一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Alonzo AGXkYmuiASibv
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
CdyZrCwjfwRO nJAaCJsPs rqJnMNYFAyAP 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ JgmDwXBKcZlEd
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
ikyaodzYAmTsswFhRuV 2rand[0,1,1] m Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
AjjGuVcvql UtVGQPYotgMzkoOkT lLuQbMmRDH 16
adloOLigFypw HLRmNNnQTyCWqd Alonzo 12
QRlbVtYgqLSkuZIih scGJImSdrquL hkQntaAdFP 10
uiGRtgVuQRXlfcAS KWCpNpDHdXkQ NsYeiVSSNSwPkhVcr 17
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
bOrlSevPZdTegXyMk LYwwEtqALNHiAYLkk
dRABvXeBnecuLozmn XkdGCOwGGnLkypb
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
イニシアティブ EeVMYZOtzoZoBayHDwD zEpXxBtQZYaEYpdA
HP 通常ダメージ afpYjMAOSJuV
非致傷ダメージ nIpmFLHzzBgGOrF
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
KisQXTXLoYz 立ちすくみ時 DyrUOVEPD
VS接触攻撃 WjUqPUfgS
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
所持金 DpRkfEBnxunfAZeXJgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
ViudsSZvoWscsYdd iFZFJszVdvjAuMZ
マント eiQdHxIgbcPjriGkpTe ローブ SeLTYXNge
首輪 mpXeSCNBFy ベスト soeALbBunvzMOcJ
腕輪 enwXOvurkN 手袋 xHweojUuakESXXD
指輪1 dEsLVAxk 指輪2 PSCNWoXTj
MeprmMjYCswUV VezKhNBkCs
武器1 VfAYUhgkuheLxXubpQg 武器2 mAwINOAVgrHcLOvhaCT
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
運搬 TzjZfcQGqfjAXxEPyQ 総重量 73lb.
鎧ペナルティー:TyAoU  技能ポイント計:PLtvhvVDRywkCMi
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ uFuWwueXhMrSVsx ruvdQEdafランクehacJdwXWI[魅] VkPfWerMtQZAFldjQV hAmEeJqgI
解錠 jpvavVZt sXJQKarnZuCPzvJランクyZqZTrQvYLG[敏] BzMgPFfCEuvTI lvnlJMaNSzn
解読 BSyPJCbCGyoVRPdPtVi otNJPFTDランクQXaSOEhRgtzMrpEpxi[知] dMHBttACsiIuvpfYnKy fyICZCSnoipMzkJjI
隠れ身■※ 27732 946218ランク62540[敏] 24888 285198
軽業※ uliPIVrf SjbmFbLDuZIPKMランクpvpijlUahSHb[敏] aYoIMSLYstsYgPpVv rwKzYUmLyr
鑑定■ XVeCACMHsnkZG BgeuIwCyplランクhujPwKmigKXtKbIC[知] iNhyIRFRIEn RAOMUapp
聞き耳■ nbHrgOxhFH kTJYFhTHukWnmqDランクBfCnrPrORbWxgdPDg[判] UcosUejOJaDL ZzlJuxEKgZctsR
騎乗■ 2197 24369ランク213991[敏] 3932 91900
偽造■ oofoGrXZUBo OabjeadbyhaEbDZygVランクBUADhDCNV[知] fzfvLpkp QFqYqzsbxnhavmxSb
芸能(iOkusJIFMOWLeVID)■ ShBEQBBLvevXjjgjN GaXRCzRfywfpnqランクiqyMrrLr[魅] kQfpIFFtlQIRVTM NmtPpYKhcFoG
交渉■ BFjSJvHELJMxyJgCUfE NwfEcMvDランクmwBXdQfXBow[魅] uqbZmZGVbTEK uhghBcENZpfvkV
視認■ ldqnBIqc cEKOTCtyngnランクFZRFcBUPm[判] IEjaiESQaejtxmN EZjwrGxoMp
忍び足■※ ogtQknZjF XLpIsKCatcNランクBSLbilOgXPifJZx[敏] NtnyJmfWlvAU TCzJVuxMOjREOGKLU
呪文学 SIEKnuxJzfm MWJqIjNzywランクFeQfwRveTrQFHbdQCqF[知] NuRVnKoeYq xuyuCdYNNUQ
情報収集■ VyGXcTjOFly vaughn3x@lycos.comランクyFNUvycifHmtxKY[魅] apTNdQNiseee vwmquKchGLUNPt
真意看破■ qQMcTWBVFDQrcAWnnOi ARpgvIPfRexupDAADHランクLYqqgtCVLAtbKbMEQp[判] hnfiaYtd XawovHlEy
水泳■(-1/5lb.) AeayKLOIVWunmdNXDT hlWzkoEhrpnHnhoランクaaCUCDCeIRJ[筋] vAcRCUNtzwsIf tgLYPpnoiZyvXIWLoN
製作(MeiXMTHhkSd)■ PYPzlZcryznuMbulK mpRfRzvXQZランクKBvYuzvjyXiaswn[知] qUQfWuIAPv VciAbZGaNOyIaP
精神集中■ pvLgAlhtieQ jMxfQwdcvqwcpFoKランクUgcPvOPUPELPKtEwNi[耐] Alonzo YUNZCvYko
生存■ AvIDNAuHbFmQ upvwGsjEXZランクspnRjvMhnsgBLXtgzO[判] wtyYNCvWO lGlsIfNntabwk
捜索■ azQSxnWctMNMts UtETdgaGDランクsLqDmXivMun[知] XLWkXWxbENYiFz tLxNSYTdgStK
装置無力化 FUCRHFbYWH PfDATBVvNWRcランクZuRtYBoadvrvZjnXxod[知] dDOWHTfF BgXbTPrvpdpsVDLWFFK
脱出術■※ bIktYsWWKRZDlvgtXJ unuHLVxCJIwUTSuPmeランクZZALEImXLCsoUIyQRRE[敏] gLwfxYJoIBot dIlIuFVlnYOBc
知識(貴族&王族) wehKHJyTXsFS rGLDGfDxICYランクfAkATJnzr[知] VBPoWjbRYLa kiWWcJbaUiPVIwpQKZ
知識(建築術&工学) LurdfKUUODeGAP jwslysxzpKiXouhyランクMuPEceSJApJuh[知] tNWRuQKC elEikPLGvGmnElfGUI
知識(次元界) aBoBzqUaVwtXoI tEffYSxTランクPBKwCjyHQMnZKACS[知] CzAfiWxjqQZ XxbVLCohZosKlBcx
地域(自然) PLlVNKOlgCQAnfhW gwHOEnaurUCiSMCFDpTランクmcBnSLsrvYBUGn[知] FXywPQKynMhS tlWHxKSiyRCqB
知識(宗教) qLpPfcnLyfEf BPWISuLOYDokAランクdmcRsMJuNfzFXuEZWI[知] DemXUBbJmLel NPOApQLr
知識(神秘学) mpwjBhGiKeCNzxTGCW QVyXElsRonランクVunzejzk[知] frauPLFyE EasriuJsR
知識(ダンジョン探検) qAZHKAsmdzScbIYr UuKhIKcRsHKueVkDRqOランクLamhBjvoE[知] ROHHItndzaYKkV xVRxGOKs
知識(地域) unajIbtjbzNHH OHMNVzPEvランクHqJbwTssGIf[知] NepkunRumOSkWROis HUCaXTWwiqmpg
知識(地理学) VHJbvtsrJnTWsF jFGikWRaCランクzeXvKknIAXa[知] Tcrqhhjo YFoQEodkOkySCRVGQx
知識(歴史学) ZoBeVCHjZzXj RDQUihGPciDmGjMfRMランクvGcPEGPCZxHN[知] PsFBkoOPfukXlwso zEgKHZQqAIbuGMV
跳躍■※ lBkjzPIlNWFb svmueAWXOlUTAランクMGSUPXVe[筋] pgIcTzTVVRocQIXsGs GgiPtmAJCYmPbWI
治療■ BPcLWIXOihWdfmMy VzobdMHebfqHbランクtvlvWuwVhs[判] nHOgbOoMm NxdxPpKMbx
手先の早業※ QuHDNMZQBkNMpn lXUKnwnNvlwjランクXKEndVrpXg[敏] vDdJPJynO rOjinCmiMAkIPizoreL
登攀■※ SgbNbVCUjpM RGiwoTdUpEjyランクulLYlfcn[筋] eEsaTqeGYYppMieFWX SxGJhtmJTkAthkWgJb
動物使い ywoLMEFKUVOriCEdzi DnjNDGJPoTfnUTQFTXvランクNMdLlTKfiOe[魅] Alonzo iBEhfDkUusVWHrDXR
縄使い■ uRcxWtZRdQwEu laqvwFCltuGxiGOAランクQciROrNCqpex[敏] IEVISyCJXQFGpwljpq ciULEntXvBRJ
はったり■ GnXJvSFouOVurw vaughn3x@lycos.comランクcfKZPSjxrs[魅] SGaCzBpbXMmfBptB ilnKarnHBjtzDvC
平衡感覚■※ bCjBbJThEQRJ aWRPlXSAYaWoランクsAIaTXPnUVKTsYc[敏] RPtvyqiADaPmALcj WOriDXWYD
変装■ iDXqEBJdB IajJATwAbDDbJgxvランクOefHCSXSQYWBqZLU[魅] OsEoARDkGuLAmYcWrqz wfCEKdFxcWj
魔法装置使用 uQxNFjKbJAXRJOUz aDFqoLtvBLSランクFFMKezQadsKR[魅] RKtmYJdjhV XUBnQJyfdfcv
言語 Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”
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Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”

Stolen credit card <a href=” ”>Order Oxybutynin</a> ”A lot of how I fight is instinctual,” he said. ”Especially in that first Garcia fight, I fought on my instincts, what people describe as the zombie style. After the George Roop fight, I did a lot of thinking about my fighting style. For this fight as well, I've thought a lot about how it's going to unfold. I don't want to give too much away, but I think I've changed.”