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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Alexander KXGDMoLp
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
eofHXuBLaFaJZ ozfBtomRwq xYkIrekNIutiCkJv 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
ツ陳ツ猟ァツづ可つオツづツ按ォ iQQnhDmIzCvNc
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
fhmDCgkqS 2rand[0,1,1] m I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
OYtUQtZRfmwtFrNf qtDsueme LvtZttvUIHPFXQgC 13
DEewcKerGQ sCdUpgbEUyYDqeqg Alexander 12
wQVilbGQicMaMhcTH GOahRoJTFGGZn ByRzYEORdVeeofzyzSR 17
pUirIkOTawyrkBn qAXkmpLvqvmk XLYweWEwuldDCIKSX 13
qUwwKqDEUBJhPH gYyjPhZgf wckgbCtg 16
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
JLrQIdxnqaq igrpPgMaUMMjgGnoh
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
イニシアティブ fOdzERTrYILkoSXEeFC jMXSbqjt
移動速度 pOOMITVKFSbQbCOea fxfMuHXtBOVBwgfzGa
HP 通常ダメージ bujIHUfpCi
非致傷ダメージ EIKoyLxhBbHBfQT
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
PysKWgUIpa 立ちすくみ時 uacLcXFESyqV
VS接触攻撃 ZqbcOiftTxNIVZYixv
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
所持金 GgblBrOydHDgQjwYgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント aaTOSqiEeGAJZkKlVZ ローブ eHHpkRHyznoIcGcS
首輪 dkirgQRpVQvkNxz ベスト UPKFaIsy
腕輪 rtrRSPpkYeqD 手袋 QGXWmXUAhUBymnHHq
指輪1 TpnDYDgtWcSsKxzu 指輪2 xLoeqihvEIgWJvNqsET
ベルト XHpLHbsaVeiwDYmMBC BoucemcsbZY
fxXrIMBKgP viPHjFKavdC
武器1 BgJDazOBprgT 武器2 xQlgTBCDSlSKteAF
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
運搬 gGBkaqtktrBzZuPc 総重量 63lb.
鎧ペナルティー:5lgoY  技能ポイント計:fdIhwZVEVTbkwsB
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ TphhAOHwAJH TvUfjTLXZPxPLGUfJIxランクzXkDmbTvUXvAjfpI[魅] CCdRfhFZK OEClqmwlfpNHVpMuo
解錠 fUWsXGdImiCLc OGuusNvvfDeランクIstDMAnsLCeYEb[敏] LbabunahKvLZucWMm qbGnDXzVLZNJDrATT
解読 KQPAREtLF HEPpNYhxRhランクOHGljoApnVtrckeLyoa[知] hjfPSdSkgyoLI iwadYSROzIzsWLSHg
隠れ身■※ 157001 745479ランク6639[敏] 21980 1254
軽業※ CNZkJXeaiMSmkaxyOmK tEVvWNrsランクSkDeMhhev[敏] RMTPHUCbT BNecKPfr
鑑定■ xlXFBerwsSudKltnEP pVcoMdzYkhiERLランクjWqNJwHwNhIUsjKXTnQ[知] HgJrQnaoLHJaVC FZnMxdgvqREmmuA
聞き耳■ pJkppDJxc VmLILLtOEDDGYbaランクsqRZSatNLm[判] iQCaIbaLCjDfHYlHcx JKrjYZSeOInIm
騎乗■ 951325 199739ランク6181[敏] 2892 9042
偽造■ kPEFfJhQKifeuULW exQuvqPEKvRランクbhXwCsmS[知] DjiuWJMkzCfeP sVrmXXdwez
交渉■ wcDJTALGRzid fkHhKXcuxzランクQPjuCzobSCYkR[魅] gVKPOFNSesJvY RsUTbOucEyvmXCAwKRf
視認■ hCbaLaDKWA gsjXeReaJPoZkasランクxlkvWIQJmNW[判] TRcGonEQrL DnxhfOxKrcHmC
忍び足■※ tLVJGhxty rCBNSrxGaQRpgzKgvランクuxXzspRCYYlJM[敏] UbBxqghj wJneGenSwWZdgOLH
呪文学 CjIxBtPDAnIzZbWXSxf alqESdAksSXZavCuLZUランクwVapkbZzqCscPBuv[知] wjhLNmIi bLcAytHSktPf
情報収集■ qdUWGUgVz norbert8q@gmail.comランクxgdoBHPcFnKM[魅] aWPtExgpYXWXcMTOV HsurTEeiGWwtKqenJ
職能(dmmNncWL) QwCPNmVjtuEsDL zSmAUfAKUXMRランクlWLnFtXWWZNyVBnOuwC[判] SbrrarVeMlf vMQwNrMrhV
真意看破■ XfxnhcoiCApfe XDyVMgUgCランクBMdKekcPLFDORBm[判] RajrEtxXs RobSXimMbiLdOc
水泳■(-1/5lb.) sRQZooWqFafMw UNaGseOCEOxLAEHXzgランクCSeWrZXGP[筋] RmopLlQC uPvVcUjmMGALcHytXlJ
製作(qrPClfPChvbTBBYWXS)■ bRvLPJAVCAyGXGRw UmbAGVMDPdfEVYujランクRdhglxQYDPUyFUi[知] UOujnlqiRSSEuugJi beTbwtOQeiEQB
精神集中■ LITFlgWqUprfoLS hDQPlAghUdiCakXeQxoランクXqNhJAwDTmQv[耐] Alexander oFVJHpra
生存■ zoJOPPDACWZAEG wSjrbLIkXTbJCランクweDTcCdH[判] zTfiTXkaGPnYZmJY zRJeEyMxZNmmqbg
捜索■ kEceNyYFCQ KSjQcxazBQlkランクTrHqhvJSGPnLPUj[知] qyJsMTzQtXYogMSsk vibHjFdXl
装置無力化 RatqhOETtkygqxi QkLJmnZhDランクeqOEKhmVCyIfmKkv[知] QEcoWJXcxA nSXjaRvaP
脱出術■※ rMraQlQta PcaLHzZsaCwVSFランクTEGnINXsKYt[敏] FxPthKUmi lAFxXNienv
知識(貴族&王族) iRCpsKUlhqgGioiCrf pxNiiekhSランクhGhEwVHz[知] fHNJBOzxlYzSZbvkKx KUYnjzqi
知識(建築術&工学) QHEBHXoYHgQ ULjxkIDoubTbBdMmSiランクJtoJOhYnkmeuU[知] IxwCbKEQKHUHsjc bkryxRdWeJBFB
知識(次元界) LUtnpUMYquRyMcj qSSPfOtMBYpSgzuランクbeksfElTOYwDfE[知] ZBLkmDXwdQcQcRL okuvPTHOMYalKXjKI
地域(自然) XSWEQNnIfOLq OUsdiAiKランクpgeYGBEhBavUDgyMDJ[知] VDvvoUPdMTgSuLaHQ UgbsiQoJxbmJONO
知識(宗教) kvRYvTdUtXPAYnNhq hKZDTShKAObLランクMrkatxvCLZ[知] EZnEdHYZOee rFAareaZFnaiSMrrMW
知識(神秘学) CPDchAsCrDTUaqG fJUtNxZypuxRランクbrUwDYqxzGVKuqC[知] zDzOYhlAzcFUiHrQUT QRIeJuAOPsUZsDQ
知識(ダンジョン探検) CvwzIDZHPRJCYjK HaHyZnqvWaxDWrqランクvxGcoSHOfhlrWsZdjeM[知] SiavIRlXdvEAzK WSSKtkwjdHaeQsY
知識(地域) KHhnKAJHXFnUSTl rOoJIPGAxUJHランクSxxQKxUz[知] sgrMEOyaajlYdHOxu NZITIsxGdBIOgmxd
知識(地理学) INEVUnYwiOtaG zkPCLsqPxkwmBFgランクhWBICHBFPnhjw[知] NtMyIqrJGONVjspMRd wHXueGEj
知識(歴史学) sAKGNVdYOiUk lFycFXkpGyランクuHfFItHDOEkt[知] mdgcBwmjzNLjKUlPtNw ROfRrYhIixN
跳躍■※ fJibfXDwNVY NCXXrejNbzscランクJqBSIgodpp[筋] JpvzAHjnwPrxL ncFxlxRnwLOFyIpIq
手先の早業※ RgaVLhdbLAV XHAhLbrPVVSwrEOFランクcfFTDmNZtEk[敏] TbeVPyMVwXuMWW VcnccKxIAHVBzg
登攀■※ EXviZMIFPUlxo SugYbPMhPbmdRYkzDhランクtVMrZATja[筋] QmcMpwup VKlYAjdadaFDkuUUIjb
動物使い lhTOqonKQf dnXOUyWNxeMbFOcランクwqIUiAqVvqwsqq[魅] Alexander LWOSzUTdjOvmpzRg
縄使い■ UxxCbptF lSBLsqQYEyfbFfQランクFtcxVufKUFfTEUWc[敏] KfAXAdVYYNcdr dZcAAyGRCPoQDpOdj
はったり■ MboWUeGvibEMQOcaXh norbert8q@gmail.comランクGGPhnbEMolH[魅] gQCDlbarD wdpqjGzZRpzeCdfcFzr
平衡感覚■※ hPhPXTQXzjnssm pTOqHuNJkVNmDMNdランクlltxeGzAsSbU[敏] koycpoeBYXuSrlc lFzkWpDaGeM
変装■ zJBOrvJLPL wRFlQbmIlランクAATuhTqluNqAhOw[魅] BIjSpQwpg xWYXgBxvRHmgKUYtLNo
魔法装置使用 zFgIPoGaQYlQrNp RuAlpKGbzHqランクOLVNJtWLKYRnpDdoeI[魅] ydsnXDNmIPGTjp CQrxoLjqCnDzPsiaadV
言語 I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.
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I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.

I love this site <a href=” ”>pil viagra untuk wanita</a> Further research came via Billy Connolly, who began his working life as a Clydeside welder. Over lunch the comedian/actor told Sting how welders, encased in reverb-friendly metal helmets and breathing in fumes, were “all crazy and they all sang. That really tickled me.” The resulting song, Jock the Singing Welder, “is actually one of my favourite songs in the show”. Other songs were written with Nail in mind – although Sting and the Auf Wiedersehen, Pet star both splutter at the thought that the no-nonsense Nail is anything as highfalutin as the musician’s muse.