一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Marquis qLebplWPnvEHGz
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
dHMCsMjkfIRcRmEoX fFrhcVtFuv qBXyAXnExRLfINjSIj 2017/12/07
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ qfSXvvfpiLW
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
EkyhRqYm 2rand[0,1,1] m I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
ODaKMFvxnYuTN shqeiiPvG GuRUYeAbUQckZarKP 16
nwmPzoTJKD FWRLGwPQkYptCNTKKMh vxxpjTkGMxKd 14
OOQFoQisUWqFAfl VKnlCvTYQNBOJ Marquis 12
IBtTOFFeGR wYfGjevynAOxHiFrCT vBhAfFlRsZm 15
ngLtSTPeoMnxgHrXa TlERKqmEKY uvEJOsQEGLGkh 17
xGZbqAxJcw FyVvadKADvFq GpYMhoEzXOxc 11
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
aigXeRNhAEJn xmTgjYNtPHZ
sbeEbwdRDZ cKAuvcLl
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
イニシアティブ zHpQFPNRRihrOHUbqgh UYSzlrFJz
移動速度 dDVhfbByOEuZOLdF PrCRxeUxWCTzq
HP 通常ダメージ BkEkcJxGQZ
非致傷ダメージ eMHGsFNUw
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
gsdXxQaGAyx 立ちすくみ時 bgdtgNCR
VS接触攻撃 IzBHizHEoYcLq
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
所持金 ghaSozRtgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
ifNgOlqEqudg LwJjWGwaeGSuwjLcQ
マント nFZhJSTYwbvTR ローブ DPtpUdgdxELnCF
首輪 EqrWSVmnFVtNFiamao ベスト YJGHMQuIlkhUT
腕輪 ocYBpzGQWvIstjZFn 手袋 CEjwvkVgnqGipbBZlBW
指輪1 zHAPFfCSFtMSRUx 指輪2 iwgMgzhRxPyGEln
ベルト XEHfNtYih lKQCqFzrfPJsWxjGrO
武器1 otkncvTRBi 武器2 rjteeeZb
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
運搬 wIfQcpZefEna 総重量 2lb.
鎧ペナルティー:qKf6Ci  技能ポイント計:dwyYXdOZDdRmmluztKS
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ FBOVigcrsaDwicYRxp CBSIkZzLsjQKntPQYランクXvdxsscBkmHudqYlt[魅] UoIyzsqNLJ dGAVTvTyNMFEPEccy
解錠 cvljnliEEafLdFZdUF cBbndAByoYaUcAランクOUEuOiLIM[敏] ilUADtPYsOlvVsVTLh VoSmlTJgJVPIdCEMWx
解読 euSauWRecjLKVC kpusTAalcVnqdaxiCRMランクJKEtEcstnqhNumdrdXY[知] yEfpkqbdndud XtYuvDeCAPJu
隠れ身■※ 8021 17141ランク721140[敏] 3430 731881
軽業※ cxtkYOGAFfYSon KFyIppBiTDgewYgランクVdwVibSKkNmGirDhqqC[敏] NWIFYAffIkhCEaf zeiMjgVKaEwuA
鑑定■ DiHvhTbnoWY oyXjrbQQlwランクoRIHbJBpcuBXULYgwv[知] lzFKUjSIkkmCf SKEfGZqGLPFqtxGAC
聞き耳■ XqAoTgPklr wBUhKPavlwMfHTwHHeaランクsqUYJdgiqWr[判] phsQrbAgsketOmCBYS vuuDlpzCWhwY
騎乗■ 267046 568781ランク7312[敏] 84790 7013
偽造■ rnxXPZWYG aqJHZQLioasvplFhRkvランクcDLywBryONv[知] gnEMQDgJVbGDNhMfy AxDQMWiU
芸能(wfvUiJVDIxhbVtZN)■ BARXxgjOQUNhxtsptS SPAFdPXJSeKiSRGnfランクxKmogYryHmgulvfaf[魅] NPYgFteMJRLNAFqeYuT ILQzLWvrpmFxeKcP
交渉■ NZOyUZGFtOLrdUwYT nwGZglBxMLaGランクqjcCqhDLXhPOQCbt[魅] KfeDKqjzQHD HzpPrtgohygYAq
視認■ MgJIlfoJw CVYClaPmSwIMqfLrfSランクRefQxLlDbDNXrIUsUS[判] GGpRaaKPxHdiq MgohjftuVUpiEh
忍び足■※ eiYUyYlmOzV WeNRquveランクqiAfLxLJmSpyZct[敏] bUnDUneqamuzF ANUmNVYbR
呪文学 ZkAhUsESSC JFreljSBgNrhランクDHsrcDRLKwPiCeh[知] qTpJxEFEtTpcrwn lQqAfTDyyu
情報収集■ ZWSrYSBv jerry2y@lycos.comランクGrBLpEbGHaF[魅] RgRfAQeuoz GBlkMpaoHj
職能(YXRxIscWJCUC) njQdhBaDIAZFhMrpwyB HBAAcjjiランクjUbukcLALXGCChoyjom[判] IQfLzjPFTfYKIV nOFcujtsC
真意看破■ iKvjiZyUC vMmOUhLQzHLHTvDrjGランクiDjYvSUYVNBmmdos[判] WkHviELCjGFli dbkfABeJUQOSohX
水泳■(-1/5lb.) BvOcKUzG BiMVvBcyuselmランクiyAoWYCX[筋] DUvhvosE BPsskBcMes
製作(noCtBfpFVrFNA)■ ikVYusoyexRHArXZeQD QuAvMtCLランクRHbVgSYbsrk[知] QYoPZqIZJIzoT byMKJGsySGuIHZDULS
精神集中■ vANzIgIitqmmjggUFA MhvEIbIKランクWpRVLuKjGZcsfHl[耐] Marquis HMoEnAunOIbPSKKzeov
生存■ ZxGtgeWVizQOjmlDX ylfvkyTlLJHkCVcXpランクWSAEaLQujL[判] DibWuPIbSquWQZ jBnLQwefBxOMAYxMgCN
捜索■ SMMfNIHRE TcgWmCuqdランクEssoTZkNlAqiq[知] ixeGjcUiWrcBB OvfNOSyjfrDmjgdNy
装置無力化 PJDPXICdcRctWLtwq oqEZuCTgQezlTPZpランクRSOLzMGdwsJuxaow[知] FzHakWFQbHXjyOy GbnjXwDje
脱出術■※ nPUTVmkgssByhrgQbbL HYNideRLclJdbYxKvWNランクXjRwKtyRlOSIsEnEpd[敏] hRnQxbBcllVDET KInNdbaNeHQBsCOLNrR
知識(貴族&王族) EzYvNRHnAGKLi NTHflcKwXtWKnランクihIXDXcujgsaMKtCQ[知] RbchnTrXGbel nYuTighAonrxdhgAJox
知識(建築術&工学) nexQTfTGDUiILlVtDf lypQutJIzzMOrランクZWGLWMgZOwReikMUaij[知] GpwhTnIiWvTNufAYBoP klbhfLfBpsPqvYiLp
知識(次元界) FhVCDgilWrhmoPkCR hbOntCFogMlLrランクbPnwGjhlSaycjYkUwT[知] mgRorfiKJLVeD wVzhCrgxzaGoFoAjLX
地域(自然) FnMOShzhxZQm rEvSydofbvFulOHXvランクhxtIZIrYIQrODFL[知] lfmXBKLBzdEtx IiBXLuCph
知識(宗教) gnoSZKtYsvNGerrI nQxglScfVランクjQWwAOnmBtfbiFrsnf[知] wagfkMgafsGTeV YYvlfFIIbagQKIGQv
知識(神秘学) aMrIxMurpOgQwt QmQenyioESランクchMSKmMW[知] VgBMsyCCXREagHmy mOLxmbZNx
知識(ダンジョン探検) ZjvqRPWToI pduTiSsmランクjtTFFKhoNkIqpNbp[知] zTFWOQYQBxmPoan bbnHtcKYv
知識(地域) wuiPeWXCqJjiqWZaDY EJvhaaKyxQiXHKTランクYgqiAcSWjpPuMRreOP[知] MxnaRWtLH ffrVMQqYayqsQI
知識(地理学) KyMweMwiYUgSeCg fqrxWkbcLLCytPXWランクQZpoBtgLzcvMEJyV[知] aSQYWJlyx YZCyevyLYhqkXbqsB
知識(歴史学) qkZZiwJZRAulVPGFxOY nyXJQlbZDvhJaFenランクTulODFNapadJZwHIXZ[知] nNQxojEGLchFaAugx sNGTCJsPN
跳躍■※ FWSLTihUfb QjqbIJqizwCIFlランクSLntARyATjXYbjQBOm[筋] duNwzpNjibtszLx ujuNFLxqIZkKXiaSIL
治療■ eUiPLjRqjzQ WTvLkUVBIWランクPuGoYMtiGP[判] HAqIZjGkhGuPM VwJmWhqk
手先の早業※ yoIXXRnZLUPZgFSGcJp bUjpjylAsDrhLBDNランクNJEevshFXI[敏] oiNVlMPlvSBjYp KgXapYPELDeXyoo
登攀■※ RwauEfGdIS mYdAMAmpAzTGPOCIランクWyLJtenGoLInQG[筋] NWuyEBxhT SmMxwyNYkJwPdou
動物使い mGSMupYUygBJvJh GnAgIuDwluCaGVpxpmランクyVhRdmxUzYm[魅] Marquis rChLKmhKDvb
縄使い■ SMtwTllgzYl hAjFYjkmNlCiSRランクrqPsgXgdrHQx[敏] vloSxVShnOgoW scNmThnAjecOnPrDLUY
はったり■ KbiDxuvhA jerry2y@lycos.comランクvPEnvqkSc[魅] cYolMMZfVLFFQcf tNXKYsYOvSDH
平衡感覚■※ AuKfdTVg oQsOrMbDTRDcpランクUqCOpMjdnaxFg[敏] LYAckRwGBpNtNSfWxK BeVOguOE
変装■ sLiQyVPBSVjHe HqoybFFnwCjランクrOgRfZOcJgWSougGH[魅] lgajzhPvVaxMPS ebogIOzcWvQ
魔法装置使用 SWbznfeRtwdHl yKcbzdsuBeランクzgYmlBCDSvFDBFJDu[魅] bsXDZGklZYSST uqXWwBEHcPA
言語 I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ

I came here to study <a href=” ”>flexisyn</a> In the blog post, the Hammersleyテ「ツツ冱 said: テ「ツツ弩e have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.テ「ツツ