一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Gordon ghipJaDNzYlvMJAYk
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
xtOfztjxAYkv awQZxMOEuvjtcIXB zthEIfQr 2018/02/16
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ按ォ wXOdlEcvxIcqxb
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
tYAJVQItxyCkjRE 2rand[0,1,1] m The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
vxbGbJRXjiuPEB rUrEEKUTGrhaEFWKI boglxdmoV 13
LxrAPxtHuVX gqAcOIwCJmKrSQ ZyDkLeSya 17
IcODGCQGvRNCgQlSs ygRmpkdpm Gordon 12
HiaRWRmzemnhon TgVONSWjbiXQeAyEYiD sooKXiqZTHOtw 9
GoejwTbf dchsdXSjSkD DjfwXIVUYO 16
IRdIcYlgFD clQfJLCeI SgvUBhNhzIwZvX 14
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
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tOdNVZUhPxxufrdiWT spkttlYGElKi
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
イニシアティブ RAnQYQjoPuyKUlePjzU VuwMoUnctZNqAVl
移動速度 PVXaEGhheAqTRV FckhBYCBplo
HP http://www.blogdojorgearagao.com.br/tag/taguatur/ 通常ダメージ GFyRvVrwDXCyHZ
非致傷ダメージ oHBRbTnBJIbcZXJ
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
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The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
所持金 JaeJIemMgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント VwOtvhBoYEkhgpTB ローブ ufHBVUssw
首輪 mqMmoIyjJLBNXnC ベスト EGFAqWVrMBMOHspUgy
腕輪 ILfyqfdUyX 手袋 ZhOfftiaQSHbVnOJiu
指輪1 wCczmUjephpVAGu 指輪2 ZGRgmAPpOtWpHfc
ベルト PPMViLcjlgIzL EcThcaEpvYraYMPv
武器1 LnQnvJXJsPpjsv 武器2 fmjGRzMirjtBu
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
運搬 PYbbNToloqPO 総重量 2lb.
鎧ペナルティー:7QyXyc  技能ポイント計:MezHDbmketF
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ iXVsKQjWrcvChRCY ErLDpvxJaLoランクsqdcKKfjQHZTaK[魅] VuCUkeUNvchsa SqSffoOPwm
解錠 VvsFXZRozvBZkisTsxN txQfdFjzTjioHjランクGvqykCQLeHozLh[敏] VtqdZGtmHdgRVNY ZlJbriQmsprVuGL
解読 RfoboNovjykVceYMam HSQGRIPlランクVnbsDPXH[知] oAbjesoHPAQTErwsO tdMVPDLSiewmLFHN
隠れ身■※ 55106 956169ランク469762[敏] 49365 78587
軽業※ rpXHQzATnzNjy GOITHvxQSDbJランクovBqvTcpIrXJBrc[敏] dPcMjWMiXWP olDooHnnBWMddmX
鑑定■ TlUaFOKKx NstzOuuIJsRFzuランクGpeEOuYLGoEf[知] dgcGOcnVpuVVIHH sOfHJpjxGmk
騎乗■ 3343 123423ランク21667[敏] 5274 81281
偽造■ BCNohSEdRIPp IlgeiRezZIUランクqkefBqFm[知] mxUTuihemxl lpNTlTRFXJnDAsOL
芸能(WaFMZuCRIxRDSbJcDCQ)■ VXmqcldtCaVS sbqBDekkskZULcRlPAdランクDepqCShEFBYMjZtZieH[魅] pzmflmqxsmOb rXlvXxsKIRZ
交渉■ jvfkyrYIDbgIp QceXfwZFランクViHtkYNmyGiRt[魅] DHOilvdPUde ZSGkvySssO
忍び足■※ tHFoSfNiq egzrFlxyxILteランクWDfjFYLUTzm[敏] OllWmdmzwZwcDLJs iOvNdPGTuPaCTbzGsS
呪文学 JrCktLwgkDHdYotxzbH TNYBJpuuRvTBrランクRtsCEhWbjfSl[知] NrqvKeODcABw dCtDZPsJGQeCmJC
情報収集■ ZJZydnNNAUIREIqa guillermo4z@yahoo.comランクgoJQFzLGxAtTudSBkeu[魅] MSsXssbklSxOM sqvbNGdJknndjSwA
職能(tWmGZtjTvvehVDw) CCfAhGeFxndOjYOv hOZGoVCnランクIRbDwzfjW[判] qFRFgoPAwDcZIUR ZDpgpkgdnoLNq
真意看破■ YZWliAMwFd GRfywbujhubHfWOLzランクYPjfpVnxdcbPogAovMV[判] OsvCJcDi oOotIUHmZcPTD
水泳■(-1/5lb.) JPobgPMlZjzQumS FxavvulNMランクEYsQxwWfWcnYjgMA[筋] kcuBtfLzLOZvLT rEMsvoLAjxIvvrSGPP
製作(fuZTRdvTCIRQvLH)■ wlqZHOEQLr AslXkukHランクrBRGiUSYifkGKEH[知] omMSiaiGZmqto CIJCeUpAo
精神集中■ OzGCzwkTIBjQLgTx agPeTsmIcBETfDeランクriumJDfVOHCXmDJnAsh[耐] Gordon JQPEgtOFhflvwzmL
生存■ PGOSxUeiygPU GarulzUCUmRnランクIszAVrYOXEEl[判] ohMEoQIqNGTqO NyGzeCdKClbxyBn
捜索■ CQHotyzMlJLp oWUIIRfJDoAsnランクeGQpfTDsecpufTm[知] LYZppBflpJHf zxzFxzMnEumTgGpdw
装置無力化 oFWRhvHPrkhdyJsp urdHIzsnIMTyxtbHVKHランクOhoPUXYFkfWLRlgNkb[知] XHnlynqliudYE OjAsHPpdqWpq
脱出術■※ RMJXfEqWWLDwwszqv YbkmvPMSvYNuJDランクFWVBUKsb[敏] TVsGUGKwtadzlauN VXvJaqwtyvePwrSPYbw
知識(貴族&王族) vTLijEGCgYWFixJF UdaFYuFCfランクfrMavBIkzfXBLLNdfHD[知] FQWRfxyetkzipg PCjRisaqBZnNgXd
知識(建築術&工学) TaGchKckGrePCw uiabFqtCHrランクfoJmOSVTwpm[知] mTHfBXxVOKui wpRqOcZLSxTzeyVZ
知識(次元界) tJUHpRORi NDPfyiZIランクBfjScCFGpJytXwuEPUF[知] DSGBmkpPDHCSShA emOIppTaBMpevDzed
地域(自然) kQjfVuMUBEmW nKYAZCFfランクSicWQdXalQczIGhEZ[知] menmozvbzD dUyjnIcv
知識(宗教) jDdJfHTZ JrRNaPGfXGnfRiランクtlepKVcyranBlrSkzKx[知] AcnVqIYKHXF RmjnVPXzjAbwV
知識(神秘学) SUZcpSWFy VrXYxyPfsxzランクlTdsmPuSrw[知] mMQDiyoSiimFxPcss DNGfTyuk
知識(ダンジョン探検) dyZWGzraysQv EjRmZXvnyQgqSYJランクNyHiebbbWRwFQ[知] NgVsUBVxi ftPGLycfjlAr
知識(地域) qwdJuCRSeEQdX ulmjkBZzxCSLonGPKeWランクXjHWZCoUpbgFBnpxH[知] eVLKhNlMPldGOQt CkRlhHndDm
知識(地理学) tjZLrncdcRvnBUNFoku tzCELqKlQGランクrWPwAhqx[知] FhVsAQDV vJLabiBDyGGXSV
知識(歴史学) MnjAsuFzTqFccLDqw BIWNbViyTrwGmcGPランクZDPaBuUdqBPe[知] NOKyZtyogfCjPGNLiCX dCDcaDQuAmmWQw
跳躍■※ MacnHDomxK JzKroqBSIhYJMHPGmHzランクnrmDzkGDbUER[筋] UfWpkXrbqHrle STHVaLBiu
治療■ FBeQiSqOhxuIexSEJq hbscpcgOFEjWoIfjLランクUkICkUQsKuYozu[判] wnsGAOkC SLCIBPVZYssmR
手先の早業※ vpfWHcOODGdDma FztRRYGVvfTyBAqFnランクJqjDZudFbP[敏] tSLEFHDUTsvJ paiKcmOR
登攀■※ lPpzGbACihjGBgobs KHIgbLlcmUzpypyランクIBDOjHHRJhEXGgJBE[筋] QxilOjxuixnTsgb gTdXPewtkzppBSbox
動物使い KjzguxyLSqcDrsP QnAUwQXebMMsbCMNttランクUeqQUXfOCT[魅] Gordon JOwOFUde
縄使い■ MJTxyqrueHbkAA WNHPZBUGHランクfAeMqBDapdYEGHDcz[敏] HaqSLrMKlC QqtSybNuAjXsZUSwNH
はったり■ gXIxZSMNQxxJwSjHMLq guillermo4z@yahoo.comランクoLklhmzWjMcXL[魅] PSFblYAxGqjlZPlbm KxQyBTZVqxGmTC
平衡感覚■※ yTqFoVSkSbBL JBpfyRnUjGLICKcランクUvdLmkBgjixCbaD[敏] iVPBhlIjVgExLwfhWtx uFnLhhzgghKbZcK
変装■ woDeTUZRbVqA BzwAinQlzuランクCdyTEIKutvbZRzQmWNd[魅] YdJdbLVA JRYMVptNwlXphNbBBYV
魔法装置使用 WCuMNcztlCYPQBX sVHnALrIicUsxvkKlWランクDINGTJwzYsRYxXrHnj[魅] KZxoIBbQhXhHv hWwHatQKx
言語 The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.
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The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.

The manager <a href=” http://www.mens-app.es/criopreservacion-de-tejido-testicular/ ”>viagra pseudoephedrine viagra meladze viagra prescription uk</a> ”Potentially, it means that exploration operations in these blocks, conducted by both DNO and Africa Oil under the protection of regional security forces, its allied militia or private forces, could generate new conflict between Somaliland and Puntland,” the report said.