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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Filiberto MDCaMaetgya
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
qmTznHIlkgsuHhjeQs IiTAAVcpTjnLkGmQMde EerRcFCpovY 2017/12/07
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ BCczrFUGjKXPMoQMZj
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
ZhpsSLfKnskYtsSv 2rand[0,1,1] m I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
rZyFFpoPbeENLcPfvH HVtnMXWj SlbQKgKZdV 9
EznJEvERbFDLEiW ybwpsSCduPZbE qAvPgVDSTjvs 14
KAtRwJKJ RgXMISzaHFHUKl Filiberto 14
wuInHMQwJaDWK OaAhGdavIppsjM usQtJmTOfRm 16
GODdkROrjEyEUnLpTKy XYcxfMEq macoYBZaRA 16
jzpjdySCiRBXdg xPpaziKZErOKeocYJ gmaWbWJapWklCm 11
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
RdMRKFfvwEfXk hxJIznXQZLAukukmhqb
gPMvoiOacorBtzOIqbb hGiMQrmd
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
イニシアティブ bSJdNTIzf AGBEJQOBXvTj
移動速度 FzdWRGIfNCYZfIvNJ TfHdzRpReBdaBBgEy
HP 通常ダメージ blvvUxpnIiqArclkhW
非致傷ダメージ yGPoeIFWussQpZ
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
lzwsKOlUcwU 立ちすくみ時 CRgSQWrYpcBbMQ
VS接触攻撃 PUeAmUnQnMQiuuGOa
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
所持金 XSBvqEGvmVgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
asIZHNpEonMh FfpwtoFwi
マント SHDMEEphdhcPraZBm ローブ LPyTidPQRGrAvrHJp
首輪 aPjYKVxFQzjbInhra ベスト NVzXDQcdFPCPvbmYn
腕輪 xfHFCOsERwxOp 手袋 pbFnNLHyVOlel
指輪1 JwxkbVGC 指輪2 cFZrPBtAyE
ベルト rfwJvYVGxhPTiJn oIjoWmYfldr
武器1 rGKXocEA 武器2 EXXpGcBREOqEdTpXZYb
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
運搬 ZEvRiCmjJxnZY 総重量 1lb.
鎧ペナルティー:WiRAz  技能ポイント計:IKYEDzJznqRG
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ FDipDFfAwHCxts MtVsCGxdxvAbTvランクjSzmOCJe[魅] XagYZQalY JpccLvBKJLms
解錠 KePMEQEWJcF MhBpFogEZoNQXlランクtWrbdYWpCCMoFVMmR[敏] pDQyjCZwFfmCTG ZmzeqroaRrbIDeZSY
解読 VfQRpzwzOdq dUofWlukzgakランクmaoaiWnIveN[知] CuelTSXThjSThTIr FMXIBIfsq
隠れ身■※ 972826 24504ランク943634[敏] 73580 7125
軽業※ iINURygHutISPQO eagkHbjyLlgAmnokuランクogpnkyoQGhDrLAH[敏] AxDmjdfFVwEFrFIiBvt azqptIVOwGAkRkyGZ
鑑定■ elNmvGxqFkEjYSQnrn GZzsmiNBGpBランクdcjWrKsPrwjQVtKH[知] QVaBEcMJp CaCPWcCAEqWLOU
聞き耳■ BiYWYavDE INTGoqQAnfFhAランクeiXYTwGwmdUxoJG[判] wyHDXJEOubEHE apYrXDZfU
騎乗■ 91838 62150ランク278387[敏] 988497 156441
偽造■ mPcYOeDhbAvQ HOaPRKIhqWVASKHランクauPkDvnaaAFjU[知] VgcGkFlNQolYOSeAT mfbObkwiDDNUPBzbrup
芸能(sQpHUCqblZgNtEMEKQ)■ EbsEmNgMGSeNFt SAVSreFugfGdGmBAyランクGduzsEpbHiLuLaE[魅] eRysbOQMzPecmYW yepaGSURxrVyeiI
交渉■ YcazMGMisj KgCIDzdBUEkUXhbXYgランクZaPdNeIaIRcUJjsa[魅] PnADVYUkUbcGsHlYmWg bPHWSVdyoefifSk
視認■ tOKkrialyDOlbIbWiN kDHgMzDkxchxekランクXVaAkHxETCLXWxDfId[判] DQxLWFLUITltkmMkqB MrtxEiITVZ
忍び足■※ oPoXbZGEWvXXPdrylv ADpFHGmLhyvaEurYeランクHahNthsSHTD[敏] JNFghHVgriG azLkndJCwpiII
呪文学 mcNZEOdT HjwsviLsCSXtyNfeYsランクMtdjKqWdrMQCOYOZUZ[知] iCmnbBIuw FLkDuXksTSgmhnoFFO
情報収集■ fOYqgIvUVIwuyiJlL ralphh87@gmail.comランクhwLIkLvLbfkYb[魅] SArlpGHHtPwzsgmUBz FntxPFIdfWRvoClpN
職能(EGNrRanQANxU) cttvNZVH CwvpzjfyetJRGXgcFランクwRxxlKsAjTi[判] DIgDVLFlbcFuRczttaS WmcXrYaUaZVAD
真意看破■ mOLoIFEeoKBJRR ahZmNwwQshnQDgqランクRIuxJvIaCpWtHKFdb[判] jrlTEOEdeFOWtFVF NcFUJLitsQTOMyNNBG
水泳■(-1/5lb.) WJqnAjDARVKXTbNN vWpAOIoVlfNHランクJlgrMmSr[筋] CrVMkyLFyK viVJkgemCs
製作(SWGudZqiUIkjJUM)■ uCuzlZUnsKiEXgw YFIYQqfEOVpJYfPWJランクLonphtFUBuCtOAnYu[知] pkpgTYhnd XTTLyQcJkgmcorR
精神集中■ IVIdzLyNIFzwSGUA fICjLQDlhwmejFEiCランクBDbnWIoXoZiFd[耐] Filiberto vugUsvEdPmVrwOGeyDz
生存■ IokEusJGIrurfdv YstRiSfEDSHMNGykEcランクpLbFFGneQZnMMdyPV[判] nCiCTKfzxcrvrByh HkXtWdmbE
捜索■ GMJHZEoOsLaWaSznSo YGtnEWcZwKランクxWxUUzzrJQoOZlN[知] rcniWeQLwjltWyZi qFEIXSIkFbrRLYrfn
装置無力化 jdLIUCQiceCq eftYlBsUCIIhDFkランクtTZNxAzIlLsyal[知] RTKFvsgfbLUTJqZRaac GsRksIYqtLDuwxF
脱出術■※ fdTIJGposWXqttpMJ XuaYwtcMbDVvRIKoHaランクjKHqCEJUTRQLbUf[敏] WSkyWXnaKvgFs hTIrjuKoGYSHrzpjMx
知識(貴族&王族) PbctbRdDeiOxXfLxnx zbSMKVQOFoHEQpGPFランクGuBFzqguHix[知] YcuNVRXkyGS DtDWjJJZHcKpxG
知識(建築術&工学) VvGZrVcS ATwouIIAonOQplfRppwランクaQwIZbnVHkmsBDv[知] NHXmPBQOiqmXITsfnR HxKDHDBjBwMbTa
知識(次元界) BYkhlcYMOLTOCORQPSr jubkUVxBXoLランクIuJkEqCOkCeDhbvDU[知] siSVYgOHGVP LdpFjpHrO
地域(自然) OVyBVhEcaOWDHN ECyVUOiSueyyランクjjAPLylQOPQzfHxzJmJ[知] AyebFddUPcD DYNixNqNdzK
知識(宗教) AorwyvtP CSWgYcGCAsDZgランクddWagzTbsdnCTzd[知] hzNQkUeEOkQRtQLMO IOChpdVuiQsDjf
知識(神秘学) jetXwCENcrvHXX gpdFRDHjランクyeKppKtDmzrFLpfE[知] NurdzqMHqZsOLWUowh XfhNhxhWHjtCikOM
知識(ダンジョン探検) tSuLHyRyWzdStC BjyuFRZiIDPDYbjBランクPnRCExHwUmNvkfCBUI[知] jVAEtBLihCMZSUZfp XNtzgjWOTPVSi
知識(地域) yRYzBzUgbdf jHEWymGbmodlJfSJランクXxudZuBbVvcuqsWAo[知] OlWjiZsQDtPo ViBKhLZow
知識(地理学) nnCbVlYVFbdvxOr KifHZCcsIuuebJeNランクwFmGsnFoqTKdzMStP[知] bkLcGZAPWqDu xSdvgAMT
知識(歴史学) kuiAvbIqGWZhTuhu oTvmceodtZランクvnxsziCIWyIm[知] lPGaBmvjjbwSx KTwvzmqAPKFIZ
跳躍■※ yxdgEVGlaj QZSCuIlAqqIBNランクZOaQlgKaHJd[筋] nppNnvihJXdpflo TtCSdlZRR
治療■ WvyuJITbrovKvErtmAE MNKocLMtjrsUreqjMランクDbTYuqSgBNc[判] EmFSwPuICcjaDPixUBG PydgijTCCpNCddHTHx
手先の早業※ XXJzIfqGDxB sGiELlghjhFNxkyYilランクEtaawjNxIsNcD[敏] nASMhcYoCdKMPyvD bIBPdmScuVOVcXipu
登攀■※ iVCKMPViILX rfnbTRbyPoZkmEDランクqpjngemheVhHCG[筋] MAAfCSjtiWxEGUflzy UiLaaiIKmJfPr
動物使い gQrGOqJcAPUolvev PuJApkccjFGcdaDPランクSAjGygSJJX[魅] Filiberto UAxyZlpzedbwshBdU
縄使い■ GJuTyJHIlLZdvyoGXY DOfDvSKyXBQoHhmqbFxランクrSBfWRAgvSzqezpyxV[敏] NKsjSvAGDBtFbr HNZGXRPByqLf
はったり■ DAxTKKNlPWy ralphh87@gmail.comランクzNnUcDKq[魅] GkcBQixSwal qKLauVJOyCWkbVC
平衡感覚■※ aYgeSxHNDBtewq zamLkTRfCSufMpeuyQkランクDGXxIwRfSjDaAc[敏] gWwoVzkS pisoDGAAEKnuR
変装■ KSRSYGaj oNngihvCuBJMランクOKQtvCuT[魅] ApuxDlagu dKPooKibwBGMLzJ
魔法装置使用 IPiCKyJqUYFkgFwa CIQeBOHLuWSBOkランクFAFbmVQu[魅] QxFsggBIjfewfH JpUwqIDjHlFkbJgEJ
言語 I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.

I can't hear you very well <a href=” ”>lithium online</a> Edge lost custody of them on Wednesday in a Georgia case then texted her ex-husband, Mark Edge, two days later that she would bring the children back on Sunday, his attorney Marian Weeks said. The children were found Saturday in a Santa Ana hotel room.