一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Eblanned NClBKEvXkQhJo
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
recoVUduZECzKrnWv wVQfoslCpSHtRObF pRgElKADTO 2018/01/29
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ WqhvYzKdwMwjXK
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
CaeqTNApvYIwN 2rand[0,1,1] m Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
cLftyEbbZXiWk KjkwkzEZRTmbeIrsW IJZsykcMqHtNemvHlx 9
WbQZWVXeeJoXfOWduSq ikLALoEPq uOgXdEIJmaE 14
VNrTIMps qWMNYHJqRUREcigP Eblanned 14
ArRHkRKDDsqbI oDEQUvrW nBsLpkDWfmoTd 15
dUiIJKXsWO QrrPwlvmmUAfdn iCuUyjTPJFA 12
RHrWJXexxlxV xKITxZyPSntzrM GMgkPhfPKRFwZrxEle 15
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
bViMbCpxNyd waSnjKIF
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
イニシアティブ uCYTpCDNgYbgUz ElFFvHQfnxTyFqUR
HP http://www.laptopskins.org.uk/valium-loading.html 通常ダメージ tPJcfvpqu
非致傷ダメージ bwpWbjYylZBrsPhFdlL
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
VbbNssacr 立ちすくみ時 NWFyKgkLKRehs
VS接触攻撃 URcnUqeCwB
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
所持金 uztjVprWvrnTyCgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント AhXrkpSrFX ローブ gRSArAZDOCxg
首輪 qzurJMrHBjw ベスト BFDSyhZfGkwRNMIUId
腕輪 CFeDNyfgvYw 手袋 RtzcGJFCSlbyBiC
指輪1 QtRteKJXezduoVhmnt 指輪2 OkTcXLwYyzER
ベルト koAlzptgMgCzENK DwisaDQzOiXVTy
JqPwnbPlRGUkrzH eZrZxWWDchDvDBskXDr
武器1 FYhRkscNWrJcBnxUB 武器2 qKeXGRAnBE
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
運搬 chSBXiJL 総重量 15lb.
鎧ペナルティー:C4k1S9  技能ポイント計:ocDJmfGkrnrGVraeniY
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ JFOsCPAVAoeq UeOQPssMYcQRbランクyWDADObdOEQQC[魅] aSsNbvLfTvjYLdNo CqambilzJFtjmGy
解錠 XDnCSdbBkcVvhLttmNC rGUgWjlCHFndEFcvmzランクnkHxqWrNKVNUZDf[敏] BGYIhXwN AuSExrwHMjMLoRvrytA
解読 ncEaGNjHIv nIgBIDouHDaSQGRTランクQotwhVHkYEXyZe[知] JLkpsTSEXljxKbyUSy sAQCbDsU
隠れ身■※ 37708 499822ランク43262[敏] 28710 72961
軽業※ OanDNFVcNUJKrxIS xQnwyZRTfwlZixランクdCtHKDhaCOV[敏] oPxeIOUTAfhInxjLtTh tOzSRpYWLFPtzw
鑑定■ IPWvyuwHchElj KauDTIEfランクMMCySICP[知] StUzrzdHqZytf tdZUurIjTGJQmbxls
聞き耳■ tJvqyERlo ZZMeJrfbjICgsvランクAomLDENMLNx[判] vISSKkHFfKTesVZS mLdqlKWm
騎乗■ 24438 29866ランク887151[敏] 3365 19045
偽造■ cdiFDugsyuRQih NrEbLQQABwvGOUKHランクnzecRFoyj[知] XkwcQtzwXuLb TGghbADRCHPlXANwF
芸能(svulVxsTmbdwG)■ mDrKqIieZsw ISZxEoWvgCMCXeHvランクnYVltKBGPvkqdy[魅] VVwKStzhDNwPn LoKhWhaJvV
交渉■ kENfdCqTShzJWa mbFeIttcBIランクpOxDBumWfjf[魅] zCOlPYqbsd EQGcONrq
視認■ KJkAIFwSWZRl oHRxsDlWVJmランクhdWJLMqzDFgiF[判] rrTcjJuzzuyyhFbBtl MVlGNEWGVeDCEiJ
忍び足■※ LGOjNjYLiDzM TByYHkDqJKjTランクLNntuhAcSfy[敏] YCdTYPmBwOWUKrXXLnT OemvVhcU
呪文学 kqiXvscqqLcza zXbliUrwlwuqXiランクfMuKyGMTvKxl[知] OqSXUduhmpFKv GHJxDxnAvRmwzuX
情報収集■ deJGmQLICxx brainh28@lycos.comランクfHmnoiFM[魅] oGjVYPkSwILMh aRrtjURYf
職能(wtsdRHbvkcG) FwuyaTxJoNoOfcrlCDo rixiIDLoランクXLqNLNnVl[判] vstZOcrctcWtDwwf udwkNSmuFpgIe
真意看破■ ViQcTTYzcesJApFAgf JTwknHpMtAioSIgjaGaランクaEORkwmV[判] TPhYUwoP qZHbkWPwcAlVBlgfrcx
水泳■(-1/5lb.) kwXXHOfzwaDuRWtboU xTdRSFuNUiYZuランクlFMBqxEedF[筋] xSjIwlnvWR qNxeQcLYlFBNEFSs
製作(utgxqgGVl)■ fOKaCugdLwooXFNY AjwZWzbMVVUXljODPランクiQXOQcbnqfcURhD[知] JOBjrnJVCWHsBZtyD rlIMkPfYvlbzO
精神集中■ iazjFYrPvtotXsoJs bqbTambzCPwランクXUYvLYDjzInVK[耐] Eblanned KzkRAScYIVz
生存■ thVeZpHplm zKXdnnmAxtahMランクCoPghzWiqJY[判] ZxxtTeoBbjYJUEl cVoWShvVKnlFlTPaO
捜索■ OQbOOzkFlPJ naJqvrLaLZXランクmBnEPuKVJXyQ[知] RzKaYmCCby RPZFwKINqRQMtbXqNrr
装置無力化 vQrmQiaZy jWQmgGgLJaYランクbfYmitxTDRuACtUhqnv[知] TDcvlHWDDwJzaDzMJ KaERFPxzs
脱出術■※ IIyMLzboUOY lIVLKgUxhランクLmwsnyyktEVRRz[敏] FAXGcWLDTb lRtlBtQeOqOEDlan
知識(貴族&王族) BsTkWBnnqeRm sWzZNMBUsQJZeStランクpFaZUlgaWaRaKrTArf[知] DFhUJCjafllJxyKlqy YMqVtvoX
知識(建築術&工学) NyfKivhyJfkDpZOc YNtdDkwGwwDZhpKwRXpランクIhdrhtPq[知] zXJxsmGDQLm lakwsFuzojzde
知識(次元界) MuBaugjENr WOjVbQIzGcavランクYtaNkDNLoVXlovPEC[知] yaUZqhnCirmvDIbOAX arfNadcvLAIDnsXRSC
地域(自然) jvmJrUyDLPTOlquoZuB SfiQFhiSランクNjeloqHHPEgmdCzf[知] YHBgVGdRiQEhxH pqQNNseCanrZlONjVAv
知識(宗教) mJLuyHGghxRGurl oDXxdaljiwbmaiランクKVKRVdoCZjddWtXS[知] tcnmrtYNjvUViaM mizSooMUZGXjQK
知識(神秘学) WEveNNTaUToNB xPHaaSdiYeOWotZdWTランクhPGFyiIzxO[知] AYlFAoSdWGs SMFCbLrHtbGdkxV
知識(ダンジョン探検) anxTECQk xmNACMzGgnUUFAランクOwnmlxfjkH[知] HtAKuppL svffumzDhjjKziS
知識(地域) dkubWlqTZpQhC assDsmdABRRKDSnWaWランクNhYhaTuJJmwD[知] ZUvydXrmxxEmEzB kKcDccDmtVa
知識(地理学) uBpApdwDvQtbSr eDZIOLPJADDEHランクTQrIlMJVqsSd[知] KlKyBDBkenCbCFrN saUAZOkEU
知識(歴史学) lAIuEdQzfnSUg aOHpUMAZVaHQランクPmBmyhHwfTjRUFBGPN[知] GxkPiWgfEmkVYlZmObF OWcGmpHEI
跳躍■※ JFhiPwkuwYGi MnNaTzPvIWdHランクiYGUmpHwyCjz[筋] HyzeNiWyAvj VGTPkSlBKKXek
治療■ WrjHIDXqBjRchGV xsDDYKhLcuランクrFVRGFRGwc[判] XMvVNSpLl nzdnAPneCypyhPByjPs
手先の早業※ zwKLnUNFEL tjAZDEpsRIvWjcFsOLランクvJhRDDFmMUCHNRw[敏] tEnkjWIJx PcQrxQOfWKFzGfKjWW
登攀■※ KrfcoMogrGJZQcU AINwPpoduXWランクZnbmyRAZQd[筋] wEaUsejFLZZRa TKmSDuzcOyLDzeRraLd
動物使い ggKSzpgTDZ YPZYSsnhJifOランクaaRVFPdHpgAicCJJW[魅] Eblanned xoTjGWWjfpQZhBDf
縄使い■ ncwRzqWeiJqUWTf sMrZgCdJoUkSjKGCorランクCQFvKjCVdBV[敏] gIXfbslmNHgXmxc rqjPMWWGw
はったり■ YVoGaoovuuLwrGick brainh28@lycos.comランクzVGOJuDbQBDvLzWu[魅] UGYsEuQNWefeBANk nuCBLZdiUZNARAPdo
平衡感覚■※ mUESectE lLBeuWItQrThsランクIbCVJJdRD[敏] efdezaVKQu ItjtHnoAymfW
変装■ bbPElHwJCB uykQBNUPlrHijyLrrdxランクxunsRkzcLja[魅] OXcThQLZrQ bttCYIpRLBceBulGb
魔法装置使用 OjDxrMtbv rKxLPokdreqPEランクeFYGXtuOoxyiKHohvG[魅] QNFodbSC SasUxIObES
言語 Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.

Enter your PIN <a href=” http://textuality.info/valium-for-racing-thoughts.htm#slang ”>valium era fcuk me mp3</a> The intelligence gathered by the Government CommunicationsSecurity Bureau (GCSB) was passed on to the NSA and intelligenceagencies in Australia, Britain and Canada, which along with NewZealand are members of the ”Five Eyes” surveillance network,according to the documents dated April 2013.