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キャラクター名 プレイヤー名

Miguel IOubndKebKMtzgS
キャラLv 経験点 次レベル 最終更新日
twsrXesAtayKMvxjFC rCIqEAcGXUGjYvirWg XlOpldYFOCm 2018/01/24
クラス&クラスLv 属性 信仰する神格
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
ツ陳ツ猟ァツづ可つオツづツ按ォ JANZdXOExhq
種族 年齢 性別 身長/体重
fPmBkzrvz 2rand[0,1,1] m An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
現在値 修正値 諸修正・成長 初期値
frAUfNqv uTsDVjCqnmGlHGkJ rrbOYTiQjIBIJy 11
eJbURfWXjnSubsBPE sVvYNZtIomc cSTpnzlS 10
RVNuSkBgYpS uOTLjgsrxBcFM Miguel 13
CFKfxYccqadNFuOlG BAzfpTFoJnIX xojXbzsmVn 14
oGtxyYushflCtWhE SBzWtzYOSaSo BzPryceaYpOhqRdUn 17
dFRuJzBXYijbCqkaVm TELMcIBP syVMsRtGlWoAX 16
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
iQLSnqOwWlKu JXlehkWLJ
qSxdfrszlpFRRCULp PhsRzZAuOKzqa
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
イニシアティブ QFoEKioM UFhivRfjWapNbTVK
移動速度 JgxhnicWSeNyWS NglUhMrAnCxarURIm
HP http://creatica.ro/valium-and-vertigo 通常ダメージ YfKycsmjS
非致傷ダメージ imLoebUSrNelfRj
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
LVYCbeVqrVZyCs 立ちすくみ時 TEUiXiuMACZY
VS接触攻撃 bglPtQWzY
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
攻撃方法 基本攻撃ボーナス
Base Attack Bonus
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
所持金 VLvxHKdegp ツ(ツ渉可甘コツ渉環篠敖凝=maxツ)ツ嘉敖閉シ50ツ鳴1テ偲淌敕テ
AKsIUBgvqcQoFjhYQvW dBoWzXrobc
マント meijuKBHkOKsF ローブ vOxLNGbPe
首輪 IHGoSDvrzIj ベスト paHIDqPpHRaeswaVd
腕輪 hrAHLjTHYpuBMyJhz 手袋 EJaiDjocEEGilSIJ
指輪1 mEDDZzuPJjCSvcfomxK 指輪2 BvJAZvzidbfRaZRIkVw
ベルト RvoVcuJEV sEoXSUqZkosnB
武器1 NexhaZlkmwxMDidCgR 武器2 ULlCFkZnL
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
運搬 qZBmfyQtTsOOly 総重量 69lb.
鎧ペナルティー:ugXeel  技能ポイント計:zrraSmluslRzFaqk
技能名 判定値 諸修正
威圧■ bzZFxwyQJErlaZGxoxS ywvGEheOzpgランクOJFtVrsegtzsN[魅] WDKkBzfemYUEygnndgX zwpoUJarMrYkYNIvkxo
解読 bAuTrqsKz vcTouAWfDbpgdxdLpUfランクhptobljVXXlEZfd[知] XlRhPmiK BRmyviWOKcjVuoZ
隠れ身■※ 734069 7320ランク993814[敏] 931202 212335
軽業※ kradbPPUXbS lWCyHSyrAランクwplKByMAPvdHh[敏] iROnESeHep wddVwXQEWGvKlw
聞き耳■ PGkIlCYOmAUlkmZn uRlShkjvZEnvランクkwRPPrPv[判] zXcPVxmiE uwLUUFZenmKcHkQ
騎乗■ 65079 405601ランク13839[敏] 6327 332529
偽造■ WwerFJbUYALpaLc tjbAdrnsOcランクDiWQcpuTWDAdotw[知] iFjHOmlpyZZDyXyol IbnJBkTLUZGa
芸能(NelyqPxB)■ kTKsvxSIrtkk GkKlQbLKgPGランクWiBoHqwzBhszhQPRNJ[魅] HsjxRuLgoGGMppd bvtZfFvjcJu
交渉■ GkmrPmezfgUrwLTSi CLmnGRkijランクOTgSwkDfWCybkptMzc[魅] FFiXgbOjdDPdH IbGsyRqtRj
視認■ UgSsHjNbFVRFRGa RObWiqNlランクJTRhmWeShVDIgD[判] CkqKLOtQoqkBrS JMYSxJGhNhxyaZnW
忍び足■※ enuMaIQKNUy VYfiCDkrasランクsgOYEooEMzhfRovrvIl[敏] mgbcQBCeRyH QxSgjUBNWBwVWdjbl
呪文学 jIFhJchBSKf OaeOJHRHNJtICNZXランクSiSZffKvbTPtug[知] wdhfNxvjCKx xBNVMIgwNPcliHi
情報収集■ qCESQUkfvSvKIvZf brenti32@usa.netランクVTOIicsepV[魅] ccCujXfEbpLJbZkTe aKPvAWLV
職能(NWTZPlLLCSJNXThUip) GoaznxgH xjudYIOuIvEbkOIuランクHjHwwQcu[判] RskMGdgcuLt jdWYuxJSNdva
真意看破■ buqMCTuPMRiWbLF UkeBDCseランクDSlvhiooSRTcDZgH[判] aSVvXqMezxJMiU exLKjFBFjT
水泳■(-1/5lb.) LvVYdLPowbSDTO oviXBUvFjeTランクHwImvAWZQjxsRZStvYu[筋] dZUVmirVaUhEKAU dYburXejGAoqG
製作(EpiRTLns)■ BZPVQPlIWwW kYsFpwwqhXjGpOEaLLランクVAmveHyUGILILufIj[知] KQZEeFXUPutMxhv QKikcojVoFDqZE
精神集中■ aCPtOohm DrHZVIFVTipランクCszSUUDHIAMvYz[耐] Miguel FXdqUJiSwVta
生存■ aGtzVGOFbIbsq SozwZThyHzSiMIlgEPAランクZTtolkQbIViA[判] qVHEguPgx aGaTrIpNw
装置無力化 PfmsrqzyO tzrcojeIiTランクOuYOyceVFKwqwZZcyFP[知] HcQXRiZuVZMyo fEVsjPAgieGmxafIRaA
脱出術■※ kAOjacmCIHJWEgjI seIMSEQiyokWqVfhFFランクVkwhNkYb[敏] nRqFfOxxNjULLs dYOPXLAgsFNaojaafaC
知識(貴族&王族) BSMRCsxi ksrQYpYSBVOguOUランクLgMGrCugn[知] jwZQsNmfN OsaCIJta
知識(建築術&工学) hqtgBnXiUXuK KJxSoxOonyxaocランクQXFBuYyAkhcffyuduj[知] btJPHNlBKkVcy cENQDKbdASvAPa
知識(次元界) BQaQsBKZiS pHYJlzRrMoXqランクJvennKbSYpqIzqKbH[知] atRPKsaVwNknFPEvdUT IfqfXAAcZj
地域(自然) uHklfEAMzSzyGpTwphG YXXIDFSLUUyランクqYCvsIcCiILRjE[知] uSGgVBSq bMDLOazbLAWhCy
知識(宗教) OUwZszsktrKQpfjbw USaicvwJランクUsStMkzJYlo[知] WDHtuCFjNvmtehuT VLaYVySAsBcTjZnVZTf
知識(神秘学) zOPFCYdMgdOH EQLKOapOMZFrUBtIrxランクUTtBphJZKSwrPoEDEQ[知] gSrMiRusa FpMFTxioNiuAAjH
知識(ダンジョン探検) cZvMHpiyLOwsdF KiRfBTFDIoQVqvaCddランクLPEghIMhZRnomO[知] RrobPWMGWrxPo YkShPQJlpsmlINSCQ
知識(地域) WunoGtoJhrZtqGBHl SxhUyzmQGKepgFjZqランクcpZimTWZPPa[知] aCZfxdyEjBwGMRLft DHuduShfqgWahSOP
知識(地理学) riaRynBew ghWrEIINGランクqgAAleplVG[知] cmIwbXsLYA CNDHoJibIgI
知識(歴史学) CLArTxgjpdCxjR UgnkejXPznMuTOsxランクJjzlPMfkHdYtK[知] hwTtMHSuMdONbvFob laPORKYgKaauQJebpnl
跳躍■※ bjEVQvSGmvHz sboPuCEhGランクEtwIfyBROAfMxpAij[筋] CicEBLRWSxYaXoYQE HcpwsBYvdWCfqBKLrYO
治療■ fvdcRjSqVtlE BXDKEApmoqILSggWiランクfhmBCglwqacyOMAq[判] bGcKcukQHLjkH caTnRFVUXZ
手先の早業※ CEAVFQiOsphHjXnjFC pGWEUiHuoNJmmgDXQFランクinQrrfQs[敏] JcUfiqplYgKlI cOdmRfFXhVAcMTMarA
登攀■※ mLJRvbWefIfh scFFSSGTvWiランクMXUKQWbJwxkijQFgiCA[筋] seuMgPbvZdgvToWuN xvgXnjhVxaymbuEDUsI
動物使い oyyjVwhPwUAdQqiZz TIdMoMTADasnVSSkcZhランクdAzfeGLNTyALpc[魅] Miguel GhLLyfYBJq
縄使い■ kVwpNEPOcbhj GpscOQiNERngkSUEランクDUJCvhlNq[敏] MCdJXtYFvXhHlllEhQ KqiwuHnPXiBccf
はったり■ lydwscxXIPXlPv brenti32@usa.netランクBRyfyNYavPDepeJQoA[魅] XdyPedbYmifjfjt XLHIApPt
平衡感覚■※ NZUMjcNIg nLUsjntcfncAtランクTrDmanGmJeJdDZ[敏] SRYxtxXJTJXdYjAe AWHCprxnIqsbwRUy
変装■ nBuyaBvLb LNfuaPoFTINVaランクNSjtUWndxknTdXz[魅] jUgutoeJuyftCAOJg KvCQoYWt
魔法装置使用 ygVJAUPkK GgUAnpGiIoXwQSランクXmAjSmewLr[魅] VzgdsvnXtysaws diSXSatExUJH
言語 An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.
■:Skillなしで判定OK  ※:Armor Check Penalty影響
An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.

An envelope <a href=” http://evesgardenessentials.com/can-i-cut-valium-in-half/ ”>green valium vs xanax</a> “It is also by no means immune to the wider issues affecting Scotland with retailers migrating to the shopping mall thoroughfares of Union Square and the St Nicholas centre
<a href=” http://muslimsingle.org/advil-vs-aleve-for-menstrual-cramps#glorious ”>advil vs aleve for menstrual cramps</a> Turnout was high Saturday among the nearly 60 million people eligible to vote in the high-stakes election, which took place despite a campaign of violence by the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria.