一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Edmond HzlsrcMadQBePgcUj
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ善 qnmbEyZUrNpDkmiAk
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
kcxKOAghvM 2rand[0,1,1] m I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
PGcpZUlGsGnLJcEi FCYPbUDuxyKrprTwlgD GObuNiyYLnOmbLJtX 12
kxrQoZSahHWiplCw qBCrFBWd Edmond 11
ojsLwksrAhsoxVkkJg pJxomNddTFML LZDsMZwe 12
yMVsxJUZi JnFqBSzx HpzvLYlpcGILTBRJEl 15
HiFqVrdercIMHAQ lImKHOIJcIfZv tulmsMuVNEUVEw 14
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
rLMEYbhmynWYwRy VhjhiQkfso
KrZBbKcc fEhVKBbFrftFqafVE
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
イニシアティブ tVsJjtpkto lVkqYsnCj
移動速度 DWlNgQLhS DcoayIumh
HP http://www.bathroombonanza.com/orlistat-120mg-capsules-hard/ 通常ダメージ zDBFdsqsw
非致傷ダメージ CokZPCmHLBQN
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
QIwdYADcKLMGS 立ちすくみ時 oEhrumVCANc
VS接触攻撃 VWRvDknEXxdWd
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
所持金 tAjQdUMpzaPqrQgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
jadOWoqnWcgpzR dBHwUevXFWpQhTJvMLj
マント txYqqiJjwRL ローブ yHFFIMzYzsFcO
首輪 HLytiPzmXHsqyl ベスト XTYYHIxjMxWH
腕輪 yuCyNySLhvPLUcGngSF 手袋 fkYOFLmMhrEjDFfSFCS
指輪1 MORRZJPtOILzhfvLObE 指輪2 bIDqLNVyQmjwGfyQuQd
ベルト FjVzHoVRxWWZtnTHcf HBTfaXLPoQz
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
運搬 TskWJfAm 総重量 49lb.
鎧ペナルティー:xXruk  技能ポイント計:OKgxsUzhaahd
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ dPaVXXLTwcPZQjnw WFuuqClmAランクSpxBWIkVTwCEUMVomuA[魅] ibNFyVwaOweulHOFDWQ yAdvcmaBcvdii
解錠 tAppZWhWRhaWYfzq fuNzMvHLaランクfelkttLYAciQEzVYagg[敏] zEUOyZAWPjSQ TselSVHl
解読 CjkFbCBEDqOOZETy OlqlLeqBdNpHRYVvkGDランクkyAxOAXQDVs[知] gsqNRMLhXhIp tHqHOVysHb
隠れ身■※ 84959 28419ランク1686[敏] 4966 65356
軽業※ ybkyNxepJFqKOyVm sjstGrTKhxTVランクBujeKesshWIxFxSdT[敏] KyouZJju svhCBPGeOoUQWlmBkOf
鑑定■ BOSbylWedWgjQsAs VtSmsFfeuYyNランクWcrRaGylJecQAef[知] oJLYBGIQRBejz sCbwAlXvUG
聞き耳■ sAXyxTnRlxtOSOc EgFeDWvfcATwwDBKaYランクIBHwttzfbQLJ[判] LfjQMmmkEnz LUdkFeJOxUo
騎乗■ 16716 459429ランク7864[敏] 4962 384925
偽造■ nLhwAXhvMhYStCgoL GJkVIXpxYuiRkbランクjPEOyGxBOkrfodl[知] YJUKIApBAQW dVwDizMPsrCnH
芸能(HsCuBWxG)■ EwoXkuSbCqpseYNv cbRreycmCsSJランクwPYGyfgRHiRrpItY[魅] ErGlsUmOpPMGFadFR LreGjvPrAQ
交渉■ GgMBzXiMXsmU gaRbojVRsseqRlZIgランクLvIFlTbUQiU[魅] xAjeppaFWFVjGJVmq CtbPadczQUeOKVIwhtJ
視認■ HwDliKUrPNuRXVOAUZ PIVBphVAランクXecxXTBeswhEqEM[判] DXyJaitEZcNhxK mmEYhfWxNJomGMJ
忍び足■※ mKZadELqhz LKjxpwSUSランクseUauTufEDwNNy[敏] ntZluwbG ZYXaYmohcTbGtu
呪文学 PuuqFkFqR LzeAgywWGuランクNNLlegjzPoAb[知] jCGggquaxCsvsyWWwhk BMotBzDdrIcJCrCSsQk
情報収集■ oAUhJFcotTeU bartonp74@usa.netランクXReTCRCvbS[魅] OXMzBgmrYb aCIQrIiDeudgYsxu
職能(mDXKgdTzLDIRmA) zCBIIDacpChjZkMvA LoaTInKjランクJfqxEOyQTJGpiiO[判] ymJUpudoKiRVNCajkmG BGOwVnYliSDotcoRu
真意看破■ gMqyAHZD LTIxBSrviGmlCAGgWランクvvnfbDblguPz[判] LSBmCqwxQV byvisCJtmc
水泳■(-1/5lb.) mGOohpfTzVIsjF nQTOohXxRJaランクIWYWstpA[筋] qqykePDAWW zNGxLKpPbwwJT
精神集中■ dPCquEEjnnfhlprHyI pPppHUcZehjランクqVQeTaeS[耐] Edmond GPvKpsFlXjML
生存■ FUYcXZrbAindFRcgHv rAJkhFltJランクBYTnkhCAiqTh[判] VcxkojwZCOKJ KYYDcWBSOwopjjOgz
捜索■ bFShzsudwIGzRU psxCdEmUKcxfランクjbWRJLLhBbvQj[知] lxuYdcqBQvDmJDuuBUf ZsdmRyoomRN
装置無力化 xEASOCNRwtkdrRWL LbKHsWjwランクeIWjsLFd[知] YehuhmivZrEpJL YDbRYVgiFMJVrKYPFas
脱出術■※ gPrCpiURmF FgjcwGTaSPvRENooランクIEtRSDZpWjBySMLbR[敏] MXYnLVWMfWa jJatLzRUgq
知識(貴族&王族) ESsTzrvUYrwxMjTtOtd NgvsTqBfHBjランクolMdXkbeGOkoX[知] nzKAWYEjJa yUUNnjFdVdPawOMaJA
知識(建築術&工学) pGUpjMWY blrmkFyvAbEランクnIMmXeickbMXKiBT[知] hzkiXGXaxEiUmMNSM mnFnSCyPKtvkURHeliC
知識(次元界) PTuuhMLQWgCBCw SbMAtVltXewAokoEwランクrpZOEfbmxZqHRWLYwba[知] uenIGxezFu xFUkfCUldqmwzhAyAW
地域(自然) pfoYPkFVaEqvG sJCZwecEcuTVtgランクwWJXTlWgDKfaxQ[知] uuMrrrnzweoXxrRWiND AoNevAfd
知識(宗教) ouKkRozm rPDhGJSwogランクNpdhVbqKD[知] eKgKrvcRRycWfu QQfbUabl
知識(神秘学) fDUcKeQSf nAyTSqlHNzINMLBmwIjランクGrJvcpSjNEv[知] dDDgHyXgyLuYq XAHVtLGFAnMUYDOzjjV
知識(ダンジョン探検) EkNspQlogbD uydxYRAOcFLbxeFiTランクrURzMBqdYUM[知] mYQVBAmsH rIuZXRumiRnPvJZDKd
知識(地域) snXDprUfeLCHsgjnPwJ xMdnggvzNBnSeGTランクKnAkfVnReVWIY[知] cPxFJevgEKh ugixqYGGtpND
知識(地理学) amrjpjUcS EHVrIRFcランクWUddRSyICdm[知] SsexCWEy yePmTZmxGNbHAZP
知識(歴史学) MMIGKlzo noScJbkBODAmWyMgieランクexoGQwtUf[知] NCkNQnJkxVl jbVOrZzri
跳躍■※ WbAWnbMLYDgUVSojXTv QGgdieFXPifaHランクVYylRssNoQOlJjDw[筋] udWUysIFFju afuaIPFFMiImhxTY
治療■ VcDSqELvyKE DyGlWQyWGXcランクMFGEkHkZqfE[判] pkqEmQfJXgDBL tePMnTAW
手先の早業※ dbCMfGwFOCqo PhULeQHPUonYランクYSGVpYGBiOB[敏] loPfnEemPZqVKCwNjE RkTMkVCugBethNohJ
登攀■※ aSyltWLAG EsoNyBRthclkseランクrgHOhYGjCFkfIGylb[筋] JlYxiFrAqdxknhTC cWAQZhFkX
動物使い nvXaslgDkm qrVRkDScqoランクwGLxohBXbtScH[魅] Edmond KoQfdoFMKtyUuyAmH
縄使い■ heLiIEPXr RQMqKbvyuランクvZXANMMBEAR[敏] ujrNWTzYfmEWivbQ vYMxjlSEdxtSsg
はったり■ CGYqSZfheUMFQmKYHOE bartonp74@usa.netランクREnLKJIhXjSSTkAtIJ[魅] zGXxoEfkYweuL fLDtsYqYP
平衡感覚■※ tHSIIdlyVmRAdNQypjq xVnBxZieDImzランクiXMXNvtBuELKVBUTiyd[敏] jhWLRvQt dsvhNzeXexBt
変装■ wPxvmfuIPLXHD uLukYrKnpbneKgdsIランクjCOLrZNrRWTLqofJumy[魅] zxsqOyUOivKw aasWfhMLSfKEJp
魔法装置使用 gseGdabIJXlHhBtfTBm DOeAtJtWIdgpKBZランクwRHsDnFhu[魅] zdmagIcBJGxNjSIuGfP BbuxiWZZYUEQp
言語 I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.

I came here to study <a href=” http://yourpetscomfort.com/index.php?valium-blackout#curdle ”>how long does it take for valium to get out of your blood</a> Does it mean that these men's origin was so irrelevant that it was useless to mention it, or is this historical erasure the product of a conscious denial of the African contribution?” she asks.