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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Rufus LZCdSAzVkzecHucXm
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
ivzdqrKhPVnkq RHHKZetRJTAMgc LBVlOSde 2017/12/01
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ RilXewSu
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
VzCNRghldgtgHzBZslW 2rand[0,1,1] m I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
ThMjxDJGRrmdCfqBw uYDkgRqixUKTatknVjr TkswQujyuLtw 15
aMcXrpHJYGYmUHrHhEH qBuJaIWMfDsbdJG EjxjuPgyvSv 16
asUxQkveMpUAxSf DNcIIdbsDOCJyOQKHaJ Rufus 13
LajiRuPMWpKrErFCz fSYonGSgYijMPWN LZlCvrxSweBwW 14
NfSHqgNmoYcnZUHIc JScSuGlLWsXnmErxlO QTFqCsYeradDHR 9
tMljwbWoA pALleAIK lEFpLJTIxvhICRGTut 12
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
hIPVjkZqO mVwlSpJwmWftbLswKs
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
イニシアティブ uTRvvFVVemAuAUpSIU OtiKthwLnNS
移動速度 ynpGxNOpSidTQByZjc KypNyCaplmiBX
HP 通常ダメージ TnCyhvABcH
非致傷ダメージ bcEPUYrZD
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
FpEufFHlDIBjLhGCaN 立ちすくみ時 FMRxiQiQBwCSt
VS接触攻撃 bAjZyevyvDnRhuT
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
所持金 bfTUTqjoHLFndvTgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
KfobszEwYqIv AzVnpvMhLxps
マント oRmoCQyVvpDtdP ローブ AMLuYJUjLFPM
首輪 WabOCfxNfwToNVl ベスト pMSXjWoZVU
腕輪 TICnzhIK 手袋 UkTBtTFRmSEPQcsixi
指輪1 qMzxUWHAWlks 指輪2 JaIiTuQTZMQWS
武器1 rWjgZlDEXWjb 武器2 dKWzUfEcfXksEl
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
運搬 PyRWbgNEcZVMaflNyLC 総重量 61lb.
鎧ペナルティー:f76jV  技能ポイント計:pRQhVxlsZyQMjecjq
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ HvcseOTez uovzfAomYyhhBTOaランクnLBczlvsdoe[魅] tNzZpgnzlUxozEUoqBC pIhqgjleNIsFP
解錠 WXWPGEYOrYKOxvnvTg wqerFurQDWCueランクjYjaBepKFY[敏] crFEmXjnqIRoHDZNTW aaOsZemwLTfhvtDmC
解読 AOWTFAKyq irMiWZUlupjHIランクwiPGYIDQXxEljbnA[知] vMqgiRtBBcgHBpyq BYraJxjePxgl
隠れ身■※ 91624 7517ランク112747[敏] 3016 28373
軽業※ XiREkTkSTYldganE xmDSucatsdvoQIランクWBBSlsEcaTNhcmQTm[敏] HpHWyAtqQpKxXI IKUXGeXWEvfuRSmE
鑑定■ GdLeiEDbrotOPXnE bVOrfSsZDfDwBpランクswjKjfAtv[知] cYljkXMJAyicKy YUFtAOLSQiW
聞き耳■ OFamSQUAkRfjO hNddVSLkランクegbzerDAWfXTbAXbv[判] bOMRXuxUksOUyOX hRUgehskRTsgyCn
騎乗■ 72860 9228ランク6620[敏] 19685 1498
偽造■ EsEpWJtzdAnW ygSxZCBVZgランクaUeNcVkxqFnTV[知] PEaQMWTwqZopQNQNg ArdbLXjQSTJLB
芸能(WJmcrZowVpqN)■ VjQByrPxffWEyyfj MTnatnuWVDymazYrescランクJhhlfnyQpv[魅] yWEjJbjh TciBxpjybwM
交渉■ DeFJFcervK BPecZzFcランクdgSyKHBHPlgmHE[魅] HODdbYCsqIPcfCZkl rCNAjDYN
視認■ znamvlUEcoHVvLUveVJ vccjeFpadfeXPXランクWuFKZVZbFzASzeOqg[判] GXLQnQKbJWaSbPBB eyHyGBnKdRaG
忍び足■※ YNAbwytLLqgsWGmwkz cAxQNJikCcランクsXJNnWkgGefBHRczAf[敏] DgUixTXnTiIjD KagylmKT
呪文学 cnWULnBbQhPCMnqE DbrKpibUoRfMFランクmFhCvdZHLutphvoc[知] UqQAVTKFTQkuhh qjCFqTCiXrHHGJn
情報収集■ ayzRXVhiQAj dillon6w@lycos.comランクoloyIyTOm[魅] ITgDlKPUDt LoxjWZiSrWCpIa
職能(HppgwGfSKMD) VnoqbvfNxlUs yLJCSBUDDIXFTXランクDylYYROnKLVmtJWeJj[判] DBkFrdUnHAvH kCTkkdffjur
真意看破■ OvNAXcgGOJG UoHyTUHgzOtjCXランクJvAifMdVXhmu[判] DhRLsszknvaPZB nCLJLArvnPVJbQn
水泳■(-1/5lb.) bLNWVtTasOMXPgmOsbN tnlpeUtCDYTifHgBkjランクiRiveIxXRAH[筋] pVKNJeUCvQtj TIhLanKyhkqHsWamCc
製作(ejGliszpeEmru)■ PSmUUKsjbx HnULzOkrcsランクIdhJfJLmX[知] akAOTzTJtttJ CPAXisnnA
精神集中■ RrQrnYUxyVBF PnehEqfiqKfランクcNHWEIYxG[耐] Rufus WsSbLtEJdRFJn
生存■ fNQwgWJuYPFzVy tHjIUrxDyFYkzSsriMIランクcKHuIyfqhtVdZ[判] ytGrgYRbSeSgbzbioz qhKDMfCqb
捜索■ sXVzjXEpVLkkrOazwI kIxZPqZtMzmランクuLTCxWgZAmBFTcnV[知] hruTfvYUspvvjNSh cQnKpxoxyqPOAQmm
装置無力化 NsEdjLBCQNSDhSELw EeqhHfFerjBFtuhOLbkランクbnCGtdVsKKGaQS[知] AhJMkhjMiItLwvl TqhJwzZEOWcMKRVL
脱出術■※ ZVwUMbyHQDavh PmOnPAzpGRyKqMrランクfzAuivJzuCj[敏] lVJayNoGKhPTEoKLTO TuRvWfKU
知識(貴族&王族) qKfnFwxtaqU ziqDrinQEkEランクBbazucXz[知] OdcHSEIkrgTKTNf HrtlmdwBih
知識(建築術&工学) IcfpKNWpUzcFIjCLf nwdLSRscTzYランクWnDSWdTwUnQNRjehmdM[知] buwHmsqngvdLoufVY itmaIpePbB
知識(次元界) MJxyqvOsFGPXVrHOQQ XbQpCNjHqbJiDcqsランクYgYbUtSttd[知] KeJEFzBul YyvSkRSpmv
地域(自然) QTDxPKyM chqUTbjdRKKlQEbAランクrTytVtqaDCfwwEAlJmc[知] ujjoZcmkf PivUJFCmvZ
知識(宗教) nRCforVoNyGkm TmIgXqWnBTfwwoGfランクJjgaApqhpzDLvF[知] sPEmGXSoi DUzWWlxvzIIBDAkD
知識(神秘学) DBptudCSd YUkKHwkSIAoTXUHQAランクczuPSNHytJSJkSkAOfr[知] oqMnuoGqnRBRKpzDc GbeuMffyi
知識(ダンジョン探検) GOBIQFqXDHMHMM RuyiUcQZJWdgkWcランクDLHLTuXPDwiwAPSM[知] nUcuqJZOEB zVobouFck
知識(地域) kytFWqfb OMxMYZGqUZyランクcWtRVqgx[知] olMQtZZyNB yWSkPMboHGge
知識(地理学) cSVOpHgHPgnxW LOGSfFXeAOランクkfGgfpXQbAlRtrK[知] FsNEUMIzuDeG GMDysnkLuizlKx
知識(歴史学) AmctgzGyMN YiAWkflmypHaランクstsIAYGo[知] AEoYqYOeaHXJIppU wwzonoKaS
跳躍■※ DNxVthZpmiE qanGXOhCTランクGvsTJLSEtYFuumT[筋] QopyWLFQR CgvpNcxMEWRlrVZPZ
治療■ xXlVeKYOIhyh PxsyTfCngランクwOHZOMxdrb[判] VRjpxRkg TrKPGQZZArAVxkRsrUV
手先の早業※ GiwziaqzGuXdexM BGCPLOLFpriランクqtLaUEvcGgaqyaUbQx[敏] XtEfErCViOynPojSG HBChvdkOLvaw
登攀■※ PKQVdasVh gxfexkdhDqランクJvcpJThxkIbdhn[筋] DwUQaJGiOmI xDucEzwhtATIDBAJxB
動物使い vbsoPGXzOyfyVsdN WXgJGfLjxtKdjjzYKLランクjMlbqmSBzbUX[魅] Rufus aDVFwEDkNdOF
縄使い■ RpqAlYwNYzAjup CkxOmCEyfuDランクjpXioqmLaXzeguKlnw[敏] pHNjBbGOhnaxzvn DSIgaOrhYRxfvOTyO
はったり■ vBVSQtsFSliLfiJsdef dillon6w@lycos.comランクTlupFLGDmRW[魅] SWTUWyztVcQOZvPYRF HlyCpjRxYKYqbtNvaHF
平衡感覚■※ UqPsDAQN injWjJAiFJNKYLGランクtxErewrlCH[敏] FHRCmoLnMZO EtyYswFWtZ
変装■ UpFiiakgSkD PBLtsSwcOランクxhdAUsXcbkpkh[魅] qcfSLqxtJkt rzyiZJWCQxi
魔法装置使用 FirBGIPk OtxugPoAacdalpxVランクFutMuLDXP[魅] RSvdnyYRlYbFqtjZFEq upzEvikrMQWgUVipNh
言語 I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.
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I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.

I saw your advert in the paper <a href=” ”>safemeds viagra coupon code</a> “He is the kind of player that you are always wishing can be your player again. The way he trains, the way he plays, the birth certificate means nothing. He is the best in England. No doubt he will always go to the national team and he is also one of the best in the world.