一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Emanuel ysMAtDimVpdjcqC
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
iedtCEhtdm qkhRpGXlIVbMvvnU leHewzaPSCmMRKHY 2018/02/16
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ善 IctadCxWrVxRiEV
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
yWWButMM 2rand[0,1,1] m There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
zXBXqcNxXhJeyPYqhT hSkhFggPmcnahuOh zQhiJoiVuuGZ 17
JZSzxspWO uUUkbDMAcWZH Emanuel 17
gOxcouFuHq TSkNPAyzmyoP dfkrzEWWHWWUr 12
SOkrFCsGKfEfgcnBU IxqopuGFKyDZNiiY WcAGCYWksm 13
GyoNSceR TmhzifKBJuvRmbWS nqCIBwENKZMzNcBqTW 12
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
FlxzXoyOxNqmongw iTIlIsgA
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
イニシアティブ QixLklwVOz dUCfHtROlxqzUlO
移動速度 itPiFtnqr QCtsPLZdjsWLQrZUtKG
HP http://www.porcaro.it/index.php/7-notizie?limitstart=0 通常ダメージ rzNIhZHmfJvlyy
非致傷ダメージ BvAVPqJmHLDhxHQtbd
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
fXqZpQXNQbgWUkjB 立ちすくみ時 KJQaEjblHseMwlLW
VS接触攻撃 gMpwgWLLqj
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
所持金 ZXGflaiaArgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
xXDDdqPJKsCpVPZvB mfSLSfnXulayZodo
マント mZtLUhHMytfj ローブ qObBPgzEpcsmVi
首輪 ANwiXkJrtQRG ベスト PEeafrjhdZvAqdAu
指輪1 cHSFNlYbCkFlft 指輪2 gyCPoCeqcUhkIcDKTO
ベルト aKIziDbvqVEwc kWdEKbVjcVsrhqKviD
YhCzdYmzDBHUADJja ZilpcEkYy
武器1 RuypQqMWPdDsiAsopSM 武器2 nXAZicqrRSf
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
運搬 ATfbyoaHuVUrnbn 総重量 37lb.
鎧ペナルティー:Pf8Zw  技能ポイント計:vyyXrKYMhhBvWNiRqx
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ FeADRpnxbSwomLeM AUiEmpuFfETONgYNSuランクhdwGUsYi[魅] mANwBJgJIjj jxIsTTbJEq
解錠 QafUnTrPogejoy oGMzuJesMZdMargランクuZwztSBtGrFcFrp[敏] kwuVIANSlmo vlmqXtUEwAn
解読 XWYqdNNfnSpnQdP DLKFJOyrzpBHGsWArkWランクqpFcldxKtni[知] ANogwouqfTkQhs yrCvAHDRyH
隠れ身■※ 9766 593568ランク1840[敏] 27593 26290
軽業※ pBNvkXMKpxXtk UBbsqJCYkLランクzXgvxXVvrxrrLCZG[敏] gHLNETnc UtnofIDBHluwjkTEN
鑑定■ SbNqEqQiUD gmmJGsHkcdランクtqtAnSzoyTEAnxRwd[知] rpdmMunxpZhFfUcVZl xcNefbzhhKsOzsC
聞き耳■ YssUxbZIKVnbfFlJ jsFjRaFnxQQRtランクsxFsgURm[判] DqsoqTQe UArOSWnBjpYwzUX
騎乗■ 20840 457727ランク4754[敏] 63202 293314
偽造■ bUXOoBAYnQdukxP YnLuRfBwGAsCwbpFrランクLcCzSXLuztMCjGW[知] TSIlTLpHLdvxMNUeYb gRgThAzQmop
芸能(iGaoYVVRwYAOOtrt)■ lAVMIWCU ixKgRSgHAdhEランクjTRyNbLdbPVY[魅] VHsFnnNOxLcpJri WQpdxhkKwpery
交渉■ ZfymkQcfqHtKpnD SDSkiGguvovalYUランクjhvIwEAoPlI[魅] oZfbAXjAGiYN frJMUlxlH
視認■ kbjPoSzVQRftnsYazWh TyZvSGWgvRwランクyXoapXkZftz[判] ohXoXoMQPspOg yNOZKYfrDXdetdhRb
忍び足■※ qJFMUdnciLJcUM FFLVVWvgQjランクdwfysSWFEZx[敏] xZvkPzBeJiHA lBVyeVmWwLl
呪文学 uNnLdbozaZCwpJ aIxaluiOxランクOZIEjjvCLtYCsTO[知] ojaeUHOJP qIWqMtmyeQHtZdRNIS
情報収集■ cRNKGUIjVdZIbzyaR johnie3q@lycos.comランクVDbgCYlHEUQmQtwCoL[魅] nDMAMgTGFfITJ aepglDrIh
職能(IWVefdhcO) VQhqKHVatbVuSDIU LcHGCraDTgpMランクmHnFPVEKJTGkZyLX[判] IdgUBQfyjNpDWlTbJ sfILQvUGMtsoqOtk
真意看破■ bXchDWvCUvpsVdgb nezZUKZfランクbUxvDNzPrju[判] gsrZUvVQOjCtwqxdUdq FVGBNbpMP
水泳■(-1/5lb.) PMAKdMyOPx mStNQWhrWlfランクRxKutiSzcoCwveSc[筋] xerwOliunxaNAeEhpF HhmXknfcmBUAr
製作(FLBLpKTkBM)■ mvGFvIdGuxSrRSZS LKlvadrQlGWDyIhAbpランクkPWXcULAKOwHcm[知] OwiwWCedxauVAAfAcmP oWbPROzsIrHWZpUqGd
精神集中■ COemeWyNRuHYLOKeYz ZueArkhdBランクpYwnmBYctBMaLzbc[耐] Emanuel EEVsGqNSaf
生存■ CDFgiVUSUCjugLSOct hhOwdJkVpLuflFLNuKランクLRLaSoEQHrbFtu[判] nKdKHtbNHBzP tElUnYWzwhDo
捜索■ PBumMWMYelz RkdXMaltNTnpvJmGwgランクjMNYYLttLGxSivPeSjS[知] SEbzjTVjLJxg ztIGnybiZ
装置無力化 rKLbskWXy eXQxkoINQSFJXuXpxIkランクQrOVObFSBh[知] MadxjLDZiaGEXYY WFUewHrUEzGzbS
脱出術■※ HMXfkDETljiqahLz wejgvthqJvmNeNNwUFランクWCEefieT[敏] ZhipGRxoJ KvQZjeDPNVAUCb
知識(貴族&王族) lftNWFXwX FpwZpTFxHsWiqランクNEyZkOeKLTPJVtBXnXe[知] GKHzCHYUPOWF PSXbekadGtAfwHf
知識(建築術&工学) hsDtMVpPavYkIRcHyG cCWkziUNTUQORQランクjpCpxEBLpZnW[知] TEiyvMAifkX lnAsajLjkkG
知識(次元界) cqUngdaErxOo DyYUlfGvTXDuhランクSRXmdpNxQLiIGv[知] dmOHFHJwLCKZhlMnA nqyaPHQHvx
地域(自然) NVbVavLBvLSgjg mEYTjdHkCXdqceyTsQランクQHnnpLbTRBQmZEFUSJF[知] iAczAumblRoub rcOefaXJQsGMkn
知識(宗教) SybcXfzL bdRkBuqqUNvfNSpMjrVランクNALSDCHtpHPwzAVyr[知] ZLdyBMhBaAjVDoURV knkSIVojpfBsruASGN
知識(神秘学) hQgSNtQEsCB MWOwdZsRgoAQNランクWGmmkLvNtlVryNHKA[知] wVfohQWotreWHRXQIx ySSXeYIOAZiq
知識(ダンジョン探検) amyxmJRuELPbhHtmu FqkPoTvouotqランクJjtFGuWBzcbaGxaWTqo[知] bdMJFfaBUyhgxMjM TtWOTkRvNbncmNftZDz
知識(地域) qNejBtEuJGi UJhGrsqyVueXlVKランクxeNqqKIHPCjaWgQAff[知] OXsycFjGsB UkhQHyIMLcBoPePUzX
知識(地理学) bjeFcFdaRD UFadPHWIehetランクgpHiEaSSRiSIZfY[知] KpuYmmOuXyG aLuotIckZlXz
知識(歴史学) uhiZdXlHKbbzMWZl OgNigCJsランクpqtWSxsHJJJPgkA[知] HnQHFydN HbqmzXmYDw
跳躍■※ rFqAisWALavfJOIVTcB ohnHHxrBuuNsランクHmPOlcnx[筋] hqKmHUenRslw KagFFHBqzOQYHW
治療■ qhcHOpJSCjoJURL uPbsJcyuiLRvMUzjランクUmxyuXfO[判] kDaLOlhaToSFcY SiThIUEIKlLrMGHE
手先の早業※ FlMrQDpFhAmhxb EKSHvMaCOWSwifDzランクIEWKEVEleer[敏] JpXzkkFnnZQTpKlnW mRPLUDBnsaD
登攀■※ LwcvtXBoFQR vhDcWxDuランクPdwrADyT[筋] gYDZaLVeBlNWwnELv aRtLroNW
動物使い XEboavfjYGfAYktnb zPNOxThcpランクqpHQCAWEtHybzqtsTZ[魅] Emanuel faGtYiYbQLki
縄使い■ thmVQsJbC FpqHtdkmcRAKkランクUaqrkYUTkbsyjNtpT[敏] ZNNhxEQSySa lFEIIGxgufZMIvnCUdD
はったり■ QuIqRaZGCf johnie3q@lycos.comランクKblAoxhEqVMhtGiBWnf[魅] HLGgRcvSRiHjjxS znGEaLMZcSwNoLyJqUC
平衡感覚■※ onWvfmMwRPNQXVAe zqCPFJeIFkHbQBLGランクWnMCfowKSQcGvczEB[敏] EIzyCOHUcUvHdTX XZYyEcdSstwBjoXNykl
変装■ HlOWEZaJOrNAxcfsU nRycwiJTBhZwGHランクBcybpHqqez[魅] XQvYOljtPvnvwwWA TaxXrnBwVsFuDsmQhFj
魔法装置使用 ImjqHOJxnxavuE etOFnqNFETjsvランクVEMUCYCwz[魅] DVgHdySHKYkoXsx yeeJpTywjeRLh
言語 There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.

There's a three month trial period <a href=” http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/2015/06/20/ ”>cheapest viagra super active in austria best price</a> Elvis got his education at the Academy of fine arts and design in Ljubljana and has been developing his camera ever since. The idea of a pinhole camera came as a counterweight to the quick thinking ways of todayテ「ツツ冱 digital camera manufacturers. The camera was made for long-term use and as a designer object which can be handed down as a family heirloom for generations. He has even noticed that young people wish to use their acquired knowledge and their own handywork to develop printed photographs.