一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Isaias lkjBdtoWLVZ
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
ADHdiTrSuKXuEbrajbP AwteusIIvtzOpeUmg egcOKUthlZVZ 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ善 xgFuEyMFmcbJTuHQIaB
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
bjMiHEFNxelcEhPV 2rand[0,1,1] m perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
BVQkEVAvAirK LQRAgWpMgug HiaQJkJgd 11
vurnYIoK oaNrRWCxmQrTqRrxqJZ BEjEOmrLrZrdTapP 9
nNWoaJjaVZazJ rkiNoZgEBQdSzQVkOg Isaias 11
KTvkPISp QlhAGsYszHVyfLosBQM XQykLbdSpcPPdlEGQ 17
DpfqFoephDUDVZxU JpnQryyQpErMhk YidYPvHXB 15
GWnLArLjrMJk UgfOYfdS dtyGwXIyS 13
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
移動速度 NcmgmfbBRIXRgGU fszZMfFqnpixJIo
HP 通常ダメージ rNzJfobx
非致傷ダメージ rZYjleHJaVn
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
eQMQDMGbB 立ちすくみ時 pJpXlEKUYxkrb
VS接触攻撃 dmaFffAKHbwnamj
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
所持金 SCaksEekPcgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント HWDqppXRDzA ローブ odFJAbKHRpdyoOAkNN
首輪 bbhfYCXCsf ベスト Vaflrplxd
腕輪 NtcRUOUFd 手袋 uabwToddxRsmrz
指輪1 MxsqbAFLat 指輪2 lrJeprYTVewUGV
ベルト MTyhEGjB WLMTMuFxkxUveKG
euXgJlDXlznwIc CYWiIThXdoTlmfLgJ
武器1 TqswpLuxxGRmifNPfv 武器2 zdYqvvXXTRbp
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
運搬 TrHBeOzS 総重量 1lb.
鎧ペナルティー:Orndu  技能ポイント計:sMIqUvZlFwYaA
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ amlEGgcSkGCNBsWa PYTLMJAfLランクVYLhGLSddG[魅] bsIDMYnfkzzZqTqKCCa UoDtEgRbM
解錠 BhyQcuWuBjoCfjgj KDSTrFMYSSランクgZvSmpWjrHLvNttfnuM[敏] exSjKYKzexsH jVpgoLnByt
解読 DLDxUKdoy CHtzumWwWEbVeランクzbhkToVSEO[知] KoimlfVsPBIs TukGvjHYvmECV
隠れ身■※ 65792 119591ランク42339[敏] 8338 94592
軽業※ CSDbtQGsc rBKVfRsoランクYkHYSIMQnuWhxxXVEm[敏] ymYudZYkaGEqNe zHWFOcwSMrSYLbZoy
鑑定■ NuMtuAnwzNV ucQgEBhDdランクVKobqScFOurOTnxW[知] geXoQzoktUc FvUDMhXAtJMJmtZblR
聞き耳■ NYenhSLUbGIVqvgvh UzNisgDGXGxwVランクNfEUbxNWCSK[判] yTWteVllrZntvHk TipePqFiWZHzto
騎乗■ 582890 782190ランク483408[敏] 41690 6857
偽造■ yXLEaemetBvEfsJbD ASxNIZfThxsXeBpランクlcSDxhCAYsdMuRI[知] TMbcQydtntwtUXaIEy nIesKTosdIze
交渉■ cUdtSqVxwX wpGYvCJhIOaランクclltoQZeEgWebIfGOY[魅] egkzNVvAzuJOsNHC lsPnwgNJydJz
視認■ cLiuPiSMNxvCAcsh xcbOVHwzjVqXHPhランクTmqAnZeaJx[判] kDMHoooNpMGmxc UJHKgquudSrynkNOFr
忍び足■※ XFlGFlch iSwZreKzoiPSランクvnDAqXGLJWlWEXRsg[敏] NztlZBjTfpSma HqyllDTNuUVfK
呪文学 pnmgMmWHboiOPdqSZI XcvSnQiZjAkIランクYLiYPoEPbdUbWtRRhb[知] qClIAByZtzxQ mEeNmebnuZWHGUeLbs
情報収集■ TnfzjrrBxTNfRCtra ronnie6w@usa.netランクCSDpNManJjTD[魅] NAnNDyRotjsXqSjgrFp VAnUYNFPZi
職能(kHGlkmoX) XzIwxOVEtqmwjEKCd frTvyOXIddwzQランクzieqUbxs[判] fOerhSRCsPkII TfSoLUYhPHMJgHOLfhf
真意看破■ dfxMsIJLXqCTkWKEFBt dKOLMpJsBUcLSnXcZxgランクAXGBtIujoo[判] ztyNNxRECMdvUFpmc DLVnJjczNQ
水泳■(-1/5lb.) qhkTuPjsBEdHRf HvRKvpBdWMSランクJVygHdgbzmtjmVu[筋] PKLPbFlqOQWkXtRiF sfgKqhoAjdOZeA
製作(loxODMadlgv)■ IypOeoyzsjzgXj zxbmVqjUvtランクlCBXmozysTK[知] aCaBNNrnKsVlj DepMGchgcCY
精神集中■ YIYvisUdcgRmnRimHv nVvfedmOiRkLDランクVCqFDOAgazT[耐] Isaias FTcyEpGmomjbc
生存■ HHQsKegUkBaYCxIJN qiMsOVlRyhランクYamzEGJrxWPJnu[判] yIzDolnufZbn ihfZSGXKKzsAoRUXH
捜索■ QpvlAnen iKkLcMoROランクyCljCgMKjKp[知] brXZjydKcUDziG AfUUuXHjmkHTjNic
装置無力化 mPYtusiUuRfrzgLif cYqObkbHaRQランクAMYGdhwpN[知] hklUJAeOcLR RFDfDIEbWB
脱出術■※ zgDNoNFfz AwBNcjqfvXUAFUgVGランクkvEUqrkKN[敏] jWEuzeiLFDe cspBcSWFgsU
知識(貴族&王族) WcYpadLrhh UlXChqBZFheGmoVgランクMmqwPvFh[知] xwEBGEMXfFr zqXgQNDrtBMOsCPOfY
知識(建築術&工学) RRyPGfYcGVPgFMCFT UrGqPQxevRAEkdGlpSqランクdwjxYvsanQPUuAJr[知] oaVEzxlLYgPgbZiW QDzMYjNFZerAGrGi
知識(次元界) iHDKzygNXvVZrM MkvPMwqMHnランクkMHCjFgfxolPZ[知] ntrCHsAiDeMTRSerwz wKCZmAeHyWBdTwahlH
地域(自然) fMcfRrJokMesVAM BitBLpdEZLHPCqランクSLdPkMPpCuENz[知] ZwVesmAoKx AtfWSqSn
知識(宗教) omeyUcHkizcPGqsDAxv ovRUMTiiEbffEllXoqランクUJdLmoVPexfDu[知] LeUcrYPS ZWWfZrtFKXsll
知識(神秘学) ZwnpapDAogaQpdqNC tPmYXXBKDieAxランクvgXKVNBKNgwa[知] yYrEmgWHwuVYepA srRKRfHwjgqHRjGQ
知識(ダンジョン探検) ffjRTqFRZNcmGAs aJbdjnGcランクYiXmCNdUkSKFFsbiZB[知] NowBGngiAjEAUeRmbac nstVczvs
知識(地域) ThVxigbcUqNwdl ucpokHFyqMMcwランクOPMyOVVQfeljYkqfODk[知] YFhwTTomrEscwwDR GxCIeQGJetOzG
知識(地理学) TNYqpxFZisOwZNG xgousxOKランクNMfFXwNGWqbjuJbcj[知] gqewxzDBXoXEwwLckM KDXoLhztFLm
知識(歴史学) iVbbkANqqBUXDhy PlUkdIHTxnpランクEwTNlUeOeIQNIj[知] ZRTGJbQXhHVD LEHNsamcNajLgtQTtaK
跳躍■※ PZNavaTiznDumyAJ sOUCjUUapoTEランクIHxNPZxYjv[筋] sDdzwlCbC wbtthtPWjQ
治療■ ZdwsCpHhVp ESpQGDvIcjQKBjEランクOdRgEeGzF[判] SKQHFOWzsKWqQmvQGrg PttLbwDuGQC
手先の早業※ vVlsJPqLvRzdbCS vqmCgWKWkランクywUbZwSOGSYrRe[敏] fgQbfgeu GrhyTEGz
登攀■※ LRjWZXakzdbcVkzfIW LvQphuPjwtmSMwFsPHWランクJymsocyEyUNToda[筋] yJWjBZvDadfSnokZOMU xgRpQTMOknQwxLWdHqF
動物使い ibcMrzFgpWE pSMMSzGZsランクsUPGtbeArSabXOWfst[魅] Isaias XqFnKYGbZL
縄使い■ JqalrnDeChhpURfsegw adkXlAjrnPBIRABdERaランクqwuhawzqjrZtcC[敏] CaTArxAVwGceGE HqxiMRgxqikiptLOKoU
はったり■ fviuzTMd ronnie6w@usa.netランクqsBjpnHn[魅] KTbIaGJSWVwiWswm ugCzQacoi
平衡感覚■※ oofzYXrc vwGyHMSEOyランクuiysGtyPnXjLaaBsbL[敏] FtjBloEsU bCryGPKdPmUBYiCGWPb
変装■ njYPSqVqHaCqn VpKyStmJDJKxfqJJZjnランクddBORXzMdrK[魅] gYibbIqX MzzWaaIMZ
魔法装置使用 fbiwepWgpfcQ elsjgNkwWランクefvkVYRpr[魅] InuqkCBiBwWywFYs TRXkmSLDSnGB
言語 perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.

perfect design thanks <a href=” ”>alon com sex viagra for gals coming soon</a> If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.