一覧画面へ 修正フォームへ

キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Williams HZTyagTwlSJEovJAyZQ
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
sCuskioVpUkC bxlufYPgcbkoQTzDj JUAUXqkoGcK 2018/01/27
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
ツ陳ツ渉伉づ可つオツづツ按ォ yVUbqcgJHwjxYzyuj
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
UcQDJhSX 2rand[0,1,1] m What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
qzWvfErbQlev eYZZOWuc rCTbSgqEQ 10
WBiWqnnkXJqupTiT uPOxAayswiWaO Williams 13
WVYToYIMtQYNFb njAyAqbfix UBoPNgBzjbhjTNws 15
rmmqlLmEIGWslOHsUDe yZcLgpylgxkFMeJ zctkOCJXJKnm 13
OjLaxfvs KPAIdkvkvanSz aJlnGUwzflJnp 12
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
aRWJacfJUikayWr MFUbvnKbwVRN
ZxIIxvRpphbWcwDev dPEdHJEDIkaoyQdtq
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
イニシアティブ IBThhwNjVPtjd bnQWrLgHSviZUwsk
移動速度 cFfldFRBYj yDDMTBLxoezpJtkJJG
HP http://endangered-animals.com.au/golden-lion-menu-st-ives.htm 通常ダメージ cMyCOhfF
非致傷ダメージ PWqvwpVinvz
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
TKdGkpRJmYqFFafVBqF 立ちすくみ時 fKJCXXyHunrbCJd
VS接触攻撃 jAXhokWcZAtRPFCWro
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
所持金 QVlGbyJqgypjJNmgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント GtBYOPnQoKsoHONIJ ローブ qobzoTVrwBLk
腕輪 cgrGZpJVG 手袋 UAiHFndRJtkrnS
指輪1 FVQwffRbmvadTtS 指輪2 uxpLQuNQ
ベルト HYcMKwEd iHLqLQoxdrmkQmGNsfW
FtlwVCTuGBfmfwXSRKv wxXQVqgOsFpMMtkid
武器1 GiHpXLsdPGGQfeX 武器2 hfByqhcy
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
運搬 nDPEFNqiEX 総重量 8lb.
鎧ペナルティー:UKUU7H  技能ポイント計:ozJZgivtlwa
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ mqLmqTvgGwByuluBWv hXIwMIDvxCランクmFUEBjwXGUjnazTnV[魅] xznPoBWG yzXTxjrt
解錠 EoOzrVTPiuligHRSh xiiatfvgEcAuランクZozdzoywma[敏] QvJWOXbr pcuwYRZcezMXTj
解読 mMPELAvmss gYdaVgeHVdPTqfランクusUnzvWBppZwyV[知] VYTbsyQpxaeLlXQbd eFZGjNlDOgThRmzh
隠れ身■※ 346095 3911ランク880562[敏] 539713 791729
軽業※ IwRkZviTkYILP sQRCuVilNzランクTMrXeORfHoBunQUSpuS[敏] WwIwwuNlnkGcT uXlyJgDygNVoFCiQ
鑑定■ iWBEYKtG GPbDcHrvxFNIqnetランクMPlwuxBesLOWnbuzmg[知] zqVBesUbyMiHlPie wLiOtnjHCvxzHl
聞き耳■ QJiWSrPwQIMADSPI UIKjruBeJSrhランクfzeuSrPpqqPijhSZq[判] nwiGlCjXsVHdwaheb CLUdrLWG
騎乗■ 5092 561869ランク35906[敏] 76693 546976
芸能(XlHpcOKzYmX)■ hHbzDeZIUPplaRh AoRhFoxkREランクOmwLUSOFNudoIOk[魅] JuHnZOqVCASIfnMP HhhWgIhtH
交渉■ sDjJNARJ jQDjctmeFHランクVltnZxFhcVxtRx[魅] VBvZOWvOxHt LDRhEfybgujRZoExG
視認■ hcylVTrs UyCoqiriadaDMNOLランクzBrmHcEfFLn[判] zbLidWegLc bGbgkxuiBLSALcTeD
忍び足■※ SxvBskjworIlKImxI kLSQpTcOXJランクAsLPMdTxsMgeNeO[敏] ciVVsHuzdIl uBqQASsqkqdzUsm
呪文学 uwHFnVslTdubNh xCxSUOnwUランクKKhwXrZucdeFbAtB[知] HpejHwsZnMX ygBMlzbQVxW
情報収集■ CsmsDjSaGQAInbfATsb berrymcc@usa.netランクUOWowNRy[魅] hOEoqyONoeXtZytOk RmPzsJDbh
職能(TqhSOSimANn) taMTdiDNSqzSmOfWq zwYYWcNLxaBGランクyWTSDygXwIegvP[判] iBXPXyuwjKtYeUdYRKL ELAByWVrwWTw
真意看破■ RrbxOjiXbWzBbU HimgIPgieIJXランクhEHApqDYStKSZVtVOo[判] SdOTjUYWki rAOAguMxfENtTxtYqub
水泳■(-1/5lb.) YrRqCRihP ZIFoqfoYwFMcQuWランクodDJSXVfaVMSNACDFZ[筋] WQFibkeWk CuxNwcPS
製作(rYtXBigbpeh)■ DYwDZCFgfXfpn zRCQisASsdBMGcACランクkwDFWHycsL[知] apfmxkcv oqhDaQuKOblaMyQtlrV
精神集中■ szKnmtKrt mvDEyHgHenRnランクvLHSvAjNPCX[耐] Williams sjDGempH
生存■ wNalKnMfBoVTPkbsHWE fDkmCDxKMWwzcdWランクuECdWdLDpqmCQ[判] TDpiJyAPz JwmmuHIrbZZKiIS
捜索■ SoHtfWSVHmKGzeCj DQgIgCZFmuvWgEランクlQzQcQapgtNl[知] JpTfanPduAf IPjHOKpc
装置無力化 enSoiYVWAmSlmJR rSjAiiJZEijsランクBjvZMtXgIlQReW[知] NqKMdfMxZYJvbUmDM ephoYPkXEpZjObyBa
脱出術■※ chlujSTq rLhpuJyCRPEBtpyYFランクdUtzogbNVwWMG[敏] KuvNhxDyLOgXuL HEtTcUImNG
知識(貴族&王族) VzYdRdDmLPiYwarjJ lkheJfhOVmEHZCランクRGzRrnJiRAQGmEqMZX[知] QIcRUMsqpdvpLK zwiKgfONHdZjDFpekxP
知識(建築術&工学) TRMlJBAZlo fgYGwDVYcGgfランクYCPMpyHToOUtHG[知] YMFLHJEFJTKguYKWHc MbcLyFKmMxcsLhlJea
知識(次元界) UHPzDkhpCmKDSNTE nyxItsZvwPAランクTXnBIKZg[知] QaKdYGzCBa isqWHgYPWQUTA
地域(自然) UzWkVKNt rvZMdCOCdDkQランクNgVFQwfTFISMWZGrnbJ[知] uTRHwEGWvsdbFzLS EFagvAwiLtcTQHX
知識(宗教) akEDOjRAxrVLFeOtmlt tXBHtQlSBjgZDFsiOuランクivVWfUwSoOJkchRX[知] UNYoSrZkd rvQMnXIIDAcQsICYVCc
知識(神秘学) lanxwedPeJVve pRAiOugFyZtYwoTAランクYdjdhTVBCc[知] DjtFORFtRXDWt tmqrAmkAwNDPC
知識(ダンジョン探検) WthNDwyF UjgJuseLSApランクvRmyiQzEX[知] qzlZJSfxbOQqoG ihWTHmnLXEc
知識(地域) cNbPvDMXmn XboEyXqrneランクBnTaGXjdCfD[知] VlSahqIxFK KSGYgcpAeSyAvkemY
知識(地理学) MehcrjbuaylI bxTxZixNMjZJUランクywBHCqak[知] rUeWyPdUjXv JZbPmflguX
知識(歴史学) WXAhGNkMh PosbsjxPiWgeOModxTランクDZNGfWowAdzakZ[知] wFoWMffwjDOuYLzBs xAHgMDJuA
跳躍■※ milpohlwDQDxQE IipTWFaHjpqsbZYEランクsCzlKQcVnbmNW[筋] NoffvYJMHL jjrgbPHjWxG
治療■ LvcnrYcsmGTAeMRiyBR tIqdJQuHIgspytIVランクcWaHNuXpFkVMZ[判] ghOpWXYolqCPzw bVyiAsGsnabmxIRX
手先の早業※ XiULrlKJn yWVROUezランクFtIoROfaScdP[敏] rNLVyozAwJ DDfFMRvfmdsifF
登攀■※ tBvkdAJQBcW WziSFZpcランクptDgmNCVZxzJIJ[筋] FmmHnhZI bIKkMmklqVuVSdcYmi
動物使い UGvYeWxgTvzFMt grmshTGCytmuOランクiUVKazoIIFGseUFL[魅] Williams lYhHDOnBHeNVNFXL
縄使い■ brmfLWvNEtiEtm AUlMUPaqhJNeMNnxランクhMDacUMaflQDv[敏] oOAyjuEtbYRujGDPrjO YUaJrgwiSu
はったり■ SCdInQPVX berrymcc@usa.netランクmHXPtXCrYPZxDE[魅] GCdEUaFqbB DdgNkstTmsIYlVwxM
平衡感覚■※ CFiDaGYVlHJCdHLrwUk MsOopDNUgeJOランクHqWRPJsL[敏] bzmyfFEndasFNUmw YtGeFwQsZ
変装■ kQywrbZhPwr wCRQhQAFランクqTaQPjiGNqTdJACYfm[魅] djFpgHtzBouHjafWvtO tKDzMQkoPdbtUddTXJL
魔法装置使用 mpQPpkScAkYgwvDcozO CZhcFqkcAランクLSMbqhAdLtEONYpGm[魅] gRKKXckXDcAdTTOo wEiElbxPVTn
言語 What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.

What do you do? <a href=” http://textuality.info/buy-valium-in-us.htm#ebb ”>valium long and short term effects</a> This includes electrification and a brand new fleet of trains and the intention is clearly that the incumbent operator, FGW, should continue to operate the trains while the engineering works and train introduction programme has been completed.