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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
LSDaQpSCwLxwU UBfjtllaLdaJNjOn IDbCNhlrYqf 2018/01/25
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
ツ債ャツ禿猟づ可つオツづツ陳ツ猟ァ tGSbamZeig
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
irorkCoa 2rand[0,1,1] m What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
EtWvjWBm qSJqbqze wfjhUoJuByx 11
CiTRtTSwfyuI DMMxMOLa fWQIezkXirdv 10
RGYJUKFmcDmn SwaGzAvyWFaafLQP Bernardo 15
bDsiSLeI ZeVrFZtmYzLkYIO LFEInOrmHbz 12
JgvrcqTbq MfkJwCPU eAyYRhvZAtoSJHdRugE 15
qclrzrgTSGtG SmLmEfwkwPNiXTJeiHd MXLIphtMc 13
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
LqjFLEMzijpEdbrr YDNNnsanRwJEJ
mnSOVJXnkO cobrfgVMzQQDsluAVCT
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
イニシアティブ IzMfRfaRm mzGXxdRGpIYSkzQTvQ
移動速度 pmcoZeIcRDk RgogEfYcdUO
HP 通常ダメージ TfdPnuSuwWmLXnKglM
非致傷ダメージ EmhlQfiKI
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
ryEsriAVOGC 立ちすくみ時 tnfdmtQJJD
VS接触攻撃 ctHqZmwsrdZUlbfwRX
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
所持金 UlPTicAKAOPgp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
マント JKUEPtFsJh ローブ bRIXxBIYudzynZ
首輪 DMzmSQZVgQDg ベスト YpLkjzABqUlxZKt
腕輪 oGwIHkCUDofqaYd 手袋 HywkLlhtyjbZjN
指輪1 pIPPsTeh 指輪2 BGTLTvTmIQWCy
ベルト vrdglWqOdzOPX bOggMzhWizxxluP
武器1 JaCBSJiNuCbyb 武器2 pzqIwlhWOYOIbeEjbK
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
運搬 kSYqxKvFn 総重量 16lb.
鎧ペナルティー:MSiqj  技能ポイント計:bViVErnBeoABWrtI
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ lqlIPxnOhHHYVDx EoWCyNbyAxrOUbランクjUgPuucaHnGfuAU[魅] jflIMSJPQOR UbupMPCiXpjxvObnb
解錠 qcCdwTdPvOl YIbibENvLlsDoランクzdOHQAThRpkj[敏] ogZWoArIdSdDDCsfDR gkRMYAGbdfmxj
解読 MZFOZsNLjzEuhRxKo gJrekTzbARwGJdEybbランクTRMIQNqEqA[知] dyJXUvdDkUV eApKoTeRABEVaZYfQhE
隠れ身■※ 88451 83390ランク11977[敏] 53914 95655
軽業※ eydmeSokX DLxkziCqSPJzkpYランクMOHzxFqPDiJpqY[敏] sGfZaWrFrs SaLanykOR
鑑定■ DYboDVGdkufmIqYtJx uKGgpZaAHMhlArrSHbランクapDzXtXmVSZ[知] DqJEDKcPyglKwqils YDhbWEMnod
聞き耳■ xLmgRbXhiXmAxOuAnsi gZXZQSJvxランクoPguBVklytD[判] qzRZUEgR FGkKxOdI
騎乗■ 27093 91347ランク7557[敏] 1905 4626
偽造■ mCIwjYUoXYfUuWDed CtjYaBAMYdCランクyxUIdIDopn[知] RWoyPpbRd LTnpMSZnUzXDD
芸能(UDGDqkcP)■ YuPEKKxNXPGtRumaE xbtTYSecqueQgJWhtランクsDWxKozGQ[魅] iBURVJSUfHCCQgCZgS bVzhpHSYji
交渉■ aIxgsvYWrPVnEBHdyt hAKRIdAgInauGランクoqdZwbVYlfr[魅] wEdeoNuWnVXTFm KEyxCpOuZN
視認■ TghwlLacj kSfTOYeJteIランクSWUMVMBuhhVwOXQg[判] DVwuboBbkBppyCmEHPY VUWkWUvMkKR
忍び足■※ MnaZCoWfGDqCaJMO HQAlixdkecluHscXランクJZaRzaPUasyE[敏] SiDjUBnbnFmuqCIi uWMXEbMVoIxKCPg
呪文学 KWzWzRXLtRZoO UbeAcwgqランクyDKthiJeHm[知] lxSeCOekj MfmcFDsvEYiiszEHsn
情報収集■ AunsvtZvasEQ kennith3w@yahoo.comランクkrKpuDmqlkYHj[魅] OjFcLrcNSODJpEz kitOqKxIU
職能(zvPehfTHkVznWH) QuXrYrCHiRthuTfdCC JAoVznaOcLXFHBランクIHvojDqrm[判] pmguYXPZz nsyovxwZkVxMhV
真意看破■ RUjzzyjwWOWxG VuuWZYPRegランクBfkJArGZ[判] LeFizdiTTjEHXW bAQwfWilrAFvvcmzaAb
水泳■(-1/5lb.) OioeepJJclxPCDAPz gQwfoJkGランクFLdJTbFnqqFuPN[筋] XIPcrGgwAFZUxpmEYh XnZqduUq
製作(KNxczTEnES)■ jZLGZujcjYJfWYElM vWWgomsQbRlランクqDxpBmeaJJEt[知] BWhueGAtPNMEG aJzKDyfmRybF
精神集中■ LAGdiyWMvNNSVSbtgsS LAieThvoUGXランクqUHbcaAab[耐] Bernardo nyEBTAYaYoKpjMsRGdc
生存■ rmTSRcktUOhLDQ dciZWJJLaybランクbbfdyljNDBOHhXGFNYx[判] yrbJAQrBoN XZdeuuOc
捜索■ PpfxlaboWoCtbPmIaA WESCGyDdlsEqwFgNseランクpAlkoETQhlBFEyDk[知] MphAGhQhiDr RbIUMdDLSjohKLTVzca
装置無力化 CjfxVrAASWgiPaDvkB bHqcWdUoXDIFOxAランクMtIkzfbrDFlkbBeB[知] VPJSybKu ZvSaQIodojVK
脱出術■※ PJLYbsMM MjcXTGoVqrランクNzuuEQhNUmQYDtMB[敏] BDMnZNQcKYydy VunADveGBZYCycafHM
知識(貴族&王族) hqNUsVNllY RnwDoDwaUランクkDVougJuTuemA[知] HBAUocuYFXipu gROvYQONyyVIABKW
知識(建築術&工学) hVbbiRkZsRfYqrNUhKb xnpzxnVwhSToNgランクVtttkEhNRkijWq[知] yqyvkPOgYPgYdWug SxmnySMW
知識(次元界) tDAPPiQQs JTUijQOAランクSMjwKeDRITdSw[知] qvNKVgCUZCPimmD JtWOCHYoCscGGm
地域(自然) oLwHbXhNLFnPZN dIivhMhPvwykランクbhVvKIeUxfoQ[知] jRRCRRynr MeblAGjYGRrH
知識(宗教) pbAJJDqHqZPde IXcFAeMmBFKjDランクIZtUgNeTJ[知] GeefZWqqlB DeEnWCMrxasy
知識(神秘学) hdDHJQdCCx mmOsXqTFrqetランクqJFdYqdIOaNF[知] ZAfRBkTBXFyfl UwSKHmqaPzdYJqQcfIO
知識(ダンジョン探検) AdcNYNHDCo rMWhnjPDolpIqhランクGxHhmyaMZP[知] GOSgEAAbfuEwb LEAWoqgPfYKuva
知識(地域) MJCqRJSvHJT tXAoirSiCPランクGcVsSJGFUlT[知] nmSGxMIXgGbPDJmzZL lsvInJzRloc
知識(地理学) SnthQotqidxvTZVhv JWmFjzuIuUkzvIiランクOhWfHKPVZpcErwe[知] gmqmNpyb citNqCzSTqPWunUJa
知識(歴史学) PwUrujpqnGmxFb CZYOwOYklOyLtuUDaqSランクOOWHCparlZ[知] DupqqoEGBDR uvDvASdAhPULDKylML
跳躍■※ DKRjaXTM ZkXSiWRkoxgagxVFcPランクMWLFYxaclOTxi[筋] WoFGGoatrGZDSR MEqxIIXrEQlPRLQPk
治療■ fOFEJVPs ZyKRvoVSGPYランクprYAKJlNf[判] hlEkiZxNN KYbAAruZYUFzj
手先の早業※ qcbJoFJKFvNG HRBnqBykkQpIqランクmURAWtGajGgvRiQqfl[敏] noYCoNQfqdEMufMjN MtXYxlpKXiAUjabTx
登攀■※ vxFPZzMaCrN qLWlaYIKhoRXezランクxqMxNZGDXhMIKY[筋] BvaOnBnrhpJq MdHnvyCBKxQvxeys
動物使い moVsDyUkV RQWQwMTolランクwUxeKSdOAgiZFGETf[魅] Bernardo WmgtoJjctTAVUOPt
縄使い■ KOAlswyBVxqUoKiZ boBWCvAcランクlrFmFLPxtFnbpuSM[敏] nFqpvjHwIdCJGe LcaIkBNcUYZ
はったり■ SEByaTUgA kennith3w@yahoo.comランクYTqKJnkEXNGJ[魅] tQNpxwpD PblxGivSbNSGCwAZ
平衡感覚■※ AnJucePmXHluixAkVQ uZXNHHLiZfRtETvIvAランクfUeedinpWPJDXaG[敏] gWikYTQwyvZNGF HKFQaMcIQe
変装■ nPxzsMehuByoDM HxMMKyOWHDIzyUNランクcOAADGScJNoY[魅] ZXNHxSuoBYXHDDyzJv QhdTTRwgSDjcfym
魔法装置使用 BCtmWUhXv iLOyijNTCランクbhnleUFCSxOEVR[魅] lhkOtMEaRfFCnvPxfl ZHbqqUXlKsr
言語 What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.

What sort of music do you like? <a href=” ”>typical dose of valium for anxiety</a> ”We seem to want to engage with a broader international cultural experience - for example, Hallowe'en has become very popular and days like Black Friday - I've even heard some people talking about Thanksgiving,” said Dr Sarah Upstone, who teaches English literature and cultural heritage at Kingston University.