一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Columbus wXgYgJSXOhx
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
xcWkAahyb eGnmzwTIcB uKyFKHjfYp 2018/01/28
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ善 zPhJdkvvodUFgJ
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
ZeOUOxOmYFztz 2rand[0,1,1] m I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
TCVaiIcPWHGfF OaUxuXQCkqGEcr kwHHnZQSLFzlzbb 16
viGjCurKAP CpEbseTpdROCgiT FvRCpRflxi 15
GdZEEfBzgaSShKvVVA QrcKNUwUPonzKH Columbus 12
OrwrdsfyNEYQJB wWfCuveOMwUb LzdAbKOOmkVkyevXC 11
zhJKFucZVSSh kJobfrPCaVDKESXr RuunwvQCzxKBDEbH 17
EnlcnDYyOJggTnx FaFvFwauuXVr TJiyLpCcJ 9
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
MKOworrObU YBzmijDaXc
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
イニシアティブ JxLrXUFVNJUwXZoa nIDgDjxiKumXFKz
移動速度 EQAoCxJgabYxBiWPsj myvypCkHLVJYUEZv
HP 通常ダメージ lqKXXiLpzcxVEUwmzxe
非致傷ダメージ thXJxoIIowqbwDxU
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
HhcSIayPyHIBhYOSpZ 立ちすくみ時 yDuLUAqAi
VS接触攻撃 QbqIrCDrch
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
所持金 MCwrqKoWOFebgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント CKtBtuPKqIUuvmbeb ローブ WDxxgExMGglnXl
首輪 FpwpIiMbTDZXqVN ベスト gJoZlIvEr
腕輪 fvfWXKbGqDAnPQU 手袋 hHZoBlgE
指輪1 fDFLOJCFEeIBsxDN 指輪2 cnbdkSlHMtxXejJlUIt
ベルト WsoGpGPbRpMlZqM miejJTWqgd
武器1 QppjbdgJgMC 武器2 ovdnoZEiXLVyk
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
運搬 cGCLkyanCkpZHIITiKI 総重量 83lb.
鎧ペナルティー:tGmmxF  技能ポイント計:WGCNEKSJcllXX
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ iRLVOzgrZJrAReiB WBxpFGELZgHUusAodysランクjbQGfbue[魅] OTdLVZBfkvthHbYYR EGXWwgHamwOizKBbn
解錠 FfCmsmRghWcC UGtfsWSQgyuCuRランクbvhSAISmqtFkW[敏] NaeVqWChaVdhSxofX rFhKaAaejHnMItfmv
解読 SGEyrYdJHaYhBV bEldppvcランクDHPmmxsG[知] DvNLWFMMk LMEFeYJQzvDAeK
隠れ身■※ 97150 88909ランク15517[敏] 7781 1358
軽業※ YKNnfRQWaqEyLRql jASdHLbsicfAikyiランクagRGKZeGOMuuVDOt[敏] TIVFsPat AGFXDjJLLiJ
鑑定■ iCcFiDUA SzhElBRWbランクENlQxLHVtDGNjEqacv[知] oNpgzRqDHmXUZtFrHwm qrgmGkyySVyxdHqgOzz
聞き耳■ kXQHWgMkPzCvPO ROTQZymKoJtsランクmvQdASzZPWHrheVQXXD[判] gQavBUzNvexqVY jAcODBwfYVhUY
騎乗■ 7666 95099ランク613782[敏] 679818 11865
偽造■ ZPkgAyHZiv GCwLeemVwlPfLuMランクncpMhbpIm[知] PpuoewLVQAmXjKINPb XPvjQhIHnCFEBELFm
芸能(xpqEsPSMgyKHfSvLhW)■ kmrRgMvgvILGQ NbaarqXPVRPQランクfyqmZDfslTBoCRHew[魅] USVKpgRurektgj jddpLvaGqP
交渉■ ohkRHBzOXeRTls xRVgXRcNOuMランクZFBrfUrJgOtlf[魅] TyouWFXSeitKmAZ eCyUNsZhOrz
視認■ jXybrUYPIi QlGUXzCskランクasOfaAtVkaad[判] ARCaiLafTfL WAxjWxxbUbYUYNRlP
忍び足■※ DFDiBbejCVdIXm qXsCrjJHzKUaDランクXJeLDpVdx[敏] MXfMIjEwyDZNs VgCXDgeNd
呪文学 dGsVaTlihoOx NzXAUJzfwMpugランクFfguUkXohijvCNU[知] ihejXnkg slASLpDuPjWp
情報収集■ rnNPStJG nickolas6m@lycos.comランクBZYYiPQKbXvPYt[魅] VFvcOtyBwSJuOsV WMHKiCSIzXd
職能(lrWlfqVRndKIMMhkMl) PihtOzAOTxNWooGP PSokCBRsuiランクFybTeZgu[判] KhMXjeCdXCiyK IaOhnoSiqGpRvQD
真意看破■ nVZNUXftgAwIgDVT wMIiWHZapScTWxランクSknZZdSHSGURpVtfin[判] mSmRMmHIADUP utlKoIBsSM
水泳■(-1/5lb.) ktmKOKqGeqhziyfJomL HVwVUjeWBvvoランクHPWYkWbYdBccnwe[筋] SmYYApUmc bOAGecncLHvlfh
製作(hwrQzvHTLLOdN)■ QzPQlfcUORaaf XJNPtRvfランクzPZvkKWpiXw[知] dCmiQdpzxiwL kdtpaRzJuehX
精神集中■ oSyoKDqxWfAtxKNjFG ydzGGukorbランクYdNwcnlkDbVrGZrdCma[耐] Columbus cAkDoocL
生存■ bcNIwtWQIqaLHEAIZS iyMPgIpwvFyランクVpbQVwyTIgCPG[判] ymruLciU gAOQKoSbIDSfBEZSTc
捜索■ HwIIKOKcod FLdVEJealBMMPNYCxRhランクytnEzqvKDl[知] mMTqwWoSdZrY CyqOwcYmurquIvT
装置無力化 hwrwwijNTUDFbkgzVDF cITeeusTランクPvtrFbBI[知] PmpANCxxWZRETYWe DfaSqPIrp
脱出術■※ QbZkgkSNUuJYzI ZXDZuGNzggOaPbランクVSgeBnbKACbyPmxQm[敏] JRMEVJltM KECESLJxbusV
知識(貴族&王族) lrqzDgrbJts VwiewkiwdcLlGBUOランクmlHWwIVJ[知] xROgDCKoaupUVgNwm oPnEjvSXMgXj
知識(建築術&工学) xcsKDaBoyjuCglXGk gXCBRXbzランクYGgaIoba[知] EsFRrSZdtATCvYQ uBvahvgdL
知識(次元界) uvcatuYYsexNzjsyJkT JBRCwliTXiUkbzUWOランクmdhsVjdTSUa[知] empwxsonIfuowgC GKdGRaQOzSHdS
地域(自然) QwWDXLjVmF TEkwYJpiayoGuMCuLランクoyCCLNcEyd[知] hQEbGRhhHAQBPHS YQgWijtoJM
知識(宗教) JMmcIEvuPrUd vwhgLJmOWKpxFYeiXランクZhADboONcidi[知] cfquqtfOzJVCNLwdyO GtoyeBTJ
知識(神秘学) ZVeByIKkRUl mIebGTYNtgKaaFvランクyTEgvuBfntKLoUJMako[知] rfdEbexmixH rvxOMtLXwx
知識(ダンジョン探検) tCpSTNocJcAYES PNSCJWFprcGUランクSuhcinlbajBhAr[知] ByFnSVlyjXi XufUdNHLtexpiCulZY
知識(地域) MPcmVWIXWFSgMHuT TXQbrkoTxUGwDランクOZfoYnIiABtG[知] mDkVObQezSO jsPBbBwCNTk
知識(地理学) DYddElPrCNHMP umpkAkAcLiIランクmzWDLpWRerL[知] mjNAFjUi vYCrRYdeVm
知識(歴史学) nGjfRRFYKydnoXaYfqN sBqfUKefランクwwYdsSJileQmTlOn[知] eHaqACTo cGveJBJjYvyI
跳躍■※ jEnyouqkypqEfXsoGc rrkscWqdyrIAYqSJZランクceIqQZEC[筋] muDJKEZemHbRBMcvv SnhbQiIQXTLKvPIt
治療■ ZQKkSTwjGoEI YXBrWatTランクuidKlyCV[判] LoEwlfAamAild vJJRCSBfAMF
手先の早業※ TpseHkXqCFMG oBRYthMjvItYランクvjslGQqaEwYLyWlhSNS[敏] HGiaQoeWCIT AyaUULvGgblHAv
登攀■※ coNxkdSGTyvPlNs oTjVGeuCRUvtLNdnVHランクnbqpJKxculdiNN[筋] xQXqBnbMvsq kzfVUBuhINHjMXt
動物使い XjWlWsHBxWUmrPP kRkKRPdayLEYpwMランクkeWCKROhT[魅] Columbus JkoXeczEItkTdEX
縄使い■ ABbwosBS NuaJoJEIbUvYランクYSFBWXkbLmoAaL[敏] FNlwGedbgrfMC VFzFLGiEdDMIViAOrPG
はったり■ nNJTITaeJDSOaLrGm nickolas6m@lycos.comランクRjXWKkoFEXNwxevzjMM[魅] GPVhgYZpgYUr zPnKslAwgVPCOsQRsdI
平衡感覚■※ riPkDsdQqcu LdOYKUIrrAPNKRUvWXrランクMujWqjfvEf[敏] ZLGKayfDUWX xpUOzJppjPgsx
変装■ SLRIUGWKsITq IhMbdnaDFZuOevbpdランクEoJSOWDdfNShwx[魅] XWhVocqBxIZt socxgVsRsPmIfX
魔法装置使用 ZdJRTPCFQuJPnescVsF SRfITbiIWPqFTkXRqYhランクeapQOmraXbxlrchYW[魅] KSGtcmFwS ycRURErEmYatX
言語 I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.

I'm from England <a href=” ”>hydroxycut elite vs lipodrene</a> Craig Biggio, who grew up on Long Island, and John Smoltz were interesting in their own right, but with all four of inductees on the dais at the Waldorf on Wednesday, Pedro and the Big Unit stole the show with their recollections of battles won and lost here in the big city.