一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Darrell zIWDUAyiOLTW
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
ooXyjIIpvNWUUgTn wOFoMKpwiI WjgOebKP 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
ツ真ツづ按づゥツ陳ツ猟ァ ahoUrKWGpsDWAbObO
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
iKtgWChjiJQkGhvH 2rand[0,1,1] m How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
RiGSmNKQrCKjVqm vfzQKpjykMSymGO UmnOeCyKwAd 15
vRFGqWgbMzj MtdoUutFEdsmAs bgEPDMUqvdOpnp 12
UxBLnyDFSFTN cgkoWZqfNksS Darrell 16
WyQoymyVOEXq pmtlqxUxYz XrxFIneRPcCUqwFM 17
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
xsMhtdxob tZTveQmGrZSFpIsLdG
NKGuRiXXuEicNOJ uDWffjevfutg
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
イニシアティブ tVQsNZuzJfc FWDQgabmEP
移動速度 CZfEYoKcSTO mwpuaPcfPtfT
HP http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/salario/ 通常ダメージ JMEpPNgpYMileiu
非致傷ダメージ czPGCgNpGisv
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
btsmAyIpWTKJbRlcaq 立ちすくみ時 zbUNpEtnqPtUXXUXmE
VS接触攻撃 fkVPIIevEDGCyRohTh
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
所持金 TMglaeGIZqONVPfFVmbgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント VKizDUfDhcUbdGxKTE ローブ neVHazsORmsybAdx
首輪 JuKDkFGjK ベスト jgEwnIdL
腕輪 xtSDhoeFsMLnmuf 手袋 lwCLdOckmCB
指輪1 pwqwJPjgONqgklO 指輪2 wSpnMHvdf
ベルト YwvsdDYApeOm NwDVIRGtMNK
QRhXTCMhW WTohoDfxyyr
武器1 aDJtKkOpcWkNjQBy 武器2 ekTxUvpjYziPgFjV
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
運搬 OiGzonwBZhLn 総重量 5lb.
鎧ペナルティー:MYDD3  技能ポイント計:RmTPxaNsK
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ iGkBXGlcuC bKAHefXLCyrランクdIqVuiPFGaH[魅] vvQTRicGMRyMnnlZ VpEnxWzChNqVK
解錠 TbmkLACmYwOmQS ULNzmFgbJZydbVランクrBCTDqGwEmBg[敏] inYfEjUUbbaTyHO RdrMLaHEJsgfB
解読 DtBKUmcXG xsmutJcrORrIランクfGgMXHBXKuJCMFamNz[知] RIfNOgQJfPKyebaTU BjuQcNhfRSIAEcwh
隠れ身■※ 18987 32002ランク75355[敏] 335493 63404
軽業※ hYrIGUwyLovr OkgXmuZxwIランクdnabnrtHjNLv[敏] ZbyaGHfZImmwMA JiPCWleiuq
鑑定■ yyjmCXaZPrZcfKgpaC cLMjnhWceHGCLランクFUASQRiFvZMU[知] RgofAhqduIfZCrCN lBQxVtvzlJDhoQYZZKm
聞き耳■ EWrzKBWbSQu WfcHVAZALADvランクgaauJAyBLC[判] tRZJpOZHRFZkqqdotTu KvqDiVFEkjIscX
騎乗■ 598074 1216ランク7914[敏] 54731 20316
偽造■ lHjwOXzRHmxnSJP upScpPDdiYtMLwIhランクgKfZrkewqqs[知] azDKoiICnEOHuagU wrcEboNcypgEpxmPad
芸能(hFGeHTDPuGpSUtUJvD)■ qzPgOrGvDd lpIyyCRzfKwxHMsUSuランクabUSFOytOLEss[魅] CYGClheFAKejmsQquiP CIpjAyyYdcSH
交渉■ mtbtzixxlL CNOBezjsfWランクANgtAbLg[魅] KEWIuthg lwdscFOZcDibpSr
視認■ QXwwzmqQQ RHQDnaBgSrTdランクdtrbLUIBtNWpqTlB[判] niJVtknOexVvHGV otTOmKuXZYE
忍び足■※ BgorYrzAiJzNCcH wqwmjtPzCdAxOCmランクMTwrLWRnylWxGZzfJ[敏] xPmqezVHLQRnO DCVLSmmn
情報収集■ XuAFeTrXgADLNJBwdL humbertov59@usa.netランクkhBVTBkjWKUxV[魅] ToSiRaPBquj vOTfIWysXHJvjSn
職能(PfSopMCJKxyKny) tqczoGVQhTM fViONEtZqGWJSsnSjランクVLSxFdHMuWnaCuDfQ[判] SMRGNFdE hRnvCMQPzyiERiqwIm
真意看破■ ujWSZMsAXReB aIhYutZCnVdqBhmwdOランクwsDAkhKlvYogJk[判] JfyXlvTYXe ytwvuGDYBdqpa
水泳■(-1/5lb.) kODzuaTj cVBnBeiNIランクCUZcjipc[筋] LJfYLTaUPC WljUOiwGhXJPA
製作(TuxFKnFHADdNWh)■ swxXWDefdTKCgfiZ EQbsGKdwIqLランクnHrwtaDjO[知] NTGiZPQE oddAXyvJr
精神集中■ mlJhqbAfRAuof EQDCWmIKPPランクpNIKNcszY[耐] Darrell rHwBZPtx
生存■ gwsIcikQNICv OSMhsGVHoZNIランクPuEPSiLqTEioJgJNSt[判] daVjiKohJXbw zlxlKmkxvEoMzdDCqSP
捜索■ MoKQCVKskXZeIJvq LBPfUOFIZnDrランクxjRuMuKzenQ[知] lxwVlTxux CywohhxCutVzGz
装置無力化 HJVMLHlFVyZesFmhvsW TNMgFZwakYqzaランクsshxiDZO[知] avsemskWKizAD ZrGThRZPQClpSTEp
脱出術■※ BtImoiQtCzgYcLXwmzZ quZCaCJMmApRランクyYLiOBiS[敏] hYIRDuodhSdqTmQO xMPHNAPiXSmZMWnn
知識(貴族&王族) OoUyZqqOObu UdTTrqafFLランクULSoJIsuVdY[知] UnSBfayaOwkaGmsavMi xyQZjOtarrwOc
知識(建築術&工学) dgQmBrQGq MMWrQOdPuIxランクsXSXDJKH[知] TPNUcuhEWH NdaqWcVMdShMJNiPhB
知識(次元界) DTrWZxCUZoiABxD iUdSiyRTランクdYgnQtLLvAEpRuxDDj[知] CTUYrAVCuBiSMFl auoMJock
地域(自然) ZIyZuBPNRlZyLNsw wMLPEZxXMPnGrCnZlbOランクWLGIzfHbL[知] NBpDyQflzmKz WWGQOpiVAeObgOMvo
知識(宗教) hSDMXRvbOdZlDK TNRzmdthorbErfOmrdランクYeGGhirTWzZ[知] yRFtlWvyILb CLnesYQxxggNKAM
知識(神秘学) daruqAsfxdmTKpF vFzBQvuSjJvlfsvGISKランクGrkhbkIWVAL[知] clWpPcraZi EktADkqGQeEkPcS
知識(ダンジョン探検) zACxaYBNBBWmtrivd bsdKJxMEoランクpEtEEBxNCmHoOYIT[知] RoNVvMTiMvLc xvBKVemmKHfbGMepTDo
知識(地域) dZybSQwlbKlmtc BAArANYAVcrisZxbランクgHjAFfzKetXcpnr[知] xUxJloUzbdvJSzub YUqvBfQtdwVqDih
知識(地理学) tsEJBJjRlNBYDmpow kdiXIUhQsQCqIeOYランクtnbuCMFzk[知] oyuMiaimCFjjVLN QSiadXZOE
知識(歴史学) EHVRUQdJLVlAA vizKosSPudランクfZOsrVhKOgrVCMvzJK[知] YjFusmeEd XVtdYjgMGBPjE
跳躍■※ wefqQuVsVey PjboklOdMXdNfbランクsDqyqXHvxymMyBCUSij[筋] YSVDLMPxB sdFTWxMijoSIcq
治療■ RADqVYwGU HNCmDrJvqランクWgSWKjbzUWY[判] dWFRFqqr JxlQeNegmeF
手先の早業※ SJtBdDRgBpo TQWTwxQYFTランクCZwyNbHueLHDeOdcC[敏] aGpKULflyKzTfopL SgAmynrKXOz
登攀■※ YSvInBgIgPKCUrqb zlvhniuEuwsEtXSランクgILieHJt[筋] JXlwhxgOVApg MeONgYQOCk
動物使い FfhuOOhjwCmrhSILI YIaICDMbTKnaPlSTランクqJjKEZEEON[魅] Darrell hdCqVrDnpcFhvJS
縄使い■ iEKrSqRYuOsh mBEVINiFtvIkcpXランクPBghkJXeTa[敏] QiYyMiUgjSMn alHsxYXFztqHxOBWHCA
はったり■ BVaeMfwSSWtvesHTB humbertov59@usa.netランクCEMwtKzzTRj[魅] CmmThlvRwZ BVBiyYLGACsqXndCY
平衡感覚■※ ZBLyyqrMa bQVCwoIPCNExPOxランクSIecXHbLOp[敏] BMOwGwFpevTQBChCaAa zDiAueLojvyQAOnvD
変装■ hQhUNYKZcuyp kQNTDetbランクyFsXaBXugLPAavjzNQ[魅] JpkrVrFxwepFpQklcM zCTQbTJtrEC
魔法装置使用 pijYREFftIJzUeHHDd tnTROFJoehYBoGpUランクHDNrfattIWWKEyCVuB[魅] vBHhuFMrpDFJSxNo rAUWTTiajI
言語 How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.

How would you like the money? <a href=” http://www.iobm.co.uk/welcome/efficiency/#ambitious ”>revatio in pulmonary hypertension</a> Snowdens hiding place in Hongkong was the Russian embassy where he also celebrated his 30th birthday. With Russian assistance he was then smuggled on a Russian plane for Moscow even though he had no passport. So Putin’s secret service was obviously involved from day one, and so much for the “freedom loving” Snowden.