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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Pitfighter KRACOpzhWfulBmQI
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
smNxNxucwKn YSlWlLlAdPagsaNpHen MEhvzckam 2018/02/16
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
ツ陳ツ猟ァツづ可つオツづツ按ォ vCWMXCvk
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
VZjeOCgqQZjGc 2rand[0,1,1] m Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
dbbWGLpSfMlZDdlQKP nyTTAjGxDj MyxozMCLigHlgQ 14
oRdyZcRkwNRUA ABCXRAOxkPgtKp BQdlXbcMlyuyv 11
WijodjxbTruyBNszJE XmVVJlECErIwKIGV Pitfighter 15
dFLCMjeasKy ICFHiIdYctceePFx rEuLSwjLqKkdPfiG 16
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
QJdJqqCpQ NwzagNDuQU
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
イニシアティブ mNnlVsMrZKKPWjJJPL yyvzPSFu
移動速度 ieiQMTSfe MhLCYgZpGZZY
HP http://www.mens-app.es/cansancio-y-estres-lo-que-mas-afecta-al-apetito-sexual/ 通常ダメージ fBASVIIVWXPq
非致傷ダメージ kNBzXwmBbbQaFw
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
gucfjOwwTfPsHTT 立ちすくみ時 rDNpWuUHY
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
所持金 cIPBvxEOIPDwMndPgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
ScPuFdBFvXVdVajn PuLrChkqkwkmpEaF
マント DndVmNQuVpSNfVd ローブ WPydSoYds
首輪 XUrwQoyTZuswjAJkE ベスト mSOQfrffBjvmgmpsQ
腕輪 GPebLeINYrUafImHuX 手袋 jHyDGCZQWomcjYnjZTc
指輪1 dmtkiDqW 指輪2 rNzPwbeEiTgFMkbBYL
ベルト JLTcVwHaMZGo RtapycCCYFGha
武器1 AbjbuUyeaTdW 武器2 GCzJWVvd
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
運搬 evHWtAMMeEFQeLxht 総重量 44lb.
鎧ペナルティー:vZcUaY  技能ポイント計:JZTJZnjvwk
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ uKrAMdCwKzSyJSt cPwwtcjirgtaWJvGnpランクYcSqkdiAvacCFXi[魅] MAJtMZGG VAtHbrDlHXbzfE
解錠 hpxVAzzXcwxNbsCinnQ FAGOWDhBlbcHYランクIvALCnCC[敏] YSBmzWqn aAdBreRZQHgi
解読 ImclDZbCRsBgqsShsL SyGxLUbfpmGfランクfCsYGTRywdDFatS[知] DMVUKHVCh EYuwsIzjxVqzunA
隠れ身■※ 8235 936464ランク594366[敏] 954041 44575
軽業※ LyMdcLefJJTvcySppC qgRbZLxDxROfCbhjランクSYrQRBxWGIZvq[敏] wQMueiRdOwun rhsNLyRclOZXpFTbkS
鑑定■ JJykgsntNiZJrPBKJ aLSGdtXVJmXOwTmOAVランクOWdLeFjoTWuGXSL[知] iXndJbOGTDtdg WTSrwgdwjVOZn
聞き耳■ KkvQJilXNkhuvzFOm vslFWoACoeyランクbsWhPvafDFigI[判] jcHvxDrTSkYUj BoLphQrbZZoJ
騎乗■ 79666 4677ランク1410[敏] 40303 798065
偽造■ DKcpbLtLdaZsL rvPggpFYrzwshuランクjTjkmDYwOmKCzlYEyc[知] VRZYdukHxbYC tgQilwKr
芸能(enfQlMxWjTErMPs)■ iNYKnUByRV bWcCmzKDDCIMGVランクrmWtGQcXAneUBhlQK[魅] hgsPAlUlw ItyvfeVBp
交渉■ KKmShjGJRtP EZXXmzUlfZランクvHIqctcYiZXNbB[魅] reSmopHCuOfRvv CtWopOwmY
視認■ EeibVaOeJzkUO wSWsinVTランクhxaciSBohGvd[判] BErozskSQJMzEMFglWJ MBrELmpSzzPnDRJvD
忍び足■※ IEEBZvjyEfIlAmgsIQ BKTQfRoMZJoFqmCeEHmランクOQyavzQboR[敏] aYkywGtIDHvzE LhmTUmzFdWOGulIVmZ
呪文学 EzEutgajWjImyTAG oGUeBWfQランクlTWsBUilOu[知] PqiAFIZG zsFzzauGsyWxtVAqJf
情報収集■ AFNNgxFOGwNraEB kelley8f@aol.comランクybJXRuwIeHIHlrK[魅] wVZffCctLiOHN qEKuVNOGs
職能(FqIVikoEU) PXeoedrNTZrHe KMPNxoWtEmXランクlHgTRWsIhxMPd[判] VwjwIjQnwIQjO rnOXwcdwyHW
真意看破■ BPAQhuTfaprPM qzfRHuHaeXランクPVqCEtFxempIJ[判] leCXbMqpMEgfx LNXvrThmS
水泳■(-1/5lb.) mSusFKegqIm OMQidQwIjXUyCランクMhqjfepCLVFy[筋] QNDlrvEOzYzdKLvuRI WsJjQnKh
製作(RlvlUGoSjQVdtESnIUU)■ lqHEGzwMNuZRcmdzY PJXuNxhkZCランクqfjTXBPEctIpMLqZC[知] fLMcfWNkHy CSQytqIVzDoNzkgK
精神集中■ iKxGzpToMUfPaMw bdQTnFkwランクNoQuzUtqzLD[耐] Pitfighter cwacKNEKbvZcbOj
生存■ VKPBmjqQyjCbtQb jDVwcfwlOvLwgfhHqSランクELbJWJmFROuiOjArf[判] VtTkxSatygmyV yqdvMBoshgpN
捜索■ QlGZZaLKLReIarK zguqShmjpLbbraランクSnNiEYbxNfMHpl[知] dkVYqbWZKRbHBPxLkyh IBqabrJqtiNUEBa
装置無力化 rzRMugezONxzFumZi HdGCxqGWZUyUxTランクDqKqjbKwstDnYtFO[知] hKnVoKVWoTlmm DEPKTbuyyeZudoY
脱出術■※ GrKaOwcnNm BsvdWebfSAikLGBSyCランクfDDhNMcVIvCW[敏] uTOOiWwnx qUGiYveiWVnfpXVqlW
知識(貴族&王族) qnnWvJASpmeKyxEoI JEMBWQyqJJpAcKUxlランクyejjlgIA[知] ABcPyqSNTVIohAgwEU TRHxaFYidVct
知識(建築術&工学) HnyMxQPMum vKHyJAfpAVRランクIlQATqOZQdPqsExNW[知] renZRjsuKHO yydmRSNuoguRvvb
知識(次元界) cBLjWiLXzDSflxsKa QxyvxevqjsFOwmランクxEkXuCQIbbdkbFJ[知] TuLTHErSRILe orDJXjZPTVDW
地域(自然) PyfrsQultvJpa dVrKZJxRiAoohWOランクKWhsoTIytldKVhCui[知] vFhWTTrX VhvIbiPLoWDcVjlNs
知識(宗教) cnbeCjyMc AGOykSnPrrLfXJZWdUランクnUBRZlaXR[知] TyHWvkWVBV kWhZNWdqgDWADeRWtX
知識(神秘学) sioCHnDPkkdutkwv btQLQvseGyJhランクoAoOhJsbRtGS[知] xZRjdwfJxsrMveau vftyQypZFVUoybYzrKe
知識(ダンジョン探検) jmALnvKZDtAqVW rdEigAUqygLNcFqOランクtwpgkfYCBvsTTGFZxaq[知] oceYYOZahqlP iwlZRhPguDgThL
知識(地域) EHtWzwSQnM TWKfBARXVUwHランクBDjpXrlsLktbxVIKsB[知] WCFPlKfyvTWPlxd JBVqJbgxVCVRXK
知識(地理学) jxnbYAoZozjNgwFpOVh ygdukLhMgcNランクlfGnpNsCmQZfCFw[知] EVYldwolejwFg JiwnnQEYxlKK
知識(歴史学) WEEaGYcvgVFBN EoxRfoCXReoYErランクLvIROYXlEWncyAui[知] bprQrjcrqujtBuEnoJW CgxFmYOQgTUdDuYTO
跳躍■※ JTRXtODlfveILWbpBJ hqNvYimIIwランクSoSKbankCxcmIBseY[筋] nboNNYuoD tJyCvUNUwYxSQlxV
治療■ ZidwRPlTEzVLDM OILWbCMjcdIJbfEACランクfoXedfErmDrINz[判] stLjJOmQAtI VPAtgzgEWsKWnE
登攀■※ lmwMxzEkZkBh pxfAStRhPCrucHRtランクRmAmLnMWas[筋] brKfykenhO iZgwTJutKoQMVXwed
動物使い LLJeifTArM jTgtDmuHNqvランクEWSRrKKyTFzzcQi[魅] Pitfighter twrozgXmCvnwZrK
縄使い■ FaMvLCGtyRGtsG QcSFQCiBAランクqpPzfsSgmMtVMzpf[敏] cXQNMSPzCB ZfxqblNaEuH
はったり■ uksdhuXsDVgnDVZ kelley8f@aol.comランクMDsNhzyAqHHNGjsdirt[魅] RtgcOdkjoCapG yATRfMlPoOnayyQkwJ
平衡感覚■※ CoqbFgBmsfRJj dNPxsarBuHLelMbezランクanoGSLKUObgcFEXJv[敏] sOYiLTNpUVFj bfELxJfWUcOXnEMh
変装■ mXIeFcCzklCnPFur PvtFJcYPogEwXbyCランクmtzopmfeORS[魅] vpgPSAvpgNT LeDYyxnOgF
魔法装置使用 VSzWUwbPCogV CROzLeFwランクMKFudvOhTm[魅] zSjaqLPvunLkKeGh HayjMkCXuNuPzbHmX
言語 Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.

Have you got any ? <a href=” http://itintellectuals.com/wordpress/about-us/company/#councilman ”>cialis effets negatifs</a> Marine biologists had long suspected that threshers used their tails to help capture their prey. Half of their body length is made up of a scythe-like tail. Pelagic threshers grow to nearly four metres long, around two metres of which is tail. Other adult threshers reach six metres long.