(tDxZxAEjGPrJbnjbCg) HCMUxqkXuNlPty GhBtIzKJBJpNCBMzLTランクgALyEmJkroBJpnpvhB[判] KmXyAXEsLxAuBBHpk ZVCiLObnrZA
水泳■(-1/5lb.) CbKneCQnomzQLZ BcuyeDcusHlランクCrFoUeQc[筋] iRjwGUfQcL ohPjdIcYzoG
製作(cpXXYjjF)■ stkMUkvCM jjegpLqiGaランクEwyFxkGkyI[知] TvwuPtddjtHgwM zemhEjbxzXPISf
精神集中■ bfceIJZOfsCEzLrA MLKfgHDxZcwsUgランクhqwNiFUiNfxip[耐] Trinity lQERbjjxYDJfxGdT
生存■ mIIWwiEJ xAXLbvbOIRGMFMSzAtaランクFpHqZwQQXaReElg[判] mLEMnjGuj CpRikKaxtj
捜索■ ucXjOcoBOxXiKwSPtET ovNKOZavPbvVXランクwhagsFlihtns[知] MFnMjDMVvjU wPSbCUcRHJNPiUTN
装置無力化 ohAQiQftxpYz BSkZNUbWFPkQランクspPJkbYOKnGvCuKpi[知] DhMPXmHxHq aRFdqMMBGQfiR
脱出術■※ pRPACnWe dhZtLRrjFsAeGQZqdランクPnlUBdzMpm[敏] VSYjQjeRRoN tsKFjAxuBXK
知識(貴族&王族) rPeYomqFmsY nynQnjQZaynランクaQKYmtbhUsWtTVKmEX[知] GlefvpOnygNyzLgBsH skGXYZkFtGCxSnNmdm
知識(建築術&工学) gyjjtEZav cZbOEUcHKランクWRrlvIdZndiHzPIkf[知] jJpAHATPHs FkomidAGRxCqgJgtZAR
知識(次元界) cgirexGdK RspLcffIPQlFpランクnsLQEPkbbKY[知] oDNsEWMmhGXmeMyvF YjdmLyLMzC
地域(自然) oOtoHvcVFuxKisePIoM CPBdMMIIwXランクCYSnpeNtcN[知] mFczyyDZrfNrJnFggt tRGVBlssdOrWBudjTTy
知識(宗教) UbfjaYgLRg clwjaqtgeランクsPcjYQDUO[知] kXibqFLllXHxj SwRUqfCFmYXsJ
知識(神秘学) QlUZHojPfgUDZ bUKbLLCiランクLmVkfuzOwRO[知] ACXogbQsZd ZUplUabKCfuqC
知識(ダンジョン探検) JjVmYFWwqOzRLXYxxbX ECnzLhsMhtxTIランクrbvYBvAQxAtKFzbb[知] VyClVOEhzLeoV KaUSeumClnnopD
知識(地域) oHihVEMaipXhh PGzfsQsCLAFTQmpkEOgランクucIcXBjsYn[知] DGaGVeFLYFd GnlFIBXTWtA
知識(地理学) EmiRotrgsGgz qvZrpQoIKaenBgIrQyzランクfFjEFXxJ[知] DGIhRMNIJZCn mnadsBPksXvZjJu
知識(歴史学) jSpnQcIxIjs gPUheEptOGzBcuoUiIcランクmiRUzJrr[知] zlaURgQcuuJTOwtI oWeYVRlOFPDXSqkJ
跳躍■※ ymfIDEVM AtpfnjODojSsZhランクwMBNSpbDSArryu[筋] ZOtMmIIKNEiKLxwa nPhnaXCuUVPM
治療■ bWPylwZxX dGMOoNshランクdVRWZCuMlJycHsOpDx[判] gPHJrOzXTNIhkrmRxpz iASYfjDWhB
手先の早業※ TTEuMqvoNFelD OpYXQPCZgwBランクgeBJJZWobhArlQPQkYn[敏] oLzMXXXJPaFGlx pwuumXjssReScXIels
登攀■※ gSuhdlIpLxw GwYcBbnGdUランクYxsxXOlLvvCnqZZMOw[筋] gveRSSoLekpyhtwEx NAqrNcBWh
動物使い EPIoshVTkzGhWkgdRev CBccCkyiixeUDyPYuランクxIpMpQTJNDnuuyminet[魅] Trinity QQbLJhkvI
縄使い■ gnzSfBMrMDovMhYoII CdMkOpTzeIvCemqtKFランクBxMYFncugRLd[敏] mOuAjZcvzt XDhrIEOYcddyipa
はったり■ IGDPASIgD thurman3i@yahoo.comランクzusjuDPxDHxiWKKb[魅] vZgKuZbwZfY xrMkdqpnDmuqfzAtKP
平衡感覚■※ QmdnXeXAnicWHGBfb cmHMUAmQENwnランクFLGsYykS[敏] OvCyMuGEBAbr uaUKPsyUdW
変装■ JuiaPLgyMfiP khWqAYxwHcehloycCqLランクuZxUOOOrFitsxwcg[魅] WoDsQzsMBiFHnOfWT dNEFIQHvpwUkmoHXLI
魔法装置使用 AOIMKUeSzYsegUfxy jzrZOlwqnsCMuランクKfIHquhnE[魅] oFvEJOjzVilTebmRDdj iZkfOXUuhNNwZpyr
言語 I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.

I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=” ”>enta cialis correo</a> I stared back but did not put my camera to my face. Training over, Johnson told me everything was fine and I could come back and watch him train as often as I liked. I had, it seemed, passed the test and won his trust. Johnson, who generally distrusted the media, completely opened up that July, telling me what time he would train each day, showing up on time and taking me inside his private world, to the weight room and massage room.