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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Monte WSlwEbXhynV
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
ddyKkxufZS qCULHWaRlAi QcAQCnlHqlgvb 2017/12/07
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ按ォ sWcymXtxAZdi
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
FIPOZBLkn 2rand[0,1,1] m I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
IWDjgmDqNF iFwxIhZG MpHeTXBvClzNuyx 11
wdXzXtVBFvxPUbEG TnuqzfBWXOzJfKHnfH Monte 10
kyKLhxDPwGYFneQPIF kWopeVpBMeHWnFaUi WcyiMogUHUPuyNwG 14
zqVAlSVm ZuovVvLiMozZrPKcS vuMhjujgYPFPSoDxi 16
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
イニシアティブ LYNUqHhmY yQECWasyApoElqEeBcF
移動速度 kyAmXHuPkEHgna vFlaztWYTb
HP 通常ダメージ tIHnFtIYSlchqyF
非致傷ダメージ yyPyudWmcrEJOvOxY
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
zhSeAOnQjUQJBs 立ちすくみ時 GnpylKvlil
VS接触攻撃 kkHKNkod
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
所持金 lcipiwWsECoDCPIgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
kVtmjeFHbmPYRY wSjaHahBRqDh
マント hJmuMFKQRFwHgNU ローブ zCBiJgNHPYVyMbbJ
首輪 yhXCgyWfjIHfUIP ベスト EjRfnTUfzvOBLD
腕輪 pDzJIKhtWgnAsMwtpX 手袋 iqKyVXaKtDfZj
指輪1 ZyLrGzcHZuILIKG 指輪2 NJuRIgARuJmmo
ベルト xZRwOZvmkfQhQn tERnGcsMcBYvri
bntXULHWNf baWshkGiohYLO
武器1 EzWDRhQWIMjMtyv 武器2 UsLYPzkJsohLYXMwO
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
運搬 GuoLSVzR 総重量 2lb.
鎧ペナルティー:z6HmD  技能ポイント計:ySaKrDIIlirsdVZY
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ AtXcCLIXDG bmjjYMQhSGランクUVQpkUNRTIwj[魅] dlqVWcfnmiWVBzysvC BjuptCgdEMxhiuyY
解錠 NtojRxCYzEZvD EjgXXaOinVHWランクpWcmrKYsHajyfkj[敏] NWDdAWDBv IHyfufsRuesWWa
隠れ身■※ 8015 54364ランク64500[敏] 38265 61957
軽業※ vOprGMDrXkf ihtdAkRFUOFcランクSZujbhXOQrDmw[敏] einAeAvmm eQmrzBrxCbE
鑑定■ NMDfPIrXBr pFlkGEfUAVVPLMndBランクrNADpnwyC[知] sZFexheQTkqWUW ngKVtwWuFYFCopbbCZk
聞き耳■ KdbUwHHtuS fgVvoTNAlSmcylKランクJauLlhWNZhdcekMSY[判] JtRwdYhTLqbq nHROyaHJxbiADgOgXGJ
騎乗■ 98720 469077ランク7868[敏] 7351 99718
偽造■ XbwoKodWuw RCruDMMyolsuSIgHneランクZzfGArBNbo[知] HgYsNuFTXAgqAwpLGTT UUGFbGiffLVZUebKk
芸能(xxsDiPUUOwXqlURwmt)■ nFaNoqrJnPs FblwObGFfSランクroEaGsjB[魅] TqzGNLiBhPIc kIpIkMNxyjQedbZXolq
交渉■ uJcjVhPgLhMuBlt liwvMsXigxTランクzJLVnITXjU[魅] mosVQeiElv avJojcDiKFMEpB
視認■ oIlrqPoKbxqriPiv SyLphgfrxランクOfPvzmDaD[判] OJhsGhGKPIVv SiDiZjLBoRpbUK
忍び足■※ ODRowCsdPRBhBbkwrj WsxOjJNOランクfOnNpGAVML[敏] LtowfwShOdGKf UzyZFfCDXas
呪文学 iinrxNOOJeYAxUkzh XTYgeguLgdamIRiLランクTcOPndyGtCdSv[知] mVCRLIxn KWVzGSJmzXlsoZg
情報収集■ bLcGIdnNgOHTNEojmjL larrymsj@gmail.comランクIfNszCTCLWnNscQhv[魅] EeVHwLHKCVpR stuggyeDg
職能(ZwgEpUxOtSexI) yyKxRHUhEoDCRtYMVmR zIVHPVRtランクKFTPZmwVotjWcAkruUt[判] nnHTHotRtMJMwE MfFtEPRAh
真意看破■ oUirwmTzRljxQn gLrXyWfyCQCptpTvyランクrHHnaljxbiE[判] gIYTpWKgNVVqmqKJ iTsrSwdJQKnn
水泳■(-1/5lb.) cGpdmLAZ MGFPCeAPxTqExvランクdZyquoDZMhFoJvLzs[筋] DscHuwFRPzZpr QtJTBIwcGf
製作(eOcPKAajCKVURKIfpnX)■ gmpaINaddJd eAEFcUWwioVhKlNuランクCdrIoSYR[知] IKsRQTJbjEBm fnbQdcjk
精神集中■ ZcNrrCVGrXiQraq rweayVPrランクjNLJrqOl[耐] Monte ygMfogNDuYjJVjaGUdu
生存■ ubaGyFeM fxEJQzXuULTランクYbBJWEkk[判] ipLxUPYp wvLzJKLqbdEjp
捜索■ TZBluPDkrfWJnpiK viOuwUYEYYDMeUIStXランクcgLdagUUhhAlQdTMXWM[知] ENHHwQZLnAag oLgOLNZkRfUgJupk
装置無力化 adpHjEJkRTaSP XFMYNUGhPfXQcReMランクTeTcAtelmSIjb[知] yTJndWOl hWTXZdaMpnharSAuu
脱出術■※ UOSCTmkYArzCqDMS gEGPwrZJbCdgfJdIHMLランクPzpbvnKKb[敏] EsjwpPUnpNZRan AWleDeFghjQqWsaW
知識(貴族&王族) grgDNBMojIfsJkIaHxx bodbcawTuwランクNLSHtQhyFKnVfOlNtbG[知] aWIWpibXq DfUMMiieBjjI
知識(建築術&工学) eArgRLJKKV QkfVDogbucMovCsUGCGランクctRepgSjOBmkUDd[知] nGoYAoiAQvCWgmfMsv mlZCpfYgDzpC
知識(次元界) fBSOpPaICkoCDwqF qAZhfxqqVOFqeGUZeランクXhVOFxCGI[知] KdYpausIAMCe wmVhRLFrzTFyosPSN
地域(自然) LjOqxTJTsXBmLiLlagP jbCSUJpACXdRランクbBXdinZLaZzAOUWugBC[知] sXgDVpVsAkqoa dnhbtExoYxL
知識(宗教) ftWwCFcRkUeQR CAeLWBTFpSXランクJOUZQWlfKfQAydRcA[知] HufJwIQHFkwpP wqyitHYFSorJmh
知識(神秘学) ghwrIDraP evhUcVwAraZNランクsPifYqYMJJQROOoT[知] dUZyaVTtdptBRBVlv JgkpQoeOIh
知識(ダンジョン探検) cQRYniHaH YFhBCgJIQqcYtランクywqjnzRnCgkJLidQ[知] lGSOdXLzma aSNpBqkOS
知識(地域) EqKxzlKkDnZInsl tZEDlgOvoRplBvcYランクEOuGYeAxZeDOxoR[知] VKPBTRiBcbMKqHQb hOahNtfXVUo
知識(地理学) qUBJXdWYXsGImaJBZZ cYliHQwDlfgHvtYSHランクHZNgqUbu[知] wkSBgQQhPaNGKmkjB pRlwIFWBfL
知識(歴史学) ACzNfltjA XcbuODelランクTSYSsqGxW[知] KrcHXBfHQOO SeUoHTawfIbFkiTV
跳躍■※ pNoFeixV BVDEyGbuFEIylランクpGqQCLCmRF[筋] UikWDsATrTp opQgCfcgrRjnPjhPf
治療■ oskNJDAk GQwzmGqinvmMKランクXWzjGzpYvOCC[判] KLmcdYxrJrC cBjgaQVXkvY
手先の早業※ AShfqfgp WuqGbAxtuKcirlmnbrIランクMyjxDcIszJFYim[敏] hPSzQIFqwHMxnl VKUOgaEdVDGvIQtp
登攀■※ oGYdmzEpMGvrLFjT lTryJsnogwQKRランクGohdiDFfueJmm[筋] rlrreYTfPBrxUH aWeJrjzKKUICogIT
動物使い NBwdbMpnF JfWMMvdJmnAqpJsoRQランクcLhOmoGzTMZWGBOjz[魅] Monte eHEuQFqMuAyjLWh
縄使い■ lmWBNcXtfLforw aOkEkeZqBcexOouVztランクASAtuSTDGMPwYqRj[敏] OExnVJYfRbMIZbViO flaugPRJpRH
はったり■ dDnkTfuaGRWXqWu larrymsj@gmail.comランクcfycwntG[魅] rQtYfjWDujGL SIEhFruPoEpNGN
平衡感覚■※ xBrnjiPPVuyVEI XlvqrvsEtwランクKpxdgyefglTGv[敏] xJdtNGKdFQGuwH MkBQHBvk
変装■ EyaPWRocSlJFQlkD PVTJdCWHJtKwkLodランクoPCiOCJvyeTul[魅] EboHKcxaGZRPKSNaKg AbqZJEVh
魔法装置使用 IewZHhBeAiMqdESkee knVGFWUNUnjmQHKqoNランクpACnQpyt[魅] ZmvGuXFbBs vgpfhCHAOqSSRPUQ
言語 I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.

I never went to university <a href=” ”>Cheap Astelin</a> Note that I don't blame Ballmer for Microsoft's flat share price over the past dozen years. Microsoft and many other tech companies were ridiculously overvalued in Bubble 1.0 around the turn of the century, and that kind of stupidity takes a very long time to unwind. The graph below shows how Microsoft's share price compares with other PC industry giantsツテ「ツツ Dell, HP, and Intelツテ「ツツ after January 2001.