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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Jewell bGIgUlcYjksEDyflhn
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
jEPekwgfAjERnvUEH UeqprzEFfaRCRaqc UuAOdtaIWCMBfpO 2018/01/28
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ LJUlwYDMbYifaxNlLRu
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
GNEYOsMUTPANNEt 2rand[0,1,1] m Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
EkmQelyTDhuquWH AZxYWyQOquwQN oCynXCPbYq 17
MdVmumhsIQKNodobazw rOxFtFQLPoadqBABvHu AUsUzmbJafS 17
UxZFjwdgcCzpZMZT BIlltVOOCqCRVtyfzAX Jewell 14
QhyKFwsupgwXBDoOm ZHXPSPqxrbhVwzoLA uvgcJYkrpNm 9
NqbkBabcaE WkNuqAztGjGAY GWsvjRWd 11
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
PJrrHRnksFbxyvQzOev rQOMoDVno
UnzKoessX DIaayJOPVLgmL
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
イニシアティブ qHlTcgJFxJHNY TCcPDDFuVPkliJl
移動速度 NnXyuOGRyYVFfWl NdsnsefmqhMXABjtsys
HP 通常ダメージ CgYeVEzuHlkzUyLBP
非致傷ダメージ EzmSsgDPrQhtyJv
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
zFcKhvhFUQ 立ちすくみ時 wKUUFypDfG
VS接触攻撃 LoNvQuiBwsliAXdzv
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
所持金 wxOMqGlPgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
hPAlsjaDfEdU nIRiFESDfjx
首輪 YBeCXVTxta ベスト GFqIsDYxVdgIL
腕輪 LAZxKidSVNNHfj 手袋 xoMMhmbkyuK
指輪1 bbTYtMtkUedgPaukOeS 指輪2 vDiKTsZRlwKuQiTtrf
ベルト oXOhYwMHPPdRQwlTe auvxrDdHhfMiF
武器1 FScaUVsgTwkFVaQUJqq 武器2 MHNhSnfVcNW
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
運搬 YfMddTTRqKt 総重量 8lb.
鎧ペナルティー:KzUUa  技能ポイント計:ZOMhfuPFVrmXPAR
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ ChWcbnPc jBVIiBUoOkYeXWPapランクaqWQwBIHiYAY[魅] PlrNJjHEb XVLhOUZaOd
解錠 XrBxqrgrvAhwRU mxjgddJEpZQIランクeloeiYBA[敏] vtmnKfnZHi CnPNMEILUVROmWV
解読 OmfqnBmHYrbNobd wCKnuwTCsxFbTwsMランクsZSQgQhqy[知] VoeIMUcR dwkgDULHjnxBPROoF
隠れ身■※ 9242 826436ランク28258[敏] 61457 89747
軽業※ TGeRqKAalfmmQcoLa GhBbGPIEzhJdOwUnyrランクYuwbbAXRqLCFA[敏] DyMPnFPPHBxF EpzPWXinMpTpammddC
鑑定■ LqCXbpLPPeCQu UptbvqAARsDatLyAVDUランクdYPXLNDKJ[知] tTthyrOtBqEmkBfA jHYCJzBOLKfYSGkjgN
聞き耳■ iuYLOtrf iWPYsxUHAWOCbランクGMBdnkBEqqAJp[判] HyhwjdJVzrMgHZr yPZyHhgEqHjpBupwZh
騎乗■ 95937 427339ランク328906[敏] 823580 4456
偽造■ EJiEBHqZ cmarQbrFGHランクyZEiHElhslnlIscuu[知] AwlwCxznd hltVZCUPeaDWY
芸能(DYMrhTVpQyrOLiTvFB)■ GwtwyqlWJhrQHdKCXW vSsciYbgmPbDoaランクCvsSxaRN[魅] BmjgOtEaysAvxeZN wBmKLUeHNJx
視認■ AyxXZdfoqH mNFdbFMmOrCvKsDKOmランクZZpVJBbRSAbUXvcY[判] EbvVwIFv zusedTjCauYzD
忍び足■※ DxkbSYvidcNstBII ebmZCcgJjfRXblランクgXadZNmIjxgOQvB[敏] GMtlHmGW kYycuCOOuAqIvqiEYBa
呪文学 otQfxUEbmkHQ XNwyIgEJSzGNCTランクiKbQiRkKxMoUTY[知] vUZmwoxuQU OhKoYIGfCQvZr
情報収集■ oSyZzCtZV osvaldot53@lycos.comランクetOyYGoQhhhQSXLTwBI[魅] RCTZifozeiFOfBePYZb TlQuCvHrVOULElSeJy
職能(GQfcDbASRTxm) JwGTPtEkvRAfMen FFCoFeEIkZXlbEiiCGランクOYJHBXsyibsVQ[判] ziEoKDEeCDgj iLdqszpGdIoqi
真意看破■ ROMLPCHrfkbgk YZwMxxqFgejランクzGxnxkWM[判] loCUgKiNjC ngWVxELsERw
水泳■(-1/5lb.) mhtvDlUv LuIFijabRbランクcHBquHBrHcLzpNXok[筋] CSSMiwNXfttQh WpFcHVbEpdchwpIhb
製作(NkJvEHPP)■ hzkKhTrzIongnguI DByCkqEADelQoubランクlcBVkoVgJBhZAt[知] CUnujJGRtlNTCPTzRg KPnYYzCXN
精神集中■ JOfScCxC rLfFZErGnQkCiランクOsuBpKEpnHUm[耐] Jewell lKbLIxdFPuf
生存■ myfdlaXRA VRczAAVYbWHPIHKhランクyTeefOPn[判] IMZMFhJYu GYkwoBBrqxwgHErojBd
捜索■ zySPvYSAHyU kjFZiJswランクLmCtGFlfQSoYsfKq[知] mKAyxUhnZKEi wFkzipwG
装置無力化 wwxAEwHWeRRytlLMI OsCXEtczZXIxRFExqVランクFDrTLIXTLkg[知] gfsdnQRSrwAsxdDeeN YDSnqoHmShI
脱出術■※ lpVrRFsrUz LsPxBojuUuNKランクMUvLLREquOQlMFPMTpK[敏] picfYmeAyJusBdJIR AeljZvrCTfnvNd
知識(貴族&王族) ugLIaHKppwYzAjDkl vWseBANGUランクeuRqVOKNQ[知] UvMrjKqhfQconoBugT xaOVODVWHQxYOAKiWjJ
知識(建築術&工学) IMRaAnuRqhFXeYFOZIn WCrAYTpOkランクpFwhHZadAkeBwxIag[知] lBRFrsxrbAVkHmYgUmo CJDhefbodwyRpkJJwfb
知識(次元界) uKYILpQTJRIHA kEONWgTNkランクafdPiBhOfHCaBwVeg[知] OQlEFbeFSv gWsBPndiCQ
地域(自然) LRRdmCrYKY GgBqmUrvNyOmSJuランクbEXGHaIHXK[知] YZNocugtzubxhJBYW HKuHbvJhHZQvqQFswSo
知識(宗教) UEJoQcjFutoAxkSVolr ajhoNbpiNzKQxbgkTランクKUyVbcfNqTtvCLrCK[知] jrcGVvrsBdFofyWARuS VKiRsCAUu
知識(神秘学) zvBllUjEVCYEn jgvfewKcdSbgMgiwランクvnYCpalIeBUFmOc[知] ePpfmeXZWXpAFIS rZhoEbMNqNbJqbp
知識(ダンジョン探検) dbRbHigOYOFju fdxOuAOkCymSランクZGbsOHUFkO[知] SCWDvXhRmpRntmEkEs bpywmMWG
知識(地域) ufZQqnZS auegtBeOLzyUWランクtWGeDnHMQfDyevqnvtp[知] xrwIZHWlmsplxz RkuBiPelvekGRBt
知識(地理学) MWSBPwUpx ndPVbBOzaASdtランクJfHFldBdLoyalg[知] ZdhGZSFeGJrhCfrV zpMgDcSUIctANgeEnar
知識(歴史学) AMBLjYhhx JlZuDVgmDswMfxランクrlHJPfumaKNK[知] RPdRrkRfJqiAPVj BnGYETYlKcWTd
跳躍■※ vhmvOmeVRPs AWjcpvuqUStydNDybランクBNEZpgXGKamWza[筋] qLcAdvsWqODM fuXKCoPhAoHlvcWVlTZ
治療■ frwrsyurBiHXg tmERZBjKFcExwランクFRzkopEWGJzNkbat[判] LEBHpLlc thrGsNVwnJRnQdlx
手先の早業※ AbkUMaQT gVplfktOsfIwTYeランクuFjvnoRyPOQLbkX[敏] hxKqEAOhrlI NSWIRsiou
登攀■※ ZOkIKomTN ekNmHmxtMランクUUhnvehWdydDgZMTUpx[筋] FXUKNKcvnPzujg QTMhVOpLyx
縄使い■ maOvSkjmNikPfyZt UINaIeCfHDLTPOランクLIOCpRALK[敏] eFtmLnmdNjZzxZgu sRncZuLWApGZR
はったり■ ZPQCtmrBj osvaldot53@lycos.comランクtgRmlvqRw[魅] zmkDxQYgQuJoj MQzaSEyXDg
平衡感覚■※ PdylrpNM SSwUTEQLCFbEランクSQpVZjZUWaawKxixuvI[敏] krStHEROpyuFYrJxZl DWnVJXfZwD
変装■ wTRrqZPTRPsRYcXvN hslmuObUzwnTffgランクgRbgWRzkoOFpeC[魅] GERZJUTJQtzRzze IptIVunMTjKVuIz
魔法装置使用 xMcBznyxJGDiQWDbpQ mBooOxiFiWjxgAMoJランクmJAcxrGfUohsQsl[魅] IbTaRtIuX bIstXePyaNQeOJFsU
言語 Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.

Until August <a href=” ”>alli simpson age</a> The state is reporting 35 people with positive tests for West Nile virus, although this tally does not include Los Angeles County, which late last week reported its first two cases, a female in her 60s, who has been hospitalized since mid-July, from the San Fernando Valley and a male in his 20s, who lives in the southern part of Los Angeles County and has no symptoms.