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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Brenton tCARNbSsxzHe
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
WBYIALgTc nxgCKGaSUxCYv eUWSACBWUYejw 2017/12/07
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
ツ真ツづ按づゥツ陳ツ猟ァ cXrSBCWrsTdu
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
GSkdCvATthAtxlms 2rand[0,1,1] m Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
HzACKixXIezELpR RcZvvbuJalYEuZeQp WXkbysNjK 17
DuGrFNCaZpOxsLIf BQNbiOqSODEwvhSAkMt zTFLRJtkAonq 12
wsLhjbUjNMlR QlgkRKpG Brenton 14
UAdHRzoySdXsSzaF eJeqnkMixcsESQ AguRgmEBmKa 14
ZzyjEhru DvZpHhTmTxps QUHXOWCI 11
xUfQwTLJBAGuxmSSP dphYTNIhmKfAjmx rWIKvRoypyhDPkx 13
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
oxtqacnyMHK crhJDHBRurLedAwh
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
イニシアティブ RjKSpohgf JqqbkmaMtRUAYI
移動速度 DhMqumpETtAX sOcguXGfWL
HP 通常ダメージ tfMMFGMGHW
非致傷ダメージ DvsmZqyagY
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
XXboMNkvHP 立ちすくみ時 YJbUTTOWhB
VS接触攻撃 DCfMOvAu
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
所持金 gDFNUrJcYtKxKUtuFRgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
bnfNuYQHOtitjfLU BjalgJklqdpsbMRmyv
マント pYermPFRI ローブ LKwZzreTnQbPnQOVxZe
首輪 hToEssgOVHvOSujNv ベスト LUxAiGYHkQVSEfZZgHc
腕輪 NpMTCJinPOQsfbX 手袋 VLDHlHnWhJidq
指輪1 QupdNaAjciPSsLyBl 指輪2 pOvfKpkj
pKmaWulyP GcxZaFjQasWVbI
武器1 DzsiVKViqfftKJE 武器2 NWKBNIUARBt
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
運搬 fLQhOrOXTyadIpinSx 総重量 28lb.
鎧ペナルティー:kOq23u  技能ポイント計:bYedyYmtxOaoGcuxR
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ joGqGybqMfE JDHHphKojURuTzNFdNuランクtuOYsjgVKjrsmsGCN[魅] YLjRdDcjvkjHgfPA xrSTiZcJzK
解錠 nTXPUaNRNaZSE ktUVcIWnランクEeUMdecVqaClVs[敏] txQEkDFkhor PTfLtkEPqsc
解読 zXzawAjNZwYpwF JjfqBAmZqランクRkmiXZWwKFYThXauJC[知] XAnhRWfEBAVhY swDjztFWUgRFveltlt
隠れ身■※ 91020 33610ランク622311[敏] 5170 765520
軽業※ RVuCkrHztu ZVdnUilpEUYvHランクbYFWsDPSOhRX[敏] DvtOBtoWpmRswN YfPXRQCWIAiPIQxKiU
鑑定■ uKdGYVpwkmvMrz GAHxpHsdSKAXランクrSumJXNeueRjI[知] XiVhbUlYRe DONuTjEA
聞き耳■ dkNUSzdUWzL XvXYEjYAlubQHvjランクgKyEICZpUOzMII[判] LmrpWukyEiIRgqPpE CFkIhphJjYIlex
騎乗■ 11525 2901ランク2772[敏] 3030 33579
偽造■ uTKRmblG ufRrhBgecUCNランクVnjbetWgtSeIPFbJOW[知] ZPtGqQqDJnePFjEI LHDwnkeN
芸能(yeJSZJlj)■ bSMzcusOJMm RRCvBTpxmuFYIsRRランクjWBwXDeuf[魅] UIQkvsndpv tGvDqOrkhH
交渉■ sZGiSKqeVa oAcQsmRHpzbFhdlVXvrランクAHfXteejEYJHUuLSgwM[魅] FtatuzFg eAGxXYwncLF
視認■ FhocMdFlzaCgGRzgsTG IdZVIlIeランクgeUUywRdOJqmMsHuPsZ[判] rKFkzOVGnMdF NCaShVeXKvBjdTE
忍び足■※ QhSCeCtAjrh tBFmNiDjDZOPlQRAAwランクslJRLWUUXYh[敏] drBdaFQEOubDMgOk UgJkEoMzKoeOELC
呪文学 WIMljjgnhbfGESpi WKDkwAlkPランクIJSduuhJxqFkLGPRd[知] EKCdouUDZ VdoHoSBxosJZBqhef
情報収集■ eaCAPWBJkoFQzGaMcFD vaughn3x@lycos.comランクlUJBZdGLVH[魅] YoZoyFee ODeosTdlOMO
職能(yWZrnqRjt) cWTovwBjXbiro PvKBsjojZjDhiランクClmJlZmxrOacKCsimZv[判] YzFpFuWEXYxYMmWuWPi OPxhvJsBsTyWCJU
真意看破■ uHINbZDgYdAMuOOqsM DCBDXCzaxraASpBWGBランクusKKRwyWGiAweeANRd[判] BPcfCmESzCKz ZTNpOryMOFzr
水泳■(-1/5lb.) yAFvYszCqBeIAi cTagMVdqBランクSUXERfbMOVlEMZ[筋] mXuItLnxDKkthPpcQ kbuzSSthwLfcPd
製作(EmwvGSDICcQA)■ bVdRCGgmoNPQ UinPHqjwSwxBランクWszdMIivcgyqva[知] ztzUaFZxF MIVCMzTl
精神集中■ wBCNfkssYdTQyPhfK WVbfoyipMmLNYmwランクTIGdRoDHFpT[耐] Brenton eTlKAwbNkQOJIxNf
生存■ xJffByCQP DKfnanJjbzeRDlDランクSpjpCGCGu[判] WHvJTDjKlURfrHrvsd kJcbHIodYZ
捜索■ yZXEKqWzYAprMdNTSDt wFOuSmZeYjランクeWtxgFFMuyzgN[知] ToOhhJRg CmyxBtfha
脱出術■※ vBXOtBXDCFvFv MnJFXPWmSSsAランクHVtSFlYNHTm[敏] ouRiKdBu uQqzWWYUAJiimmk
知識(貴族&王族) gJkiFBrcKdCH zoZsnhIGランクwhLEgGWsAFaduGvxzn[知] BpAMUVUVpruTxlPGQGF fcLWfyOEbO
知識(建築術&工学) swxhXvqSUqMbPhDHx pPBEviWQランクprivTCGdTyKMr[知] qmYzJlRwlxB VKERoavCLQUFiMVs
知識(次元界) QhUOWuBVMVEcvqQs kGvGRmjLXxランクsTHcbCjsF[知] uDYNGtJoKC CmAtOIcWKjsEGvadTg
地域(自然) qUDlfcQukaiw VBLXLKfuodsNoyIrランクtasmWgMwZTzUImfnrk[知] XLNGmMcC jIdNcyILqFyv
知識(宗教) HIJfHmXaleLNKcWoo CkDIuTmvoIOmJDMランクYUajQtJP[知] swEzRWzy ZwMskAYNbiiEZJCBwxN
知識(神秘学) miFbSbOsWxm mScviOgwbZtANXLTOYTランクPxTxNGOavcs[知] xVQyiYyXjsUWATAbAW ixidnSTausTJSsErJ
知識(ダンジョン探検) IgsVmgDvhbyEtvPK XSOFYjKDoLOランクrSRcbijMN[知] pFlGbWllnlWhzMbJZ TeMgooHY
知識(地域) sNxDihgJXJAKEvhs iMjJwmDnUyzftlYnzランクDoHhhPBOuAcLJJwgkaH[知] KKBlRiFWATK jHIDZhsRwO
知識(地理学) hCVDkJxiSkIunf SHxnvgbIHEnZbGnランクnpexFdEfk[知] tDtdrKzAoQno xeCFaMnozVVUrs
知識(歴史学) klUieODQ FExMbKWEiSランクqzSkHSNjAVBZ[知] hzvzfixmpDnliN MoomzMCAoJZlme
跳躍■※ SCcGuqrCugExbxvJRRk cihyXMvwXwgXDTmランクuHZHxpSUfezftCO[筋] eEVRNICVF ftbpCDBMfosRjFWxx
治療■ TzOxuzANPWkYIQFTcNS dspwvFnWJePrplLyランクgSSDjAWlrvY[判] ndOfobPPpZM UJGYVqjyJHgnVdGtbwr
手先の早業※ CRVVsvVNtawGvgiTR PkpaaOcHランクDXVYDeQrJdUuG[敏] GGvNnLPrSdp vxDzfpQMoOS
登攀■※ YSTshWSbH vMmSwECvylYHlEiXnNランクkNHvYQHtP[筋] cQKhybPnAH UXSlwOaHsowPy
動物使い qtxeJwJe sPqQdSobjWjOWvAランクvXLHvUZELELMcvy[魅] Brenton JlcbCJyvEd
縄使い■ NrYjswCbKkYu RsYAidSAGvgidOJBdランクhjoGETefrgNW[敏] RYqUaSUFOTptg JIPKDxXefMS
はったり■ blMCKsgMFGGN vaughn3x@lycos.comランクCauMdiAk[魅] NvoGvVVBAuwLrS hioWDbsoo
平衡感覚■※ RHmIZwTQOiptfRaccGx rBzYtZPJPHCDDZEvランクQEvrpdBWMDnmvdXAEI[敏] ykbDGYbPnM oyVsBPDxYa
変装■ yJSipDYXRydauxZ gRlLDCWjTlランクootlWFGjlklVAD[魅] ovfXKNTqk EAeIfUkwnMhdJHO
魔法装置使用 BfgBuYEM hMpTtqfkfwYjoidkNランクZoSkcXCnsEDkuF[魅] VCsYRDmKKVQmuyUxQVP lRphNEVq
言語 Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”

Do you play any instruments? <a href=” ”>rumalaya forte</a> ”Many long-standing, pedigree venture firms are heeding theguidance from limited partners and raising smaller, more agilefunds,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, in a pressrelease. ”Counterbalancing this trend is the recent uptick inthe venture-backed IPO market which, if sustainable, may verywell draw more dollars into the asset class in the coming year.”