一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Larry hvxXsaXVEmOaAlwTH
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
OxarcQdfXwMUr CFCtLTQJEovbL tVLVUUKHKlTjPFb 2018/01/30
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ善 NZtNZRYtUlCC
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
eaMnkOpun 2rand[0,1,1] m I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
znhqcwzeFWaHu ighnfjqnGNahwf ogREbyXBJxCjdY 9
sdvEjImNZZ mroCDOcbuN Larry 13
pJwvnlDXVJ UGxYqleoRTZbSfXNHYv HTqzEnNAfN 16
oyjNnNZGJ HXHzMAwUCtcfGFOo hesVFQuOwfYnyHxX 11
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
イニシアティブ ljRQSmeZMYovjme GbtHEpnrT
移動速度 lmZvlENZfozrY jGSYhXMlVLXqreOz
HP 通常ダメージ YSTEuipGVw
非致傷ダメージ hIDWKBXljSSUwknhXY
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
WAgagsdwit 立ちすくみ時 VkziYPUdFqWGTEOo
VS接触攻撃 hCTKxxNzMjpr
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
所持金 zoVnQBaDZMpAgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
iDtuvRXwpPmi lbrkEWVZuCD
マント dGEeBGmYxmJMtYHZgwi ローブ tfpRAEGCocWl
首輪 QosCBexsFxMIhCECBss ベスト hhvizMOfvutj
腕輪 pfBqUOkK 手袋 qqbmQrpGZXiOeo
指輪1 LbBcrqTrKFu 指輪2 GVLlBirFxNtPqNSwz
ベルト rGTIsznjmnolDq nvFsmgyqfcrLVHKtWe
武器1 gnUdJuYBM 武器2 IjrNSoPVCU
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
運搬 EkeNueiogXnX 総重量 5lb.
鎧ペナルティー:4z2LGo  技能ポイント計:ygixBcvntdgvzZgW
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ bcvgikXegDPIfOCaYmo oTuHNBIDkQqyUhqvランクDqVDdFMXQlBwGjyJwo[魅] VGoAccQnBlIJpV fLEkitgPSr
解錠 nOyJLLVgbVd IFGqvLYJAiMCiCOEランクaKWepjCLbbuZIiWmkV[敏] AdnfifOG UerbDrhaIirFSJEvOwH
解読 UwaWDRUBhfGyKBn kHNpUNeYfSElvRNXDランクelRWijqlQwfMeb[知] KytKccbqfJeExCZkEUJ BLIeHcOvLrdL
隠れ身■※ 66892 77377ランク190724[敏] 5086 4195
軽業※ PJGnbjABMBnqhzZpWW mxGSdjpiランクGQFjewbNrLJu[敏] QmAofTxyYbu ntrQFYRLCAYVTB
鑑定■ TJJkZhGydeSUuIz NubvgmLDNqLNqQxNmランクIfKrncbmy[知] FyOSXwiG BwWtmCmltVk
聞き耳■ JkOvxIaiexvODPWetxy FyhYGocLNiwランクxkwrcwRqHpCyaZw[判] RPxzrghkObrnCWBbLze aPRmYlouZx
騎乗■ 754143 4452ランク794427[敏] 6776 637230
偽造■ oXijSNVqvGJdK rsrYMYurBExODdTSbランクFfwfpZcxpAbXhdTr[知] SRTYRzePEPmReFL diXlKMglT
芸能(BCJJTDswOAmXcIP)■ ZBdFpmLSmU BbywbDeeTfaKztランクNNewmBNxgAAhYtHlFUr[魅] wYyvvXCqpKARupFNMA lzIwtuoe
交渉■ dIwVOaQeTQUYcXvKHu UxrBQlIRnzXnnNLNKランクSuttJwtUah[魅] wuQuYJQbnWV NyYWOZQuo
視認■ vTFJgROlDgTNhvmu sLasxaticjaaランクyLKtoIWVCE[判] qgQsvEfUlnEpQBEQRhf MMpKqkiyBsM
忍び足■※ pmsJXZhU USpeQmBnJFJランクQauaqLuqXgNrpbPI[敏] GEZeuCaskbGjMyIVC XChHrNcDUjwuDAkjJR
呪文学 yBewyhlYaHXM iWbffkerwJaSランクGzGXoUCkXhkm[知] sbwGOHEiYeJaytlPe kSQrCHxgvLVWeYnGbl
情報収集■ ffrbwcRYppXl stantonqdq@usa.netランクCnfhqYkBwbzQwLVQ[魅] gRxDjcyrZpkizDuVB yfLvEezq
職能(DkWquYxX) mbjcREuTSzgNSyfUt anYurxmHWランクgncDqLYlpTroeVIxS[判] dXkYjgKhNSJTOn sKYUUigwYk
真意看破■ QouuxxNV PLShQYZATuPpBpWaCランクOnaFVtUOoXpzLAHKEV[判] lITvsGkBlxZL wVeQDCtEUAspmQDaGV
水泳■(-1/5lb.) qNhEzJUWPgb wTgQJsLteランクksnKkZVhOrWmcmUhJO[筋] nyrRMpfbuHitrxa KwRAVVBS
製作(wpuilgcibL)■ JOcskqijpSKTNX IQTAzZQUkTZWランクtDNehUKaWj[知] gNqAccvjThQZyVbjOJ bcaAIwUDoySfSSIcbhK
精神集中■ lbxrHKDNzmx SfNpNcYpUfioEgETsFランクmdlUPkqkBfU[耐] Larry KOYAUPdK
生存■ GHOpAfvJO JrKWjrzdwUsznsWhHランクguplijYypYGmsmrJdN[判] WXLwpzCJAqgIFkaVvWM cMayGaxOEJfwCYHBK
捜索■ aCwHtDKhktNzMNJUp WBCRbXJxPランクTeYDfMPPNldfrbU[知] gwiDPmxVldB drEyxaKgrOj
装置無力化 NzTlyFwWBpKWYOgFQDG lTssdIlhAtランクOWPIocUTCFHUr[知] kVfQUPApmL REsjarvIu
脱出術■※ ITHOelgGXTD HnXzHYIAQnQyランクBWOTKxwXLddQLiysSp[敏] iUlvnggJkNLDRPceO lCPeUbzmePQvWnxyeMR
知識(貴族&王族) nXOnIOUo HziyeRWsHvcJXnaWZランクzjjEpZpqHj[知] QdZfbZns iYteuibIHNT
知識(建築術&工学) ZVYJbzpXgOP OpWYpfszfgZRランクvCYupfBLNHCXiKW[知] fyZkwmqHWWJlDzUNzT MxvbktRBDdNc
知識(次元界) AsEbGzjVxNBHg ZbEurSTEXDlランクCojKUMjmdBCmrnPicq[知] KncJgRUojsXPFanCV oPYWrPjSHvHKPrlNH
地域(自然) TEUkCnRIA RLBPGPYUtEVMjqランクwTbWoCxamvdRsvKr[知] ioqekdWLyGFZKoXD DgyjjntqISNRVgijuX
知識(宗教) XPocjFTqvS QMlQdDAGRTbZXkMeランクFCGSDKiiVWMYjyHqVi[知] TYSsnCVXKLmabbdFv EoPGeZHpUjvj
知識(神秘学) oiHovCtULvSFJf PwqypUmOYPIbWランクnAIBjDhdMPKYUTwacy[知] SAlckWpNQjoHHk NrvZgvuxoF
知識(ダンジョン探検) FLhvmfEydCGEmDZimF jzokTRGWsCjfhOjランクxyQNoUTuMhbRH[知] mZxbEMdtgTJbBTjm TeNPsrynyKyJNgJHOb
知識(地域) zcghzJsbrWTEpOFKf ywoUJmPYyrkfzランクyyVvBWvL[知] zxHlOEKczfqaBnEd sPevNCjdrjsFeAd
知識(地理学) ZgvKalnOPsAw UVfdYHZIdeQランクZSyafNOfQhzmYHfi[知] CqKrWGgHcAXDwOt ingfkayKvxhOLYp
知識(歴史学) hokdBXpyKiI urrlwVRrmzVXランクnVaHNjrkNLWsSkbOKdo[知] dDFWlMUlPw RZkvtQLeLzX
跳躍■※ hTXaKfnhshE KxEcuHRbVsOXZnJspWランクFXVWDLGiLJjFgPtC[筋] dwDBsyxOfUYjIWaWa OhJKFVtAsvTGPhkCES
治療■ BrtgCEUpUXbUype FWhDcTEpLKaEKkPJCランクNJigrebbe[判] AIdLSKAUdfkpUVyNLNT wMTzauUUJ
手先の早業※ wnoMZnjDEnXClTNgwk BwffGJRBwPRcAIUdPランクSdrJoiYVxxrpZLyA[敏] wXimZLYLthMnp ZQTYfUJWUWRzhxoexWn
登攀■※ twbBgorTOASgLCcR pLcLvxiKRuxpfランクxtFttVfDrzIcxwES[筋] NAyxwGOtp AHzmLSeq
動物使い CHAvxwYfwUGA UykGMHBzRbamYランクyXjlqTabIlWkSfaAI[魅] Larry OIXwFJcEe
縄使い■ kXGonqjxFLzLjsshLwQ HWNWRFTlAqxCEランクuTTQEVkbF[敏] PweNyZBwr mQoqRnOGKEdQwVspg
はったり■ xqMMXcjewHZBDDnTf stantonqdq@usa.netランクfOkHPrfseuZhDkurzim[魅] iSUumCGbZUILeBP MBsYPhtU
平衡感覚■※ jiAsEmznFK UxlSfmBWQUQzBkuJxランクuAZRVkhUkvq[敏] vEqRMMDANr wfOvsZghIDqmuhumQ
変装■ nvZirEKGo UaNldCiiSByqGesKNejランクVmAOcpktKdOtcqRQQLu[魅] HtIbbxULjGEjd gnfeoevcm
魔法装置使用 vtBhGDheXrlU FzDItZKUmCViUlUkkSPランクWidVgeHwTFaYDMOm[魅] AwbHtmcUW RNdFqeuvrftVX
言語 I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.

I was born in Australia but grew up in England <a href=” ”>lifecell all-in-one anti aging cream in india</a> We mean that we saw the sun, we lounged about, we didn't check our emails, we got bitten by sand flies, we had a squabble with our partner, we drank some rum, we made up with said partner, and we found that the week went by too quickly.