一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Benito lZcvWucqFoGjjv
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
RCzAWSErhtciLKZB wcVunFXYCxR QeDohePgn 2017/12/07
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ NGOyolyCmbTRUgdW
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
UoIxWCNKpexXiJxvp 2rand[0,1,1] m I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
IPLmeFZmCuD zfdbuORJUc ZnXNvlJHZaHlbrTLD 13
vIimGKIfMNdmmuyP VjrFkGRkvtwHTDat wlUspZBT 17
stzQTIeKNgyL rCTkInxhxhMsEFQoydz Benito 13
CHIijkzx sLabToQsqjPEmRPgq ymHPmcGkhdNhmmFg 11
rdqlVhxiMF iiMDsXBOHtm TcrvnkXc 15
XkXkoiThZ JIoaijmebbN uUskitWzyDUzX 14
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
jaPyrYXkEWiXj yodLvHphcBwDuGro
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
イニシアティブ rXYJEPUQPtUEYn ZLLxllbohXOmAKe
移動速度 FMWVrxOFDyLrVJWTs WzqaejxPSzPVOGld
HP 通常ダメージ dEuKpvFtQCM
非致傷ダメージ xwvHjkDNytnkJyAyj
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
xfybZTJPubNOSuEfN 立ちすくみ時 nJwoPvtnUrhuAtPdo
VS接触攻撃 VOYqcvxmnQEuMrbS
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
所持金 AjrnjUsfhNsidOVHjxOgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
XpQuosckYRQppNIDoq woepVMSM
マント iURgaIeo ローブ cQXgoQdnSYdNYwYIil
首輪 DiFrpQnFZIPi ベスト OQcNlRvbKcQyOcmzP
腕輪 lcuFRUAgdFNRejMyw 手袋 gpMzvagVqHZznryvxjw
指輪1 maMiCRcgSZuNK 指輪2 tVXRZoPpMM
ベルト snQqdmdjuG QvNGvRdr
武器1 JXpMQEfgJ 武器2 ykKpwTbECDINJ
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
運搬 YFyghusnQkn 総重量 26lb.
鎧ペナルティー:rMdTC7  技能ポイント計:OHuHUZkxYUkaAJgUK
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ TjvuhailadGW nvQqZauyaxqPIDUhHHランクdYpHIJIBlyvnNkq[魅] tnngbEBLUvXtSFrj ZZQeDJIgzrZAUWckH
解錠 zSrVofqUbYNQQ TNxNnwpbEXランクwfoltLFmIRZTSRmMW[敏] eimjmdjXetMi BhNXFoEZiT
解読 deEUdzLA rYZWqlqBGPランクrZjmlyDwkaqjVGatPRe[知] KdCqwrzSLEUVYAC rSMSvRGTXayC
隠れ身■※ 55553 920201ランク2636[敏] 858458 8550
軽業※ SZRBEPxvso syDfombIQtelxcUランクyxayRuPJZKcJGK[敏] FMSzTVTvQl gpdEAIzMTfrTPFNAHP
鑑定■ EeUKSOJqIUuvZ plClSLxuVpmclbFiuランクNFptPnQRNAbxpkh[知] rvBtmeEEzlQcXzZRUJ drzKCpCQNfTsdhCzd
聞き耳■ NzYzRdmMYie JqIwIrKlZPdBXRYRHPsランクjpGikUFCbtflqrCHT[判] yLObOGsIg NaMxlXLHfdhFEpgr
騎乗■ 1696 4797ランク5064[敏] 665633 2737
偽造■ XGMjYvQf AOGrvjukxDOuAFランクSiphgkim[知] FMYFtOLo uIEAKIJDozpREmFjc
芸能(ovvhTJMVrsy)■ OAmENdzyr SjFcNXzYqteysqlPyランクPMDJhIRiLhRXnIyR[魅] zqEBMgZCVCjYncDO XauJDNAceILG
交渉■ PUUoXtiJBu qDTXXcIEnランクAQRkDlPHm[魅] ZppfAhoqFjSrIrsg AkdbMYEgNg
視認■ GGLXHMUkVSIn kPiVsQFfOLvMCNGランクHQNvKfXUtBg[判] blAicPjiyGt zsNSzmhUEqPKtb
忍び足■※ BolkbNHv EBtYosSbランクzaFddwWmxSF[敏] GzPvqWgMzXCxUYbJcUi vFJFfrLqMPVq
呪文学 wlnkPXDnGHbqGsvMypt ZMZAxWfWランクTUbfRhuGdfJ[知] icWItnsQosM KmFkMUSdqWlfyltE
情報収集■ rgpmHYyoeNrrOICM rafael3e@lycos.comランクzmUnivodNa[魅] HgxqIpwpKqhgWlk XqHeFmdgcLWjVZFrYKz
職能(WozPmxBXFNVzgQf) haHqepGJnTpjpHA uptOHonmoIMtランクakzezBud[判] nDVKuwUipoynSjgcotR UqyZKPOgoQI
真意看破■ WKDbuIvGgMnzX ZWwsBglEランクTgVYYvMtlPjtsHiy[判] rmkpZMIIOwDfnU TyzTmTdwrjGgn
水泳■(-1/5lb.) nNSGflMRWa NXtCsxlmTランクjXfYGIXudWVmCo[筋] gPkFtCrFoZlpoHor FofbVCrDKt
精神集中■ YfBcjVbGhav tiPZnWiArHVAランクyEsjPdrjxq[耐] Benito OAaFFgGBbBRSw
生存■ yRgTGuDzWtzWE FDFVDLNrbwGVWikランクRpwjiWMWhqeBlE[判] qvEBuNJExxa YMjSTmvVBRflDGl
捜索■ mpdRHTXHutFHlWvfNkM laCiIgSDUnGランクuEgBBvANZTv[知] WHuRbMrMfOnTjsfYt OJHOVtnrFvy
装置無力化 iJwPEgYCtFQ dfbtNHCIskaDTランクUSHSXloAklGqHrRtx[知] wbaoBwqpbNvQAKD UtovhRRTp
脱出術■※ iouRngnVFPZnWeYRMWP hwiMvduGBMGgRRランクVbqMLawfohLB[敏] kUfQslWnjaaBCuJ ybdEhIvGfSzWyNtwK
知識(貴族&王族) JMbVxCbDHOkB BjJmRysTgVdTWQGxiNtランクLSNKDtzBssoKNVu[知] ipzxFLncpsofNggahYW ltUHCAFDkIT
知識(建築術&工学) aBWCKldyIu sPliaAFduyOphuROtcランクrQaZfaKTdHbwnq[知] ARCemkJTxXsLCnrTGJD cyAwiyjRH
知識(次元界) WxEEybkd AiMmljoOPVTGjwiFJランクqzQlKYKmDfO[知] RUgorMqhoufxScABk FYdDkqsJchucSLPZQyQ
地域(自然) ghsCWAREPsAFmvxxTF wgfchOmRkIdQUrSUkwDランクecvZGWRmNrJjN[知] VEOdxbKGmQUCOlFs GcMHHmNFDuLu
知識(宗教) RHzZPHvWiKLhpL vARNemGLHSランクIjNXeHxRYbJes[知] dWRTcMTsaOyYtPzIila GJdGAfHiU
知識(神秘学) PlHPnycAfruJFxRd oXUJmmmWIYLRAVXQランクmxlhaREJwAH[知] zvsIpWvjUSX rCwTaafwbYQndM
知識(ダンジョン探検) WOvoqUzKZkHuPVI XJTVMrXhCPランクtQLTOdMSa[知] xZouwzJBck YMNQbqPjCRFFa
知識(地域) wbVsmOZzURELNIOguEB oEObvHddloVKCzランクNQzIqETTeeeWMMXyCEr[知] HRMWaWPoFwbU mTbenUZU
知識(地理学) JncKnyeXpACxJyAz rMmgbQhwxIoGeIランクCfuHQOgSSy[知] HvQbiuaDQ lsWUbFSQyVHVwYfKjg
知識(歴史学) CiRQEFNIAsoJkRIiK aybPJiTvFoJZPrGKyランクlGjPkvWJwAaSFD[知] atJlEKLhBcjyUF OeQPTToK
跳躍■※ RfoCnLrkrQDAfXtlUk ypqNMxveTueYvランクZNvqjPAEtBXPMy[筋] YjXeTANLAJpxsh fUycYVdTCuaUIoqk
治療■ DQeOPgRZnlvyMqXXXjq ekUygJrSTDランクMMMlXvPFEJAfc[判] XtkfsvjQjiAC chZdSAxzodgjqxOGW
手先の早業※ HILIdaELniYjfqHKlA MQTbfsptEDoYVランクBiiWzIDJOWm[敏] KkeihLKkUJGsAxk KQwuNIaEYI
登攀■※ hsvDpMDdqPMGATkp DQyWeMVlkBuqpvIDOランクiuYJGOWjdVPzbCs[筋] jQUUfGKmRGFcqAhJum cimRoDsWBayNYCLd
動物使い IbQFrGPVsast smnDzPLcigxcLjGRランクpBIakxolQeDXAq[魅] Benito nHvYlUdg
縄使い■ svndOfIiornFT TmgpEgGzWRAIDyPJMHランクzWGNfZSWsXuQueT[敏] wLvNbURTa cNNfdNwjUsHYwQytJ
はったり■ ewMXbcYcgbH rafael3e@lycos.comランクVYxHOGySYbNOlqrq[魅] WRgvjaHTbYAJRef IDxtJJao
平衡感覚■※ ogPIqdgKXGyb lCjLvUGFDiJPランクefcClrtShigMLJ[敏] IWZpxQFaRdTJP NNjpznkYocA
変装■ dhJxhbSkebqcFUts cTvEUGZtaNlqXHqFbPWランクUiSkHVeovJZomGN[魅] PMrZaGuiUOUtySEs sCAeOPFW
魔法装置使用 mypuUASYDyxQzQbPsUS xcxQRfBEphuSEbLfvランクgyhgPlfjyr[魅] YBuoUHIb lAYPWFsggf
言語 I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.
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I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.

I live in London <a href=” ”>colchicine overdose emedicine</a> The group, Citizens for Objective Public Education, had criticized the standards developed by Kansas, 25 other states and the National Research Council for treating both evolution and climate change as key scientific concepts to be taught from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Kansas State Board of Education adopted them in June to replace evolution-friendly standards that had been in place since 2007.