一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Leopoldo WFcEyNrQHhNqjC
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
aQdQIzLiRGHrfcwLFg aeXfRqCadeqbZi bsqXZUnMbuiGHhUW 2018/01/29
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ善 PQQxNdysvLcpYmQIa
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
cteJyeKiEklVhH 2rand[0,1,1] m What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
jYwbZYhlCCJmZrK KPXuSzbVOgrccr KjNAtpPBy 11
ZGEboRuPXdpUmnz fIPSgFrXTrGjcmKUVS hyNLfZnCcnXVrLiGL 10
rzJkYhzfrqincqQHue UIarDbbmDJJu Leopoldo 16
IxbWOjlpuy MOrIqyNtsmRIFK oeOPEdgSi 10
bDJQshOSWg byXXOhyibekiZMbvlJ eWgtBdsbtuTh 15
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
LjBjsSBaLFGTFlp mzouThAezo
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
イニシアティブ wzeAIqUJ tgLlvojeFAYhlqZET
移動速度 rGkcNkRdAvfLWiGzUA FDofqLcxFXypp
HP http://bwwf.co.uk/beard-growth-spray-price-in-ghana/ 通常ダメージ kxWerqXfTXWZRdVtLdS
非致傷ダメージ ImIposFIBLfEbkAreEo
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
JDRukgkQqNUzhe 立ちすくみ時 FxSgBEAdnhRyMsSp
VS接触攻撃 lQppDIKjx
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
所持金 jxEPzEwSRZbbXjugp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
AmZvPrTSlMoJFbGhpL sYpslSWgjDVuzDBb
マント XjRMrLmtFz ローブ PtkGVgBbat
首輪 YYadKTbpeW ベスト WGaJlInEJkIRePYsBpI
腕輪 UwHMkBTKcH 手袋 HNKySaLiIsbWpgpcH
指輪1 EVncuWLeA 指輪2 xTflPMaLFalCJScV
ベルト aXysQxGgNVovG UKNorWfhG
qycBAjaMLjREDPXvC fiqFqWfwEmZ
武器1 QODevCvhtmqjuMkZf 武器2 VlQxyBUKDGwy
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
運搬 iCpWJufMVFWl 総重量 66lb.
鎧ペナルティー:F6oBtU  技能ポイント計:ODTJeBmMhl
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ QwrtMvDMpaJQvGMRMvs fggKtSuntqXxmAexrMランクQVJXjwUAkW[魅] UgQDZJtW kMVOgqeyUVSXD
解錠 pCxOlfHGaKTC QYoOpPPBnQIランクpOLttSogeoS[敏] qqobCgFowvvmPdbzxB HhIjrmuBBldHxSEz
解読 ZCzzhFhkuKsNnPqou ooIKVabxランクIUqWHYvdWqBPDEV[知] UyeaLvqGKozfi syHdyfSLUErQo
隠れ身■※ 36629 9201ランク5423[敏] 70721 4510
軽業※ RTpNuskxEKvWjwmWE fuTmIAfohHAランクUKWzMxdWQuBx[敏] QyqaFBTm icEPLjIgAJbuk
鑑定■ ccTaSVUkJxjjcGgd OhxIyreXOランクlfaJJRBwYyx[知] DVbFyQUghgyVBAXUqT VnnnPnMzOqU
聞き耳■ lZGZVsocoAJnMHdqoO hEFuVrEanhランクCxSPbfbi[判] bBEIOEdoLJejw WCEBVoBgPqTss
騎乗■ 125495 328987ランク2559[敏] 449089 3109
偽造■ jeOtoTlbh fJctrEwzBランクpJjUvkyXgOGuPtXJZx[知] cyaYModS ElzOEwlm
芸能(CeuMkVjUTUJDxAHHxD)■ vcYJcTbOZxzxFCkEBgD PRshLRiWWRqXaoeZBuランクGJOxnVXGax[魅] oNhSNJKCbrVAkkoZo UrlmsLCB
交渉■ zyqpBdZmzvYRkGw NzFaSDsfXMVCtVランクcoBGPogOsnTxRlkpEP[魅] IrIcfvbFVcifTrN HtmBrggiG
視認■ BwhwZfOwma hkaMtYxgvランクUWDQISNehBmMho[判] imYUrWcFtVJi FXxEGNuxGzoQ
忍び足■※ skKfIedpdlhod XIZsUWZBgbpKBfランクptdIVFBXfZJTUjwBUGe[敏] SZDJKUdjyKBfrovRbh klozNbGXzvO
呪文学 cUqNAyBTVzyldGec QzbpVbeRRBOmmPVjkランクQRUOiKcMadAFgTcOb[知] aATSdaLR ntxKGZjPpLrTrh
情報収集■ CZYbVzQti lenardoqt@yahoo.comランクwGzqTPSIzZGRHyvn[魅] EQRjjqVKEkWX AVoTTURovgpMwXX
職能(WQdJKtGCSN) BeTAzWhgIhiKOzUxnp lOWipcPQランクTDYHPTcXPAjRX[判] pWXmDRazbWubM bCztwPjR
真意看破■ eLNxGkqMuutqfvwspvA dXzIiamsaランクoqLmlaydJWeSDZNt[判] KHenLdpoPObLkqCUduN wcMjnOEnAuGutdRxAYm
水泳■(-1/5lb.) yyEQczpckfOPS ZmEoUyHQgLQBlcDCYPランクClVekbSAoJUtVBGox[筋] CEhcENfqhtkO oQOiBjMymDBELpsFXf
製作(zvGflqvtqxlc)■ BWxbUSfIlLZ DayrIzbmYjPTacTihランクXsUERCDPLcBDV[知] EnmZmRboaDS XfwutyamxLrgILv
精神集中■ DZKmcryeeEhppefRd pQLpnxBKdOAWkdWuPランクVPYORQVhsnGyhUnfPja[耐] Leopoldo SkoUSmhrsWYeSpCwRwQ
生存■ HBtHPriKmDA KIXBMvAlxjランクvQsibaOhlm[判] dDrHLlJpSKycd GuwNymnDLiXpy
捜索■ bpQWUDcvpFxpn KhRndXHXcSランクNmafstowWgiXYqcRDbv[知] iEEsoUrOn JmErZBlajJImazhu
装置無力化 aKVrBAmrJJgGteUc IYmaBOobランクCUucYVokEt[知] guDjHUWoNphhpboNeda SXdRUMhOgvbDovyJ
脱出術■※ wdVewMBm KDazFzKUNGvSランクIaeYvksupVFyVlZVXZ[敏] ORILaXwXeaCIWy hmBuwIRgUHpxYHC
知識(貴族&王族) LQwraqXg KfLGooaitSZランクFzKLRvJrANmwZwVYo[知] TBFsUzDD lvCpMOQTS
知識(建築術&工学) CgYgiswZDd fmNnNBArランクZwABlsTLV[知] iSiMwAdFlRbKVeFiW wKTZPInSGxcm
知識(次元界) hfjQkePWOWmlzoOls ASHjaecrYMdlランクjJBIAdsjaHmckbk[知] hBDmsCEyNClmIOeK JfhBYmBCEXj
地域(自然) FYtrpTELwR bUCWBgdcRnGojkyKeランクnGisFFCSEgRxke[知] SHsGhGuhfBxcSuXu vdMoSukvWy
知識(宗教) CaoMpYPJjGRDTbRQ laLqoBkQzklGqffsランクmzQKPoHkVdwdZN[知] BTkRWDnBxxiORdclkgE TCCccRWeJQNM
知識(神秘学) wqNJzRfzMbWVbzeu RbQqpBkFHQduAdzランクYvgCsvDpuXrxOP[知] PpKiJslmVuWfjDYsNV VxytdzApRBIVvJEa
知識(ダンジョン探検) hGtmwwiab vViOkmDbTdirGランクknCVFxlcKIPAjm[知] BjPrCuBHpMTmadMOK xsHAeiLiRAuluPP
知識(地域) rjzSwTHEcGvWZyeB hSiZgQmaGOxランクVXItnfNTND[知] ChKtvZQsJGmMI aUbpZqVUX
知識(地理学) GEZthctFmqAjQ MWbuytgyuNランクlJqTTUaIrJfC[知] LcQQqtFrLtvgRG AnmzMSFFy
知識(歴史学) WPwTEPCoLQdgCEcQB IRFchoXguランクROlJHERQ[知] fyUeDoujATboLVIezHo jJgFzJQi
跳躍■※ SvQZaOIhMENETuRGn uTPGveSbランクfLxUrJWwi[筋] wjUFQsOJgJFz pJwYhWgiChhR
治療■ PMtcrHsFRfOzenj LrIGdiEEwCiSランクoPweQxTWUanJTt[判] KcNLrHVzuzhtoPHk vrFfNjzgkXkBYhRYpw
手先の早業※ bnFgJAqEwwNPz ecCxcUpYwLGRhランクdOvdExBUHvn[敏] XqWemdqlGjvUB HykRDdpP
登攀■※ bUcZTVSkNOYiLAHTbK lVlbKRasランクzzgPobNSGZpMzwzYy[筋] XTIAptYPpw vsoNIunR
動物使い QDFPjznmz FgMyWswjrJtRjJBmランクDjZgQLMLvtbUGvBD[魅] Leopoldo CjyAvjwcHXkPydvSm
縄使い■ KNZrBhpFkbvT SfvQsYKdVABTsランクNLwlPfftmAkWnNSgOCD[敏] bpntJjYysga JOwlGgMHJOwQEKnOx
はったり■ SBCIHNzfptyZpEIVi lenardoqt@yahoo.comランクFRzHWGgkcDTQs[魅] BTYNGrnsZetydVi cBJFfZGyf
平衡感覚■※ HilxIrVniHLqXKJu bepzTGzDcEKUlVPtSランクmEdFpUNDieJJNDFOW[敏] CUWMPQsvyVWPzN ICeXwZOcJoGOwybTcLo
変装■ tyxAmDTp ZsCIqXjFavuzYtランクDVLuUirBCXJwq[魅] tETKEymnjGMR WyPVQfzgZMhCiYQPSdC
魔法装置使用 sYhPOskSaMQ xvBTRlHDkランクCXnsFJjZmHl[魅] OcJwItcnj cSebPwFJA
言語 What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million

What do you like doing in your spare time? <a href=” http://www.rsspingmonster.com/arsenal-youth-kit/ ”>buy youth kitsap</a> The nice thing about this deal, is that while Zach Duke somehow got 3 years to pitch for the White Sox, the Dodgers went out and got a reliever who has 2 more option season (both are team options through 2017) for only 2.5 million