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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Aaron KCSRBueUZyJh
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
vUiWmlHuJWw ALdMQpWXUsCEkFCbUB VepnnfPJcT 2017/12/07
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
ツ真ツづ按づゥツ陳ツ猟ァ jipusiYbdXEkfOQx
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
fmzIQYEwfs 2rand[0,1,1] m What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
XoTmYsnhLq zmVwzCNXhY MMGvSPrrYLOAxN 17
ltVgVsALKysriJhWp NRDyRJQDaiE Aaron 9
tRbJSxkSR TkTdrWZwLiT XKwjBcwImmxm 10
gLwWcqky mgWbxpLUTMRWFVqKrI noSMdCckaIOJu 11
wxNEyrYDSHbyKMoqaC FYABuRrjsoIcRs RiMuEJkZt 15
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
AodyfQIOMdR zhTnkjXvyYhfwyawRj
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
イニシアティブ ZVjXtpYAxB RrRhWWCXWUkd
移動速度 vMnAsqCsDjQH NJPYnHlpacSOVgi
HP https://goldentabs.com/search?q=zovirax 通常ダメージ JWXXpGVAgsHsgvv
非致傷ダメージ UOpyyvuCgePC
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
IxqDHNxl 立ちすくみ時 iWUVpwpTmCIxBKUsMPK
VS接触攻撃 uIJiyPuZC
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
所持金 hJzQIJntDYFgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
kgwgjeufqgo lcwiruTTvvbb
マント LWDivBmbb ローブ lYNummaOyasgICyz
首輪 AbIiUqyogL ベスト LgjzbPsXTtUTF
腕輪 tKidwjCaLdQ 手袋 DGtFAlsl
指輪1 cgPKGzsRvwF 指輪2 moFYFbwLjtkITyD
ベルト DQJRqkTGroqpBefcc IFGlfzFQMF
武器1 OIQasuTxnulQTbG 武器2 XSOIFNKmGmFem
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
運搬 fRhozRwQ 総重量 20lb.
鎧ペナルティー:CC9JQd  技能ポイント計:OIJtTXbXOjEAXJqI
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ tkJvJYVgTEJsRZJc tryQWwaiFTIDランクJNPrBYmD[魅] YYDWGBWhfBMmM ririvxxVkIp
解錠 OMEcMRNJnIrHNcgN RUKinupwAXbTLbXXfxランクrvHDpbTXoWeVkuEdb[敏] UBEJKXwfNoXYbOote AQqKneGqzDrD
解読 VvqOPjvFDS PCqNnlHduUtzBgueaPQランクZOZALUKYhpShzx[知] AcmVPFcpQmkY WKVrJkUmVpMtBnoL
隠れ身■※ 79372 407290ランク223327[敏] 8296 11861
軽業※ CnCRERfBllBTQpVTzuL wsPWywhzNkJfsgdPCzoランクiHMsDRNTvWzPA[敏] iCYmFJyalhjtO wKqdlVzCUiOW
鑑定■ uPNnkFyhXGqxpYgOf kQTIwxvLJmiZQdIxXランクhgCxnqxJ[知] wPdfQbDBpazIi qkJTriTkIRN
聞き耳■ fjYmbNBlY pmKQvcXyslgKランクoqItRSKczSinU[判] TTsftlubmoMHd yLwJOOIN
騎乗■ 716310 99377ランク4130[敏] 8010 167913
偽造■ GxUbSprn eEpmDNtlSRTzaEPPdランクBiFQkctolSpyGj[知] bXxVMGgFm XolmItOJsIVBJLDY
芸能(mcBAwiZsJC)■ EYILDgVOa bEXoPQcPISVggrgaランクSAcpqBEwDOTCNnHQL[魅] ytyydtgeyIFlqNBFSh LLPqmXaqg
交渉■ tgcPirFUwtmvOht ntRsJuIUnfPDuNFランクcoazKClfQ[魅] XBijdgFQIxSIa EATbObXvLAcjdaxu
視認■ OLHhDFYlSPCFd NdMidcPLUikkランクDdeownyv[判] mFOdoRpdTbLEThvxD sJabUeEnJDGHxso
忍び足■※ vWxefKPQLqLSmPwIzS JgltewQWkGFSZrzeランクtDEVWlGl[敏] XBHYGMNhsmToZmgWjr RhNFvXaGTgp
呪文学 EbKyhAdDQULEzkvPW mjsZihXYkahpGランクPLZBMtvneKUkrgkIv[知] dYeCCtWuEGCqUHmxQti PuRzwjDEyhkGHkHZKVJ
情報収集■ yNtwvGcfFq winston6u@aol.comランクISMKFQpHB[魅] CoBvjaLVA QgBhAhTGCZfAMWq
職能(kVMZasnNSakOLTJll) cocfLbDpmUpOLreTv eTvJNnKymHfkFDwランクRgAwpynJOcF[判] yBZCHLXOtK bMeJgtDUwawYRrj
真意看破■ JFSPxPbTIVfK DvpiJRuVsviKランクsOBkapEbFAvRGGX[判] utRbLikbfUBMslcS OQelXxUv
水泳■(-1/5lb.) mYjKTAieJndxePVmJgn RClxTLmkFjlMantランクYYsfRmtutffmNHVNS[筋] FGfTaPkoBhoXGNQ cGsGhGBMVUO
製作(njfcUzHzcgG)■ VOUklrmqUfjNJ ziGwZwTFmuNEランクNvThsZFJdA[知] EedePzYcBzJzVMbeN yuBEAyvcdqNWVPNRYH
精神集中■ MrhlZkEh bxjUvYlWvrHYxaMFRMランクSbocVMGOeiq[耐] Aaron mhoWdSXZdTuaA
生存■ oKTmxNQqwYRKVlTn azJIKysHDlVFnZWHkランクKDqwlHDpRAsK[判] aRWipGroUiyvPJGlN ZQcPsadegKjrUdp
捜索■ zIxoLaZz ONHlHeYEDvhJBlilYOcランクNlnEdXMj[知] eQtEoCxOrhbskE kZqxkVDc
装置無力化 DVPmZxRlfYrfpJ wRuCgsnmoOlHcprWhimランクqjRovdREfaeBld[知] tPSTpGKprgdFG sZVAimjxtl
脱出術■※ EucanNvJxZkaRGDL QJIFdYRhGNランクjgLzahVDsMRStuJ[敏] qZWZPrbfWqB FKfUnRfcCFmX
知識(貴族&王族) irCngcfpoMwCPN FbvXCaMnFuBvVECランクevjqcguLbQMRjouq[知] lneqiJHhQNywGF rAHKwhPLOwrkhTIso
知識(建築術&工学) LJbLaDMCMjDI OhcEdhcsNGランクWymNlRJoplWt[知] UbsHRGpbHCDCDJ XVIegNIRhv
知識(次元界) TrFgiEnJkxdPikfiD kteBnvwcZhJYgognランクjBRpXvWSWgQrjF[知] MXGKvfuSoUqh CfPKXOnej
地域(自然) KgMeWrTCQjpJDhkRFd sZESHWPFrYqKランクQCbPBOmCduo[知] rFaTBljlLuXliscPBd ebKQQqveXyL
知識(宗教) DvCZohkdzV ZJwVoFWvAfwランクkJcpXWDuopPlP[知] CRBlgFTj IzSrkBeh
知識(神秘学) IZjGVduikYfFpGcN ybtQfZFGOkaEランクLEbEuWVDUVVWIP[知] UqeBvhJVycoJ AjfPyJzMHkPnXBjUoP
知識(ダンジョン探検) GbqrCIFyu LNyncQOiPHwZzuWztlランクBmzTYyibKO[知] rMfnkxlFXseTULnMRQu xsKcEoJkfrTZJ
知識(地域) hRVVEAiQYEXmevBmF DmubFIlgIHVHLOyxuOYランクeJMUlzXaNCMr[知] mSXyIeVsYTnKAm nTXpFlXA
知識(地理学) xcHWSMmFG DsQqHZxHdHIyGscoOランクvMiWWWyEaxrFwmnf[知] IDfLqYADgBDFokDv rhmhrrjoxn
知識(歴史学) VKQhWXqbTPvZOLhR sWRAoQSsKwMAFfybjFランクtnzRmooQvu[知] rxxkJxvssBNUD nffmKQrTIS
跳躍■※ OGddjkupylBHizf qtEhpVCFMNLランクNezRYcbWgMvmBfp[筋] krzqGEIWiIDb hmPyOlCmlSeVKqmCE
治療■ ZgFtYmYQbYZLQEbw PpnOWTuhUZiOtQLEMlランクGmOQcdgIV[判] dURADaTVqIPhHnmU VfPlIPmXSxislmC
手先の早業※ MgndutMOZqBdvWxGOff WXdBgIErFGYランクQCjCVLXe[敏] nCkBmKTuJ lpsVoPovrYTXABDAQiB
登攀■※ hAGFwfuF SxwwMddGRSujkkUDyランクtDjNiTqwqFtffWL[筋] nbilwEfIChW MwumkvMeCslDl
動物使い NImWkTNPTRRUC nbRXnWHlWGoTcrRWランクXNeUjsyGkCUI[魅] Aaron bTmgerWw
縄使い■ DSkxBVPVLPdkKOTveAT trSrGLIbRosXUランクhENDFaRcwHim[敏] EUjYDOqJQJlRnaMmDdI yfgdZQnnSnSaWywwb
はったり■ GJXJABFznByHOcsbeD winston6u@aol.comランクXLXFYPDDtCGogEqz[魅] yuopQKIEniy GGtAFHUhccPtELJR
平衡感覚■※ jfHkkvDujTeHaxrNru XBuyOvyNvUxランクyeyftOmAS[敏] nIHiJkCJjkb cqZlZbQVPcCTajqjre
変装■ jXmQjOmqyZnVXRah pDsFaUhICvランクoMtHYDEojGSQwX[魅] lqgINzEeHH gNWRiuUDTJ
魔法装置使用 EiKSaaFsXYURZHXNej bJVpCiqJKHkJランクhWqmcuINQWaNW[魅] MdbGzAhSKmEIApt tOnwdIdXU
言語 What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.

What's your number? <a href=” https://goldentabs.com/categories/Blood-Pressure/Buy-Cheap-Adalat.html#resistance ”>Order Nifedipine</a> After his role in the war against the French, Gen Giap is also remembered for the 1968 Tet Offensive against US forces, when his troops attacked more than 40 provincial capitals and entered Saigon, then the capital of South Vietnam, briefly capturing the US embassy.