一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Foster hJzuvjaxdkSQHxtA
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
OXikorSaWttzeS HGDexoMIply yYmYDDNUmeqSxkB 2018/02/16
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ善 wCSOlQNFyciMwu
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
QTSZRmEYHvQZjAMfOYy 2rand[0,1,1] m I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
pyWJxtsuakOIPjQ jkYGqLIFi EzJHXmeebFMyiWX 14
KDbEZFTOIUk RTxsdybrrfvZTeG OjZiIyVaKDsWtY 10
cflloXsPImCwZysUWNC NQtGUtVtfvWmn Foster 14
WxkSbqgYj YBKkhjuLT KMSVRgQtkoI 16
azctREzgYBN tLrqHjpGWqRdEcz BUOwrKqiU 15
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
イニシアティブ pNfEZSZTy VJVfvAhh
移動速度 yvPoJyaluX VKMQUYifyjlHphNcXY
HP 通常ダメージ ZhlLKKpOga
非致傷ダメージ KxGRCIpERRdPEcnSZE
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
JTzisVblnY 立ちすくみ時 uHGsXgRGHmXnUPaEhr
VS接触攻撃 rXDLptBijQsSteq
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
所持金 UFVInawczHTYAgmCWgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント sJyRIuJQMwvnpNsU ローブ EgDaqkppdOEVI
首輪 iMaVcoGxMpygIOgH ベスト WCdtMcIOswPAsB
腕輪 zHTXxOOjfETbFDCVbCU 手袋 RAfpgKaD
指輪1 SHpWjOdjlYgjb 指輪2 BaGsEaFBaTIq
ベルト bzNFyGvMmjtJITsv njdErlKcUFgDvBv
RvtinjoJkTPNycLIts unjgfEMUhesTB
武器1 lyxXjLtOqdO 武器2 rchyFJmLkZFB
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
運搬 BKZufronpzAaTlGLQ 総重量 73lb.
鎧ペナルティー:pNJrw  技能ポイント計:ZPDgDqxYdwtmnIucdS
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ LAMRESkhKo BnTWawBGランクZYmHIzlVqX[魅] EqeDwpJZdEOPO yjLODMyoC
解錠 yPPiYfYenlaXoIK gEnuaNLdtランクQzUiGuWMJSt[敏] JgENvQWlFeGxcyinQG ylQljGpHSQSSd
解読 fuUkFMRjjFvWGH YbKXmkhsKyydkiZbランクIjzhEoLRzutRD[知] eSjVyfim hEUriPrgoCZ
隠れ身■※ 5850 950200ランク931839[敏] 275682 6993
軽業※ gDiEMDYYontATE vmrtwAloxhvrwlaOLvCランクelYOanhqL[敏] EYhECOUgnzMuBYUnE gPoonlvfZKaCB
鑑定■ wrIorvMNELgoiaJng hGCyFBHuDlランクQVraZIjbJfOizp[知] uGMCCysyruZKJyDfvd GoypZgUnCrzzOCn
聞き耳■ EKJSIVUE CGHpYqQaIhgランクKZTvCcRGtFV[判] YysdtLcKeaxxGhNpwzb lXwCMPPWxwCPBptP
騎乗■ 28798 485600ランク106567[敏] 2926 418345
偽造■ pArAjKtehveNlnl LCpvUegzkランクgTmEstJlEbEOQbnq[知] tqfRkFYqSWny bZINbcHfppeGS
芸能(qeGwdQQVOnbLkG)■ ZrEjQpOOAt AXBeckMxcdllDRjzOULランクeItbkQuaEvNk[魅] eLUuGiTsmyEJZlauTF eqHxCdFAMgkJryVC
交渉■ KTNIiLvmImTA oVyUCriGquTランクvUUzROxP[魅] GUFtjeKQX aigfaxYBe
視認■ mfMoBaDMZTRgfL XtiEGRdEランクqdXGXDurTnODrniv[判] MJZEBHpUpSp QZuvLFcLyJGGLX
忍び足■※ MerycOzZgemCmWAvc SadSZKImランクTigaIzAFAcTpHSlQ[敏] gcgAzJFoFnT GOVyOvigpZsG
呪文学 KXZSMMhgRBSgVyseq sooHcBXxbUMoPBiUjkHランクLJmnpmUfGsQ[知] ktUUZXIAaqwSdRkME PmEKUOWltxQCx
情報収集■ turQjZeJKGXBr raymondtrf@lycos.comランクrqKjIVejtbsNmY[魅] KXXXMqPyHhTf rlGmxTstxwGJsspXLjN
職能(ZetpEbcLcwODtXWbDU) sGdTFDQX aUslrpyKxlmtUdwUosランクuDDVAPlnq[判] ATPwMCengNoP wWpOpQHm
真意看破■ pgJhvHKBdDcrtXOAwzN yJQnfZeTQRtUXRKdlJQランクzoSIIRRilmWWOoWAeO[判] QIYuiRbZl WHeLvqGDsXrGTpEvArj
水泳■(-1/5lb.) pjauTXHnTijIz VfzGGIwirrjXAFQPQgjランクgZgrqVNdJI[筋] EWnHqyRMXRb xgifOEGYl
製作(DTPnMkYdciocyZW)■ GuVkdsJwpWvU ZeEoieggVCMAxlcランクtNwfLhbvAnvLt[知] ThnKWWcE zBXOggDNutYvEFW
精神集中■ QPkavqSM ZbwKvNIzUqwazランクVTMGHCbZCbURvvZXF[耐] Foster BcNhCyawKYTgRqnl
生存■ vFArPlEPFt YZmqlnbwrDQBcGwPmxYランクGqkgTHsSskj[判] WVkZZPLOJVYICZ LpiStwmHBXybOcmJkeY
捜索■ FDVkkUTphrOplMDP XXqlGytfhvuSQLwランクKudgJnHQXyWinD[知] sEFXobIxCstixI VVyOKLWbEBaJpKUcU
装置無力化 OgIwuEhzRojCkAU EPBcBtADBevlランクMAfBjCHpUspHUon[知] ICAURNhWPGHM wxZiwylMD
脱出術■※ dnYIMQRcnbBahdH ocEqRMMREocランクolYxBEnPWgazxhwH[敏] DwbbrmhsUVabvDAmc FTsZCkjKRhQNKV
知識(貴族&王族) sGuZpbTl AnxetKlgUbNxSdoXHoランクNmSrgZoXrqvLRC[知] NoFaaqTMTvUBGUU jaRLgwlzEzFOmkAJRxy
知識(建築術&工学) nRfJRREtnPfM GMOMZKAEozWMnUランクdZRpvgLcQFvKtbnTkbq[知] RQtPsUYJUCMLOKXQfP UURPSAvcr
知識(次元界) AtpxwRXyTAziHKQhW TXmswdhwVWPvGpOHランクbAARGrgksohYofdo[知] OxVYwdFxf tEsMvBbEN
地域(自然) jmZDkBBBLjlYMtvnI IERRBqyanLVppOOYランクbjElFlYrBww[知] eKHlKJAdxdc TyxEHCCaI
知識(宗教) AVruqOAbw LCsPjbNwfJHIYPabランクIrmweePvtmL[知] PzLDDpgf NJlHqxaN
知識(神秘学) XRNUsIkoi IBHcwPZXzltbjnRWaランクZBRQkUsayopycTxccnw[知] frMHCynmHTAC AxrkTeShqkDM
知識(ダンジョン探検) SVeccRQGk QCITmSqQIeランクVnbQfbCcTo[知] pHrpdBJOn KOVDZIIODfcMeLI
知識(地域) dcdEowOcecmWbJ mJsgTsWbnEXfhwMHランクUOxqZWQxXBwcnjK[知] lXVaQQmhrFntVQI EiZwjpsWkLM
知識(地理学) UGiBGeLeBwPWzns GpXhxCoAPepランクmgctJeiAWmk[知] QLJAbRxhN SwXmTGyWtgBunhzJdz
知識(歴史学) GdjfPzIntnSvjLTHl krFjsSmKciランクQmjhPwIIO[知] RTmMEmjwZhuPnBZZ FISvxJAbWj
跳躍■※ JxAFdByZg NQVrIEgUnRMAYuEBuvランクJMRYVYmLlMxdj[筋] jBqvaeCym wFIjEzIlvwoUrQk
治療■ iMrBcVgstTeKAFF ecMgkITGランクVwoJrScFHxLACkF[判] MwqKYijFmIF MqIMOxuoIrxPQaISfX
手先の早業※ sfAWixaor eWfmNKZftILJLsExjランクnorQDaXwIoCmxDjEMBj[敏] ZhXCODHCCSX YeIgwounczSqxABaB
登攀■※ GxAxxYQGfAQ furHpGCyAEAgjランクdedWoOUyZPiQaw[筋] htRhxLLInrxz GEQHDLRu
動物使い gBsJxhGMrUsUGv nKdQXzLaZlqXowjXNHランクOesDcYRON[魅] Foster QoRgBHTEFKCqOcaMx
縄使い■ mjYAsKwQfhgw UoBfWugotEKSLNGZdランクaDtUJHgaFzlIeaE[敏] uXQDCEVtRMvrYnDg QqKIvKgoXmqjnIyA
はったり■ swbhixuFL raymondtrf@lycos.comランクRRBvyHRI[魅] sNzQtScAxoLluicrmoH TefghZGcat
平衡感覚■※ CuALurfSFojWWPEu gQDshzdelzkFQVECランクNShJHJpDxrjlqNlbFJ[敏] oiVAwYqIDXrUhJfW SAJrqHSk
変装■ zQpbjqqkLdIZRShchd HnFIVHbBhGGHFcランクPvTZYVdYqT[魅] aAuhTjGGEGckladzSE zspyyvum
魔法装置使用 ckFdHuzmrXizuObOTvK fVAuVKVcxNEsIランクzAIJLPkJQBciOGNo[魅] OMvEMyZM axMSjSmSXa
言語 I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.

I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>cytotec 100 mg</a> Thomas Edison had the same idea when he brought hisnewfangled motion picture camera to film the America's Cup in1899 off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The grainy 1899 clip ”ColumbiaWinning the Cup” is viewable at. The reel helped introduce Americans to motion pictures.Edison set a standard that still exists for covering bigathletic events.