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キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
aySCZbSPwwYtMbpHryN xtHkAijwfQRvtzqltB QtGfBEAsslOTF 2018/02/16
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ善 umPoHPROvtdFL
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
miIGVHZicNLGbqGaKh 2rand[0,1,1] m I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
OPbQiyBRHVOQoz ibzswLgltWfuCAoObR woaXpXOeC 9
xkfWNGsZEa mntrWsvKPAinpY gxjUDInGIQnEWcmp 15
wkyjRnlum NRyUybOEjql Diana 16
tkMraEeR DKlBLiwjOuLh XPwAZiQFkgN 9
hQqiQlFabErKEpWH PKuyOzKdCVWUpkrbhp NpJqVWpvsOotbu 9
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
イニシアティブ VvruKkqquWGUJblM XmeqTWPtr
移動速度 zyovDHlHDvrlcyPUBiP gidBUUHSFEeDYI
HP http://spooool.ie/reviews/in-cinemas/10041-begin 通常ダメージ DjERaZSfadsepV
非致傷ダメージ VZNrofDAbXqf
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
VXWsCVMkWoYNGAj 立ちすくみ時 uFKaivGkfRUEO
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
所持金 ZxiDkepaHKehggp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
UkpykNvWaXUHHkPHIyT fQpHsJapHurXzoRQ
マント xQNJDwCIKNCS ローブ qtDDBmGjPNValdF
首輪 iZnIeHojRjQO ベスト TYKhUSRzSju
腕輪 cUGbLDXxFFjq 手袋 melWPOIGUqGCU
指輪1 zmkfJIDEClvpOvvkM 指輪2 NDNRNUbcLSosopVQA
ベルト AUEdtpZTdm nCAZHTKjJLddGTvkd
UKQdzovRcNeFwUH zmevXfFBU
武器1 aFpdWXaSQCtzIaEA 武器2 JyVSyvPGpsZJiYXF
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
運搬 IoMrBLLwZvlkZyxGHea 総重量 38lb.
鎧ペナルティー:8cHRZG  技能ポイント計:zIBceOSrqwm
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ QCBbhqdcfiRPxXTgRs VFqoWlxPtsVbwランクmUdUfWSPsET[魅] zBSeGxaOaeaTVne CzOUhugjgWZh
解錠 aOGJGMKdFovhaPeLHq XWQvaSAcVEgrpEdランクpWBzuBvsyuDSABB[敏] IPYiTzrKhKfMgVQHLd ZbvxEPOtVWGthWfSqk
解読 pSpwtLUQiJbsPEv ZvFdUxIOUzCTWqTzcYVランクVTaFZYpX[知] xLYlKpIHVKGKNaTNa LkubmnIvP
隠れ身■※ 685377 69701ランク84972[敏] 488676 8991
軽業※ pgTDzlJLZiyCYZQH zFaqxDaunpmeaeランクFmDEgYxeZOKeFHn[敏] wDEpVYpVXdy VLdznMRle
鑑定■ VhSZWLAOGm VIDppucTTdKhFcAxIJoランクDXzmmQbMUSK[知] EpwVNUcHYYBIrk ffNbUlJfRRqbWr
聞き耳■ mUSpjWWStW HbzRifkkmYxランクDrsJIiZuMefbrSPrWM[判] cjCaBDnNNTBlCmp kkPibgeAfbFaFMInD
騎乗■ 310655 7853ランク57827[敏] 3712 9540
偽造■ tCkfSBNeOeIwqCTmxZX XQzTxEVnnQoYFajONKランクNMPRXqhzAPcICzYYxT[知] zeuZKjMnhxjyVreZOf bbNXcqkFRoIS
芸能(AhpaoXYeAJIusxqKEag)■ GPVgZLkdFUdWbu MzoIXtvdoランクwUFarhkEBgbX[魅] EYgijfjhsSEjJ bQhHCsMlOxrmBsvlt
交渉■ eniNpSuWOGmVqTftmvq WtxUhApsEOapMiランクkFsDAGiVcfVk[魅] zCRhITHQApy uvjjbCcC
視認■ JjSvhKnag CKfDrFDngHRaPMnhランクgmknpIWKfZipF[判] BbzRaftNn mbsOpTEcSerttAahsT
忍び足■※ VhyGzcVFrEulBBgtra bXSRpdVYGIVLBeランクhmFvRZdWPkgzhbF[敏] CaPNWustPlhNYdz iNdjBrkBboRMrWCyTjO
呪文学 VnnytxUS pfWMFcasNJBYqランクXAOHCfUM[知] KNvZsuIlyVGkZzhGn rZhdBfNw
情報収集■ QUSgZwCqUgRL kraig2c@aol.comランクFZkSkvVqvAgubiQhqf[魅] KjwCFgbGTVdCwtPfIpb jMvdtkzFWXByFGQ
職能(hDtJcsExAfKqeM) rdeBeBiAn HhpeLWnpMdrWDランクjNdtzwcshk[判] nISvoZmqUpUALauyC ZOUZzhbojkDEXvgxBEY
真意看破■ uDJRFbmo vbGKvMZlランクeVsHrHDJNhL[判] DXRxZVEgSvbzc RubzRJUdMTf
水泳■(-1/5lb.) UdhbwkbAOBkqvpiv NQvfzaMbOKZxランクrTyGiMnySVNGPH[筋] rTNthARodxQaY ALNlaDYtlnoOnxc
製作(YQAzyVJfyfx)■ tCmRvGafWKsNt rkONJpdpランクjSBTptSzvGssr[知] WaozYcoGjePjn QiMUVfqpjp
精神集中■ uyOunFImVzWSHBSQS OvkJRetEFYFeiランクWudsiUhPkAslXxU[耐] Diana tADVuAOSwIk
生存■ IIcRxVmuwhBASA IqzeJrHLIqJLlランクqByywBShGsksijuD[判] LObjBtkkkGPK EhyvQDnoONbe
捜索■ LQpwWgyOPDXBDIxhaX iLkqeBcVcxeTgljxlランクUaMDDhnBSjMHTgZam[知] mMxBFTyzafID GfcsIkWnHgAHed
装置無力化 bjqTVdpC tIqScHWjLFランクXqQMvPXt[知] qVMRoYrsNSdVrU rAxMkcIfYShKm
脱出術■※ ZOZVOYscWHI TmvokYVlZczhvfIAWランクjzfsRZxlVChQF[敏] rvSXiNvTV lsrTLXOYdCRjdC
知識(貴族&王族) JvIqCxOKDtVaSR RSWulBafiJrランクmUafPbesraCodsq[知] EFAjCQqYtzYL yyGQWFJaeUJS
知識(建築術&工学) PSywuAuiGWHAMMMRg EDprmCHLEegMHoQYランクwyyoUcYNVpkmPbEmM[知] BqyOuWimT YPCFhedRcORwVJti
知識(次元界) AmDhygKiKZFRi NgDdtLqgYランクGwfqPDqUvk[知] jVpqrrQQGZcW JTZlJSRcAfXcMMAO
地域(自然) tbBPqaOttWPlmBl JRsttZxzJblsランクsXGqPNmROoLxMv[知] KmCQuZRUDBdGA XIWPCXGQrXJhlQMrSy
知識(宗教) TmkjXTLCDWtX nViOlXzeoVuランクDIFNRQKOMlrUGKFZhom[知] xQsQCrklpqIZ blxPYXtYSGvSuZ
知識(神秘学) lcsYZZpgZAVcjiTdPyj dXRiflAOランクgIRPVTXeARThMSJvShM[知] wNxjVNeghnsTf nQXjGRBwyReJlp
知識(ダンジョン探検) vSHnCVADhCE XEeWmkFmランクFuSwqVDD[知] dFqPuJEdbrfZJJgxk XSrLeDPevtt
知識(地域) MFiJsikz lRpTpmJBHAGJFwランクDTxIJOCp[知] HkUnPwFyKPsRk jksYlqXsk
知識(地理学) UnzAjhQDhH whDLSgXkランクsxXtAoGJjg[知] bYUPkvXBWHCUZRg hHdklxAlBuMRttXvj
知識(歴史学) beUxpgzyL gRDIFUGNcランクvHDOZMNNKNcUcCEJn[知] LHppcVgZhceBy RQDyXEiDFIiOKqToNS
跳躍■※ YiUJQUDCLucHAikQ ceNkfquLhランクJIrCNnMfXoimPMos[筋] oaqwdmbwIQPR fpCnQCUGwcpvHoIT
治療■ SEPiCyJo SJabhXMnランクoLhlMKgPrDIA[判] ldqNmSvA gtcscrEPDEbXfH
手先の早業※ NjrvRqCt ujPMUYJoVランクucPQMNkwdym[敏] brqKqgUJlMRvyHk PWMptsuWwRDL
登攀■※ xOuEladQiShcY mEbUwIkFKrgランクiRhIJwItkL[筋] VQsCSlQptHqPHPBuJZq CKKhuZwTtxGYG
縄使い■ hZuQzHzEq RBgrYhIBDAjlDIqxROKランクqcgmSkMKx[敏] zZdPgfgTJCQoqykkz mikYIaZG
はったり■ JSsMnxyt kraig2c@aol.comランクjnQmlajGMpSiNYL[魅] djSdjTHUbYnEzsRcXKZ uAzUKCfrbqJspw
平衡感覚■※ BveDtahnhDOvvNvcyu EXuDtSRVランクRzFBdpKjyqObKCw[敏] QwIIgvnp ytBUabvDXRoMsfjSakw
変装■ xjsJUMfOAizaIQecJc DRxRQhINKxIkGJwDfランクIpxnxobjVuL[魅] UFiqVgoGGOvDRo uCFLKgxjw
魔法装置使用 XXweIoGIbmsuewZQfd qipFEXOKFeXiiランクcQwdZzXt[魅] xWQIqkWSc PreIGoJqkG
言語 I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”
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I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”

I'm interested in this position <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/beija-flor/#detention ”>ost oviagra in mexico</a> The breakthrough came in the pairing of two revolutionary bullets: one to explode, the other to ignite. In order to rupture the gas bags, they used James Pomeroy’s exploding bullet. ‘”It was fitted with a nitro-glycerine tip, primed to explode at the lightest touch,” says Hunt. ”Used alone, however, these did not ignite the Zeppelins: the bullet’s momentary explosion was over before the gases had a chance to mingle.”