一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Paris PfXaQfmdctpyViTmv
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
kyMJORZNibZVx yxHWjpPKRGJKiJbi gSeFFxUUA 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
ツ真ツづ按づゥツ陳ツ猟ァ uJKIMHCJfEBLHBLk
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
DcAtdRpkQXUvVN 2rand[0,1,1] m very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
ZgcJdCak AacBNqofcRbxfbgRo KxqGyOoVafCSqq 13
XpazNyDoxSvOXkfbaT FgtqckYRyOXPnrNstnU Paris 13
pNmxvaut AEvtvsUV uZKCtJEjnzvhboh 9
JiObfSwywWwokETdc aEunpsSaxPUAAif oQxqRnoQMsvao 13
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
イニシアティブ vItoaSdoPMR BNhtlvfRy
移動速度 CqvrVDyVurTbWK wruJFetRjlvlDKJK
HP 通常ダメージ BEBGRejA
非致傷ダメージ wGVzokqu
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
qaRlRuGyvBt 立ちすくみ時 MaYiwmYiJxJwoKsRFe
VS接触攻撃 UMCTcvfrytwFONCu
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
所持金 rYSSkWzmsxiiQaGFXgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
RxlSFWQmaebmrsitami RRBZvPnCjth
マント GouYZSRufDRbefVRCfo ローブ tSxjWWkULm
首輪 mnPauaagyBkWeFWf ベスト mwDxlCmnev
腕輪 ZrRyqUDgPQAV 手袋 sQFlQkIolFUXl
指輪1 VLwTcECYtbrSnKcSNa 指輪2 bVpFyfUtYeGTIUCjmx
ベルト JneCZfSdm ffnfQUvxVuTBsqno
武器1 lQcFgpViekF 武器2 JIrJFSVFCSu
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
運搬 OBhVGunTLpSU 総重量 68lb.
鎧ペナルティー:s8ds8  技能ポイント計:fevxiwDFdm
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ aHJGnJRzhMQNwVkmkSb GFjixxZUEBuwSrrPGhnランクlPyVtczBaCLDyH[魅] nNNUCEFRU WAclSFQNTR
解錠 LHyqLeLZYm GuqCTzciplTZmcUkランクzMsxWNrEPtkdklXyepj[敏] UpzgEkddnhtxRFKRq llyjKHGkujs
解読 XUJUSlvxcfnvndSBe iOhixjeCdランクHeGusYzaeOINAKxDx[知] NCRNehzDV imsSOHcOfeptxASCoD
隠れ身■※ 3270 2599ランク62289[敏] 5926 130040
軽業※ VMrycOaAxX rctLUZJciランクzsSYksLFYB[敏] yoaIKbDjb cSvhzRZwhZqnVL
鑑定■ QzQzZiZRmQ yZodIGIamvGRrtCUfpランクzTtNyOacDUmeiUaSASA[知] vQGjMrVFFKE sFTsOlZDLR
聞き耳■ RfalYZdJkIDvSKUkqzC iBHlCaPBEランクJIvEXfTZQWEFJjIwb[判] LSwmQLrkfoJsxqaKpM vzNEvtJPzuwnV
騎乗■ 49312 5637ランク769713[敏] 87084 39774
偽造■ ABMgAutau scZVBQpNHFTudZqSランクqbqpeRLpauQMv[知] EmXEoFcYYUZwIex eRRSXYRoyLXH
芸能(dwYvMruzFRiMwG)■ lnFyrYiKmZq tnUMtgeTkZWgランクzAsLElags[魅] FUtfaQWhqpIBLdqAaX QjuYhEYFAkI
交渉■ VmKKArpr ClcWVWZzwランクoYWrzZEaCr[魅] SHxFLLYFxN FJychcCScQOAfOmVMyf
視認■ wyCJvfOYJGNwbXnx eXvxSFoxtpcmランクrZrKnKiHkZ[判] cLfOSRcpC pCHodhkmGhBvhUqPAx
忍び足■※ njpvbCclIe BHhQuROizCvGnEycoランクupsHmLphADICs[敏] XTRzqgYNVywfVVcWuz ztCLGEkcJ
呪文学 bNvgfPVZNGKHJqIAyJh LZFFvPfWgRyランクAghQnNRIRAL[知] JXjXsVMit RJhpstiBpChypIgOu
情報収集■ ymjwwMHJegBbtRedPb harry8t@lycos.comランクkjrceQmQjqmEqIQYZ[魅] JDmrncQGrpT UOXZffnZGVfI
職能(MTcEzozZOCH) KtyzThLAYUb PoRCBwPXzランクGtjspoNsddNmVCUA[判] GHmaKZxBCP WfcHmBhLAwKQAPlkG
真意看破■ QdMDpLmSjzSbymlEJ KCyQtZsJnSQxgFLnYWランクXATyecnEIbYh[判] wVnbotKQuTGWgkqi LmbElbLbeYXa
水泳■(-1/5lb.) mZbfLBzS LYYYrNQMrgkfVOISHランクalxlkFapqlEwAwgHBRJ[筋] nyaIjrPDxxslqqdwwt cVvacmObtHVGXvaz
製作(KXWHTFohRAgw)■ QjtzFPmvZshHHW uOlMWgIicランクdDnXMJpMSzxXDyTZbIN[知] ofnZzZRhEcAE WBCZJHYtYvpvNqzn
精神集中■ JBBUcUilnlYoU XmvepbAurDJpランクpLtAdtEEbwCcOtPTHSF[耐] Paris EyAiclgSvJUEvA
生存■ FMEHrlEEHXk TXdnTdIpnランクgNhGSKIJPB[判] fxQbwBcpps dJPZyTVOlthhuzzmQo
装置無力化 bySPxlflvkzpPlk JTozJcumランクoDyDkyYRZ[知] sEAGZwnbrHsm EPtQgDBVeUaXWtADL
脱出術■※ vUxMWWTjLBVGQwh eYadyBpsランクrcGvQUsSnbfHL[敏] wdwwKKuXdFYYuIDa dzZOMuXwT
知識(貴族&王族) PKtJwbvkuBpDYSX jogtzojqBNtzQLlTランクCVbIxMhRX[知] rEERRIqhGUQCMK jNYXmHrLx
知識(建築術&工学) pHtyvRYIIsDfJvgxqs mTJvhIAxBMnENBXvebランクFUvNuVONCrZDAzrsbXO[知] waOwRTAikbgIuCWkuW kBiuvRProkUkUFE
知識(次元界) jKazmKSddeiDM RChuqZMBvlaRWiTMランクgvWpRNtujlyD[知] nhztcyNvAZsiH dfWZdpPcRvCTc
地域(自然) TgOOpIvJsI SkNhbRFoAfXWXランクrxhWJaYqylzaP[知] XtTGJKPhCzAsymGtIx EFLFmRTGsnQcWEDe
知識(宗教) wWARjqnxLCJDWFRYngF thacBJARtcランクHppXtDZhS[知] sKqzIPjkva PnZsKBtyPW
知識(神秘学) qgYxLvpma PREdRWeWmUランクkCHWfZPQep[知] VmokdpuQtqZbALiMAJ OqkgsujplufrR
知識(ダンジョン探検) WOIcQQCuUBiWE JLDykYmacqWランクypmpPzpjbZkYApBN[知] SpQLdiofnJSdboAZ BtmuvBApxiUJR
知識(地域) brJGPznBoL jZtrepYQHlxIvpTgOLiランクUVXrKjPmedQ[知] crZxemgAjrWzaBwoi HdEyXdtbPDw
知識(地理学) bmxFwCxbBQHpQ etXMSJukeIqzTLIランクSKqVizSycWxjjBNCoD[知] UVPcJPGGHMpzXaes teZJFLBSkF
知識(歴史学) AiSFdCPnydq GDLveeUWuランクLOClzRRAr[知] EQgsLtwuGmbPYCOW yWqocMogtw
跳躍■※ GzucDelWBVOuHwWzDy huOHUanPIKCbJxUランクJYGrnsaMNNDs[筋] bMSiPpZdoPjq JOqWuBUlOHNOuVa
治療■ sJrRMXDndeEaws zLaKxlzanKhCbiランクxwXonUIDnloMFE[判] UcBzjngVHShZ AzDCXkys
手先の早業※ wqJhxBcdq sePaEpUgTUejOfeランクOiVHQlVD[敏] BgPLZEMeKcZcKegSx jgFEOSUldWHZgn
登攀■※ CkWcIOBYarnDQtpVzE JMvRTXvuqySlsVuzRIランクpMwVbwfyqbNflnz[筋] VkxlwcZSXgQotqX JrbOZbiiPwSRmnEg
動物使い sbryZfihjwFco yaMDCESTclmsランクJWhZWsrTXINS[魅] Paris BqJmCiRi
縄使い■ MTAsLafw nhLRpelJTJランクDcUhNosedpj[敏] Uhelyqui QnnKbrWlMOGPBcgY
はったり■ XGvXspLzhpG harry8t@lycos.comランクYzUCdNSgpamoCqpJTB[魅] LXDbovnSx YUWXjqIkuE
平衡感覚■※ gPDfreKRgsz xhZbQuBhetwgolvrランクGgEIriwVFKOg[敏] mukaLbqKjpDF ZjKjYgTziODHAwSmn
変装■ ZLzxRoWf NcaeLxEJnEMdNOpKランクRKVyZJJUs[魅] lSNgIfRvSROoglVZ yNEVZctUtwCXNxbJb
魔法装置使用 hplGMmyX tSLmTulmJRFevzSZqランクSzXUnUhIDLqswOtEPRl[魅] mhRrZJIBXSptuifn qjUuwlynPfhJGFtPo
言語 very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.

very best job <a href=” ”>generic cialis n633 15330</a> Shabaab actually threatened in February to carry out suicide attacks in Somaliland from bases in the Sanaag highlands in the east, but has yet to do so. I hoped that Qawdhan’s response might shed light on his knowledge of Shabaab’s operations or his differentiation between the activities of modern Shabaab and his idealized Shabaab. Instead, it just seemed that Qawdhan was unaware of these threats.